
Run lockscreen slideshow
Run lockscreen slideshow with images from path
This is the default script, installed as scheduled task by "Register-PSLockScreenSlideShowScheduledTask"
The scheduled task is located in the task scheduler folder "PSLockScreenSlideShow" as "PSLockScreenSlideShow"
which is triggered "on workstation lock" and runs in the context of the current logged on user.
Same as "Path" from "Get-PSLockScreenSlideShow"
Specifiy the path where to load the LockScreen images from
Defaults to C:\ProgramData\PSLockScreenSlideShow
Files are NOT loaded recursively, but sorted by name to force a consistent order
Same as "Time" from "Get-PSLockScreenSlideShow"
The time each slideshow image will be shown if no time can be extracted from filename by parameter TimeRegEx
Defaults to "5s"
Same as "TimeRegEx" from "Get-PSLockScreenSlideShow"
Defaults to "^.*\W(?<Time>\d{1,})(?<Unit>ms|s)$" which means:
^ start of line (line=file.Basename)
.* 0 to n any characters
\W one any non digit or letter (means special character)
(?<Time>\d{1,}) one or more digits (this pattern must be named 'Time' to be used internally to fill the result objects property "Time")
(?<Unit>ms|s) 'ms' or 's', unit of the afore mentioned Time (this pattern must be named 'Unit' to be used internally to fill the result objects property "Unit")
$ end of line (line= file.Basename)
None, since this script is only provisoned to run as scheduled task
None, since this script is only provisoned to run as scheduled task

Param (

Import-Module PSLockScreenSlideShow -Force

$ArgsGet  = @{}; $ParmsGet  = (Get-Command  Get-PSLockScreenSlideShow).Parameters.Keys
$ArgsShow = @{}; $ParmsShow = (Get-Command Show-PSLockScreenSlideShow).Parameters.Keys

foreach($key in $PSBoundParameters.Keys)
    if($key -in $ParmsGet ) { $ArgsGet[ $key] = $PSBoundParameters[$key] }
    if($key -in $ParmsShow) { $ArgsShow[$key] = $PSBoundParameters[$key] }

Get-PSLockScreenSlideShow @ArgsGet | Start-PSLockScreenSlideShow @ArgsShow -Forever