
function Invoke-HelpChat {
        Initiates a chat interaction with an AI assistant for PowerShell module help.
        Invoke-HelpChat sends a message to an AI assistant specialized in a specific PowerShell module and retrieves the response. It supports various options such as embedding hints and returning the response in different formats. This function leverages OpenAI's language models to provide intelligent, context-aware help for PowerShell modules.
    .PARAMETER Message
        The message or question to send to the assistant. Accepts input from the pipeline and can be provided without quotes.
    .PARAMETER Module
        The name of the PowerShell module to get help for. If provided, the assistant name will be automatically generated as "<Module> Copilot".
    .PARAMETER AssistantName
        The specific name of the assistant to interact with. If not provided, the Module parameter must be specified.
        Specifies the format of the response. Valid values are 'String' and 'PSObject'. Defaults to 'String'.
        - String: Returns the assistant's response as a simple string.
        - PSObject: Returns a detailed object including the question, answer, and token usage information.
    .PARAMETER AddHint
        Adds embedding hints to the interaction, which can enhance the response quality by providing more context to the AI model.
        Suppresses the "USE YOUR RETRIEVAL DOCUMENTS!!!" message that is normally appended to the user message.
        PS C:\> Set-ModuleAssistant -Module dbatools
        PS C:\> askhelp how do I backup a database?
        Sets dbatools as the default module and uses the askhelp alias to ask about database backups.
        PS C:\> Invoke-HelpChat "How can I copy files recursively?" -Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management -As PSObject
        Asks about copying files recursively in the Microsoft.PowerShell.Management module and returns a detailed PSObject response.
        PS C:\> "Generate an AI summary of this text" | Invoke-HelpChat -AssistantName "PSOpenAI Assistant"
        Uses pipeline input to send a request to a specific assistant named "PSOpenAI Assistant".
        PS C:\> Invoke-HelpChat List all SQL Server instances -Module dbatools -AddHint
        Demonstrates using the function without quotes around the message and with the AddHint parameter for enhanced context.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromRemainingArguments, ValueFromPipeline, Position = 0)]
        [ValidateSet("String", "PSObject")]
        [string]$As = "String",
    begin {
        if (-not $Module -and -not $AssistantName) {

        $PSDefaultParameterValues['Write-Progress:Activity'] = "Getting answer"

        if ($Module) {
            $AssistantName = "$Module Copilot"

        $hashkey = (Get-OpenAIProvider -PlainText).ApiKey + "-" + $AssistantName

        $embeddinghash = @{}

        if (-not $script:threadcache[$hashkey]) {
            if ($AddHint) {
                if (-not (Get-LocalVectorStoreFile -Module $Module)) {
                    Write-Warning "No local vector store found for $Module. Running first time setup..."
                    $null = Initialize-LocalVectorStore -Module $Module
                foreach ($embedding in (Get-LocalVectorStoreFile -Module $Module)) {
                    $null = $embeddinghash.Add($embedding.Command, $embedding.Embedding)
            $cacheobject = [PSCustomObject]@{
                thread     = New-Thread
                assistant  = $null
                embeddings = $embeddinghash
            $script:threadcache[$hashkey] = $cacheobject
        } else {
            $thread = $script:threadcache[$hashkey].thread
            $agent = $script:threadcache[$hashkey].assistant
            if ($AddHint) {
                if (-not (Get-LocalVectorStoreFile -Module $Module)) {
                    Write-Warning "No local vector store found for $Module. Running first time setup..."
                    $null = Initialize-LocalVectorStore -Module $Module
                foreach ($embedding in (Get-LocalVectorStoreFile -Module $Module)) {
                    $null = $embeddinghash.Add($embedding.Command, $embedding.Embedding)
            $script:threadcache[$hashkey].embeddings = $embeddinghash

        $thread = $script:threadcache[$hashkey].thread
        if ($script:threadcache[$hashkey].assistant.model) {
            Write-Verbose "Using model $($script:threadcache[$hashkey].assistant.model)"
            $PSDefaultParameterValues['*:Model'] = $script:threadcache[$hashkey].assistant.model
            $PSDefaultParameterValues['*:Deployment'] = $script:threadcache[$hashkey].assistant.model
        $totalMessages = $Message.Count
        $processedMessages = 0
        $sentence = @()
        $msgs = @()
    process {
        # has to be here too in addition to begin block
        if (-not $Module -and -not $AssistantName) {
            Write-Warning "You must provide either the Module or AssistantName parameter."

        # test for single word or single character messages
        if ($Message -match '^\w+$' -or $Message -match '^\w{1}$') {
            $sentence += "$Message"
        } else {
            $msgs += $Message
    end {
        if ($sentence.Length -gt 0) {
            $msgs += "$sentence"

        foreach ($msg in $msgs) {
            Write-Progress -Status "Processing message $($processedMessages + 1) of $totalMessages" -PercentComplete ((1 / 10) * 100)

            if (-not $agent) {
                Write-Progress -Status "Retrieving or creating assistant" -PercentComplete ((2 / 10) * 100)
                $agent = Get-Assistant -All | Where-Object Name -eq $AssistantName | Select-Object -First 1
                if (-not $agent) {
                    throw "No assistant found with the name $AssistantName. You can create one using New-ModuleAssistant."
                $script:threadcache[$hashkey].assistant = $agent
            Write-Progress -Status "Waiting for response" -PercentComplete ((2 / 10) * 100)

            if ($AddHint) {
                Write-Verbose "Checking for embeddings in the vector store for $Module"
                $queryEmbedding = (Request-Embeddings -Text $msg -Model text-embedding-3-small).data.embedding
                $compare = Compare-Embedding -QueryEmbedding $queryEmbedding -Embeddings $script:threadcache[$hashkey].embeddings -Top 5

                $msg = "## Retrieved Suggestions
                            $($compare.Command -join ', ')
                            ## User Question

            } elseif (-not $NoYell) {
                $msg = $msg + "`r`nOutput in plain-text. NOT markdown."
                # lol look, i'm desperate
                $msg = $msg + "`r`nUSE YOUR RETRIEVAL DOCUMENTS!!!"

            $null = Add-ThreadMessage -ThreadId $ -Role user -Message $msg

            if ($agent.tool_resources.file_search.vector_store_ids.count -ne 0) {
                $vfsid = $agent.tool_resources.file_search.vector_store_ids

            $params = @{
                Stream                    = $false
                Message                   = $msg
                VectorStoresForFileSearch = $vfsid
                MaxCompletionTokens       = 2048
                Assistant                 = $

            $response = Start-ThreadRun @params -Outvariable run | Receive-ThreadRun -Wait

            while ($msg -eq $response.Messages[-1].SimpleContent.Content) {
                # azure FAQ - up quota, pick module
                Write-Warning "Ran into an issue, retrying..."

                $response = Get-ThreadRun -ThreadId $
                if ($response.last_error.code -eq "rate_limit_exceeded") {
                    $sleep = $response.last_error.message -replace '\D'
                    Write-Warning "Rate limit exceeded, sleeping for $sleep seconds..."
                    Write-Warning "If using Azure, consider increasing your quota"
                    Start-Sleep -Seconds ($sleep + 1)
                } else {
                    # extract error and throw
                    throw $response.last_error.message
            if ($As -eq "String") {
            } elseif ($As -eq "PSObject") {
                $run = Get-ThreadRun -ThreadId $run.thread_id -RunId $
                    Assistant    = $agent.Name
                    Question     = $msg
                    Answer       = $response.Messages[-1].SimpleContent.Content
                    PromptTokens = $run.usage.prompt_tokens
                    Completion   = $run.usage.completion_tokens
                    TotalTokens  = $run.usage.total_tokens
                    Response     = $response