.SYNOPSIS Generate summary statistics for any PowerShell array .DESCRIPTION Prints descriptive statistics for all columns in a #PowerShell array. Will intelligently determine the type of each column and then print analysis relevant to that type, for example, min, max, avg, sum for numbers. Also determines of there are nulls in the data for that column. .EXAMPLE ConvertFrom-Csv "Name,Age`r`nJane,10`r`nJohn,15" | Get-PropertyStats | Format-Table ColumnName DataType HasNulls Min Max Avg Sum ---------- -------- -------- --- --- --- --- Name string False Age int False 10 15 12.5 25 #> function Get-PropertyStats { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $Data, $InputObject, $NumberOfRowsToCheck = 0 ) Begin { if (!$InputObject) { $list = @() } } Process { if (!$InputObject) { $list += $Data } } End { if (!$InputObject) { GenerateStats $list } else { GenerateStats $InputObject } } } |