
function Import-PSMDModuleDebug
            Invokes the preconfigured import of a module.
            Invokes the preconfigured import of a module.
        .PARAMETER Name
            The exact name of the module to import using the specified configuration.
            PS C:\> Import-PSMDModuleDebug -Name 'cPSNetwork'
            Imports the cPSNetwork module as it was configured to be imported using Set-ModuleDebug.
            Author: Friedrich Weinmann
            Created on: August 7th, 2016

    Param (
    # Get original module configuration
    $____module = $null
    $____module = Import-Clixml $PSModuleDevelopment_ModuleConfigPath | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $Name }
    if (-not $____module) { throw "No matching module configuration found" }
    # Process entry
    if ($____module.DebugMode) { Set-Variable -Scope Global -Name "$($____module.Name)_DebugMode" -Value $____module.DebugMode -Force }
    if ($____module.PreImportAction)
    Import-Module -Name $____module.Name
    if ($____module.PostImportAction)
New-Alias -Name ipmod -Value Import-ModuleDebug -Option AllScope -Scope Global