
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".")
. "$here\$sut"

Describe "ConvertTo-JiraCreateMetaField" {
    function defProp($obj, $propName, $propValue)
        It "Defines the '$propName' property" {
            $obj.$propName | Should Be $propValue

    $sampleJson = @'
    "expand": "projects",
    "projects": [
                         "expand": "issuetypes",
                         "issuetypes": [
                                                "expand": "fields",
                                                "fields": {
                                                               "summary": {
                                                                               "required": true,
                                                                               "schema": {
                                                                                              "type": "string",
                                                                                              "system": "summary"
                                                                               "name": "Summary",
                                                                               "hasDefaultValue": false,
                                                                               "operations": [
                                                               "priority": {
                                                                                "required": false,
                                                                                "schema": {
                                                                                               "type": "priority",
                                                                                               "system": "priority"
                                                                                "name": "Priority",
                                                                                "hasDefaultValue": true,
                                                                                "operations": [
                                                                                "allowedValues": [
                                                                                                          "self": "",
                                                                                                          "iconUrl": "",
                                                                                                          "name": "Block",
                                                                                                          "id": "1"
                                                                                                          "self": "",
                                                                                                          "iconUrl": "",
                                                                                                          "name": "Critical",
                                                                                                          "id": "2"
                                                                                                          "self": "",
                                                                                                          "iconUrl": "",
                                                                                                          "name": "Major",
                                                                                                          "id": "3"
                                                                                                          "self": "",
                                                                                                          "iconUrl": "",
                                                                                                          "name": "Minor",
                                                                                                          "id": "4"
                                                                                                          "self": "",
                                                                                                          "iconUrl": "",
                                                                                                          "name": "Trivial",
                                                                                                          "id": "5"

    $sampleObject = ConvertFrom-Json2 -InputObject $sampleJson

    $r = ConvertTo-JiraCreateMetaField $sampleObject

    It "Creates PSObjects out of JSON input" {
        $r | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
        $r.Count | Should Be 2

    It "Sets the type name to PSJira.CreateMetaField" {
        # Need to use the pipeline in this case, instead of directly using the
        # -InputObject parameter. This is a quirk of PowerShell, arrays, and
        # the pipeline.
        ($r | Get-Member).TypeName | Should Be 'PSJira.CreateMetaField'

    Context "Data validation" {
        # Our sample JSON includes two fields: summary and priority.
        $summary = ConvertTo-JiraCreateMetaField $sampleObject | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -eq 'Summary'}
        $priority = ConvertTo-JiraCreateMetaField $sampleObject | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -eq 'Priority'}

        defProp $summary 'Id' 'summary'
        defProp $summary 'Name' 'Summary'
        defProp $summary 'HasDefaultValue' $false
        defProp $summary 'Required' $true
        defProp $summary 'Operations' @('set')

        It "Defines the 'Schema' property if available" {
            $summary.Schema | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
            $priority.Schema | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty

        It "Defines the 'AllowedValues' property if available" {
            $summary.AllowedValues | Should BeNullOrEmpty
            $priority.AllowedValues | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty