Import-Module $PSScriptRoot/../PSKit.psd1 -Force Describe "PSKit tests - New-Dataframe" { BeforeAll { $propertyNames = 'a', 'b', 'c' } It "Should return 1 row" { $actual = @(New-DataFrame 1 $propertyNames) $actual.Count | Should be 1 $actual.a | should be '[missing]' $actual.b | should be '[missing]' $actual.c | should be '[missing]' } It "Should return 1 row and properties set to 1" { $actual = @(New-DataFrame 1 $propertyNames { 1 }) $actual.Count | Should be 1 $actual.a | should be 1 $actual.b | should be 1 $actual.c | should be 1 } It "Should return 3 rows and properties set to 'a'" { $actual = New-DataFrame (1..3) $propertyNames { 'a' } $actual.Count | Should be 3 $actual[0].Index | should be 1 $actual[0].a | should be 'a' $actual[0].b | should be 'a' $actual[0].c | should be 'a' $actual[1].Index | should be 2 $actual[1].a | should be 'a' $actual[1].b | should be 'a' $actual[1].c | should be 'a' $actual[2].Index | should be 3 $actual[2].a | should be 'a' $actual[2].b | should be 'a' $actual[2].c | should be 'a' } It "Should return 3 rows Index set to correct date" { $actual = New-DataFrame (Get-DateRange 1/1 -periods 3) $propertyNames $actual.Count | Should be 3 $actual[0].Index | should be '2020-01-01' $actual[1].Index | should be '2020-01-02' $actual[2].Index | should be '2020-01-03' } } |