function Invoke-MimecastAPI{ [cmdletbinding()] param( $Method, $Uri, $headers, $Body ) try{ Write-Information "Sending API Request to $uri" $response = Invoke-RestMethod @PSBoundParameters } catch [System.Net.WebException]{ Write-Information "A System.Net.WebException has occurred" if ($_.Exception.Message -like "*418*"){ Write-Warning "Your API Access has expired. Use Update-MimecastExpiredAccessKey to update your expired AccessKey" if ((Read-Host "Would you like to Update your API Access key (Y/N)?") -like "Y*"){ Update-MimecastExpiredAccessKey | Out-Null if ($?){ $response = Invoke-RestMethod @PSBoundParameters } } } elseif ($_.Exception.Message -like "*401*"){ $errorresponse = $_.ErrorDetails.message | ConvertFrom-Json $email = $ $message = $ $ErrorRecord = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]::new( [System.Security.Authentication.InvalidCredentialException]::new($message), 'InvalidCredentialException', [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::AuthenticationError, ) throw $ErrorRecord } } catch{ Write-Information "An unknown error has occurred" $PSCmdlet.WriteError($_) } return $response } |