function Initialize-VectorStore { <# .SYNOPSIS Initializes a vector store for specified modules. .DESCRIPTION Initializes a vector store by processing the given modules and uploading their data to a specified vector store. The function checks if a local vector store file exists for the module. If it does, it uses the text from the local store file. If a local vector store file doesn't exist or if the -Force parameter is specified, it retrieves the help content using Get-CleanHelp and uploads it to the vector store in batches. The files are named based on the command name. .PARAMETER Module The modules to initialize in the vector store. Accepts input from the pipeline. .PARAMETER Force If specified, forces the recreation of the vector store even if a local vector store file exists. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Initialize-VectorStore -Module dbatools Initializes the vector store for the module dbatools. If a local vector store file exists, it uses the text from there. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $modules = Get-MyModules PS C:\> $modules | Initialize-VectorStore -Force Initializes the vector store for each module in the $modules array, forcing the recreation of the vector store. #> param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory)] [psobject[]]$Module, [switch]$Force ) begin { $count = 0 $MaxFiles = 10000 $temp = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() } process { foreach ($object in $Module) { if ($object.ModuleName) { $moduleName = $object.ModuleName $moduleVersion = $object.Version.ToString() } else { $moduleName = $object $moduleVersion = (Get-Module -Name $moduleName | Select-Object -First 1).Version.ToString() } $localVectorStoreFiles = Get-LocalVectorStoreFile -Module $moduleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $storename = $moduleName + " v" + $moduleversion $vectorStore = Get-VectorStore -All | Where-Object Name -eq $storename if (-not $vectorStore) { Write-Verbose "Creating new vector store: $storename" $vectorStore = PSOpenAI\New-VectorStore -Name $storename Write-Verbose "Created new vector store: $storename" } while ($vectorstore.status -ne 'completed') { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 $vectorStore = Get-VectorStore -VectorStoreId $ Write-Verbose "Waiting for vector store to be ready...(file_counts are completed). Current status: $($vectorstore.status)" } if ($localVectorStoreFiles -and -not $Force) { $totalFiles = $localVectorStoreFiles.Count Write-Verbose "Using text from local vector store files: $totalFiles files found" } else { Write-Verbose "Retrieving help content using Get-CleanHelp" $commands = Get-Command -Module $moduleName $helpContents = foreach ($command in $commands) { @{ CommandName = $command.Name HelpContent = Get-Help $command.Name -Full | Get-CleanHelp } } $totalFiles = $helpContents.Count Write-Verbose "Retrieved $totalFiles help contents" } $batches = [Math]::Ceiling($totalFiles / 100) for ($i = 0; $i -lt $batches -and $count -lt $MaxFiles; $i++) { $startIndex = $i * 100 $endIndex = [Math]::Min(($i + 1) * 100 - 1, $totalFiles - 1) if ($localVectorStoreFiles -and -not $Force) { $batch = $localVectorStoreFiles[$startIndex..$endIndex] $batchobjects = $batch } else { $batchobjects = $helpContents[$startIndex..$endIndex] } $commandfiles = @() $fileIndex = 0 foreach ($object in $batchobjects) { if ($localVectorStoreFiles -and -not $Force) { $commandName = $object.Command $text = $object.Text } else { $commandName = $object.CommandName $text = $object.HelpContent.Text } if (-not $text) { Write-Verbose "No help content found for command: $commandName" continue } $commandfile = Join-Path -Path $temp -ChildPath "$commandName.txt" Write-Verbose "Writing to temporary file: $commandfile" $null = $text | Out-File -FilePath $commandfile -Encoding utf8 $null = $commandfiles += $commandfile # Write-Progress for each file $fileIndex++ Write-Progress -Activity "Processing Files" -Status "Processing file $fileIndex of $($batchobjects.Count) for batch $($i + 1) of $batches" -PercentComplete (($fileIndex / $batchobjects.Count) * 100) } Write-Verbose "Uploading $($commandfiles.Count) files" $uploads = Get-ChildItem $commandfiles | PSOpenAI\Add-OpenAIFile -Purpose "assistants" $filebatch = PSOpenAI\Start-VectorStoreFileBatch -VectorStore $vectorStore -FileId $ # Define the parameters for splatting $splats = @{ VectorStoreId = $ BatchId = $ ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue' } # Check if $ is not null or empty if ($ { $null = PSOpenAI\Wait-VectorStoreFileBatch @splats } Write-Verbose "Uploaded batch $($i + 1) of $batches to vector store: $storename" $count += $batchobjects.Count # Write-Progress for each batch Write-Progress -Activity "Initializing Vector Store" -Status "Processing batch $($i + 1) of $batches for $storename" -PercentComplete (($i + 1) / $batches * 100) } [PSCustomObject]@{ Id = $ Module = $moduleName Version = $moduleVersion VectorStore = $vectorStore } } } } |