#Region './prefix.ps1' -1 # The content of this file will be prepended to the top of the psm1 module file. This is useful for custom module setup is needed on import. #EndRegion './prefix.ps1' 3 #Region './Classes/ImmichSession.class.ps1' -1 [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText', '', Justification = 'JWT token retreived in plain text')] class ImmichSession { [string]$BaseUri [string]$AuthMethod [securestring]$AccessToken [pscredential]$Credential [securestring]$JWT [string]$APIUri [string]$ImmichVersion [string]$SessionID ImmichSession ([string]$BaseUri, [securestring]$AccessToken) { Write-Debug -Message 'ImmichSession.Class; Running constructor accesstoken' $this.SessionID = (New-Guid).Guid $this.BaseUri = $BaseUri $this.APIUri = "$BaseUri/api" $this.AuthMethod = 'AccessToken' $this.AccessToken = $AccessToken $this.GetStatus() Write-Verbose -Message "Connected to Immich instance at $($this.BaseUri) with AccessToken" } ImmichSession ([string]$BaseUri, [pscredential]$Credential) { Write-Debug -Message 'ImmichSession.Class; Running constructor credential' $this.SessionID = (New-Guid).Guid $this.BaseUri = $BaseUri $this.APIUri = "$BaseUri/api" $this.AuthMethod = 'Credential' $this.Credential = $Credential $this.AuthenticateCredential() $this.GetStatus() Write-Verbose -Message "Connected to Immich instance at $($this.BaseUri) with Credentials" } hidden AuthenticateCredential() { $BodyObject = @{ password = $this.Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password email = $this.Credential.Username } $JWTResponse = InvokeImmichRestMethod -NoAuth -Method:'Post' -ImmichSession $this -RelativePath '/auth/login' -Body $BodyObject $this.JWT = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $JWTResponse.accessToken -AsPlainText -Force $this.AccessToken = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $JWTResponse.accessToken -AsPlainText -Force Remove-Variable -Name JWTResponse } hidden GetStatus() { $Status = InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method:'Get' -ImmichSession $this -RelativePath '/server-info/version' $this.ImmichVersion = "$($Status.Major).$($Status.Minor).$($Status.Patch)" Remove-Variable -Name Status } } #EndRegion './Classes/ImmichSession.class.ps1' 57 #Region './Private/ConvertFromSecureString.ps1' -1 function ConvertFromSecureString { <# .DESCRIPTION Function that retreives the original value of the securestring. Obsolete in Windows Core becuase ConvertFrom-SecureString has an AsPlainText parameter but this function is instead used for Windows Powershell backwars compatiblity. .PARAMETER SecureString Defines the input securestring variable. .EXAMPLE ConvertFromSecureString #> param( [securestring]$SecureString ) # Windows Powershell does not include ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText parameter. if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') { $BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($SecureString) $UnsecurePassword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR) [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ZeroFreeBSTR($BSTR) } # Due to text encoding differences between windows and linux PtrToStringAuto does not work as expected with BSTR elseif ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Core') { $UnsecurePassword = ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $ImmichSession.AccessToken -AsPlainText } return ($UnsecurePassword -join '') } #EndRegion './Private/ConvertFromSecureString.ps1' 32 #Region './Private/InvokeImmichRestMethod.ps1' -1 function InvokeImmichRestMethod { <# .DESCRIPTION Function that is responsible for making the rest api web call .PARAMETER NoAuth Specifies that the REST API call do not need authentication .PARAMETER Method Defines the method to use when calling the REST API, valid values GET,POST etc. .PARAMETER ImmichSession A ImmichSession object to use for the call. .PARAMETER RelativePath The REST API path relative to the base URL .PARAMETER Body Defines body attributes for the REST API call .PARAMETER Headers Defines header attributes for the REST API call .PARAMETER QueryParameters Defines QueryParameters for the REST API call .PARAMETER ContentType Defines the contenttype for the request .PARAMETER OutFilePath Defines an output directory .EXAMPLE InvokeImmichRestMethod #> [CmdletBinding()] # Enabled advanced function support param( [switch]$NoAuth, [string]$Method, [immichsession]$ImmichSession, [string]$RelativePath, [hashtable]$Body = @{}, [hashtable]$Headers = @{}, [hashtable]$QueryParameters = @{}, [string]$ContentType = 'application/json', [System.IO.FileInfo]$OutFilePath ) if (-not $ImmichSession) { Write-Debug -Message 'InvokeImmichRestMethod; No ImmichSession passed as parameter' if ($script:ImmichSession) { Write-Debug -Message 'InvokeImmichRestMethod; ImmichSession found in script scope' $ImmichSession = $script:ImmichSession } else { Write-Error -Message 'No Immich Session established, please call Connect-Immich' } } $InvokeRestMethodSplat = @{ Method = $Method Uri = "$($ImmichSession.ApiUri)$($RelativePath)" } if (-not $NoAuth) { switch ($ImmichSession.AuthMethod) { 'Credential' { $Headers.Authorization = "Bearer $($ImmichSession.JWT)" } 'AccessToken' { $Headers.'X-API-Key' = ConvertFromSecureString -SecureString $ImmichSession.AccessToken } } } if ($Headers.Keys.Count -gt 0) { $InvokeRestMethodSplat.Headers = $Headers } if ($InvokeRestMethodSplat.Method -eq 'Get') { if ($Body.Keys.Count -gt 0 ) { $InvokeRestMethodSplat.Body = $Body } if ($QueryParameters) { $InvokeRestMethodSplat.Uri += '?' $QueryParameterStringArray = foreach ($QueryParameter in $QueryParameters.Keys) { switch ($QueryParameters.$QueryParameter.GetType().Name) { 'string' { "$($QueryParameter)=$($QueryParameters.$QueryParameter)" } 'boolean' { "$($QueryParameter)=$($QueryParameters.$QueryParameter.ToString().ToLower())" } 'int32' { "$($QueryParameter)=$($QueryParameters.$QueryParameter)" } 'datetime' { "$($QueryParameter)=$($QueryParameters.$QueryParameter.ToString('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss'))" } default { Write-Warning -Message "Unknown type of queryparameter $QueryParameter : $($QueryParameters.$QueryParameter.GetType().Name)" } } } $InvokeRestMethodSplat.Uri += [URI]::EscapeUriString(($QueryParameterStringArray -join '&')) } } elseif (@('Post', 'Put', 'Delete', 'Patch') -contains $InvokeRestMethodSplat.Method) { # Might need to be changed, some post requests require formdata $InvokeRestMethodSplat.Body = $Body | ConvertTo-Json -Compress $InvokeRestMethodSplat.ContentType = $ContentType } else { Write-Error -Message "Unknown method: $($InvokeRestMethodSplat.Method), unable to perform api call" -ErrorAction Stop } Write-Debug -Message "InvokeImmichRestMethod; Calling Invoke-RestMethod with settings`r`n$($InvokeRestMethodSplat | ConvertTo-Json)" if ($ContentType -eq 'application/octet-stream' -and $Method -eq 'Get') { Invoke-RestMethod @InvokeRestMethodSplat -Verbose:$false -OutFile $OutFilePath } else { Invoke-RestMethod @InvokeRestMethodSplat -Verbose:$false | ForEach-Object { $_ } } } #endregion #EndRegion './Private/InvokeImmichRestMethod.ps1' 143 #Region './Private/SelectBinding.ps1' -1 function SelectBinding { <# .DESCRIPTION Function that is extracts what parameters the cmdlet was called with .PARAMETER Binding PSBoundParameters object should be passed .PARAMETER SelectProperty String array of the properties that should be extracted. .EXAMPLE SelectBinding #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '', Justification = 'FP')] param( $Binding, [string[]]$SelectProperty ) $ReturnHash = @{} # Only process binded parameters that we are intreseted in foreach ($Parameter in ($Binding.Keys | Where-Object { $SelectProperty -contains $PSItem })) { # Typecast switch to string if ($Binding[$Parameter] -is [switch]) { $ReturnHash.Add($Parameter, (($Binding[$Parameter] -as [boolean]).ToString().ToLower())) } # Typecast boolean to string elseif ($Binding[$Parameter] -is [boolean]) { $ReturnHash.Add($Parameter, ($Binding[$Parameter].ToString().ToLower())) } # Else add the value unaltered else { $ReturnHash.Add($Parameter, $Binding[$Parameter]) } } return $ReturnHash } #EndRegion './Private/SelectBinding.ps1' 43 #Region './Private/Write-PSProgress.ps1' -1 function Write-PSProgress { <# .SYNOPSIS Wrapper for PSProgress .DESCRIPTION This function will automatically calculate items/sec, eta, time remaining as well as set the update frequency in case the there are a lot of items processing fast. .PARAMETER Activity Defines the activity name for the progressbar .PARAMETER Id Defines a unique ID for this progressbar, this is used when nesting progressbars .PARAMETER Target Defines a arbitrary text for the currently processed item .PARAMETER ParentId Defines the ID of a parent progress bar .PARAMETER Completed Explicitly tells powershell to set the progress bar as completed removing it from view. In some cases the progress bar will linger if this is not done. .PARAMETER Counter The currently processed items counter .PARAMETER Total The total number of items to process .PARAMETER StartTime Sets the start datetime for the progressbar, this is required to calculate items/sec, eta and time remaining .PARAMETER DisableDynamicUpdateFrquency Disables the dynamic update frequency function and every item will update the status of the progressbar .PARAMETER NoTimeStats Disables calculation of items/sec, eta and time remaining .EXAMPLE 1..10000 | foreach-object -begin {$StartTime = Get-Date} -process { Write-PSProgress -Activity 'Looping' -Target $PSItem -Counter $PSItem -Total 10000 -StartTime $StartTime } Explanation of the function or its result. You can include multiple examples with additional .EXAMPLE lines #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Standard')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Completed')] [string] $Activity, [Parameter(Position = 1, ParameterSetName = 'Standard')] [Parameter(Position = 1, ParameterSetName = 'Completed')] [ValidateRange(0, 2147483647)] [int] $Id, [Parameter(Position = 2, ParameterSetName = 'Standard')] [string] $Target, [Parameter(Position = 3, ParameterSetName = 'Standard')] [Parameter(Position = 3, ParameterSetName = 'Completed')] [ValidateRange(-1, 2147483647)] [int] $ParentId, [Parameter(Position = 4, ParameterSetname = 'Completed')] [switch] $Completed, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 5, ParameterSetName = 'Standard')] [long] $Counter, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 6, ParameterSetName = 'Standard')] [long] $Total, [Parameter(Position = 7, ParameterSetName = 'Standard')] [datetime] $StartTime, [Parameter(Position = 8, ParameterSetName = 'Standard')] [switch] $DisableDynamicUpdateFrquency, [Parameter(Position = 9, ParameterSetName = 'Standard')] [switch] $NoTimeStats ) # Define current timestamp $TimeStamp = (Get-Date) # Define a dynamic variable name for the global starttime variable $StartTimeVariableName = ('ProgressStartTime_{0}' -f $Activity.Replace(' ', '')) # Manage global start time variable if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Completed') -and (Get-Variable -Name $StartTimeVariableName -Scope Global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { # Remove the global starttime variable if the Completed switch parameter is users try { Remove-Variable -Name $StartTimeVariableName -ErrorAction Stop -Scope Global } catch { throw $_ } } elseif (-not (Get-Variable -Name $StartTimeVariableName -Scope Global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { # Global variable do not exist, create global variable if ($null -eq $StartTime) { # No start time defined with parameter, use current timestamp as starttime Set-Variable -Name $StartTimeVariableName -Value $TimeStamp -Scope Global $StartTime = $TimeStamp } else { # Start time defined with parameter, use that value as starttime Set-Variable -Name $StartTimeVariableName -Value $StartTime -Scope Global } } else { # Global start time variable is defined, collect and use it $StartTime = Get-Variable -Name $StartTimeVariableName -Scope Global -ErrorAction Stop -ValueOnly } # Define frequency threshold $Frequency = [Math]::Ceiling($Total / 100) switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'Standard' { # Only update progress is any of the following is true # - DynamicUpdateFrequency is disabled # - Counter matches a mod of defined frequecy # - Counter is 0 # - Counter is equal to Total (completed) if (($DisableDynamicUpdateFrquency) -or ($Counter % $Frequency -eq 0) -or ($Counter -eq 1) -or ($Counter -eq $Total)) { # Calculations for both timestats and without $Percent = [Math]::Round(($Counter / $Total * 100), 0) # Define count progress string status $CountProgress = ('{0}/{1}' -f $Counter, $Total) # If percent would turn out to be more than 100 due to incorrect total assignment revert back to 100% to avoid that write-progress throws if ($Percent -gt 100) { $Percent = 100 } # Define write-progress splat hash $WriteProgressSplat = @{ Activity = $Activity PercentComplete = $Percent CurrentOperation = $Target } # Add ID if specified if ($Id) { $WriteProgressSplat.Id = $Id } # Add ParentID if specified if ($ParentId) { $WriteProgressSplat.ParentId = $ParentId } # Calculations for either timestats and without if ($NoTimeStats) { $WriteProgressSplat.Status = ('{0} - {1}%' -f $CountProgress, $Percent) } else { # Total seconds elapsed since start $TotalSeconds = ($TimeStamp - $StartTime).TotalSeconds # Calculate items per sec processed (IpS) $ItemsPerSecond = ([Math]::Round(($Counter / $TotalSeconds), 2)) # Calculate seconds spent per processed item (for ETA) $SecondsPerItem = if ($Counter -eq 0) { 0 } else { ($TotalSeconds / $Counter) } # Calculate seconds remainging $SecondsRemaing = ($Total - $Counter) * $SecondsPerItem $WriteProgressSplat.SecondsRemaining = $SecondsRemaing # Calculate ETA $ETA = $(($Timestamp).AddSeconds($SecondsRemaing).ToShortTimeString()) # Add findings to write-progress splat hash $WriteProgressSplat.Status = ('{0} - {1}% - ETA: {2} - IpS {3}' -f $CountProgress, $Percent, $ETA, $ItemsPerSecond) } # Call writeprogress Write-Progress @WriteProgressSplat } } 'Completed' { Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Id $Id -Completed } } } #EndRegion './Private/Write-PSProgress.ps1' 214 #Region './Public/Activity/Add-IMActivity.ps1' -1 function Add-IMActivity { <# .DESCRIPTION Adds a new activity to an album .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .PARAMETER albumId Defines a album id to be retreived .PARAMETER assetId Defines a specific assetid to retreive activities for. .PARAMETER comment Defines the comment to post. .PARAMETER type Defines the type of activities to retreive, valid values are comment or like. .EXAMPLE Add-IMActivity Adds a new activity to an album #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [ImmichSession] $Session = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)] [string] $albumId, [Parameter()] [string] $assetId, [Parameter()] [string] $comment, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('comment', 'like')] [string] $type ) BEGIN { $BodyParameters = @{} $BodyParameters += (SelectBinding -Binding $PSBoundParameters -SelectProperty 'albumId', 'assetId', 'comment', 'type') } PROCESS { InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method Post -RelativePath '/activity' -ImmichSession:$Session -Body $BodyParameters } } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/Activity/Add-IMActivity.ps1' 61 #Region './Public/Activity/Get-IMActivity.ps1' -1 function Get-IMActivity { <# .DESCRIPTION Retreives album activity .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .PARAMETER albumId Defines a album id to be retreived .PARAMETER assetId Defines a specific assetid to retreive activities for. .PARAMETER level Defines the level of activities to retreive, valid values are album or asset. .PARAMETER type Defines the type of activities to retreive, valid values are comment or like. .PARAMETER userId Defines a specific user to retreive activities for. .EXAMPLE Get-IMActivity Retreives album activity #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [ImmichSession] $Session = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)] [string] $albumId, [Parameter()] [string] $assetId, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('album', 'asset')] [string] $level, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('comment', 'like')] [string] $type, [Parameter()] [string] $userId ) BEGIN { $QueryParameters = @{} $QueryParameters += (SelectBinding -Binding $PSBoundParameters -SelectProperty 'albumId', 'assetId', 'level', 'type', 'userId') } PROCESS { InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method Get -RelativePath '/activity' -ImmichSession:$Session -QueryParameters $QueryParameters } } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/Activity/Get-IMActivity.ps1' 68 #Region './Public/Activity/Get-IMActivityStatistic.ps1' -1 function Get-IMActivityStatistic { <# .DESCRIPTION Retreives album activity .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .PARAMETER albumId Defines a album id to be retreived .PARAMETER assetId Defines a specific assetid to retreive activities for. .EXAMPLE Get-IMActivityStatistic Retreives album activity #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [ImmichSession] $Session = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)] [string] $albumId, [Parameter()] [string] $assetId ) BEGIN { $QueryParameters = @{} $QueryParameters += (SelectBinding -Binding $PSBoundParameters -SelectProperty 'albumId', 'assetId') } PROCESS { InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method Get -RelativePath '/activity/statistics' -ImmichSession:$Session -QueryParameters $QueryParameters } } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/Activity/Get-IMActivityStatistic.ps1' 48 #Region './Public/Activity/Remove-IMActivity.ps1' -1 function Remove-IMActivity { <# .DESCRIPTION Removes a activity .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .PARAMETER Id Defines the activity id to be remove .EXAMPLE Remove-IMActivity Removes a activity #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter()] [ImmichSession] $Session = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)] [string] $id ) PROCESS { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($id, 'DELETE')) { InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method DELETE -RelativePath "/activity/$id" -ImmichSession:$Session } } } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/Activity/Remove-IMActivity.ps1' 38 #Region './Public/Album/Add-IMAlbumAsset.ps1' -1 function Add-IMAlbumAsset { <# .DESCRIPTION Add assets to album .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .PARAMETER albumId Defines albumId to add assets to .PARAMETER assetid Defines the assetIds to add to the album .EXAMPLE Add-IMAlbumAsset Add assets to album #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter()] [ImmichSession] $Session = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $albumId, [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('id')] [string[]] $assetId ) BEGIN { $BodyParameters = @{ ids = [string[]]@() } } PROCESS { $assetId | ForEach-Object { $BodyParameters.ids += $PSItem } } END { InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method PUT -RelativePath "/album/$albumid/assets" -ImmichSession:$Session -Body:$BodyParameters } } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/Album/Add-IMAlbumAsset.ps1' 56 #Region './Public/Album/Add-IMAlbumUser.ps1' -1 function Add-IMAlbumUser { <# .DESCRIPTION Add user to album .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .PARAMETER albumId Defines albumId to add assets to .PARAMETER userId Defines the assetIds to add to the album .EXAMPLE Add-IMAlbumUser Add user to album #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter()] [ImmichSession] $Session = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $albumId, [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('id')] [string[]] $userId ) BEGIN { $BodyParameters = @{ sharedUserIds = [string[]]@() } } PROCESS { $userId | ForEach-Object { $BodyParameters.sharedUserIds += $PSItem } } END { InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method PUT -RelativePath "/album/$albumid/users" -ImmichSession:$Session -Body:$BodyParameters } } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/Album/Add-IMAlbumUser.ps1' 56 #Region './Public/Album/Get-IMAlbum.ps1' -1 function Get-IMAlbum { <# .DESCRIPTION Retreives Immich asset .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .PARAMETER albumId Defines an albumId to query .PARAMETER assetId Only returns albums that contain the asset .PARAMETER shared Defines weather to return shared albums or not. .PARAMETER withoutAssets Defines weather to return assets as part of the object .EXAMPLE Get-IMAlbum Retreives Immich asset #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'list-shared')] param( [Parameter()] [ImmichSession] $Session = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'id', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)] [Alias('id')] [string] $albumId, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'list-asset')] [string] $assetId, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'id')] [switch] $withoutAssets, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'list-shared')] [boolean] $shared ) BEGIN { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'list-shared' { $QueryParameters = @{} $QueryParameters += (SelectBinding -Binding $PSBoundParameters -SelectProperty 'shared') } 'list-asset' { $QueryParameters = @{} $QueryParameters += (SelectBinding -Binding $PSBoundParameters -SelectProperty 'assetId') } 'id' { $QueryParameters = @{} $QueryParameters += (SelectBinding -Binding $PSBoundParameters -SelectProperty 'withoutAssets') } } } PROCESS { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'list-shared' { InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method Get -RelativePath '/album' -ImmichSession:$Session -QueryParameters $QueryParameters } 'id' { InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method Get -RelativePath "/album/$albumId" -ImmichSession:$Session -QueryParameters $QueryParameters } 'list-asset' { InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method Get -RelativePath '/album' -ImmichSession:$Session -QueryParameters $QueryParameters } } } } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/Album/Get-IMAlbum.ps1' 91 #Region './Public/Album/Get-IMAlbumCount.ps1' -1 function Get-IMAlbumCount { <# .DESCRIPTION Retreives Immich asset .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .EXAMPLE Get-IMAlbumCount Retreives Immich album count #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [ImmichSession] $Session = $null ) InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method Get -RelativePath '/album/count' -ImmichSession:$Session } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/Album/Get-IMAlbumCount.ps1' 27 #Region './Public/Album/New-IMAlbum.ps1' -1 function New-IMAlbum { <# .DESCRIPTION Adds a new an album .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .PARAMETER albumName Defines the name of the new album .PARAMETER assetIds Defines a list of assets to add to the album .PARAMETER description Defines a description for the album .PARAMETER sharedWithUserIds Defines a list of user id to share the album to .EXAMPLE New-IMAlbum Adds a new an album #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '', Justification = 'Do not agree, new initiates an entity not previously known to the system, that should not cause issues.')] [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [ImmichSession] $Session = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $albumName, [Parameter()] [string[]] $assetIds, [Parameter()] [string] $description, [Parameter()] [string[]] $sharedWithUserIds ) BEGIN { $BodyParameters = @{} $BodyParameters += (SelectBinding -Binding $PSBoundParameters -SelectProperty 'albumName', 'assetIds', 'description', 'sharedWithUserIds') } PROCESS { InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method Post -RelativePath '/album' -ImmichSession:$Session -Body $BodyParameters } } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/Album/New-IMAlbum.ps1' 60 #Region './Public/Album/Remove-IMAlbum.ps1' -1 function Remove-IMAlbum { <# .DESCRIPTION Removes an Immich album .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .PARAMETER albumId Defines the asset ids that should be removed. Accepts pipeline input. .EXAMPLE Remove-IMAlbum Removes an Immich album #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', 'Session', Justification = 'FP')] [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter()] [ImmichSession] $Session = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)] [Alias('id')] [string[]] $albumId ) PROCESS { # We loop through IDs because ids can be provided as an array to the parameter in which case the process block only gets called once. $albumId | ForEach-Object { $CurrentID = $PSItem if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($CurrentID, 'DELETE')) { InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method Delete -RelativePath "/album/$CurrentID" -ImmichSession:$Session } } } } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/Album/Remove-IMAlbum.ps1' 43 #Region './Public/Album/Remove-IMAlbumAsset.ps1' -1 function Remove-IMAlbumAsset { <# .DESCRIPTION Remove assets from album .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .PARAMETER albumId Defines albumId to remove assets from .PARAMETER assetid Defines the assetIds to remove from the album .EXAMPLE Remove-IMAlbumAsset Remove assets from album #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter()] [ImmichSession] $Session = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $albumId, [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('id')] [string[]] $assetId ) BEGIN { $BodyParameters = @{ ids = [string[]]@() } } PROCESS { $assetId | ForEach-Object { $BodyParameters.ids += $PSItem } } END { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(($BodyParameters.ids -join ','), 'DELETE')) { InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method DELETE -RelativePath "/album/$albumid/assets" -ImmichSession:$Session -Body:$BodyParameters } } } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/Album/Remove-IMAlbumAsset.ps1' 59 #Region './Public/Album/Remove-IMAlbumUser.ps1' -1 function Remove-IMAlbumUser { <# .DESCRIPTION Remove user from album .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .PARAMETER albumId Defines albumId to remove assets from .PARAMETER userId Defines the userId to remove from the album .EXAMPLE Remove-IMAlbumUser Remove user from album #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', 'Session', Justification = 'FP')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', 'albumId', Justification = 'FP')] [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter()] [ImmichSession] $Session = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $albumId, [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('id')] [string[]] $userId ) PROCESS { $userId | ForEach-Object { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($PSItem, 'DELETE')) { InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method DELETE -RelativePath "/album/$albumId/user/$psitem" -ImmichSession:$Session } } } } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/Album/Remove-IMAlbumUser.ps1' 49 #Region './Public/Album/Set-IMAlbum.ps1' -1 function Set-IMAlbum { <# .DESCRIPTION Updates an Immich album .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .PARAMETER ids Defines ids to update .PARAMETER albumName Defines a new album name .PARAMETER albumThumbnailAssetId Defines a UUID for a new thumbnail asset .PARAMETER description Defines a new description for the album .PARAMETER isActivityEnabled Defines weather activity feed should be enabled .EXAMPLE Set-IMAlbum Update an Immich album .NOTES Covers updateAssets, updateAsset #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter()] [ImmichSession] $Session = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)] [Alias('id', 'albumId')] [string[]] $ids, [Parameter()] [string] $albumName, [Parameter()] [string] $albumThumbnailAssetId, [Parameter()] [string] $description, [Parameter()] [boolean] $isActivityEnabled ) BEGIN { $BodyParameters = @{} $BodyParameters += (SelectBinding -Binding $PSBoundParameters -SelectProperty 'albumName', 'albumThumbnailAssetId', 'description', 'isActivityEnabled') } PROCESS { $ids | ForEach-Object { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($PSItem, 'Update')) { InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method PATCH -RelativePath "/album/$PSItem" -ImmichSession:$Session -Body:$BodyParameters } } } } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/Album/Set-IMAlbum.ps1' 73 #Region './Public/APIKey/Get-IMAPIKey.ps1' -1 function Get-IMAPIKey { <# .DESCRIPTION Retreives Immich api key .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .PARAMETER id Defines an api key id to query .EXAMPLE Get-IMAPIKey Retreives Immich api key #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', 'Session', Justification = 'FP')] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'list')] param( [Parameter()] [ImmichSession] $Session = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'id', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)] [string[]] $id ) PROCESS { $id | ForEach-Object { $CurrentID = $PSItem switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'list' { InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method Get -RelativePath '/api-key' -ImmichSession:$Session } 'id' { InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method Get -RelativePath "/api-key/$CurrentID" -ImmichSession:$Session } } } } } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/APIKey/Get-IMAPIKey.ps1' 49 #Region './Public/APIKey/New-IMAPIKey.ps1' -1 function New-IMAPIKey { <# .DESCRIPTION Adds a new an api key .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .PARAMETER name Defines the name of the new album .EXAMPLE New-IMAPIKey Adds a new an api key #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '', Justification = 'Do not agree, new initiates an entity not previously known to the system, that should not cause issues.')] [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [ImmichSession] $Session = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $name ) BEGIN { $BodyParameters = @{} $BodyParameters += (SelectBinding -Binding $PSBoundParameters -SelectProperty 'name') } PROCESS { InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method POST -RelativePath '/api-key' -ImmichSession:$Session -Body $BodyParameters } } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/APIKey/New-IMAPIKey.ps1' 42 #Region './Public/APIKey/Remove-IMAPIKey.ps1' -1 function Remove-IMAPIKey { <# .DESCRIPTION Removes Immich api key .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .PARAMETER id Defines an api key id to remove .EXAMPLE Remove-IMAPIKey Remove Immich api key #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', 'Session', Justification = 'FP')] [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter()] [ImmichSession] $Session = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)] [string[]] $id ) PROCESS { $id | ForEach-Object { $CurrentID = $PSItem if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($CurrentID, 'DELETE')) { InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method DELETE -RelativePath "/api-key/$CurrentID" -ImmichSession:$Session } } } } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/APIKey/Remove-IMAPIKey.ps1' 42 #Region './Public/APIKey/Set-IMAPIKey.ps1' -1 function Set-IMAPIKey { <# .DESCRIPTION Sets name of an apikey .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .PARAMETER id Defines the id of the API key .PARAMETER name Defines the name of the new album .EXAMPLE Set-IMAPIKey Sets name of an apikey #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '', Justification = 'Do not agree, new initiates an entity not previously known to the system, that should not cause issues.')] [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [ImmichSession] $Session = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)] [string] $id, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $name ) BEGIN { $BodyParameters = @{} $BodyParameters += (SelectBinding -Binding $PSBoundParameters -SelectProperty 'name') } PROCESS { InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method PUT -RelativePath "/api-key/$id" -ImmichSession:$Session -Body $BodyParameters } } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/APIKey/Set-IMAPIKey.ps1' 49 #Region './Public/Asset/Add-IMAsset.ps1' -1 function Add-IMAsset { <# .DESCRIPTION Adds an Immich asset .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .PARAMETER FilePath Defines the asset ids that should be removed. Accepts pipeline input. .PARAMETER Duration asd .PARAMETER isArchived asd .PARAMETER isFavorite asd .PARAMETER isOffline asd .PARAMETER isReadOnly asd .PARAMETER isVisible asd .PARAMETER libraryId asd .EXAMPLE Add-IMAsset Removes an Immich asset .NOTES Covers API deleteAssets #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '', Justification = 'FP, retreived through PSBoundParameters')] [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter()] [ImmichSession] $Session = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.IO.FileInfo[]] $FilePath, [Parameter()] [string] $Duration, [Parameter()] [switch] $isArchived, [Parameter()] [switch] $isFavorite , [Parameter()] [switch] $isOffline , [Parameter()] [switch] $isReadOnly, [Parameter()] [switch] $isVisible, [Parameter()] [string] $libraryId ) BEGIN { # Do not run on Windows Powershell if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') { Write-Warning -Message 'Add-IMAsset is not currently supported on Windows Powershell, please use Powershell Core on Windows instead.' break } } PROCESS { $FilePath | ForEach-Object { $FileInfo = Get-Item -Path $PSItem.FullName $Uri = "$($ImmichSession.ApiUri)/asset/upload" $Header = @{ 'Accept' = 'application/json' 'x-api-key' = ConvertFromSecureString -SecureString $ImmichSession.AccessToken } $Form = @{} $Form += (SelectBinding -Binding $PSBoundParameters -SelectProperty 'Duration', 'isArchived', 'isFavorite', 'isOffline', 'isReadOnly', 'isVisible', 'libraryId') $Form += @{ deviceAssetId = $FileInfo.Name deviceId = 'PSImmich' fileCreatedAt = $FileInfo.CreationTime.ToString('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss') fileModifiedAt = $FileInfo.LastWriteTime.ToString('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss') assetData = $FileInfo } $Result = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri -Method Post -Headers $Header -Form $Form -ContentType 'multipart/form-data' $Result.Content | ConvertFrom-Json | Get-IMAsset } } } #EndRegion './Public/Asset/Add-IMAsset.ps1' 107 #Region './Public/Asset/Get-IMAsset.ps1' -1 function Get-IMAsset { <# .DESCRIPTION Retreives Immich asset .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .PARAMETER id Defines a specific asset id to be retreived .PARAMETER isFavorite Defines if faviorites should be returned or not. Do not specify if either should be returned. .PARAMETER isArchived Defines if archvied assets should be returned or not. Do not specify if either should be returned. .PARAMETER skip Defines skip .PARAMETER take Defines take .PARAMETER updatedAfter Deinfes updatedAfter .PARAMETER updatedBefore Defines updatedBefore .PARAMETER userId Defines userId .PARAMETER deviceID Defines a device id .EXAMPLE Get-IMAsset Retreives Immich asset .NOTES Covers api getAllAssets,getAllUserAssetsByDeviceId,getAssetInfo #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'list')] param( [Parameter()] [ImmichSession] $Session = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'deviceid')] [string] $deviceID, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'id', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)] [string] $id, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'list')] [boolean] $isFavorite, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'list')] [boolean] $isArchived, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'list')] [int] $skip, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'list')] [int] $take, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'list')] [datetime] $updatedAfter, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'list')] [datetime] $updatedBefore, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'list')] [string] $userId ) BEGIN { if (@('list', 'id') -contains $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { $QueryParameters = @{} $QueryParameters += (SelectBinding -Binding $PSBoundParameters -SelectProperty 'isFavorite', 'isArchived', 'skip', 'take', 'updatedAfter', 'updatedBefore', 'userId', 'key') } } PROCESS { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'list' { InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method Get -RelativePath '/asset' -ImmichSession:$Session -QueryParameters $QueryParameters } 'id' { InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method Get -RelativePath "/asset/$id" -ImmichSession:$Session -QueryParameters $QueryParameters } 'deviceid' { InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method Get -RelativePath "/asset/device/$deviceid" -ImmichSession:$Session | Get-IMAsset } } } } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/Asset/Get-IMAsset.ps1' 109 #Region './Public/Asset/Get-IMCuratedLocation.ps1' -1 function Get-IMCuratedLocation { <# .DESCRIPTION Retreives Immich curated locations .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .EXAMPLE Get-IMCuratedLocation Retreives Immich curated locations .NOTES Covers API getCuratedLocations #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()][ImmichSession]$Session = $null ) InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method Get -RelativePath '/asset/curated-locations' -ImmichSession:$Session } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/Asset/Get-IMCuratedLocation.ps1' 27 #Region './Public/Asset/Get-IMCuratedObject.ps1' -1 function Get-IMCuratedObject { <# .DESCRIPTION Retreives Immich curated objects .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .EXAMPLE Get-IMCuratedObject Retreives Immich curated objects .NOTES Covers API getCuratedObjects #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()][ImmichSession]$Session = $null ) InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method Get -RelativePath '/asset/curated-objects' -ImmichSession:$Session } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/Asset/Get-IMCuratedObject.ps1' 27 #Region './Public/Asset/Remove-IMAsset.ps1' -1 function Remove-IMAsset { <# .DESCRIPTION Removes an Immich asset .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .PARAMETER ids Defines the asset ids that should be removed. Accepts pipeline input. .PARAMETER force Performs a hard delete bypassing the Trash .EXAMPLE Remove-IMAsset Removes an Immich asset .NOTES Covers API deleteAssets #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter()] [ImmichSession] $Session = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)] [string[]] [Alias('id')] $ids, [Parameter()] [switch] $force ) BEGIN { $BodyParameters = @{ ids = @() } $BodyParameters += (SelectBinding -Binding $PSBoundParameters -SelectProperty 'force') } PROCESS { $ids | ForEach-Object { $BodyParameters.ids += $psitem } } END { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(($BodyParameters.ids -join ','), 'DELETE')) { InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method Delete -RelativePath '/asset' -ImmichSession:$Session -Body:$BodyParameters } } } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/Asset/Remove-IMAsset.ps1' 63 #Region './Public/Asset/Save-IMAsset.ps1' -1 function Save-IMAsset { <# .DESCRIPTION Save Immich asset .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .PARAMETER id Defines a specific asset id to be retreived .PARAMETER isThumb Defines if faviorites should be returned or not. Do not specify if either should be returned. .PARAMETER isWeb Defines if archvied assets should be returned or not. Do not specify if either should be returned. .PARAMETER Path Defines filepath for outputfile .EXAMPLE Save-IMAsset Save Immich asset #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()] [ImmichSession] $Session = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)] [string] $id, [Parameter()] [switch] $isThumb, [Parameter()] [switch] $isWeb, [Parameter()] [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] $Path ) BEGIN { $QueryParameters = @{} $QueryParameters += (SelectBinding -Binding $PSBoundParameters -SelectProperty 'isThumb', 'isWeb') } PROCESS { $id | ForEach-Object { $CurrentID = $PSItem $AssetObject = Get-IMAsset -Id $CurrentID $OutputPath = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $AssetObject.originalFileName if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') { $SavedProgressPreference = $global:ProgressPreference $global:ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' } InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method Get -RelativePath "/asset/file/$CurrentID" -ImmichSession:$Session -QueryParameters $QueryParameters -ContentType 'application/octet-stream' -OutFilePath $OutputPath if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') { $global:ProgressPreference = $SavedProgressPreference } } } } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/Asset/Save-IMAsset.ps1' 74 #Region './Public/Asset/Set-IMAsset.ps1' -1 function Set-IMAsset { <# .DESCRIPTION Updates an Immich asset .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .PARAMETER ids asd .PARAMETER dateTimeOriginal asd .PARAMETER isArchived asd .PARAMETER isFavorite asd .PARAMETER latitude asd .PARAMETER longitude asd .PARAMETER removeParent asd .PARAMETER stackParentId asd .PARAMETER description asd .EXAMPLE Set-IMAsset Update an Immich asset .NOTES Covers updateAssets, updateAsset #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName = 'batch')] param( [Parameter()] [ImmichSession] $Session = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'batch')] [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'id')] [Alias('id')] [string[]] $ids, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'batch')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'id')] [string] $dateTimeOriginal, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'batch')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'id')] [boolean] $isArchived, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'batch')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'id')] [boolean] $isFavorite, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'batch')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'id')] [Int32] $latitude, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'batch')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'id')] [int32] $longitude, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'batch')] [switch] $removeParent, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'batch')] [string] $stackParentId, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'id')] [string] $description ) BEGIN { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'batch' { $BodyParameters = @{ ids = @() } $BodyParameters += (SelectBinding -Binding $PSBoundParameters -SelectProperty 'dateTimeOriginal', 'isFavorite', 'isArchived', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'removeParent', 'stackParentId') } 'id' { $BodyParameters = @{} $BodyParameters += (SelectBinding -Binding $PSBoundParameters -SelectProperty 'dateTimeOriginal', 'isFavorite', 'isArchived', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'description') } } } PROCESS { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'batch' { $ids | ForEach-Object { $BodyParameters.ids += $psitem } } 'id' { foreach ($id in $ids) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(($BodyParameters.ids -join ','), 'PUT')) { InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method Put -RelativePath "/asset/$id" -ImmichSession:$Session -Body:$BodyParameters } } } } } END { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'batch' { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(($BodyParameters.ids -join ','), 'PUT')) { InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method Put -RelativePath '/asset' -ImmichSession:$Session -Body:$BodyParameters } } } } } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/Asset/Set-IMAsset.ps1' 144 #Region './Public/ServerInfo/Get-IMServer.ps1' -1 function Get-IMServer { <# .DESCRIPTION Retreives all Immich server info properties .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .EXAMPLE Get-IMServer Retreives all Immich server info properties #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()][ImmichSession]$Session = $null ) $ResultObject = [ordered]@{} $Results = [array]@() $Results += Get-IMServerConfig -Session:$Session | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ObjectType' -Value 'Config' -PassThru $Results += Get-IMServerFeature -Session:$Session | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ObjectType' -Value 'Feature' -PassThru $Results += Get-IMServerInfo -Session:$Session | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ObjectType' -Value 'Info' -PassThru $Results += Get-IMServerStatistic -Session:$Session | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ObjectType' -Value 'Stats' -PassThru $Results += Get-IMServerVersion -Session:$Session | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ObjectType' -Value 'Version' -PassThru $Results += Get-IMSupportedMediaType -Session:$Session | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ObjectType' -Value 'Media' -PassThru $Results += Get-IMTheme -Session:$Session | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ObjectType' -Value 'Theme' -PassThru $Results += Test-IMPing -Session:$Session | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ObjectType' -Value 'Ping' -PassThru foreach ($Result in $Results) { foreach ($property in ($Result.PSObject.Properties.Name | Sort-Object)) { if ($property -eq 'ObjectType') { continue } $ResultObject.Add("$($Result.ObjectType)_$Property", $Result.$Property) } } return [pscustomobject]$ResultObject } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/ServerInfo/Get-IMServer.ps1' 47 #Region './Public/ServerInfo/Get-IMServerConfig.ps1' -1 function Get-IMServerConfig { <# .DESCRIPTION Retreives Immich server config .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .EXAMPLE Get-IMServerConfig Retreives Immich server config #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()][ImmichSession]$Session = $null ) InvokeImmichRestMethod -noauth -Method Get -RelativePath '/server-info/config' -ImmichSession:$Session } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/ServerInfo/Get-IMServerConfig.ps1' 25 #Region './Public/ServerInfo/Get-IMServerFeature.ps1' -1 function Get-IMServerFeature { <# .DESCRIPTION Retreives Immich server feature .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .EXAMPLE Get-IMServerFeature Retreives Immich server feature #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()][ImmichSession]$Session = $null ) InvokeImmichRestMethod -noauth -Method Get -RelativePath '/server-info/features' -ImmichSession:$Session } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/ServerInfo/Get-IMServerFeature.ps1' 25 #Region './Public/ServerInfo/Get-IMServerInfo.ps1' -1 function Get-IMServerInfo { <# .DESCRIPTION Retreives Immich server info .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .EXAMPLE Get-IMServerInfo Retreives Immich server info #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()][ImmichSession]$Session = $null ) InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method Get -RelativePath '/server-info' -ImmichSession:$Session } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/ServerInfo/Get-IMServerInfo.ps1' 25 #Region './Public/ServerInfo/Get-IMServerStatistic.ps1' -1 function Get-IMServerStatistic { <# .DESCRIPTION Retreives Immich server statistic .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .EXAMPLE Get-IMServerStatistic Retreives Immich server statistic #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()][ImmichSession]$Session = $null ) InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method Get -RelativePath '/server-info/statistics' -ImmichSession:$Session } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/ServerInfo/Get-IMServerStatistic.ps1' 25 #Region './Public/ServerInfo/Get-IMServerVersion.ps1' -1 function Get-IMServerVersion { <# .DESCRIPTION Retreives Immich server version .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .EXAMPLE Get-IMServerVersion Retreives Immich server version #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()][ImmichSession]$Session = $null ) $Result = InvokeImmichRestMethod -noauth -Method Get -RelativePath '/server-info/version' -ImmichSession:$Session return [pscustomobject]@{ version = "$($Result.Major).$($Result.Minor).$($Result.Patch)" } } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/ServerInfo/Get-IMServerVersion.ps1' 28 #Region './Public/ServerInfo/Get-IMSupportedMediaType.ps1' -1 function Get-IMSupportedMediaType { <# .DESCRIPTION Retreives Immich supported media type .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .EXAMPLE Get-IMSupportedMediaType Retreives Immich supported media type #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()][ImmichSession]$Session = $null ) InvokeImmichRestMethod -noauth -Method Get -RelativePath '/server-info/media-types' -ImmichSession:$Session } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/ServerInfo/Get-IMSupportedMediaType.ps1' 25 #Region './Public/ServerInfo/Get-IMTheme.ps1' -1 function Get-IMTheme { <# .DESCRIPTION Retreives Immich theme CSS .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .EXAMPLE Get-IMTheme Retreives Immich theme CSS #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()][ImmichSession]$Session = $null ) InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method Get -RelativePath '/server-info/theme' -ImmichSession:$Session } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/ServerInfo/Get-IMTheme.ps1' 25 #Region './Public/ServerInfo/Test-IMPing.ps1' -1 function Test-IMPing { <# .DESCRIPTION Ping Immich instance .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .EXAMPLE Test-IMPing Ping Immich instance #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()][ImmichSession]$Session = $null ) $Result = InvokeImmichRestMethod -noauth -Method Get -RelativePath '/server-info/ping' -ImmichSession:$Session if ($Result.res -eq 'pong') { return [pscustomobject]@{responds = $true } } else { return [pscustomobject]@{responds = $false } } } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/ServerInfo/Test-IMPing.ps1' 33 #Region './Public/Session/Connect-Immich.ps1' -1 function Connect-Immich { <# .DESCRIPTION Connect to a Immich instance .PARAMETER BaseURL Defines the base URL to the immich instance -BaseURL '' .PARAMETER AccessToken Connects to immich using a access token. This AccessToken can be generated from the Immich Web GUI. -AccessToken 'ABoR54bB1NUc4aNY0F2PhppP1tVDu2Husr3vEbPUsw5' .PARAMETER Credential Connect to immich using username and password. Parameter accepts a PSCredentials object -Credential (Get-Credential) .PARAMETER PassThru This parameter will cause the function to return a ImmichSession object that can be stored in a variable and referensed with the -Session parameter on most cmdlets. -PassThru .EXAMPLE Connect-Immich -BaseURL '' -AccessToken 'ABoR54bB1NUc4aNY0F2PhppP1tVDu2Husr3vEbPUsw5' Connect using access token .EXAMPLE Connect-Immich -BaseURL '' -Credentials (Get-Credential) Connect using username and password #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText', '', Justification = 'AccessToken')] [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$BaseURL, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AccessToken')][string]$AccessToken, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Credentials')][pscredential]$Credential, [switch]$PassThru ) switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'AccessToken' { $AccessTokenSS = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $AccessToken -AsPlainText -Force Remove-Variable -Name AccessToken $script:ImmichSession = [ImmichSession]::New($BaseURL, $AccessTokenSS) } 'Credentials' { $script:ImmichSession = [ImmichSession]::New($BaseURL, $Credential) } } if ($Passthru) { return $script:ImmichSession } } #EndRegion './Public/Session/Connect-Immich.ps1' 60 #Region './Public/Session/Disconnect-Immich.ps1' -1 function Disconnect-Immich { <# .DESCRIPTION Disconnect and cleanup session configuration .PARAMETER Session Defines a ImmichSession object that will be disconnected and cleaned up. .EXAMPLE Disconnect-Immich Disconnect from the default immich session .EXAMPLE Disconnect-Immich -Session $Session Disconnect the specified session #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()][ImmichSession]$Session = $null ) InvokeImmichRestMethod -Method Post -RelativePath '/auth/logout' -ImmichSession:$Session # Remove ImmichSession variable if ($Session) { if ($script:ImmichSession.SessionID -eq $Session.SessionID) { Remove-Variable ImmichSession -Scope Script } } else { Remove-Variable ImmichSession -Scope Script } } #EndRegion './Public/Session/Disconnect-Immich.ps1' 39 #Region './Public/Session/Get-IMSession.ps1' -1 function Get-IMSession { <# .DESCRIPTION Displays the Immich Session object. .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .EXAMPLE Get-PSession Returns the ImmichSession, if none is specified, it tries to retreive the default #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()][ImmichSession]$Session = $null ) if ($Session) { Write-Debug -Message 'Get-PSession; ImmichSession was passed as parameter' return $Session } elseif ($script:ImmichSession) { Write-Debug -Message 'Get-PSession; ImmichSession found in script scope' return $script:ImmichSession } else { Write-Error -Message 'No Immich Session established, please call Connect-Immich' } } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/Session/Get-IMSession.ps1' 37 #Region './Public/Session/Invoke-ImmichMethod.ps1' -1 function Invoke-ImmichMethod { <# .DESCRIPTION Invokes command .PARAMETER Session Optionally define a immich session object to use. This is useful when you are connected to more than one immich instance. -Session $Session .PARAMETER Headers Headers .PARAMETER QueryParameters Query parameters .PARAMETER BodyParameters Body parameters .PARAMETER Method Method .PARAMETER RelativeURI RelativePath .PARAMETER ContentType ContentType .PARAMETER OutFilePath OutFilePath .EXAMPLE Invoke-ImmichMethod Retreives all Immich server info properties #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter()][ImmichSession]$Session = $null, [Parameter()][hashtable]$Headers, [Parameter()][hashtable]$QueryParameters, [Parameter()][hashtable]$BodyParameters, [Parameter()][string]$Method, [Parameter()][string]$RelativeURI, [Parameter()][string]$ContentType = 'application/json', [Parameter()][]$OutFilePath ) $Parameters = @{ Method = $Method RelativePath = $RelativeURI ContentType = $ContentType } if ($QueryParameters) { $Parameters.QueryParameters = $QueryParameters } if ($BodyParameters) { $Parameters.BodyParameters = $BodyParameters } if ($Headers) { $Parameters.Headers = $Headers } if ($OutFilePath) { $Parameters.OutFilePath = $OutFilePath } InvokeImmichRestMethod @Parameters -Session:$Session } #endregion #EndRegion './Public/Session/Invoke-ImmichMethod.ps1' 77 #Region './suffix.ps1' -1 # The content of this file will be appended to the top of the psm1 module file. This is useful for custom procesedures after all module functions are loaded. #EndRegion './suffix.ps1' 2 |