function Rename-PSMDParameter { <# .SYNOPSIS Renames a parameter of a function. .DESCRIPTION This command is designed to rename the parameter of a function within an entire module. By default it will add an alias for the previous command name. In order for this to work you need to consider to have the command / module imported. Hint: Import the psm1 file for best results. It will then search all files in the specified path (hint: Specify module root for best results), and update all psm1/ps1 files. At the same time it will force all commands to call the parameter by its new standard, even if they previously used an alias for the parameter. While this command was designed to work with a module, it is not restricted to that: You can load a standalone function and specify a path with loose script files for the same effect. Note: You can also use this to update your scripts, after a foreign module introduced a breaking change by renaming a parameter. In this case, import the foreign module to see the function, but point it at the base path of your scripts to update. The loaded function is only used for alias/parameter alias resolution .PARAMETER Path The path to the root folder where all the files are stored. It will search the folder recursively and ignore hidden files & folders. .PARAMETER Command The name of the function, whose parameter should be changed. Most be loaded into the current runtime. .PARAMETER Name The name of the parameter to change. .PARAMETER NewName The new name for the parameter. Do not specify "-" or the "$" symbol .PARAMETER NoAlias Avoid creating an alias for the old parameter name. This may cause a breaking change! .PARAMETER WhatIf Prevents the command from updating the files. Instead it will return the strings of all its changes. .PARAMETER EnableException Replaces user friendly yellow warnings with bloody red exceptions of doom! Use this if you want the function to throw terminating errors you want to catch. .PARAMETER DisableCache By default, this command caches the results of its execution in the PSFramework result cache. This information can then be retrieved for the last command to do so by running Get-PSFResultCache. Setting this switch disables the caching of data in the cache. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Rename-PSMDParameter -Path 'C:\Scripts\Modules\MyModule' -Command 'Get-Test' -Name 'Foo' -NewName 'Bar' Renames the parameter 'Foo' of the command 'Get-Test' to 'Bar' for all scripts stored in 'C:\Scripts\Modules\MyModule' #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSupportsShouldProcess", "")] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments", "")] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseOutputTypeCorrectly", "")] [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Path, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string[]] $Command, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $NewName, [switch] $NoAlias, [switch] $WhatIf, [switch] $EnableException, [switch] $DisableCache ) # Global Store for pending file updates # Exempt from Scope Boundary violation rule, since only accessed using dedicated helper function $globalFunctionHash = @{ } #region Helper Functions function Invoke-AstWalk { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( $Ast, [string[]] $Command, [string[]] $Name, [string] $NewName, [bool] $IsCommand, [bool] $NoAlias ) #Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Processing $($Ast.Extent.StartLineNumber) | $($Ast.Extent.File) | $($Ast.GetType().FullName)" $typeName = $Ast.GetType().FullName switch ($typeName) { "System.Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst" { Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Line $($Ast.Extent.StartLineNumber): Processing Command Ast: <c='em'>$($Ast.Extent.ToString())</c>" $commandName = $Ast.CommandElements[0].Value $resolvedCommand = $commandName if (Test-Path function:\$commandName) { $resolvedCommand = (Get-Item function:\$commandName).Name } if (Test-Path alias:\$commandName) { $resolvedCommand = (Get-Item alias:\$commandName).ResolvedCommand.Name } if ($resolvedCommand -in $Command) { $parameters = $Ast.CommandElements | Where-Object { $_.GetType().FullName -eq "System.Management.Automation.Language.CommandParameterAst" } foreach ($parameter in $parameters) { if ($parameter.ParameterName -in $Name) { Write-PSFMessage -Level SomewhatVerbose -Message "Found parameter: <c='em'>$($parameter.ParameterName)</c>" Update-CommandParameter -Ast $parameter -NewName $NewName } } $splatted = $Ast.CommandElements | Where-Object Splatted if ($splatted) { foreach ($splat in $splatted) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -FunctionName Rename-PSMDParameter -Message "Splat detected! Manually verify $($splat.Extent.Text) at line $($splat.Extent.StartLineNumber) in file $($splat.Extent.File)" -Tag 'splat','fail','manual' Write-Issue -Extent $splat.Extent -Data $Ast -Type "SplattedParameter" } } } foreach ($element in $Ast.CommandElements) { if ($element.GetType().FullName -ne "System.Management.Automation.Language.CommandParameterAst") { Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $element -Command $Command -Name $Name -NewName $NewName -IsCommand $IsCommand -NoAlias $NoAlias } } } "System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst" { if ($Ast.Name -In $Command) { foreach ($parameter in $Ast.Body.ParamBlock.Parameters) { if ($Name[0] -ne $parameter.Name.VariablePath.UserPath) { continue } $stringExtent = $parameter.Extent.ToString() $lines = $stringExtent.Split("`n") $multiLine = $lines -gt 1 $indent = 0 $indentStyle = "`t" if ($multiLine) { if ($lines[1][0] -eq " ") { $indentStyle = " " } $indent = $lines[1].Length - $lines[1].Trim().Length } $aliases = @() foreach ($attribute in $parameter.Attributes) { if ($attribute.TypeName.FullName -eq "Alias") { $aliases += $attribute } } $aliasNames = $aliases.PositionalArguments.Value if ($aliasNames -contains $NewName) { $aliasNames = $aliasNames | Where-Object { $_ -ne $NewName } } if (-not $NoAlias) { $aliasNames += $Name } $aliasNames = $aliasNames | Select-Object -Unique | Sort-Object if ($aliasNames) { if ($aliases) { $newAlias = "[Alias($("'" + ($aliasNames -join "','")+ "'"))]" Add-FileReplacement -Path $aliases[0].Extent.File -Start $aliases[0].Extent.StartOffset -Length ($aliases[0].Extent.EndOffset - $aliases[0].Extent.StartOffset) -NewContent $newAlias Add-FileReplacement -Path $parameter.Name.Extent.File -Start $parameter.Name.Extent.StartOffset -Length ($parameter.Name.Extent.EndOffset - $parameter.Name.Extent.StartOffset) -NewContent "`$$NewName" } else { if ($multiLine) { $newAliasAndName = "[Alias($("'" + ($aliasNames -join "','") + "'"))]`n$($indentStyle * $indent)`$$NewName" } else { $newAliasAndName = "[Alias($("'" + ($aliasNames -join "','") + "'"))]`$$NewName" } Add-FileReplacement -Path $parameter.Name.Extent.File -Start $parameter.Name.Extent.StartOffset -Length ($parameter.Name.Extent.EndOffset - $parameter.Name.Extent.StartOffset) -NewContent $newAliasAndName } } else { Add-FileReplacement -Path $parameter.Name.Extent.File -Start $parameter.Name.Extent.StartOffset -Length ($parameter.Name.Extent.EndOffset - $parameter.Name.Extent.StartOffset) -NewContent "`$$NewName" } } if ($Ast.Body.DynamicParamBlock) { Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $Ast.Body.DynamicParamBlock -Command $Command -Name $Name -NewName $NewName -IsCommand $true -NoAlias $NoAlias } if ($Ast.Body.BeginBlock) { Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $Ast.Body.BeginBlock -Command $Command -Name $Name -NewName $NewName -IsCommand $true -NoAlias $NoAlias } if ($Ast.Body.ProcessBlock) { Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $Ast.Body.ProcessBlock -Command $Command -Name $Name -NewName $NewName -IsCommand $true -NoAlias $NoAlias } if ($Ast.Body.EndBlock) { Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $Ast.Body.EndBlock -Command $Command -Name $Name -NewName $NewName -IsCommand $true -NoAlias $NoAlias } Update-CommandParameterHelp -FunctionAst $Ast -ParameterName $Name[0] -NewName $NewName } else { Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $Ast.Body -Command $Command -Name $Name -NewName $NewName -IsCommand $false -NoAlias $NoAlias } } "System.Management.Automation.Language.VariableExpressionAst" { if ($IsCommand -and ($Ast.VariablePath.UserPath -eq $Name)) { Add-FileReplacement -Path $Ast.Extent.File -Start $Ast.Extent.StartOffset -Length ($Ast.Extent.EndOffset - $Ast.Extent.StartOffset) -NewContent "`$$NewName" } } "System.Management.Automation.Language.IfStatementAst" { foreach ($clause in $Ast.Clauses) { Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $clause.Item1 -Command $Command -Name $Name -NewName $NewName -IsCommand $IsCommand -NoAlias $NoAlias Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $clause.Item2 -Command $Command -Name $Name -NewName $NewName -IsCommand $IsCommand -NoAlias $NoAlias } if ($Ast.ElseClause) { Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $Ast.ElseClause -Command $Command -Name $Name -NewName $NewName -IsCommand $IsCommand -NoAlias $NoAlias } } default { foreach ($property in $Ast.PSObject.Properties) { if ($property.Name -eq "Parent") { continue } if ($null -eq $property.Value) { continue } if (Get-Member -InputObject $property.Value -Name GetEnumerator -MemberType Method) { foreach ($item in $property.Value) { if ($item.PSObject.TypeNames -contains "System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast") { Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $item -Command $Command -Name $Name -NewName $NewName -IsCommand $IsCommand -NoAlias $NoAlias } } continue } if ($property.Value.PSObject.TypeNames -contains "System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast") { Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $property.Value -Command $Command -Name $Name -NewName $NewName -IsCommand $IsCommand -NoAlias $NoAlias } } } } } function Update-CommandParameter { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [System.Management.Automation.Language.CommandParameterAst] $Ast, [string] $NewName ) $name = $NewName if ($name -notlike "-*") { $name = "-$name" } $length = $Ast.Extent.EndOffset - $Ast.Extent.StartOffset if ($null -ne $Ast.Argument) { $length = $Ast.Argument.Extent.StartOffset - $Ast.Extent.StartOffset - 1 } Add-FileReplacement -Path $Ast.Extent.File -Start $Ast.Extent.StartOffset -Length $length -NewContent $name } function Update-CommandParameterHelp { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst] $FunctionAst, [string] $ParameterName, [string] $NewName ) function Get-StartIndex { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst] $FunctionAst, [string] $ParameterName, [int] $HelpEnd ) if ($HelpEnd -lt 1) { return -1 } $index = -1 $offset = 0 while ($FunctionAst.Extent.Text.SubString(0, $HelpEnd).IndexOf(".PARAMETER $ParameterName", $offset, [System.StringComparison]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) -ne -1) { $tempIndex = $FunctionAst.Extent.Text.SubString(0, $HelpEnd).IndexOf(".PARAMETER $ParameterName", $offset, [System.StringComparison]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) $endOfLineIndex = $FunctionAst.Extent.Text.SubString(0, $HelpEnd).IndexOf("`n", $tempIndex, [System.StringComparison]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) if ($FunctionAst.Extent.Text.SubString($tempIndex, ($endOfLineIndex - $tempIndex)).Trim() -eq ".PARAMETER $ParameterName") { return $tempIndex } $offset = $endOfLineIndex } return $index } $startIndex = $FunctionAst.Extent.StartOffset $endIndex = $FunctionAst.Body.ParamBlock.Extent.StartOffset foreach ($attribute in $FunctionAst.Body.ParamBlock.Attributes) { if ($attribute.Extent.StartOffset -lt $endIndex) { $endIndex = $attribute.Extent.StartOffset } } $index1 = Get-StartIndex -FunctionAst $FunctionAst -ParameterName $ParameterName -HelpEnd ($endIndex - $startIndex) if ($index1 -eq -1) { Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -Message "Could not find Comment Based Help for parameter '$ParameterName' of command '$($FunctionAst.Name)' in '$($FunctionAst.Extent.File)'" -Tag 'cbh', 'fail' -FunctionName Rename-PSMDParameter Write-Issue -Extent $FunctionAst.Extent -Type "ParameterCBHNotFound" -Data "Parameter Help not found" return } $index2 = $FunctionAst.Extent.Text.SubString(0, ($endIndex - $startIndex)).IndexOf("$ParameterName", $index1, [System.StringComparison]::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) Add-FileReplacement -Path $FunctionAst.Extent.File -Start ($index2 + $startIndex) -Length $ParameterName.Length -NewContent $NewName } function Add-FileReplacement { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [string] $Path, [int] $Start, [int] $Length, [string] $NewContent ) Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Change Submitted: $Path | $Start | $Length | $NewContent" -Tag 'update','change','file' if (-not $globalFunctionHash.ContainsKey($Path)) { $globalFunctionHash[$Path] = @() } $globalFunctionHash[$Path] += New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Content = $NewContent Start = $Start Length = $Length } } function Apply-FileReplacement { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseApprovedVerbs", "")] [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [bool] $WhatIf ) foreach ($key in $globalFunctionHash.Keys) { $value = $globalFunctionHash[$key] | Sort-Object Start $content = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($key) $newString = "" $currentIndex = 0 foreach ($item in $value) { $newString += $content.SubString($currentIndex, ($item.Start - $currentIndex)) $newString += $item.Content $currentIndex = $item.Start + $item.Length } $newString += $content.SubString($currentIndex) if ($WhatIf) { $newString } else { [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($key, $newString) } } } function Write-Issue { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( $Extent, $Data, [string] $Type ) New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Type = $Type Data = $Data File = $Extent.File StartLine = $Extent.StartLineNumber Text = $Extent.Text } } #endregion Helper Functions foreach ($item in $Command) { try { $com = Get-Item function:\$item -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Stop-PSFFunction -Message "Could not find command, please import the module using the psm1 file before starting a refactor" -EnableException $EnableException -Category ObjectNotFound -ErrorRecord $_ -OverrideExceptionMessage -Tag "fail", "input" return } } $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse | Where-Object Extension -Match "\.ps1|\.psm1" $issues = @() foreach ($file in $files) { $tokens = $null $parsingError = $null $ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($file.FullName, [ref]$tokens, [ref]$parsingError) Write-PSFMessage -Level VeryVerbose -Message "Replacing <c='sub'>$Command / $Name</c> with <c='em'>$NewName</c> | Scanning $($file.FullName)" -Tag 'start' -Target $Name $issues += Invoke-AstWalk -Ast $ast -Command $Command -Name $Name -NewName $NewName -IsCommand $false -NoAlias $NoAlias } Set-PSFResultCache -InputObject $issues -DisableCache $DisableCache Apply-FileReplacement -WhatIf $WhatIf $issues } |