#requires -version 5.0 #Pester tests for the PSJsonCredential Module $modroot = Split-Path (Split-path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) Write-host "Importing moduling from $modroot" -ForegroundColor Cyan import-module $modRoot -force InModuleScope PSJsonCredential { $plainText = "myPassword" $user = "company\administrator" $secure = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $plainText -AsPlainText -Force $testCredential = New-object -TypeName PSCredential $user,$secure $json = Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath admin.json Describe Export { It "Should run with out error" { { Export-PSCredentialToJson -credential $testCredential -Path $json -ErrorAction Stop} | Should Not Throw } It "Should run with pipeline input" { { $testCredential | Export-PSCredentialToJson -Path $json -ErrorAction Stop} | Should Not Throw } It "Should fail with a bad path" { { $testCredential | Export-PSCredentialToJson -Path Foo:\foo.json} | Should Throw } It "Should create a file object when using -Passthru" { $script:out = $testCredential | Export-PSCredentialtoJson -path $json -passthru $script:out.getType().Name | Should Be FileInfo } It "Should create a json file called $json" { $script:out.fullname | Should be $json } It "Should not overwrite an existing file if using -NoClobber" { $testCredential | Export-PSCredentialToJson -Path $json -NoClobber -OutVariable o $o | Should Be $Null } } Describe Get { It "Should run without error" { {$script:get = Get-PSCredentialFromJson -Path $json -ErrorAction Stop} | Should Not Throw } It "Should have a user property of $user" { $script:get.userName | Should be $user } It "Should have a [string] password" { $script:get.password.getType().name | Should be "string" } It "Should have an ExportDate property" { $d = $script:get.exportDate -as [DateTime] $d.GetType().Name | Should be "DateTime" } It "Should have an ExportUser property of $user" { $script:get.exportUser | Should Be "$($env:computername)\$($env:username)" } It "Should have an ExportComputer property of $($env:computername)" { $script:get.exportComputer | Should Be $Env:computername } } Describe Import { It "Should run without error" { {$script:in = Import-PSCredentialFromJson -Path $json -ErrorAction Stop} | Should Not Throw } It "Should create a PSCredential object" { $Script:in.GetType().Name | Should Be "PSCredential" } It "Should have a UserName property of $user" { $script:in.UserName | Should be $user } It "Should have a secure string password that decrypts to '$plaintext'" { $Script:in.GetNetworkCredential().Password | Should Be $plaintext } } #remove json file If (Test-Path -Path $json) { Remove-Item -Path $json } } |