using module "..\PSMD.psd1" Describe "Testing Function Title" { Context "Base Functionality" { it "[PSMD][Function][Title] Create a Title" { {Title -Text "Hello" -Size h1} | should not throw {Title -Text "Hello" -Size h2} | should not throw {Title -Text "Hello" -Size h3} | should not throw {Title -Text "Hello" -Size h4} | should not throw {Title -Text "Hello" -Size h5} | should not throw {Title -Text "Hello" -Size h6} | should not throw } } Context "Title specifics" { $Title = Title -Text "Hello" -Size h1 it "[PSMD][Function][Title] The Type Property should be 'Title'" { $Title.Type | should Be "Title" } it "[PSMD][Function][Title] The ID Property should not be empty" { $Title.ID | should not BeNullOrEmpty } it "[PSMD][Function][Title] The Line Property should not be empty" { $Title.Line | should not BeNullOrEmpty } } } |