
function Show-DecodedJwt {
        Displays a JSON Web Token header and payload in color.
         Displays a JSON Web Token header and payload in color for easy viewing. Note that this advanced function is not meant to send any data and/or objects down the pipeline.
    .PARAMETER JsonWebToken
        The JSON Web Token to be decoded and displayed.
        $jwt = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6IjJ5Q3Zabms3azhXNjZ3UjJMWFI5V0Nzd2hBYyIsImtpZCI6IjJ5Q3Zabms3azhXNjZ3UjJMWFI5V0Nzd2hBYyJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2MTgyNTAzODksIm5iZiI6MTYxODI1MDM4OSwiZXhwIjoxNjE4MjU1MTg5LCJzdWIiOiJ0b255In0.X-RZm-3Hto5U-8Q-Wp1ggqWTFPkO5-Cz9lzoKsH5-1RR9GOrGPuWn-bjIv1YJ46h5Bw-KpiX-dOS47TAq2A0BWdAwczLVA6pzha1WswkT_u3cO1_KSoOjD9qFLjCgk-ns7A48iXpNcOoPBFXgfx8G0rRK68sSnokJ7N2NH-YNUOjg3U7DNJ_-iz8WZ5dNlOvpDsTy0BHMX-lho18sUmakUNpadJr-oD7BXIp--Z57UERBFibppaoxseYRo3VfmhgHibTxP-39mcxU6sH9a99fEEt80hj4w6rZobRxZV-pFPS22B8TBAfVf8L9faMLaXmgV7xtQohqQZgL6oKdJzFPQ"
        $jwt | Show-DecodedJwt
        Displays a decoded JSON Web Token with the header in red, the body in cyan/blue, and a green placeholder for the signature.
        A string is received by the JsonWebToken parameter.
        This cmdlet returns no output. It sends the objects to the host. The host displays the objects this cmdlet sends to it.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)]
        [ValidateLength(16, 131072)][Alias("JWT", "Token")][String]$JsonWebToken
    BEGIN {
        $decodeExceptionMessage = "Unable to decode JWT."
        $ArgumentException = New-Object -TypeName ArgumentException -ArgumentList $decodeExceptionMessage
        [bool]$hasValidJwtStructure = Test-JwtStructure -JsonWebToken $JsonWebToken
        if (-not($hasValidJwtStructure)) {
            Write-Error -Exception $ArgumentException -Category InvalidArgument -ErrorAction Stop

        $arrayCellCount = $JsonWebToken.Split(".") | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count

        if ($arrayCellCount -lt 3) {
            $decodeExceptionMessage = "Unable to decode JWT."
            $ArgumentException = New-Object -TypeName ArgumentException -ArgumentList $decodeExceptionMessage
            Write-Error -Exception $ArgumentException -Category InvalidArgument -ErrorAction Stop

        # Get the header and payload as hashtables:
        $header = Get-JsonWebTokenHeader -JsonWebToken $JsonWebToken
        $payload = Get-JsonWebTokenPayload -JsonWebToken $JsonWebToken

        # Serialize the hashtables into JSON and output via Write-Host
        $header | ConvertTo-Json | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -NoNewline
        Write-Host -Object "." -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
        $payload | ConvertTo-Json | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline
        Write-Host -Object "." -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline
        if (($JsonWebToken.Split(".")[2] -gt 12)) {
            Write-Host -Object "[Signature]" -ForegroundColor Green