@{ ModuleVersion = '1.1.3' PowerShellVersion = '3.0' RootModule = 'PSMinifier.psm1' Description = 'A Miniature Minifier For PowerShell' Guid = '534cd9d0-e4b4-4c96-ae0f-6f31224274b9' Author = 'Start-Automating' Copyright = '2020 Start-Automating' PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ Tags = 'Minifier' ProjectURI = '' LicenseURI = '' ReleaseNotes = @' ### v1.1.3 --- Compress-ScriptBlock bugfix: now handling using statements (Issue #6). Improvements to try/catch (Issue #7) ### v1.1.2 ---- Compress-ScriptBlock bugfix: now handling [Hashtables] and [Ordered] (Issue #2) ### v1.1.1 ---- Compress-ScriptBlock bugfix: try/catch/finally blocks now appropriately handled (Issue #3) ### v1.1 ---- Compress-ScriptBlock now has -OutputPath/-PassThru Added Support for GitHub Action ### v1.0 ---- Initial Version of Minifier '@ } } } |