# This is taken directory from Invoke-Build .build.ps1 at # will use this as a starting point <# .Synopsis Build script ( .Description TASKS AND REQUIREMENTS Run tests Clean the project directory #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [String] $ReleaseType = 'Unknown', [string] $GitHubUsername = $env:GITHUB_USERNAME, [string] $GitHubApiKey = $env:GITHUB_API_KEY, [string] $PSGalleryApiKey = $env:PSGALLERY_API_KEY ) # Find the build folder based on build system $Timestamp = Get-Date -UFormat "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S" $PSVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major $TestFile = "TestResults_PS$PSVersion`_$TimeStamp.xml" $lines = '----------------------------------------------------------------------' $CodeCoverageThreshold = 0.8 # 80% if($ENV:BHCommitMessage -match "!verbose") { #$global:VerbosePreference = 'Continue' $global:VerbosePreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Continue } task Build Clean, TestSyntax, TestAttributeSyntax, CopyModuleFilesToBuild, MergeFunctionsToModuleScript, UpdateMetadata, UpdateModuleHelp, MakeHTMLDocs, CopyLicense task Test CleanImportedModule, PSScriptAnalyzer, Pester, ValidateTestResults, CreateCodeHealthReport task PublishToPSGalleryOnly CleanImportedModule, PushPSGallery, PushManifestBackToGitHub task PublishGitReleaseOnly PushGitRelease, PushManifestBackToGitHub task PublishAll CleanImportedModule, PushManifestBackToGitHub, ?PushGitRelease, ?PushPSGallery Enter-Build { # Github links require >= tls 1.2 [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 $script:BuildInfo = Get-BuildEnvironment -ReleaseType $ReleaseType ` -GitHubUsername $GitHubUsername -GitHubApiKey $GitHubApiKey -PSGalleryApiKey $PSGalleryApiKey Set-Location $BuildInfo.ProjectRootPath if ($VerbosePreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue') { $lines Write-Host "Build Started: $(Get-Date)" Write-Host 'Build System Environment Variables: =============================' Get-BuildSystemEnvironment | Hide-SensitiveData Write-Host 'Operating System: ===============================================' Get-BuildOperatingSystemDetail | Format-List Write-Host 'PowerShell Version: =============================================' Get-BuildPowerShellDetail | Format-List Write-Host 'Build Environment: ==============================================' $script:BuildInfo | Hide-SensitiveData $lines } "`n" } Exit-Build { $lines Write-Host "Build Ended: $(Get-Date)" } # Synopsis: Remove build folder task Clean { try { $BuildInfo.BuildPath, $BuildInfo.OutputPath | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose "Removing folder $_" Remove-Item -Path $_ -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null Write-Verbose "Creating folder $_" New-Item $_ -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } } catch { throw $_ } } task CleanImportedModule { Write-Verbose "Unloading all versions of module '$($buildInfo.ModuleName)'." Remove-Module $buildInfo.ModuleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($null -ne (Get-Module -Name $buildInfo.ModuleName)) { throw "Removed module '$($BuildInfo.ModuleName)' but it's still loaded in the current session." } } task BleachClean { try { $BuildInfo.BuildRootPath, $BuildInfo.OutputPath | ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose "Removing folder $_" Remove-Item -Path $_ -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null Write-Verbose "Creating folder $_" New-Item $_ -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } } catch { throw $_ } } # task TestSyntax { $hasSyntaxErrors = $false Get-BuildItem -Path $BuildInfo.SourcePath -Type ShouldMerge -ExcludeClass | ForEach-Object { $tokens = $null [System.Management.Automation.Language.ParseError[]]$parseErrors = @() $null = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput( (Get-Content $_.FullName -Raw), $_.FullName, [Ref]$tokens, [Ref]$parseErrors ) if ($parseErrors.Count -gt 0) { $parseErrors | Write-Error $hasSyntaxErrors = $true } } if ($hasSyntaxErrors) { throw 'TestSyntax failed' } } # task TestAttributeSyntax { $hasSyntaxErrors = $false Get-BuildItem -Path $BuildInfo.SourcePath -Type ShouldMerge -ExcludeClass | ForEach-Object { $tokens = $null [System.Management.Automation.Language.ParseError[]]$parseErrors = @() $ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput( (Get-Content $_.FullName -Raw), $_.FullName, [Ref]$tokens, [Ref]$parseErrors ) # Test attribute syntax $attributes = $ast.FindAll( { param( $ast ) $ast -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.AttributeAst] }, $true ) foreach ($attribute in $attributes) { if (($type = $attribute.TypeName.FullName -as [Type]) -or ($type = ('{0}Attribute' -f $attribute.TypeName.FullName) -as [Type])) { $propertyNames = $type.GetProperties().Name if ($attribute.NamedArguments.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($argument in $attribute.NamedArguments) { if ($argument.ArgumentName -notin $propertyNames) { 'Invalid property name in attribute declaration: {0}: {1} at line {2}, character {3}' -f $_.Name, $argument.ArgumentName, $argument.Extent.StartLineNumber, $argument.Extent.StartColumnNumber $hasSyntaxErrors = $true } } } } else { 'Invalid attribute declaration: {0}: {1} at line {2}, character {3}' -f $_.Name, $attribute.TypeName.FullName, $attribute.Extent.StartLineNumber, $attribute.Extent.StartColumnNumber $hasSyntaxErrors = $true } } } if ($hasSyntaxErrors) { throw 'TestAttributeSyntax failed' } } task CopyModuleFilesToBuild { try { Get-BuildItem -Path $BuildInfo.SourcePath -Type Static | ` Copy-Item -Destination $BuildInfo.BuildPath -Recurse -Force } catch { throw } } task MergeFunctionsToModuleScript { $fileStream = [System.IO.File]::Create($BuildInfo.BuildModulePath) $writer = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($fileStream) $usingStatements = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[String] Get-BuildItem -Path $BuildInfo.SourcePath -Type ShouldMerge | ForEach-Object { $functionDefinition = Get-Content $_.FullName | ForEach-Object { if ($_ -match '^using (namespace|assembly)') { $usingStatements.Add($_) } else { $_.TrimEnd() } } | Out-String $writer.WriteLine($functionDefinition.Trim()) $writer.WriteLine() } $writer.Close() $rootModule = (Get-Content $BuildInfo.BuildModulePath -Raw).Trim() if ($usingStatements.Count -gt 0) { # Add "using" statements to be start of the psm1 $rootModule = $rootModule.Insert(0, "`r`n`r`n").Insert( 0, (($usingStatements.ToArray() | Sort-Object | Get-Unique) -join "`r`n") ) } Set-Content -Path $BuildInfo.BuildModulePath -Value $rootModule -NoNewline } task UpdateMetadata { try { $path = $BuildInfo.BuildManifestPath # Manifest Version Update-Metadata -Path $path -PropertyName ModuleVersion -Value $BuildInfo.ReleaseVersion -ErrorAction stop # RootModule if (Get-Metadata $path -PropertyName RootModule) { Update-Metadata $path -PropertyName RootModule -Value "$($BuildInfo.ModuleName).psm1" } # FunctionsToExport $functionsToExport = (Get-ChildItem (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.SourcePath -ChildPath 'pub*') -Filter '*.ps1' -Recurse) if ($functionsToExport) { Write-Verbose "FunctionsToExport:`nFound $($functionsToExport.count) public functions to add to manifest 'FunctionsToExport' key." try { Get-Metadata $path -PropertyName FunctionsToExport | Out-Null } catch { throw "FunctionsToExport key does not exists (commented out?)git status" } Write-Verbose "FunctionsToExport key exists (not commented out)" Update-Metadata $path -PropertyName FunctionsToExport -Value $functionsToExport.BaseName Write-Verbose "Added $($functionsToExport.count) functions to key." } <# Leaving this here just now but it requires the module file to be built first # DscResourcesToExport $tokens = $parseErrors = $null $ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput( (Get-Content $buildInfo.Path.RootModule -Raw), $buildInfo.Path.RootModule, [Ref]$tokens, [Ref]$parseErrors ) $dscResourcesToExport = $ast.FindAll( { param ($ast) $ast -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.TypeDefinitionAst] -and $ast.IsClass -and $ast.Attributes.TypeName.FullName -contains 'DscResource' }, $true).Name if ($null -ne $dscResourcesToExport) { if (Get-Metadata $path -PropertyName DscResourcesToExport) { Update-Metadata $path -PropertyName DscResourcesToExport -Value $dscResourcesToExport } }#> # RequiredAssemblies if (Test-Path (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.SourcePath -ChildPath 'lib\*.dll')) { if (Get-Metadata $path -PropertyName RequiredAssemblies) { Update-Metadata $path -PropertyName RequiredAssemblies -Value ( (Get-Item (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.SourcePath -ChildPath 'lib\*.dll')).Name | ForEach-Object { Join-Path -Path 'lib' -ChildPath $_ } ) } } #ScriptsToProcess $scriptsToProcess = (Get-ChildItem (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.SourcePath -ChildPath 'script*') -Filter '*.ps1' -Recurse) if ($scriptsToProcess) { Write-Verbose "ScriptsToProcess:`nFound $($scriptsToProcess.Count) scripts to add to manifest ScriptsToProcess key." try { Get-Metadata $path -PropertyName ScriptsToProcess | Out-Null } catch { throw "ScriptsToProcess key does not exists (commented out?)git status" } Write-Verbose "ScriptsToProcess key exists (not commented out)" Update-Metadata $path -PropertyName ScriptsToProcess -Value (` $scriptsToProcess | ForEach-Object { if ($_.FullName -match '(?<name>script.*\\.*\.ps1)') { Write-Verbose "Adding '$($' to ScriptsToProcess" $ } #end if } #end Foreach ) #end Update-Metadata } #end if # FormatsToProcess if (Test-Path (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.SourcePath -ChildPath '*.Format.ps1xml')) { if (Get-Metadata $path -PropertyName FormatsToProcess) { Update-Metadata $path -PropertyName FormatsToProcess ` -Value (Get-Item (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.SourcePath -ChildPath '*.Format.ps1xml')).Name } } <# TODO: Add a way to use different licences # LicenseUri if (Test-Path (Join-Path $buildInfo.ProjectRootPath 'LICENSE')) { if (Get-Metadata $path -PropertyName LicenseUri) { Update-Metadata $path -PropertyName LicenseUri -Value '' } } #> # ProjectUri if (Get-Metadata $path -PropertyName ProjectUri) { # Attempt to parse the project URI from the list of upstream repositories [String]$pushOrigin = (git remote -v) -like 'origin*(push)' if ($pushOrigin -match 'origin\s+(?<ProjectUri>https?://\S+).git') { Update-Metadata $path -PropertyName ProjectUri -Value $matches.ProjectUri } } } catch { throw } } task UpdateModuleHelp -If (Get-Module platyPS -ListAvailable) CleanImportedModule, { try { $moduleInfo = Import-Module $BuildInfo.BuildModulePath -ErrorAction Stop -PassThru if ($moduleInfo.ExportedCommands.Count -gt 0) { $moduleInfo.ExportedCommands.Keys | ForEach-Object { New-MarkdownHelp -Command $_ ` -OutputFolder (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.ProjectRootPath -ChildPath 'help') -Force | Out-Null } New-ExternalHelp -Path (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.ProjectRootPath -ChildPath 'help') ` -OutputPath (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.BuildPath -ChildPath 'en-GB') -Force | Out-Null } } catch { throw } } task MakeHTMLDocs -If { [bool](exec { pandoc.exe --help }) } { $names = 'README', 'CHANGELOG' ForEach ($name in $names) { $sourcePath = Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.ProjectRootPath -ChildPath "$" if (Test-Path $sourcePath) { $destPath = Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.BuildPath -ChildPath "$name.html" exec { pandoc.exe --standalone --from=markdown_strict --metadata=title:$name --output=$destPath $sourcePath } Write-Verbose "Converted markdown file '$' to '$destPath'" } # end if } # end foreach } task CopyLicense -If {Test-Path (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.ProjectRootPath -ChildPath 'LICENSE')} { try { Copy-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.ProjectRootPath -ChildPath 'LICENSE') -Destination $BuildInfo.BuildPath } catch { throw } } task PSScriptAnalyzer -If (Get-Module PSScriptAnalyzer -ListAvailable) { try { Set-Location $BuildInfo.SourcePath 'priv*', 'pub*' | Where-Object { Test-Path $_ } | ForEach-Object { $path = Resolve-Path (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.SourcePath -ChildPath $_) if (Test-Path $path) { $splat = @{ Path = $path Recurse = $true #Verbose = $true } if (($BuildInfo.PSSASettingsPath -ne '') -and (Test-Path $BuildInfo.PSSASettingsPath -PathType Leaf)) { # the settings parameter for PSScriptAnalyzer MUST be a # string - see # $splat += @{ Settings = "$($BuildInfo.PSSASettingsPath)" } } Write-Verbose "Running PSScriptAnalyzer default rules on '$path'." Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @splat | ForEach-Object { $_ $_ | Export-Csv (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.OutputPath -ChildPath 'psscriptanalyzer.csv') -NoTypeInformation -Append } # TODO:We only need to do this becasue the PSScriptAnalyzer # settings file does not allow CustomRulePath and # IncludeDefaultRules together. Once this is resolved this could # should be revisited. # if ($BuildInfo.PSSACustomRulesPath -ne '') { $splat += @{ CustomRulePath = "$(Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.PSSACustomRulesPath -ChildPath '*.psd1')" # TODO: This rule is here as it is throwin an exception on some code #ExcludeRule = 'Measure-ErrorActionPreference' } Write-Verbose "Running PSScriptAnalyzer custom rules on '$path'." Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer @splat | ForEach-Object { $_ $_ | Export-Csv (Join-Path $BuildInfo.OutputPath 'psscriptanalyzer.csv') -NoTypeInformation -Append } } } } } catch { throw } } task Pester -If { Get-ChildItem -Path $BuildInfo.TestPath -Filter '*.tests.ps1' -Recurse -File } CopyModuleFilesToBuild, MergeFunctionsToModuleScript, { Import-Module $BuildInfo.BuildManifestPath -Global -ErrorAction Stop -Force $params = @{ Script = $BuildInfo.TestPath CodeCoverage = $BuildInfo.BuildModulePath OutputFile = Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.OutputPath -ChildPath "$($BuildInfo.ModuleName)-nunit.xml" PassThru = $true Show = if ($VerbosePreference -eq 'SilentlyContinue') { 'None' } else { 'all' } Strict = $true } $pester = Invoke-Pester @params $path = Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.OutputPath -ChildPath 'pester-output.xml' $pester | Export-CliXml $path } task ValidateTestResults PSScriptAnalyzer, Pester, { $testsFailed = $false # PSScriptAnalyzer $path = Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.OutputPath -ChildPath 'psscriptanalyzer.csv' if ((Test-Path $path) -and ($testResults = Import-Csv -Path $path)) { '{0} warnings were raised by PSScriptAnalyzer' -f @($testResults).Count $testsFailed = $true } else { Write-Verbose '0 warnings were raised by PSScriptAnalyzer' } # Pester tests $path = Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.OutputPath -ChildPath 'pester-output.xml' $pester = Import-CliXml -Path $path if ($pester.FailedCount -gt 0) { '{0} of {1} Pester tests are failing' -f $pester.FailedCount, $pester.TotalCount $testsFailed = $true } else { Write-Verbose 'All Pester tests passed.' } # Pester code coverage [Double]$codeCoverage = $pester.CodeCoverage.NumberOfCommandsExecuted / $pester.CodeCoverage.NumberOfCommandsAnalyzed $pester.CodeCoverage.MissedCommands | ` Export-Csv -Path (Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.OutputPath -ChildPath 'CodeCoverage.csv') -NoTypeInformation if ($codecoverage -lt $CodeCoverageThreshold) { 'Pester code coverage ({0:P}) is below threshold {1:P}.' -f $codeCoverage, $CodeCoverageThreshold $testsFailed = $true } # Solution tests Get-ChildItem $BuildInfo.OutputPath -Filter *.dll.xml | ForEach-Object { $report = [Xml](Get-Content $_.FullName -Raw) if ([Int]$report.'test-run'.failed -gt 0) { '{0} of {1} solution tests in {2} are failing' -f $report.'test-run'.failed, $report.'test-run'.total, $report.'test-run'.'test-suite'.name $testsFailed = $true } } if ($testsFailed) { throw 'Test result validation failed' } } task CreateCodeHealthReport -If (Get-Module PSCodeHealth -ListAvailable) { Import-Module -FullyQualifiedName $BuildInfo.BuildManifestPath -Global -ErrorAction Stop $params = @{ Path = $BuildInfo.BuildModulePath Recurse = $true TestsPath = $BuildInfo.TestPath HtmlReportPath = Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.OutputPath -ChildPath "$($Buildinfo.ModuleName)-code-health.html" } Invoke-PSCodeHealth @params } # Synopsis: Warn about not empty git status if .git exists. task GitStatus -If (Test-Path .git) { $status = exec { git status -s } if ($status) { Write-Warning "Git status: $($status -join ', ')" } } # Synopsis: Push with a version tag. task PushGitRelease CreateBuildArtifact, { if ((Test-Path -Path $BuildInfo.BuildArtifactPath) -and ($BuildInfo.GithubUsername -ne '') -and ($BuildInfo.GithubApiKey -ne '')) { $params = @{ Version = $BuildInfo.ReleaseVersion CommitID = $BuildInfo.RepoLastCommitHash ReleaseNotes = "Release v$($BuildInfo.ReleaseVersion)" ArtifactPath = $BuildInfo.BuildArtifactPath GitHubUsername = $BuildInfo.GitHubUsername GitHubRepository = $BuildInfo.ModuleName GitHubApiKey = $BuildInfo.GithubApiKey Draft = $true } New-GitHubRelease @params } else { throw "Cannot push a release to GitHub - '$($BuildInfo.BuildArtifactPath)' is missing or GitHubUsername / GitHubApiKey has not been given." } } task PushPSGallery { if (-not $BuildInfo.PSGalleryApiKey) { Write-Error "Cannot push to the PowerShell Gallery as no Api Key was provided." } # get the current PS Gallery version and if it's the same as our new version then do not push it try { $psGalleryVersion = [version](Find-Module -Name $BuildInfo.ModuleName -ErrorAction Stop).Version } catch { Write-Warning "Cannot find a previous version of '$($BuildInfo.ModuleName)' in the PowerShell Gallery. Please push the first verison of the module manually." } if ([version]$psGalleryVersion -lt [version]$BuildInfo.ReleaseVersion) { Write-Verbose "Publishing version '$($BuildInfo.ReleaseVersion)' of '$($BuildInfo.ModuleName)' module to PowerShell Gallery." Import-Module $BuildInfo.BuildManifestPath -Global -Force Publish-Module -NuGetApiKey $BuildInfo.PSGalleryApiKey -Path $BuildInfo.BuildPath } else { throw "PowerShell Gallery Version ($psGalleryVersion) is the same or greater than our new version '($($BuildInfo.ReleaseVersion))'. Cannot publish module." } } task PushManifestBackToGitHub { if ($BuildInfo.GitHubUsername -eq '' -or $BuildInfo.GitHubApiKey -eq '') { throw 'Cannot push manifest back to Github - Username or API Key are blank.' } Set-Location $BuildInfo.ProjectRootPath # Resolve-Path will return the relative path that we need to match against # the git changed files. However the resolved path will start with '.\' so # we need to strip this. $relativePath = (Resolve-Path -Path $BuildInfo.SourceManifestPath -Relative).Substring(2).Replace('\', '/') # we need to use the EXACT case to 'git add <manifest>' otherwise it does # not work - so here we are matching with the manifest file and returning # the case git needs $manifest = Get-GitChange | Where-Object { $_ -eq $relativePath } if ($manifest) { $pushUrl = exec { git remote get-url origin --push } $authUrl = $pushUrl.Replace('', "$($BuildInfo.GitHubUsername):$($BuildInfo.GitHubApiKey)") Write-Verbose "Pushing '$manifest' back to GitHub with message 'Updated version to $($BuildInfo.ReleaseVersion)'." #exec { git pull } exec { git add $manifest } exec { git commit -m "Updated version to $($BuildInfo.ReleaseVersion) [skip ci]" } exec { git push --porcelain } # --porcelain is required or exec detects the command as failed } else { Write-Warning "The source manifest '$($BuildInfo.SourceManifestPath)' has not been changed. Cannot push it back to GitHub." } } task CreateBuildArtifact { # create the build artifact Remove-Item -Path $BuildInfo.BuildArtifactPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $sourcePath = Join-Path -Path $BuildInfo.BuildPath -ChildPath '*' Write-Verbose "Creating ZIP archive '$($BuildInfo.BuildArtifactPath)' containing '$sourcePath'." Compress-Archive -Path $sourcePath -DestinationPath $BuildInfo.BuildArtifactPath } |