#Requires -Version 3.0 -Modules PSLogger function Show-Progress { <# .SYNOPSIS Extension of Sperry module, to simplify logging of function calls, with matching messages to the console, when specified .DESCRIPTION Built on to the Write-Log function / script originally provided by Jeff Hicks, this script makes the Show-Progress function portable, as part of the PSLogger Module .PARAMETER msgAction The stampType parameter specifies to the Show-Progress function whether the update written to the log and/or shown on the console is a Start, Stop, or continue action. When passed to the Write-Log function, the Show-Progress message inherits the time-stamp and other features of that function. .PARAMETER msgSource The msgSource parameter specifies to the Show-Progress function the module or function name to associate the Show-Progress message with. This can be passed in via the $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name variable, so that the output log file the message is written to dynamically matches the script/module/function it was called by. .EXAMPLE PS > Show-Progress 'Start'; # Log start time-stamp << get example output and add into ShowProgress.ps1 Help >> .EXAMPLE PS > Show-Progress 'Stop'; # Log end time-stamp .NOTES NAME : Show-Progress VERSION : 1.0.2 LAST UPDATED: 11/16/2015 AUTHOR : Bryan Dady #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] [alias('mode','scope')] [ValidateSet('Start', 'Stop',$null)] [String[]] $msgAction, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] [alias('action','source')] [string[]] $msgSource = 'PowerShell' ) Switch ($msgAction) { 'Start' { Write-Log -Message "Starting $msgSource`n" -Function "$msgSource" }; 'Stop' { Write-Log -Message "Exiting $msgSource`n`n" -Function "$msgSource" }; default { Write-Log -Message "continuing $msgSource`n" -Function $msgSource }; } } Export-ModuleMember -function Show-Progress |