function Get-KubernetesNamespaceMetadata { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a Kubernetes namespace metadata. .DESCRIPTION Obtains a subset of Kubernetes namespace metadata including creation and labels. .PARAMETER Namespace The target namespace to obtain metadata from. .EXAMPLE Get-KubernetesNamespaceMetadata Gets metadata for all Kubernetes namespaces that the authenticated principal has access to. .EXAMPLE Get-KubernetesNamespaceMetadata -Namespace "apps" Gets metadata for the "apps" Kubernetes namespace. .EXAMPLE gknm Gets metadata for all Kubernetes namespaces that the authenticated principal has access to. .EXAMPLE gknm -n "apps" Gets metadata for the "apps" Kubernetes namespace. #> [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('gknm')] [OutputType([PSCustomObject])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][Alias('ns', 'n')][String]$Namespace = 'default' ) PROCESS { $NamespaceName = @{Name = "Namespace"; Expression = { $ } } $CreatedOn = @{Name = "CreatedOn"; Expression = { $_.creationTimestamp } } $Labels = @{Name = "Labels"; Expression = { $_.Labels } } try { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Namespace")) { $(kubectl get namespaces $Namespace --output=json 2>&1 | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop).items.metadata | Select-Object -Property $NamespaceName, $CreatedOn, $Labels } else { $(kubectl get namespaces --output=json 2>&1 | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop).items.metadata | Select-Object -Property $NamespaceName, $CreatedOn, $Labels } } catch { [string]$argExceptionMessage = "Unable to obtain namespace metadata." if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Namespace")) { $argExceptionMessage = "Unable to namespace metadata for the following namespace: $Namespace." } $ArgumentException = [ArgumentException]::new($argExceptionMessage) Write-Error -Exception $ArgumentException -ErrorAction Stop } } } |