
using namespace System.Security.Principal
using namespace System.Management.Automation

function Set-Ics
 Enables Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) for a specified network connection pair.
 Set-Ics lets you share the internet connection of a network connection (called the public
 connection) with another network connection (called the private connection).
 The specified network connections must exist beforehand. In order to be able to set ICS,
 the function will first disable ICS for any existing network connections.
.PARAMETER PublicConnectionName
 The name of the network connection that internet connection will be shared from.
.PARAMETER PrivateConnectionName
 The name of the network connection that internet connection will be shared with.
 If this parameter is specified Set-Ics returns an object representing the set connections.
 Optional. By default Set-Ics does not generate any output.
 Shows what would happen if the function runs. The function is not run.
 Prompts you for confirmation before each change the function makes.
 Set-Ics -PublicConnectionName 'Ethernet' -PrivateConnectionName 'VM Host-Only Network'
 # Sets ICS for the specified public and private connections.
 Set-Ics Ethernet 'VM Host-Only Network'
 # Sets ICS for the specified public and private connections.
 Set-Ics Ethernet 'VM Host-Only Network' -PassThru
 # Sets ICS for the specified public and private connections and generates an output.
 Set-Ics does not take pipeline input.
 Default is no output. If parameter PassThru is specified Set-Ics returns a PSCustomObject.
 Set-Ics requires elevated permissions. Use the Run as administrator option when starting PowerShell.
 Testing for administrator rights is done in the beginning of function.
 Online version:

    param (



        if (-not ([WindowsPrincipal][WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([WindowsBuiltInRole]'Administrator'))
            $exception = "This function requires administrator rights."
            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError((New-Object ErrorRecord -Args $exception, 'AdminPrivilegeRequired', 18, $null))

        regsvr32 /s hnetcfg.dll
        $netShare = New-Object -ComObject HNetCfg.HNetShare

        $connectionsProps = $netShare.EnumEveryConnection | ForEach-Object {$netShare.NetConnectionProps.Invoke($_)} |
            Where-Object Status -NE $null

        Get-Variable PublicConnectionName, PrivateConnectionName | ForEach-Object {
            if (-not ($connectionsProps.Name -like $_.Value))
                $exception = New-Object PSArgumentException "Cannot find a network connection with name '$($_.Value)'."
                $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError((New-Object ErrorRecord -Args $exception, 'ConnectionNotFound', 13, $null))
            elseif (($connectionsProps.Name -like $_.Value).Count -gt 1)
                $exception = New-Object PSArgumentException (
                    "'$($_.Value)' resolved to multiple connection names: `n$(($connectionsProps.Name -like $_.Value) -join "`n")`n"
                $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError((New-Object ErrorRecord -Args $exception, 'MultipleResolvedConnectionNames', 5, $null))
                $_.Value = $connectionsProps.Name -like $_.Value

        if (($connectionsProps | Where-Object Name -EQ $PrivateConnectionName).Status -eq 0)
            $exception = "Private connection '${PrivateConnectionName}' must be enabled to set ICS."
            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError((New-Object ErrorRecord -Args $exception, 'ConnectionNotEnabled', 31, $null))
        $publicConnection = $netShare.EnumEveryConnection | Where-Object {$netShare.NetConnectionProps.Invoke($_).Name -eq $PublicConnectionName}
        $publicConnectionConfig = $netShare.INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection.Invoke($publicConnection)
        $privateConnection = $netShare.EnumEveryConnection | Where-Object {$netShare.NetConnectionProps.Invoke($_).Name -eq $PrivateConnectionName}
        $privateConnectionConfig = $netShare.INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection.Invoke($privateConnection)

        if (-not (($publicConnectionConfig.SharingEnabled -and $publicConnectionConfig.SharingConnectionType -eq 0) -and
            ($privateConnectionConfig.SharingEnabled -and $privateConnectionConfig.SharingConnectionType -eq 1)))
            foreach ($connectionName in $connectionsProps.Name)
                $connection = $netShare.EnumEveryConnection | Where-Object {$netShare.NetConnectionProps.Invoke($_).Name -eq $connectionName}
                $connectionConfig = $netShare.INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection.Invoke($connection)

                if ($connectionConfig.SharingEnabled)
                    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($connectionName, "Disable-Ics")) { $connectionConfig.DisableSharing() }
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($PublicConnectionName)) { $publicConnectionConfig.EnableSharing(0) }
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($PrivateConnectionName)) { $privateConnectionConfig.EnableSharing(1) }
        if ($PassThru -and $WhatIfPreference -eq $false) { Get-Ics -ConnectionNames $PublicConnectionName, $PrivateConnectionName }

function Get-Ics
 Gets Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) status for network connections.
 Gets network connections where ICS is enabled, or optionally for all specified network connections.
 Output is a PSCustomObject representing the connections.
.PARAMETER ConnectionNames
 Name(s) of the network connection(s) to get ICS status for. Optional.
.PARAMETER AllConnections
 If parameter ConnectionNames is omitted, Get-Ics by default only lists network connections where ICS is enabled.
 To list ICS status for all network connections, add the switch parameter AllConnections.
 Cannot be combined with parameter ConnectionNames.
 # Gets ICS status for network connections where ICS is enabled.
 Get-Ics -AllConnections
 # Gets ICS status for all network connections.
 Get-Ics -ConnectionNames Ethernet, Ethernet2, 'VM Host-Only Network'
 # Gets ICS status for the specified network connections.
 Get-Ics Ethernet, Ethernet2, 'VM Host-Only Network'
 # Gets ICS status for the specified network connections.
 Get-Ics does not take pipeline input.
 Get-Ics requires elevated permissions. Use the Run as administrator option when starting PowerShell.
 Testing for administrator rights is done in the beginning of function.
 Online version:

    param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ConnectionNames', Position=0)]


        if (-not ([WindowsPrincipal][WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([WindowsBuiltInRole]'Administrator'))
            $exception = "This function requires administrator rights."
            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError((New-Object ErrorRecord -Args $exception, 'AdminPrivilegeRequired', 18, $null))

        regsvr32 /s hnetcfg.dll
        $netShare = New-Object -ComObject HNetCfg.HNetShare

        if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.PSCommandPath -notmatch 'PSInternetConnectionSharing.psm1')
            $connectionsProps = $netShare.EnumEveryConnection | ForEach-Object {$netShare.NetConnectionProps.Invoke($_)} |
                Where-Object Status -NE $null

            if ($ConnectionNames)
                $ConnectionNames = foreach ($connectionName in $ConnectionNames)
                    if (-not ($connectionsProps.Name -like $connectionName))
                        $exception = New-Object PSArgumentException "Cannot find a network connection with name '$($_.Value)'."
                        $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError((New-Object ErrorRecord -Args $exception, 'ConnectionNotFound', 13, $null))
                        $connectionsProps.Name -like $connectionName
        if (-not $ConnectionNames) { $connectionNames = $connectionsProps.Name }
        $output = foreach ($connectionName in $connectionNames)
            $connection = $netShare.EnumEveryConnection | Where-Object {$netShare.NetConnectionProps.Invoke($_).Name -eq $connectionName}
            $connectionConfig = $netShare.INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection.Invoke($connection)

            if (-not $connectionConfig.SharingEnabled)
                [pscustomobject]@{ConnectionName = $connectionName; ICSEnabled = $false}
            if ($connectionConfig.SharingEnabled -and $connectionConfig.SharingConnectionType -eq 0)
                [pscustomobject]@{ConnectionName = $connectionName; ICSEnabled = $true; ConnectionType = 'Public'}
            if ($connectionConfig.SharingEnabled -and $connectionConfig.SharingConnectionType -eq 1)
                [pscustomobject]@{ConnectionName = $connectionName; ICSEnabled = $true; ConnectionType = 'Private'}
        if ($AllConnections -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ConnectionNames'))
             $output | Sort-Object ICSEnabled, ConnectionType -Descending
             $output | Where-Object ICSEnabled | Sort-Object ConnectionType -Descending

function Disable-Ics
 Disables Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) for all network connections.
 Disable-Ics checks for if ICS is enabled for any network connections and disables ICS for those connections.
 If this parameter is specified Disable-Ics returns an object representing the disabled connections.
 Optional. By default Disable-Ics does not generate any output.
 Shows what would happen if the function runs. The function is not run.
 Prompts you for confirmation before each change the function makes.
 # Disables ICS for all connections.
 Disable-Ics -PassThru
 # Disables ICS for all connections and generates an output.
 Disable-Ics does not take pipeline input.
 Default is no output. If parameter PassThru is specified Disable-Ics returns a PSCustomObject.
 Disable-Ics requires elevated permissions. Use the Run as administrator option when starting PowerShell.
 Testing for administrator rights is done in the beginning of function.
 Online version:

    param ([switch]$PassThru)

        if (-not ([WindowsPrincipal][WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([WindowsBuiltInRole]'Administrator'))
            $exception = "This function requires administrator rights."
            $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError((New-Object ErrorRecord -Args $exception, 'AdminPrivilegeRequired', 18, $null))

        regsvr32 /s hnetcfg.dll
        $netShare = New-Object -ComObject HNetCfg.HNetShare

        $connectionsProps = $netShare.EnumEveryConnection | ForEach-Object {$netShare.NetConnectionProps.Invoke($_)} |
            Where-Object Status -NE $null
        $disabledNames = foreach ($connectionName in $connectionsProps.Name)
            $connection = $netShare.EnumEveryConnection | Where-Object {$netShare.NetConnectionProps.Invoke($_).Name -eq $connectionName}
            $connectionConfig = $netShare.INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection.Invoke($connection)
            if ($connectionConfig.SharingEnabled)
                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($connectionName))
        if ($PassThru -and $WhatIfPreference -eq $false)
            if ($disabledNames) { Get-Ics -ConnectionNames $disabledNames }
            else                { Get-Ics -AllConnections }