function New-ModuleAssistant { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new module assistant with specified configurations. .DESCRIPTION This function creates a new module assistant using the provided module details. It allows setting a custom assistant name, model type, vector store, instructions, and description. The function can also force the recreation of the assistant and associated vector store if needed. The command also sets the default Module parameter values for Invoke-HelpChat and askhelp to the provided module name. .PARAMETER Module The module(s) for which the assistant is created. Accepts an array of PSObject, which can include module names. .PARAMETER AssistantName The name of the assistant to be created. Default: "--MODULENAME-- Copilot" (--MODULENAME-- is replaced with the actual module name) .PARAMETER Description A description for the assistant. Default: "Chatbot assistant for the <ModuleName> PowerShell module v<ModuleVersion>" .PARAMETER Model The model type to be used for the assistant. Default: - OpenAI API: "gpt-4o" - Azure API: The deployment name .PARAMETER Instructions Custom instructions for the assistant. Default: Reads from in the module root directory .PARAMETER AdditionalInstructions Additional instructions to be appended to the default instructions. .PARAMETER VectorStore The name of the vector store to be used. Default: "<ModuleName> v<ModuleVersion>" Note: If the specified vector store does not exist, the function runs Initialize-VectorStore to create it. .PARAMETER Force A switch to force the recreation of the assistant and the associated vector store if they already exist. Note: If used, the function removes any existing assistant with the same name before creating a new one. .NOTES - The function waits up to 10 seconds for the vector store to be created before throwing an error if it cannot be found. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-ModuleAssistant -Module dbatools -AssistantName "dbatools Copilot" -Model gpt-4o Creates a new assistant named "dbatools Copilot" for the dbatools PowerShell module using the gpt-4o model. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-ModuleAssistant -Module dbatools -VectorStore CustomVectorStore Creates a new assistant for the dbatools PowerShell module using a custom vector store named CustomVectorStore. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-ModuleAssistant -Module PSOpenAI -Instructions "Use these custom instructions." Creates a new assistant for the PSOpenAI PowerShell module with custom instructions provided directly in the parameter. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $splat = @{ Module = "PSOpenAI" AssistantName = "PSOpenAI Assistant" Description = "Custom description for the assistant." AdditionalInstructions = "Please provide more detailed explanations when responding to questions." Force = $true } PS C:\> New-ModuleAssistant @splat Forces the recreation of the assistant named "PSOpenAI Assistant" for the PSOpenAI PowerShell module with a custom description and additional instructions. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $splat = @{ Module = "dbatools" AssistantName = "dbatools helper" Description = "Chatbot assistant for the dbatools PowerShell module." AdditionalInstructions = "The proper name is dbatools NOT DBATools. Your data was last updated on April 12, 2024. You use Splats when commands get too long and only use single quotes as parameter values when required." Force = $true } PS C:\> New-ModuleAssistant @splat Creates a new assistant named "dbatools helper" for the dbatools PowerShell module with a custom description and additional instructions, forcing the recreation of the assistant and the associated vector store if they already exist. #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('Name')] [psobject[]]$Module, [string]$AssistantName = "--MODULENAME-- Copilot", [string]$Description, [string]$Instructions, [string]$AdditionalInstructions, [string]$Model, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$VectorStore, [switch]$Force ) process { if (-not $PSBoundParameters.Model) { $provider = Get-OpenAIProvider if ($provider.ApiType -ne "Azure") { $Model = "gpt-4o" } else { if (-not $provider.Deployment) { throw "Model (deployment) is required for Azure API type. Use Set-OpenAIProvider to get going." } $Model = $provider.Deployment } } if ($Force) { $PSDefaultParameterValues['*:Force'] = $true } if ($Module.ModuleName) { $Module = $Module.ModuleName } foreach ($moduleName in $Module) { Write-Verbose "Creating assistant for module: $moduleName" $null = Import-Module $moduleName -Force -ErrorAction Stop $moduleversion = (Get-Module $moduleName | Select-Object -First 1).Version.ToString() $assistant = $AssistantName -replace '--MODULENAME--', $moduleName if ($Force) { $rmassistant = Get-ModuleAssistant -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object Name -eq $assistant if ($rmassistant) { Write-Warning "Removing existing assistant: $assistant" $null = $rmassistant | Remove-ModuleAssistant -Confirm:$false } } if (-not $PSBoundParameters.VectorStore) { $VectorStore = $moduleName + " v" + $moduleversion } $vectorinfo = Get-VectorStore -All | Where-Object Name -eq $VectorStore # check if vector store exists if (-not $ { Write-Warning "Vector store not found: $VectorStore. Running Initialize-VectorStore..." $vectorinfo = $moduleName | Initialize-VectorStore } # if still no, loop until it is found or 10 seconds pass $count = 0 while (-not $ -and $count -lt 10) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 $vectorinfo = Get-VectorStore -All | Where-Object Name -eq $VectorStore $count++ } # if still no, throw an error if (-not $ { throw "Vector store could not be found or created: $VectorStore" } $splat = @{ Name = $assistant Model = $Model UseFileSearch = $true VectorStoresForFileSearch = $vectorinfo.Id Metadata = @{ tag = "PSHelp.Copilot" } } if ($PSBoundParameters.Instructions) { $splat['Instructions'] = $Instructions } else { $instructionsfile = Join-Path -Path $script:ModuleRoot -Childpath $Instructions = Get-Content $instructionsfile -Raw $Instructions = $Instructions -replace '--MODULENAME--', $moduleName $Instructions = $Instructions -replace '--MODULEVERSION--', $moduleversion $Instructions = $Instructions -replace '--TODAYSDATE--', (Get-Date -Format "dd MMM yyyy") if ($AdditionalInstructions) { $Instructions += "`n`n$AdditionalInstructions" } $splat['Instructions'] = $Instructions } if ($Description) { $splat['Description'] = $Description } else { $splat['Description'] = "Chatbot assistant for the $moduleName PowerShell module v$moduleVersion." } New-Assistant @splat Write-Verbose "Adding default Module parameter values for Invoke-HelpChat and askhelp" $global:PSDefaultParameterValues['Invoke-HelpChat:Module'] = $moduleName $global:PSDefaultParameterValues['askhelp:Module'] = $moduleName } } } |