function Find-PSMDType { <# .SYNOPSIS Searches assemblies for types. .DESCRIPTION This function searches the currently imported assemblies for a specific type. It is not inherently limited to public types however, and can search interna just as well. Can be used to scan for dependencies, to figure out what libraries one needs for a given type and what dependencies exist. .PARAMETER Name Default: "*" The name of the type to search for. Accepts wildcards. .PARAMETER FullName Default: "*" The FullName of the type to search for. Accepts wildcards. .PARAMETER Assembly Default: (Get-PSMDAssembly) The assemblies to search. By default, all loaded assemblies are searched. .PARAMETER Public Whether the type to find must be public. .PARAMETER Enum Whether the type to find must be an enumeration. .PARAMETER Implements Whether the type to find must implement this interface .PARAMETER InheritsFrom The type must directly inherit from this type. Accepts wildcards. .EXAMPLE Find-PSMDType -Name "*String*" Finds all types whose name includes the word "String" (This will be quite a few) .EXAMPLE Find-PSMDType -InheritsFrom System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.Runspace Finds all types that inherit from the Runspace class #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [string] $Name = "*", [string] $FullName = "*", [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [System.Reflection.Assembly[]] $Assembly = (Get-PSMDAssembly), [switch] $Public, [switch] $Enum, [string] $Implements, [string] $InheritsFrom ) begin { $boundEnum = Test-PSFParameterBinding -ParameterName Enum $boundPublic = Test-PSFParameterBinding -ParameterName Public } process { foreach ($item in $Assembly) { if ($boundPublic) { if ($Public) { $types = $item.ExportedTypes } else { $types = $item.GetTypes() | Where-Object IsPublic -EQ $false } } else { $types = $item.GetTypes() } foreach ($type in $types) { if ($type.Name -notlike $Name) { continue } if ($type.FullName -notlike $FullName) { continue } if ($Implements -and ($type.ImplementedInterfaces.Name -notcontains $Implements)) { continue } if ($boundEnum -and ($Enum -ne $type.IsEnum)) { continue } if ($InheritsFrom -and ($type.BaseType.FullName -notlike $InheritsFrom)) { continue } $type } } } end { } } |