function New-KubernetesEphemeralSecret { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a Kubernetes secret. .DESCRIPTION Generates a "ephemeral" Kubernetes secret in that if an existing secret with the same name exists, it will be deleted and recreated. .PARAMETER Namespace The Kubernetes namespace that the secret will be created in. .PARAMETER SecretName The name of the Kubernetes secret. .PARAMETER SecretData The data for the Kubernetes secret as a PSCredential where the UserName will be the key and the Password will be the secret value. .PARAMETER Annotation Annotations to be applied to the secret object. .PARAMETER AsJson Returns the results as a serialized JSON string as opposed to the default object type. .EXAMPLE $secretDataName = "myapikey" $secretDataCred = New-KubernetesSecretData -SecretDataKey $secretDataName -SecretDataValue '9eC29a57e584426E960dv3f84aa154c13fS$%m' New-KubernetesEphemeralSecret -SecretName "my-secret" -SecretData $secretDataCred Creates a Kubernetes secret in the default namespace with a name of 'my-secret' with a key of 'myapikey' and a value of '9eC29a57e584426E960dv3f84aa154c13fS$%m' via the PSCredential object generate from New-KubernetesSecretData. .EXAMPLE $secretDataName = "myapikey" $secretValue = '9eC29a57e584426E960dv3f84aa154c13fS$%m' $secretDataValue = $secretValue | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force $secretDataCred = New-Object -TypeName PSCredential -ArgumentList $secretDataName, $secretDataValue New-KubernetesEphemeralSecret -SecretName "my-secret" -SecretData $secretDataCred Creates a Kubernetes secret in the default namespace with a name of 'my-secret' with a key of 'myapikey' and a value of '9eC29a57e584426E960dv3f84aa154c13fS$%m'. .EXAMPLE $secretDataName = "myapikey" $secretValue = '9eC29a57e584426E960dv3f84aa154c13fS$%m' $secretDataValue = $secretValue | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force $secretDataCred = New-Object -TypeName PSCredential -ArgumentList $secretDataName, $secretDataValue nkes -s "my-secret" -d $secretDataCred Creates a Kubernetes secret in the default namespace with a name of 'my-secret' with a key of 'myapikey' and a value of '9eC29a57e584426E960dv3f84aa154c13fS$%m'. .EXAMPLE $secret = "my-secret" $annotations = @{"config-management.tool/version" = "1.2.3"; "config-management.tool/managed" = $true } $sd = New-KubernetesSecretData -SecretDataKey "myapikey" -SecretDataValue '$U#C9nGDiXJ6To3SY78NZjlr' New-KubernetesEphemeralSecret -SecretName $secret -SecretData $sd -Annotation $annotations Creates a Kubernetes secret in the default namespace with a name of 'my-secret' with a key of 'myapikey' and a value of '$U#C9nGDiXJ6To3SY78NZjlr' with the following annotations: config-management.tool/version: 1.2.3 config-management.tool/managed: true .EXAMPLE nkes -s "my-secret" -d (nksd -k "myapikey" -v '9eC29a57e584426E960dv3f84aa154c13fS$%m') Creates a Kubernetes secret in the default namespace with a name of 'my-secret' with a key of 'myapikey' and a value of '9eC29a57e584426E960dv3f84aa154c13fS$%m' via the PSCredential object generate from New-KubernetesSecretData. .LINK New-KubernetesSecretData ConvertTo-SecureString #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('nkes')] [OutputType([System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject], [System.String])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][Alias('ns', 'n')][String]$Namespace = 'default', [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][Alias('s', 'sn', 'Name')][String]$SecretName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNull()][Alias('d', 'sd')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$SecretData, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][ValidateNotNull()][Alias('an', 'Annotations')][System.Collections.Hashtable]$Annotation, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][Alias('json', 'j')][Switch]$AsJson ) BEGIN { if (-not(Test-KubernetesNamespaceAccess -Namespace $Namespace)) { $ArgumentException = [Security.SecurityException]::new("The following namespace was either not found or inaccessible: $Namespace") Write-Error -Exception $ArgumentException -ErrorAction Stop } if ($(kubectl auth can-i create secret -n $Namespace).ToLower() -ne "yes") { $SecurityException = [Security.SecurityException]::new("Current context cannot create secrets within the $Namespace namespace.") Write-Error -Exception $SecurityException -ErrorAction Stop } if ($(kubectl auth can-i delete secret -n $Namespace).ToLower() -ne "yes") { $SecurityException = [Security.SecurityException]::new("Current context cannot delete secrets within the $Namespace namespace.") Write-Error -Exception $SecurityException -ErrorAction Stop } } PROCESS { if (Test-KubernetesSecretExistence -Namespace $Namespace -SecretName $SecretName) { $(kubectl delete secret --namespace=$Namespace $SecretName 2>&1) | Out-Null } $secretKeyName = $SecretData.UserName $secretDataValue = $SecretData.GetNetworkCredential().Password [PSCustomObject]$creationResult = $null try { $creationResult = $(kubectl create secret generic --namespace=$Namespace $SecretName --from-literal=$secretKeyName=$secretDataValue --output=json 2>&1) | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop if ($ -eq $SecretName) { Write-Verbose -Message ("Created the following generic secret: {0}:{1}" -f $Namespace, $SecretName) } $secretObjectMetadata = $null if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Annotation")) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 try { Set-KubernetesSecretAnnotation -Namespace $Namespace -SecretName $SecretName -Annotation $Annotation -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } catch { Write-Error -Exception $_.Exception -ErrorAction Stop } } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("AsJson")) { $secretObjectMetadata = Get-KubernetesSecretMetadata -Namespace $Namespace -SecretName $SecretName -AsJson } else { $secretObjectMetadata = Get-KubernetesSecretMetadata -Namespace $Namespace -SecretName $SecretName } Write-Output -InputObject $secretObjectMetadata } catch { $ArgumentException = [ArgumentException]::new("Unable to create secret in the $Namespace namespace.") Write-Error -Exception $ArgumentException -ErrorAction Stop } } } |