#Region Get-PSIISBinding <# .SYNOPSIS Returns information about IIS web site bindings .DESCRIPTION Takes a list of IIS servers and returns all the web site bindings Requires administrator permissions. .PARAMETER ComputerName A string or string array of server names .EXAMPLE Get-WebSiteBinding MY_SERVER_NAME .EXAMPLE Get-WebSiteBinding MY_SERVER_NAME1, MY_SERVER_NAME2 .EXAMPLE "MY_SERVER_NAME" | Get-WebSiteBinding .EXAMPLE @("MY_SERVER_NAME1", "MY_SERVER_NAME2") | Get-WebSiteBinding .EXAMPLE Get-Content myServerNames.txt | Get-WebSiteBinding .NOTES Author: Matthewjdegarmo GitHub: #> function Get-PSIISBinding() { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline )] [System.String[]] $ComputerName ) Begin { Write-Verbose -Message "Starting Get-PSIISBinding" $scriptBlock = { Import-Module WebAdministration; $sites = Get-ChildItem -path IIS:\Sites foreach ($Site in $sites) { foreach ($Bind in (Get-WebBinding $Site.Name)) { foreach ($bindinfo in ($Bind | Select-Object -ExpandProperty bindingInformation)) { $bindingInformation = @($bindinfo -split ':') [pscustomobject]@{ Server = $env:COMPUTERNAME Sitename = $ Id = $ State = $Site.State PhysicalPath = $Site.physicalPath ApplicationPool = $Site.applicationPool Protocol = $Bind.Protocol SslFlags = $Bind.sslFlags IpAddress = $bindingInformation[0] Port = $bindingInformation[1] HostName = $bindingInformation[2] } } } } } } Process { Write-Verbose "Retrieving IIS information from $ComputerName" Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty PSComputerName, RunspaceID, PSShowComputerName } } #EndRegion Get-PSIISBinding #Region Get-PSIISBinding <# .SYNOPSIS Returns information about IIS web site bindings .DESCRIPTION Takes a list of IIS servers and returns all the web site bindings Requires administrator permissions. .PARAMETER ComputerName A string or string array of server names .EXAMPLE Get-WebSiteBinding MY_SERVER_NAME .EXAMPLE Get-WebSiteBinding MY_SERVER_NAME1, MY_SERVER_NAME2 .EXAMPLE "MY_SERVER_NAME" | Get-WebSiteBinding .EXAMPLE @("MY_SERVER_NAME1", "MY_SERVER_NAME2") | Get-WebSiteBinding .EXAMPLE Get-Content myServerNames.txt | Get-WebSiteBinding .NOTES Author: Matthewjdegarmo GitHub: #> function Get-PSIISBinding() { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline )] [System.String[]] $ComputerName ) Begin { Write-Verbose -Message "Starting Get-PSIISBinding" $scriptBlock = { Import-Module WebAdministration; $sites = Get-ChildItem -path IIS:\Sites foreach ($Site in $sites) { foreach ($Bind in (Get-WebBinding $Site.Name)) { foreach ($bindinfo in ($Bind | Select-Object -ExpandProperty bindingInformation)) { $bindingInformation = @($bindinfo -split ':') [pscustomobject]@{ Server = $env:COMPUTERNAME Sitename = $ Id = $ State = $Site.State PhysicalPath = $Site.physicalPath ApplicationPool = $Site.applicationPool Protocol = $Bind.Protocol SslFlags = $Bind.sslFlags IpAddress = $bindingInformation[0] Port = $bindingInformation[1] HostName = $bindingInformation[2] } } } } } } Process { Write-Verbose "Retrieving IIS information from $ComputerName" Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty PSComputerName, RunspaceID, PSShowComputerName } } #EndRegion Get-PSIISBinding |