function Add-LeanKitCard{ param( # ID of the board to which to add the card [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [int]$BoardID, # Title of the card [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string]$Title, # Description of the card [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [string]$Description, # The ID of an external reference (e.g. a ticket) for this card [parameter(mandatory=$false)] [string]$ExternalCardID, # Identity of the type of card to be created [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [int]$CardTypeID, # ID of the lane to add the card to [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [int]$LaneID, # A comment to be added in case we're overriding the lane's Work in Process limit [parameter(mandatory=$false)] [string]$UserWipOverrideComment="Created programatically by PSLeanKit" ) $cardArray = @(@{ Title = $Title; Description = $Description; TypeId=$CardTypeID; laneID=$LaneID; ExternalCardID=$ExternalCardID; UserWipOverrideComment = $UserWipOverrideComment; }) return (Add-LeanKitCards -boardID $BoardID -cards $cardArray).ReplyData } function Add-LeanKitCards{ param( [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [int]$boardID, [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({ if($_.length -gt 100){ #"You cannot pass greater than 100 cards at a time to add-LeanKitCards" return $false; } if( ($_ |?{$_.UserWipOverrideComment}).length -lt $_.length ){ # "All cards must have UserWipOverrideComment when passing to Update-LeanKitCards"; return $false; } return $true; })] [hashtable[]]$cards ) if(!(Test-LeanKitAuthIsSet)){ Set-LeanKitAuth } [string]$uri = $global:LeanKitURL + "/Kanban/Api/Board/$boardID/AddCards?wipOverrideComment=Automation" return Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Credential $global:LeanKitCreds -Method Post -Body $(ConvertTo-Json $cards ) -ContentType "application/json" } function Get-LeanKitCard { param( # ID of the board in which the card we're getting resides [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [int]$boardID, # ID of the card we're getting [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [int]$CardID ) if(!(Test-LeanKitAuthIsSet)){ Set-LeanKitAuth } [string]$uri = $global:LeanKitURL + "/Kanban/Api/Board/$boardID/GetCard/$CardID" return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Credential $global:LeanKitCreds).ReplyData } function Update-LeanKitCard { param( # ID of the board in which the card we're updating resides [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [int]$BoardID, # ID of the card we're updating [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [int]$CardID, # Title to change the card to have [parameter(mandatory=$false)] [string]$Title ) if(!(Test-LeanKitAuthIsSet)){ Set-LeanKitAuth } # Fetch the original card to amend $Card = Get-LeanKitCard -BoardID $BoardID -CardID $CardID # Transform it into a hashtable $UpdatedCard = @{UserWipOverrideComment = "No override"}; $Card | Get-Member | ?{$_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty"} | %{$UpdatedCard.add($, $Card.$($} # Update our params (I wish PowerShell had ternary operators...) $UpdatedCard.Title = if($Title){$Title}else{$Card.Title}; return (Update-LeanKitCards -BoardID $BoardID -Cards @($UpdatedCard))[0] } function Update-LeanKitCards{ param( [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [int]$boardID, [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [ValidateScript({ if($_.length -gt 100){ # "You cannot pass greater than 100 cards at a time to Update-LeanKitCards" return $false; } if( ($_ |?{$_.UserWipOverrideComment}).length -lt $_.length ){ # "All cards must have UserWipOverrideComment when passing to Update-LeanKitCards"; return $false; } if( ($_ |?{$_.ID}).length -lt $_.length ){ # "All cards must have an ID when passing to Update-LeanKitCards"; return $false; } return $true; })] [hashtable[]]$cards ) if(!(Test-LeanKitAuthIsSet)){ Set-LeanKitAuth } [string]$uri = $global:LeanKitURL + "/Kanban/Api/Board/$boardID/UpdateCards?wipOverrideComment=Automation" $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Credential $global:LeanKitCreds -Method Post -Body $(ConvertTo-Json $cards) -ContentType "application/json" return $result.ReplyData } function Remove-LeanKitCard { param( # ID of the board in which the card we're deleting resides [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [int]$BoardID, # ID of the card we're deleting [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [int]$CardID ) return Remove-LeanKitCards -BoardID $BoardID -CardIDs @($CardID) } function Remove-LeanKitCards { param( # ID of the board in which the cards we're deleting reside [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [int]$BoardID, # Array of card IDs to delete [parameter(mandatory=$true)] [int[]]$CardIDs ) if(!(Test-LeanKitAuthIsSet)){ Set-LeanKitAuth } [string]$uri = $global:LeanKitURL + "/Kanban/Api/Board/$boardID/DeleteCards/" $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Credential $global:LeanKitCreds -Method Post -Body $(ConvertTo-Json $CardIDs) -ContentType "application/json" return $result.ReplyData } |