function Test-LeanKitAuthIsSet{ if($Global:LeanKitCreds){ return $true; }else{ return $false; } } function Set-LeanKitAuth{ [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string]$url, [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$credentials ) $global:LeanKitURL = 'https://' + $url; $global:LeanKitCreds = $credentials # Fetch the date format for the user (API doesn't use ISO standard date formats :( ) try{ $private:Board = Find-LeanKitBoard -ErrorAction Stop | Get-Random $private:Board = Get-LeanKitBoard -BoardID $private:Board.Id -ErrorAction Stop $global:LeanKitDateFormat= ($Board.BoardUsers | ?{$_.EmailAddress -eq $global:LeanKitCreds.UserName}).DateFormat }catch{ Write-Error $_.Exception.Message; return $false; } return $true; } <# .SYNOPSIS Cleans up the variables containing your authentication information from your PowerShell session #> function Remove-LeanKitAuth{ [CmdletBinding()] param() Remove-Variable -Name LeanKitURL -Scope Global Remove-Variable -Name LeanKitCreds -Scope Global return $true; } |