using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Management.Automation; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using KubeClient; using KubeClient.Models; using KubeClient.ResourceClients; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.JsonPatch; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.JsonPatch.Operations; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization; namespace Kubectl { [Cmdlet(VerbsData.Compare, "KubeResource")] [OutputType(new[] { typeof(Operation) })] public sealed class CompareKubeResourceCmdlet : KubeCmdlet { [Parameter(Mandatory = true, Position = 0)] public object Original { get; set; } [Parameter(Mandatory = true, Position = 1)] public object Modified { get; set; } [Parameter(Mandatory = true, Position = 2, ParameterSetName = "ThreeWay")] public object Current { get; set; } [Parameter(Mandatory = true, ParameterSetName = "ThreeWayFromLastApplied")] public SwitchParameter ThreeWayFromLastApplied { get; set; } [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ThreeWayFromLastApplied")] public SwitchParameter Annotate { get; set; } [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "TwoWay")] public SwitchParameter IgnoreDeletions { get; set; } [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "TwoWay")] public SwitchParameter IgnoreAdditionsAndModifications { get; set; } protected override async Task ProcessRecordAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { await base.ProcessRecordAsync(cancellationToken); // TODO do not pass the ContractResolver here once KubeClient allows customizing the serialisation var patch = new JsonPatchDocument(new List<Operation>(), new PSObjectAwareContractResolver()); var comparer = new KubeResourceComparer(LoggerFactory); string apiGroupVersion = (string)Original.GetPropertyValue("ApiVersion"); string apiVersion = apiGroupVersion.Split('/').Last(); string kind = (string)Original.GetPropertyValue("Kind"); Type type = modelTypes.GetValueOrDefault((kind, apiVersion)); if (type == null) { WriteError(new ErrorRecord(new Exception($"Unknown (kind: {kind}, apiVersion: {apiVersion}). {modelTypes.Count} Known:\n{String.Join("\n", modelTypes.Keys)}"), null, ErrorCategory.InvalidData, null)); return; } if (ThreeWayFromLastApplied) { comparer.CreateThreeWayPatchFromLastApplied( current: Original, modified: Modified, type: type, patch: patch, annotate: Annotate ); } else if (Current == null) { comparer.CreateTwoWayPatch( original: Original, modified: Modified, type: type, patch: patch, ignoreDeletions: IgnoreDeletions, ignoreAdditionsAndModifications: IgnoreAdditionsAndModifications ); } else { comparer.CreateThreeWayPatch( original: Original, modified: Modified, current: Current, type: type, patch: patch ); } foreach (var operation in patch.Operations) { WriteObject(operation); } } } } |