

    PSJobLogger provides a simple mechanism to log messages from parallel jobs

    PSJobLogger is a wrapper around a set of ConcurrentDictionary and ConcurrentQueue objects
    which allow for access to logging facilities (e.g. Write-Output, Write-Debug) in thread-safe
    manner. It is implemented as a set of functions centered around a ConcurrentDictionary, and
    as a self-contained PowerShell class.

    Note that PowerShell classes are not thread-safe due to session affinity. PowerShell 7.4+
    has a workaround for thread-safety of classes; the class version of PSJobLogger could be used
    safely in that environment.

    Simple example using ForEach-Object -AsJob -Parallel with logger functions:

    Import-Module PSJobLogger -Force
    # Create a list of some 'data to process'
    $dataToProcess = @()
    # Initialize a new logger
    $jobLog = Initialize-PSJobLoggerDict -Name 'MyLogger'
    # Start parallel jobs
    $job = $dataToProcess | ForEach-Object -ThreadLimit 4 -AsJob -Parallel {
        Import-Module PSJobLogger -Force # If the module is not in your $PSModulePath
        $log = $using:jobLog
        Write-LogDebug -LogDict $log -Message "Starting to process $($_.Name)"
        Write-LogProgress -LogDict $log -Id $_.Id -ArgumentMap @{ Id = $_.Id; Activity = 'My Job Name'; Status = 'Processing'; PercentComplete = 0 }
            perform some data processing tasks here
        Write-LogVerbose -LogDict $log -Message "Finished processing $($_.Name)"
        Write-LogProgress -LogDict $log -Id $_.Id -ArgumentMap @{ Completed = $true }
    # Monitor job state and show log messages while jobs are running
    while ($job.State -eq 'Running') {
        # write messages to the various output streams
        Show-Log -LogDict $jobLog
        # short sleep to not overload the UI
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 0.25
    # Show the job output and clean up finshed jobs
    Receive-Job -Job $job -Wait -AutoRemoveJob
    # Show any remaining messages
    Show-Log -LogDict $jobLog

    Example using ForEach-Object -AsJob -Parallel with a class:

    Import-Module PSJobLogger -Force
    # Create a list of some 'data to process'
    $dataToProcess = @()
    # Initialize a new logger
    $jobLog = Initialize-PSJobLogger -Name 'MyLogger'
    # Start parallel jobs
    $job = $dataToProcess | ForEach-Object -ThreadLimit 4 -AsJob -Parallel {
        Import-Module PSJobLogger -Force # If the module is not in your $PSModulePath
        $log = $using:jobLog
        $log.Debug("Starting to process $($_.Name)")
        $log.Progress($_.Id, @{ Id = $_.Id; Activity = 'My Job Name'; Status = 'Processing'; PercentComplete = 0 })
            perform some data processing tasks here
        $log.Verbose("Finished processing $($_.Name)")
        $log.Progress($_.Id, @{ Completed = $true })
    # Monitor job state and show log messages while jobs are running
    while ($job.State -eq 'Running') {
        # write messages to the various output streams
        # short sleep to not overload the UI
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 0.25
    # Show the job output and clean up finshed jobs
    Receive-Job -Job $job -Wait -AutoRemoveJob
    # Show any remaining messages

    job parallel foreach-object logger logging