function Export-PSMDString { <# .SYNOPSIS Parses a module that uses the PSFramework localization feature for strings and their value. .DESCRIPTION Parses a module that uses the PSFramework localization feature for strings and their value. This command can be used to generate and update the language files used by the module. It is also used in automatic tests, ensuring no abandoned string has been left behind and no key is unused. .PARAMETER ModuleRoot The root of the module to process. Must be the root folder where the psd1 file is stored in. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Export-PSMDString -ModuleRoot 'C:\Code\Github\MyModuleProject\MyModule' Generates the strings data for the MyModule module. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias('ModuleBase')] [string] $ModuleRoot ) process { #region Find Language Files : $languageFiles $languageFiles = @{ } $languageFolders = Get-ChildItem -Path $ModuleRoot -Directory | Where-Object Name -match '^\w\w-\w\w$' foreach ($languageFolder in $languageFolders) { $languageFiles[$languageFolder.Name] = @{ } foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem -Path $languageFolder.FullName -Filter *.psd1)) { $languageFiles[$languageFolder.Name] += Import-PSFPowerShellDataFile -Path $file.FullName } } #endregion Find Language Files : $languageFiles #region Find Keys : $foundKeys $foundKeys = foreach ($file in (Get-ChildItem -Path $ModuleRoot -Recurse | Where-Object Extension -match '^\.ps1$|^\.psm1$')) { $ast = (Read-PSMDScript -Path $file.FullName).Ast $commandAsts = $ast.FindAll({ if ($args[0] -isnot [System.Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst]) { return $false } if ($args[0].CommandElements[0].Value -notmatch '^Invoke-PSFProtectedCommand$|^Write-PSFMessage$|^Stop-PSFFunction$') { return $false } if (-not ($args[0].CommandElements.ParameterName -match '^String$|^ActionString$')) { return $false } $true }, $true) foreach ($commandAst in $commandAsts) { $stringParam = $commandAst.CommandElements | Where-Object ParameterName -match '^String$|^ActionString$' $stringParamValue = $commandAst.CommandElements[($commandAst.CommandElements.IndexOf($stringParam) + 1)].Value $stringValueParam = $commandAst.CommandElements | Where-Object ParameterName -match '^StringValues$|^ActionStringValues$' if ($stringValueParam) { $stringValueParamValue = $commandAst.CommandElements[($commandAst.CommandElements.IndexOf($stringValueParam) + 1)].Extent.Text } else { $stringValueParamValue = '' } [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'PSModuleDevelopment.String.ParsedItem' File = $file.FullName Line = $commandAst.Extent.StartLineNumber CommandName = $commandAst.CommandElements[0].Value String = $stringParamValue StringValues = $stringValueParamValue } } # Additional checks for splatted commands # find all splatted commands $splattedVariables = $ast.FindAll( { if ($args[0] -isnot [System.Management.Automation.Language.VariableExpressionAst ]) { return $false } if (-not ($args[0].Splatted -eq $true)) { return $false } $true }, $true) foreach ($splattedVariable in $splattedVariables) { #get the variable name $splatParamName = $splattedVariable.VariablePath.UserPath if ($splatParamName) { # match the $param = @{ $splatParamNameRegex = "^\s?\`$$($splatParamName)\s?=\s?\@\{" # get all variable assignments where the # left side matches our param # operator is = # matches our assignment regex $splatAssignmentAsts = $ast.FindAll( { if ($args[0] -isnot [System.Management.Automation.Language.AssignmentStatementAst ]) { return $false } if (-not ($args[0].Left -match $splatParamName)) { return $false } if (-not ($args[0].Operator -eq 'Equals')) { return $false } if (-not ($args[0].Extent -match $splatParamNameRegex)) { return $false } $true }, $true) foreach ($splatAssignmentAst in $splatAssignmentAsts) { # get the hashtable $splatHashTable = $splatAssignmentAst.Right.Expression # see if its an empty assignment or null if ($splatHashTable -and $splatHashTable.KeyValuePairs.Count -gt 0) { # find any String or ActionString $splatParam = $splatAssignmentAst.Right.Expression.KeyValuePairs | Where-Object Item1 -match '^String$|^ActionString$' # The kvp.item.extent.text returns nested quotes where as the commandast.extent.text doesn't so strip them off $splatParamValue = $splatParam.Item2.Extent.Text.Trim('"').Trim("'") # find any StringValue or ActionStringValue $splatValueParam = $splatAssignmentAst.Right.Expression.KeyValuePairs | Where-Object Item1 -match '^StringValues$|^ActionStringValues$' if ($splatValueParam) { # The kvp.item.extent.text returns nested quotes whereas the commandast.extent.text doesn't so strip them off $splatValueParamValue = $splatValueParam.Item2.Extent.Text.Trim('"').Trim("'") } else { $splatValueParamValue = '' } [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'PSModuleDevelopment.String.ParsedItem' File = $file.FullName Line = $splatHashTable.Extent.StartLineNumber CommandName = $splattedVariable.Parent.CommandElements[0].Value String = $splatParamValue StringValues = $splatValueParamValue } } } } } $validateAsts = $ast.FindAll({ if ($args[0] -isnot [System.Management.Automation.Language.AttributeAst]) { return $false } if ($args[0].TypeName -notmatch '^PsfValidateScript$|^PsfValidatePattern$') { return $false } if (-not ($args[0].NamedArguments.ArgumentName -eq 'ErrorString')) { return $false } $true }, $true) foreach ($validateAst in $validateAsts) { [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = 'PSModuleDevelopment.String.ParsedItem' File = $file.FullName Line = $commandAst.Extent.StartLineNumber CommandName = '[{0}]' -f $validateAst.TypeName String = (($validateAst.NamedArguments | Where-Object ArgumentName -eq 'ErrorString').Argument.Value -split "\.", 2)[1] # The first element is the module element StringValues = '<user input>, <validation item>' } } } #endregion Find Keys : $foundKeys #region Report Findings $totalResults = foreach ($languageFile in $languageFiles.Keys) { #region Phase 1: Matching parsed strings to language file $results = @{ } foreach ($foundKey in $foundKeys) { if ($results[$foundKey.String]) { $results[$foundKey.String].Entries += $foundKey continue } $results[$foundKey.String] = [PSCustomObject] @{ PSTypeName = 'PSmoduleDevelopment.String.LanguageFinding' Language = $languageFile Surplus = $false String = $foundKey.String StringValues = $foundKey.StringValues Text = $languageFiles[$languageFile][$foundKey.String] Line = "'{0}' = '{1}' # {2}" -f $foundKey.String, $languageFiles[$languageFile][$foundKey.String], $foundKey.StringValues Entries = @($foundKey) } } $results.Values #endregion Phase 1: Matching parsed strings to language file #region Phase 2: Finding unneeded strings foreach ($key in $languageFiles[$languageFile].Keys) { if ($key -notin $foundKeys.String) { [PSCustomObject] @{ PSTypeName = 'PSmoduleDevelopment.String.LanguageFinding' Language = $languageFile Surplus = $true String = $key StringValues = '' Text = $languageFiles[$languageFile][$key] Line = '' Entries = @() } } } #endregion Phase 2: Finding unneeded strings } $totalResults | Sort-Object String #endregion Report Findings } } |