$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path).Replace(".Tests.", ".") . "$here\$sut" InModuleScope PSJira { $jiraServer = '' $restResultAll = @" [ { "self": "$jiraServer/rest/api/2/priority/1", "statusColor": "#cc0000", "description": "Cannot continue work. Affects teaching and learning", "name": "Critical", "id": "1" }, { "self": "$jiraServer/rest/api/2/priority/2", "statusColor": "#ff0000", "description": "High priority, attention needed immediately", "name": "High", "id": "2" }, { "self": "$jiraServer/rest/api/2/priority/3", "statusColor": "#ffff66", "description": "Typical request for information or service", "name": "Normal", "id": "3" }, { "self": "$jiraServer/rest/api/2/priority/4", "statusColor": "#006600", "description": "Upcoming project, planned request", "name": "Project", "id": "4" }, { "self": "$jiraServer/rest/api/2/priority/5", "statusColor": "#0000ff", "description": "General questions, request for enhancement, wish list", "name": "Low", "id": "5" } ] "@ $restResultOne = @" { "self": "$jiraServer/rest/api/2/priority/1", "statusColor": "#cc0000", "description": "Cannot continue work. Affects teaching and learning", "name": "Critical", "id": "1" } "@ Describe "Get-JiraPriority" { Mock Get-JiraConfigServer -ModuleName PSJira { Write-Output $jiraServer } Mock Invoke-JiraMethod -ModuleName PSJira -ParameterFilter {$Method -eq 'Get' -and $URI -eq "$jiraServer/rest/api/latest/priority"} { ConvertFrom-Json2 $restResultAll } Mock Invoke-JiraMethod -ModuleName PSJira -ParameterFilter {$Method -eq 'Get' -and $URI -eq "$jiraServer/rest/api/latest/priority/1"} { ConvertFrom-Json2 $restResultOne } # Generic catch-all. This will throw an exception if we forgot to mock something. Mock Invoke-JiraMethod -ModuleName PSJira { Write-Host " Mocked Invoke-JiraMethod with no parameter filter." -ForegroundColor DarkRed Write-Host " [Method] $Method" -ForegroundColor DarkRed Write-Host " [URI] $URI" -ForegroundColor DarkRed throw "Unidentified call to Invoke-JiraMethod" } # Mock Write-Debug { # Write-Host "DEBUG: $Message" -ForegroundColor Yellow # } ############# # Tests ############# It "Gets all available priorities if called with no parameters" { $getResult = Get-JiraPriority -Credential $testCred $getResult | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $getResult.Count | Should Be 5 } It "Gets one priority if the ID parameter is supplied" { $getResult = Get-JiraPriority -Id 1 -Credential $testCred $getResult | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty @($getResult).Count | Should Be 1 } It "Converts the output object to type PSJira.Priority" { $getResult = Get-JiraPriority -Id 1 -Credential $testCred $getResult | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $getResult.PSObject.TypeNames[0] | Should Be 'PSJira.Priority' } } } |