$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".") . "$here\$sut" InModuleScope PSJira { $jiraServer = '' $projectKey = 'TEST' $projectId = '10004' $componentId = '10001' $componentName = 'Component 1' $componentId2 = '10002' $componentName2 = 'Component 2' $restResultAll = @" [ { "self": "$jiraServer/rest/api/2/component/$componentId", "id": "$componentId", "name": "$componentName", "project": "$projectKey", "projectId": "$projectId" }, { "self": "$jiraServer/rest/api/2/component/$componentId2", "id": "$componentId2", "name": "$componentName2", "project": "$projectKey", "projectId": "$projectId" } ] "@ $restResultOne = @" [ { "self": "$jiraServer/rest/api/2/component/$componentId", "id": "$componentId", "name": "$componentName", "project": "$projectKey", "projectId": "$projectId" } ] "@ Describe "Get-JiraComponent" { Mock Get-JiraConfigServer -ModuleName PSJira { Write-Output $jiraServer } Mock Invoke-JiraMethod -ModuleName PSJira -ParameterFilter {$Method -eq 'Get' -and $URI -eq "$jiraServer/rest/api/latest/component/${componentId}"} { ConvertFrom-Json2 $restResultOne } # Generic catch-all. This will throw an exception if we forgot to mock something. Mock Invoke-JiraMethod -ModuleName PSJira { Write-Host " Mocked Invoke-JiraMethod with no parameter filter." -ForegroundColor DarkRed Write-Host " [Method] $Method" -ForegroundColor DarkRed Write-Host " [URI] $URI" -ForegroundColor DarkRed throw "Unidentified call to Invoke-JiraMethod" } # Mock Write-Debug { # Write-Host "DEBUG: $Message" -ForegroundColor Yellow # } ############# # Tests ############# It "Returns details about specific components if the component ID is supplied" { $oneResult = Get-JiraComponent -Id $componentId $oneResult | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty @($oneResult).Count | Should Be 1 $oneResult.Id | Should Be $componentId } It "Provides the Id of the component" { $oneResult = Get-JiraComponent -Id $componentId $oneResult.Id | Should Be $componentId } } } |