
function Get-EnvironmentConfiguration {
    Retrive configuration data for a named environment
    JSON files are read according to PSJumpstart priority standard. Then opened, converted to [PsCustomObject] and expression evaluation.
.PARAMETER EnvironmentName
    Name of environment to get configuration data for
.PARAMETER EnvironmentTag
    Root tag name in JSON files to use as configuraion source. Default is "Environments"
    Json files to use for reading environment configurations. Use Get-SettingsFiles for Default
    $cftg=Get-EnvironmentConfiguration -EnvironmentName Dev
    Get configuration data for development under json tag "Environments"
    $cftg=Get-EnvironmentConfiguration -EnvironmentName Prod -EnvironmentTag "SystemName"
    Get configuration data for production environment using "SystemName" tag
    $cftg=Get-EnvironmentConfiguration -EnvironmentName Prod -JsonFiles MyJsonFile.json
    Get configuration data for production environment in single json file
    $cftg=Get-EnvironmentConfiguration -EnvironmentName Prod -JsonFiles @("YourJsonFile.json","MyJsonFile.json")
    Get configuration data for production environment in two json files

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $False)]
        [string[]]$JsonFiles=(Get-SettingsFiles ".json")


    foreach($settingsFile in $JsonFiles) {
        if (Test-Path $settingsFile) {        
            Write-Verbose "Reading [$EnvironmentTag] from file: [$settingsFile]"
            $EnvParameters = (Get-Content -Path $settingsFile -Encoding UTF8 | ConvertFrom-Json | Set-ValuesFromExpressions).$EnvironmentTag
            if ($EnvParameters -and $EnvParameters.$EnvironmentName) {

                ForEach($prop in ($EnvParameters.$EnvironmentName | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty)) {
                    if (($prop.Name).IndexOf(':') -eq -1) {                                    
                        if (!$result.Contains($prop.Name)) {
                            Write-Verbose "Add value for: $($prop.Name)"
                            $value = $EnvParameters.$EnvironmentName.($prop.Name)
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "File not found: [$settingsFile]"
