function Out-Metric { <# .SYNOPSIS Outputs Metrics .DESCRIPTION Outputs Metrics, given a pipeline of input. This command is often called via a smart alias. Each metric imported by Import-Metric will create several aliases to this command. .LINK Import-Metric .LINK Get-Metric #> [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$false,SupportsPaging)] param( # A Pipeline of InputObjects # This should be provided from the object pipeline. [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $InputObject, # The output path. If provided will output the metric to this path. [string] $OutputPath, # Any remaining arguments. This parameter is here to provide open-ended input and customization. [Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments)] $Arguments, # The name of the view to use. # Different views can make metrics render different ways. [string] $View, # If set, will flip the order of any outputted metric data. # Metrics should output their data sorted by default, and thus, this should make any metric sorted the opposite of a default order. [Alias('Reverse')] [switch] $Descending, # If provided, will render a chart of a particular type. [string] $ChartType, # The background colors for the chart [Alias('Color','BackgroundColors')] [string[]] $BackgroundColor, # The border colors for the chart [Alias('BorderColors')] [string[]] $BorderColor, # Any metadata related to the metric. # This will add a YAML header to HTML metrics [Collections.IDictionary] $Metadata = [Ordered]@{} ) dynamicParam { $suffixes = "(?>∑|📈|📉|📊|◕|◔|Chart|Metric|PSMetric)" $metricMatcher = "(?<MetricName>(?:.|\s){0,}?(?=\z|\s|$suffixes))(?<Suffix>$suffixes)?" if ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -eq $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) { return } if ($myInvocation.InvocationName -notmatch $metricMatcher) { return } $metricMatch = @{} + $matches $MetricCommand = Get-Metric $metricMatch.MetricName if (-not $MetricCommand) { return } $Intention = if ($metricMatch.Suffix -eq "∑") { 'Metric' } elseif ($metricMatch.Suffix -eq '📈') { 'LineAscending' } elseif ($metricMatch.Suffix -eq '📉') { 'LineDescending' } elseif ($metricMatch.Suffix -eq "📊") { 'BarChart' } elseif ($metricMatch.Suffix -eq '◔') { 'PieAscending' } elseif ($metricMatch.Suffix -eq '◕') { 'PieDescending' } elseif ($metricMatch.Suffix -like '*Chart*') { 'Chart' } elseif ($metricMatch.Suffix -like '*Metric*') { 'Metric' } } begin { # Prepare to accumulate pipeline input. $accumulateInput = [Collections.Queue]::new() } process { # Accummulate what is piped in. if ($InputObject) { $accumulateInput.Enqueue($InputObject) } } end { # If there was no metric command, return. if (-not $MetricCommand) { return } # Pipe to our metric. If this fails, let the errors bubble up. $metricOutput = @($accumulateInput.ToArray() | & $MetricCommand) $formatParameters = @{} if ($view) { $formatParameters["View"] = $view } else { if ($PSUEnvironment) { $formatParameters["View"] = $view = 'PowerShellUniversal' } } $ViewOutput = if ($Intention -eq 'Metric' -and -not $view -and -not $ChartType) { $metricOutput } else { if ($Intention -like '*Descending*' -or $Descending) { [Array]::Reverse($metricOutput) } if ($PSBoundParameters['Skip']) { $metricOutput = $metricOutput[(0+$PSBoundParameters['Skip'])..($metricOutput.Length - 1)] } if ($PSBoundParameters['First']) { $metricOutput = $metricOutput[0..$($PSBoundParameters['First'] -1)] } [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{ PSTypeName = 'Chart' ChartData = $metricOutput ChartType = if ($chartType) { $chartType } elseif ($Intention -match 'Line') { 'line' } elseif ($Intention -match 'Bar') { 'bar' } elseif ($Intention -match 'Pie') { 'pie' } else { '' } MetricCommand = $MetricCommand MetricName = $MetricCommand.MetricName BackgroundColor = $BackgroundColor BorderColor = $BorderColor Metadata = $Metadata } | Format-Custom @formatParameters | Out-String -Width 1mb } # If an -OutputPath was provided if ($OutputPath) { # try to find an exporter $exporter = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand( # (by looking for any Export-Command that shares a name with the extension) "Export-$(@($OutputPath -split '\.')[-1])", 'Function,Alias,Cmdlet' ) # If an exporter was found if ($exporter) { # we can export the data by piping to the exporter $metricOutput | & $exporter $OutputPath } else { # Otherwise, we can use set-content to output the view. $ViewOutput | Set-Content $OutputPath } # If -OutputPath existed if (Test-Path $OutputPath) { Get-Item $OutputPath # output the file } } else { # If no intention can be inferred if (-not $Intention) { $metricOutput # output the data } else { # otherwise, output the view if ($ViewOutput -match '^\s{0,}\{' -and $ViewOutput -match '\}\s{0,}$') { try { ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $ViewOutput } catch { try { & ( [scriptblock]::Create( $ViewOutput -replace '^\s{0,}\{' -replace '\}\s{0,}$' ) ) } catch { $ViewOutput } } } else { $ViewOutput } } } } } |