
   Converts a PowerShell object to a Markdown table.
   The ConvertTo-Markdown function converts a Powershell Object to a Markdown formatted table
   Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.mainWindowTitle} | Select-Object ID, Name, Path, Company | ConvertTo-Markdown
   This command gets all the processes that have a main window title, and it displays them in a Markdown table format with the process ID, Name, Path and Company.
   ConvertTo-Markdown (Get-Date)
   This command converts a date object to Markdown table format
   Get-Alias | Select Name, DisplayName | ConvertTo-Markdown
   This command displays the name and displayname of all the aliases for the current session in Markdown table format

Function ConvertTo-Markdown {
    Param (
            Mandatory = $true,
            Position = 0,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true

    Begin {
        $items = @()
        $columns = @{}

    Process {
        ForEach($item in $InputObject) {
            $items += $item

            $item.PSObject.Properties | %{
                if($_.Value -ne $null){
                    if(-not $columns.ContainsKey($_.Name) -or $columns[$_.Name] -lt $_.Value.ToString().Length) {
                        $columns[$_.Name] = $_.Value.ToString().Length

    End {
        ForEach($key in $($columns.Keys)) {
            $columns[$key] = [Math]::Max($columns[$key], $key.Length)

        $header = @()
        ForEach($key in $columns.Keys) {
            $header += ('{0,-' + $columns[$key] + '}') -f $key
        $header -join ' | '

        $separator = @()
        ForEach($key in $columns.Keys) {
            $separator += '-' * $columns[$key]
        $separator -join ' | '

        ForEach($item in $items) {
            $values = @()
            ForEach($key in $columns.Keys) {
                $values += ('{0,-' + $columns[$key] + '}') -f $item.($key)
            $values -join ' | '