
function Get-LeanKitBoard{

    [string]$uri = $global:LeanKitURL + "/Kanban/Api/Boards/$boardID/"

    $Board = $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri  -Credential $global:LeanKitCreds).ReplyData

    # Add the custom type to each card to enable a default view
    $Board | %{$_.psobject.TypeNames.Insert(0, "PSLeanKit.Board")}
    $board.Lanes | %{$_.psobject.TypeNames.Insert(0, "PSLeanKit.Lane")}
    $ | %{$_.psobject.TypeNames.Insert(0, "PSLeanKit.Card")}
    $board.Archive | %{$_.psobject.TypeNames.Insert(0, "PSLeanKit.Card")}
    $board.Backlog.Cards | %{$_.psobject.TypeNames.Insert(0, "PSLeanKit.Card")}
    $board.CardTypes | %{$_.psobject.TypeNames.Insert(0, "PSLeanKit.CardType")}

    return $Board

    Lists all boards you have access to in your account

function Find-LeanKitBoard{


    [string]$uri = $global:LeanKitURL + "/Kanban/Api/Boards/"
    return $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri  -Credential $global:LeanKitCreds).ReplyData

    Gets all cards in a given board

function Get-LeanKitCardsInBoard{
        # ID of the board to fetch cards from

    $Board = Get-LeanKitBoard -BoardID $BoardID
    $Cards = $ + $board.Archive + $board.Backlog.Cards;
    # Add the custom type to each card to enable a default view
    $Cards | %{$_.psobject.TypeNames.Insert(0, "PSLeanKit.Card")}

    return $Cards