
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True)]
#region localfunctions
function ShowHash($hash) {
    foreach($key in $hash.Keys) {
        Msg("$key -> " + $hash[$key])
function localAppendValue($this,$key,$value) {

            if ($this.ContainsKey($key)) {
                $currentData = $this[$key]                
                #OLD code
                #switch ($currentData.GetType()) {
                # "String" {
                # $this.Add($key,$currentData + $data)
                # break
                # }
                # "Int*" {
                # $this.Add($key,$currentData + $data)
                # break
                # }
                # default {
                # $newData = @($currentData,$value)
                # $this.Add($key,$newData)
                # break
                # }
            } else {
#end region

#Load the module
get-module PSJumpStart | Remove-Module;
Import-Module PSJumpStart -Force

Msg "Start Execution"    

Msg "Create a std HashTable"
$hashis = @{
    "MyNum" = 3

Msg "---------- Init ---------"
ShowHash $hashis

localAppendValue $hashis "Banana" "Green"

Msg "------ Changed --------"
ShowHash $hashis

Msg "------ Add hash to Hash --------"
ShowHash $hashis

Msg "------ Append hash to key 'SubHash' --------"
ShowHash $hashis

Msg "------ Object added --------"
ShowHash $hashis

Msg "------ Object appended to key 'web' --------"
$hashis.AppendValue("web",(New-Object Net.WebClient))
ShowHash $hashis

Msg "End Execution"