$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $DefaultsFile = "$here\PSLeanKit.Pester.Defaults.json" # Load defaults from file (merging into $global:LeanKitPesterTestDefaults if(Test-Path $DefaultsFile){ $defaults = if($global:LeanKitPesterTestDefaults){$global:LeanKitPesterTestDefaults}else{@{}}; (Get-Content $DefaultsFile | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json) | %{$defaults."$($_.Name)" = $_.Value} # Prompt for credentials $defaults.Creds = if($defaults.Creds){$defaults.Creds}else{Get-Credential} $global:LeanKitPesterTestDefaults = $defaults }else{ Write-Error "$DefaultsFile does not exist. Created example file. Please populate with your values"; # Write example file @{ LeanKitURL = '' BoardID = 197340277 } | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $DefaultsFile return; } Remove-Module PSLeanKit -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Import-Module $here\PSLeanKit.psd1 Describe "LeanKit-Module" { It "Set-LeanKitAuth works" { Set-LeanKitAuth -url $defaults.LeanKitURL -credentials $defaults.Creds | Should be $true } It "Find-LeanKitBoard works"{ (Find-LeanKitBoard).count -gt 0 | Should be $true } It "Get-LeanKitBoard works" { ($script:LeanKitBoard = Get-LeanKitBoard -BoardID $defaults.BoardID).Id | Should be $defaults.BoardID } It "Add-LeanKitCard works (and by extension Add-LeanKitCards and New-LeanKitCard)" { # Pick random values for this test $RandomLane = $LeanKitBoard.DefaultDropLaneID $RandomCardType = ($LeanKitBoard.CardTypes | Get-Random).Id $RandomUser = ($LeanKitBoard.BoardUsers | Get-Random).Id $RandomClassOfService = ($LeanKitBoard.ClassesOfService | Get-Random).Id # Add a card! $script:AddCardResult = Add-LeanKitCard ` -BoardID $defaults.BoardID ` -LaneID $RandomLane ` -Title "Test Card" ` -Description "Don't worry, only testing" ` -TypeID $RandomCardType ` -Priority 1 ` -IsBlocked $true ` -BlockReason "I'm waiting on a dependency :(" ` -Index 0 ` -StartDate (Get-Date).AddDays(3) ` -DueDate (Get-Date).AddDays(7) ` -ExternalSystemName "Service Now" ` -ExternalSystemUrl "" ` -Tags "Groovy,Awesome" ` -ClassOfServiceID $RandomClassOfService ` -ExternalCardID "22" ` -AssignedUserIDs $RandomUser $AddCardResult.Title | Should be "Test Card" $AddCardResult.LaneID | Should be $RandomLane $AddCardResult.Description | Should be "Don't worry, only testing" $AddCardResult.TypeID | Should be $RandomCardType $AddCardResult.Priority | Should be 1 $AddCardResult.IsBlocked | Should be $true $AddCardResult.BlockReason | Should be "I'm waiting on a dependency :(" $AddCardResult.Index | Should be 0 $AddCardResult.ExternalCardID | Should be 22 $AddCardResult.ExternalSystemName | Should be "Service Now" $AddCardResult.ExternalSystemUrl | Should be "" $AddCardResult.Tags | Should be "Groovy,Awesome" $AddCardResult.ClassOfServiceID | Should be $RandomClassOfService $AddCardResult.AssignedUserIDs | Should be @($RandomUser) # Save the card ID for our next test $global:CardID = $AddCardResult.Id; } It "Get-Card works" { (Get-LeanKitCard -BoardID $defaults.BoardID -CardID $CardID).id | Should be $CardID } It "Update-LeanKitCard (and by extension Update-LeanKitCards) works" { # Pick random values for this test $RandomLane = $LeanKitBoard.DefaultDropLaneID $RandomCardType = ($LeanKitBoard.CardTypes | Get-Random).Id $RandomUser = ($LeanKitBoard.BoardUsers | Get-Random).Id $RandomClassOfService = ($LeanKitBoard.ClassesOfService | Get-Random).Id # Add a card! $script:UpdateCardResult = Update-LeanKitCard -Verbose ` -BoardID $defaults.BoardID ` -LaneID $RandomLane ` -CardID $CardID ` -Title "Test Card - Updated" ` -Description "Don't worry, only testing - Updated" ` -TypeID $RandomCardType ` -IsBlocked $false ` -BlockReason "I'm waiting on a dependency :( - Updated" ` -Index 0 ` -StartDate (Get-Date).AddDays(2) ` -DueDate (Get-Date).AddDays(8) ` -ExternalSystemName "Service Now - Updated" ` -ExternalSystemUrl "" ` -Tags "Groovy,Awesome,Fabulous" ` -ExternalCardID "44" ` -AssignedUserIDs $RandomUser ` -ClassOfServiceID $RandomClassOfService ` -Priority 1 $UpdateCardResult.UpdatedCardsCount | Should be 1 $global:UpdatedCard = Get-LeanKitCard -CardID $CardID -boardID $defaults.BoardID $UpdatedCard.Title | Should be "Test Card - Updated" $UpdatedCard.LaneID | Should be $RandomLane $UpdatedCard.Description | Should be "Don't worry, only testing - Updated" $UpdatedCard.TypeID | Should be $RandomCardType $UpdatedCard.Priority | Should be 1 $UpdatedCard.IsBlocked | Should be $false $UpdatedCard.BlockReason | Should be "I'm waiting on a dependency :( - Updated" $UpdatedCard.Index | Should be 0 $UpdatedCard.ExternalCardID | Should be 44 $UpdatedCard.ExternalSystemName | Should be "Service Now - Updated" $UpdatedCard.ExternalSystemUrl | Should be "" $UpdatedCard.Tags | Should be "Groovy,Awesome,Fabulous" $UpdatedCard.ClassOfServiceID | Should be $RandomClassOfService $UpdatedCard.AssignedUserIDs | Should be @($RandomUser) } It "Remove-LeanKitCard works" { # Weirdly DeletedCardsCount is the board version rather the number of the cards deleted, so don't be surprised if it's a large number (Remove-LeanKitCard -BoardID $defaults.BoardID -CardID $CardID).DeletedCardsCount | Should Match "\d?" } It "Get-LeanKitCardsInBoard works"{ (Get-LeanKitCardsInBoard -BoardID $defaults.BoardID).Count -gt 0 | Should be $true } It "Remove-LeanKitAuth works"{ Remove-LeanKitAuth | Should be $true } } |