#Generated at 07/22/2019 00:41:02 by Stephane van Gulick Enum SettingType { General Asset Log } Enum AssetType { Script Style cdn } Class ConfigurationDocument { [System.IO.FileInfo]$Path = "$PSScriptRoot/pshtml.configuration.json" [Setting[]]$Settings [Asset[]]$Assets [Include[]]$Includes #Constructors ConfigurationDocument (){ $this.Load() } ConfigurationDocument ([System.IO.FileInfo]$Path){ $this.Path = $Path $this.Load() } #Methods [void]Load(){ #Read data from json $this.Settings = [SettingFactory]::Parse($This.Path) $EC = Get-Variable ExecutionContext -ValueOnly $ProjectRootFolder = $ec.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation.Path $ModuleFolder = $This.Path.Directory #Assets $ModuleAssetsFolder = Join-Path $ModuleFolder -ChildPath "Assets" $ProjectAssetsFolder = Join-Path $ProjectRootFolder -ChildPath "Assets" $ModuleAssets = [AssetsFactory]::CreateAsset($ModuleAssetsFolder) $ProjectAssets = [AssetsFactory]::CreateAsset($ProjectAssetsFolder) $this.Assets += $ProjectAssets foreach ($modass in $ModuleAssets){ if($ -contains ${ $PotentialConflictingAsset = $this.Assets | ? {$_.Name -eq $modass.Name} if($PotentialConflictingAsset.Type -eq $modass.type){ #write-verbose "Identical asset found at $($ Keeping project asset." Continue }else{ $This.Assets += $modass } }else{ $This.Assets += $modass } } #Includes #$IncludesFolder = Join-Path -Path $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation.Path -ChildPath "Includes" #Join-Path $this.Path.Directory -ChildPath 'Includes' $IncludesFolder = Join-Path -Path $ProjectRootFolder -ChildPath "Includes" $this.Includes = [IncludeFactory]::Create($IncludesFolder) $ModuleIncludesFolder = Join-Path $ModuleFolder -ChildPath "Includes" $ProjectIncludesFolder = Join-Path $ProjectRootFolder -ChildPath "Assets" $ModuleIncludes = [IncludeFactory]::Create($ModuleIncludesFolder) $ProjectIncludes = [IncludeFactory]::Create($ProjectIncludesFolder) $this.Includes += $ProjectIncludes foreach ($modinc in $ModuleIncludes){ if($ -contains ${ $PotentialConflictingInclude = $this.Includes | ? {$_.Name -eq $modinc.Name} if($PotentialConflictingInclude.Type -eq $modinc.type){ #write-verbose "Identical asset found at $($ Keeping project asset." Continue } Continue }else{ $This.Includes += $modinc } } } [void]Load([System.IO.FileInfo]$Path){ $this.Path = $Path $this.Load() } [Setting[]]GetSetting(){ return $this.Settings } [Setting[]]GetSetting([SettingType]$Type){ return $this.Settings | ? {$_.Type -eq $type} } [Asset[]]GetAsset(){ return $this.Assets } [Asset[]]GetAsset([String]$Name){ return $this.Assets | ? {$_.Name -eq $NAme} } [Asset[]]GetAsset([AssetType]$Type){ return $this.Assets | ? {$_.Type -eq $type} } [Asset[]]GetAsset([String]$Name,[AssetType]$Type){ return $this.Assets | ? {$_.Type -eq $type -and $_.Name -eq $Name} } [Void]AddAsset([Asset]$Asset){ $this.Assets += $Asset } [Void]hidden LoadDataFromFile(){ if(!(test-Path $this.Path.FullName)){ throw "No configuration file found at $($this.Path.FullName)" } $this.Load() } [void]hidden LoadLogSettings(){ } [String]GetDefaultLogFilePath(){ return $this.GetSetting("Log").GetLogfilePath() } [Include[]]GetInclude(){ Return $this.Includes } [Include[]]GetInclude([String]$Name){ Return $this.Includes | ? {$_.Name -eq $Name} } } Class Setting{ [SettingType]$Type [SettingType] GetSettingType(){ Return $This.Type } SetSettingType([SettingType]$SettingType){ $This.Type = $SettingType } } Class LogSettings : Setting { [System.IO.FileInfo]$Path [int]$MaxFiles = 200 $MaxTotalSize = 5 hidden $Logfilename = "PSHTML.Log" [SettingType]$Type = "Log" LogSettings(){ $DefPath = $this.GetDefaultLogFolderPath() $This.Path = $this.NewLogFile($DefPath) } LogSettings([PsCustomObject]$Object){ $this.MaxFiles = $Object.MaxFiles $this.MaxTotalSize = $Object.MaxTotalSIze if($Object.Path.ToLower() -eq "default" -or $Object.Path -eq ""){ $DefPath = $this.GetDefaultLogFolderPath() $This.Path = $this.NewLogFile($DefPath) }else{ $this.Path = $Object.Path } } LogSettings ([System.IO.FileInfo]$Path){ $this.Path = $Path } LogSettings ([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Path){ $this.Path = $this.NewLogFile($Path) } LogSettings([System.IO.FileInfo]$Path,[int]$Maxfiles,$MaxTotalSize){ $this.Path = $Path $this.MaxFiles = $Maxfiles $this.MaxTotalSize = $MaxTotalSize } [System.IO.FileInfo] Hidden NewLogFile([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Directory){ Return [System.IO.FileInfo]([]::Combine($Directory.FullName,$this.Logfilename)) } [String]GetLogfilePath(){ Return $This.Path.FullName } [String]GetDefaultLogFolderPath(){ if($global:PSVersionTable.os -match '^Linux.*'){ #Linux $p = "/tmp/pshtml/" }elseif($global:PSVersionTable.OS -match '^Darwin.*'){ #Macos $p = $env:TMPDIR } Else{ #Windows $p = Join-Path $Env:Temp -ChildPath "pshtml" } return $p } } Class GeneralSettings : Setting{ [String]$Verbosity [Version]$Version [SettingType]$Type = "General" GeneralSettings([PsCustomObject]$Object){ $this.Verbosity = $Object.Verbosity $this.Version = $Object.Version $this.SetSettingType("General") } GeneralSettings([String]$Verbosity,[Version]$Version){ $this.Verbosity = $Verbosity $This.Version = $Version $this.SetSettingType("General") } } Class AssetSettings : Setting { [System.IO.FileInfo]$Path [Bool]$DefaultPath [SettingType]$Type = "Asset" AssetSettings([PsCustomObject]$Object,[System.Io.DirectoryInfo]$ModuleRootPath){ $this.SetSettingType("Asset") If ($Object.Path -eq 'Default' -or $Object.Path -eq ""){ $this.Path = Join-Path $ModuleRootPath.FullName -ChildPath "Assets" $this.DefaultPath = $True }Else{ $this.Path = $Object.Path $This.DefaultPath = $false } } <# if($json.Assets.Path.Tolower() -eq 'default' -or $json.Assets.Path -eq '' ){ $root = $this.Path.Directory.FullName $AssetsPath = "$Root/Assets" }Else{ $AssetsPath = $json.Assets.Path } #> [Bool]IsPathDefault(){ return $this.DefaultPath } } Class SettingFactory{ static [Setting] CreateSetting([System.IO.FileInfo]$Path){ $JsonData = ConvertFrom-Json (gc $Path -raw) If($JsonData){ $Keys = $JsonData.Psobject.Properties.GetEnumerator().Name Foreach($key in $Keys){ Switch($Key){ "General"{ return [GeneralSettings]::new($JsonData.$Key) } "Logging"{ Return [LogSettings]::New($JsonData.$Key) } "Assets"{ REturn [AssetSettings]::New($JsonData.$Key) } Default { Throw "Configuration $_ Not implemented." } } } Throw "Configuration $($PAth.FullName) Not implemented." }else{ throw "Config file not found" } } #Return a single setting 'part' (eg: General,Assets,Logging) static [Setting] CreateSetting([String]$Name,[System.IO.FileInfo]$ConfigurationFilePath){ $JsonData = ConvertFrom-Json (gc $ConfigurationFilePath -raw) If($JsonData){ #$Keys = $JsonData.Psobject.Properties.GetEnumerator().Name $RootModulePath = $ConfigurationFilePath.Directory.FullName Switch($Name){ "General"{ return [GeneralSettings]::new($JsonData.$Name) } "Logging"{ Return [LogSettings]::New($JsonData.$Name) } "Assets"{ Return [AssetSettings]::New($JsonData.$Name,$RootModulePath) } Default { Throw "Configuration $_ Not implemented." } } Throw "Configuration $($ConfigurationFilePath.FullName) Not implemented." }else{ throw "Config file not found" } } #Returns all the setting parts that exists in the config file. static [Setting[]] Parse([System.IO.FileInfo]$ConfigurationFilePath){ $AllSettings = @() $JsonData = ConvertFrom-Json (gc $ConfigurationFilePath -raw) If($JsonData){ $Keys = $JsonData.Psobject.Properties.GetEnumerator().Name $RootModulePath = $ConfigurationFilePath.Directory.FullName Foreach($Name in $Keys){ Switch($Name){ "General"{ $AllSettings += [GeneralSettings]::new($JsonData.$Name) ;Break } "Logging"{ $AllSettings += [LogSettings]::New($JsonData.$Name) ;Break } "Assets"{ $AllSettings += [AssetSettings]::New($JsonData.$Name,$RootModulePath) ;Break } Default { Throw "Configuration $_ Not implemented." } } } Return $AllSettings }else{ throw "Config file not found $($ConfigurationFilePath)- or config file is empty" } } } Class AssetsFactory{ Static [Asset[]] CreateAsset([String]$AssetPath){ if(Test-Path $AssetPath){ $It = Get-Item $AssetPath }else{ Return $Null } If($It -is [System.Io.FileInfo]){ Return [AssetsFactory]::CreateAsset([System.Io.FileInfo]$It) }elseif($It -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]){ Return [AssetsFactory]::CreateAssets([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$It) }elseif($null -eq $It){ return $null #No assets are present #throw "Asset file type at $($AssetPath) could not be identified. Please specify a folder or a file." }else{ Throw "Asset type could not be identified." } } hidden Static [Asset[]] CreateAsset([System.Io.FileInfo]$AssetPath){ $r = @() switch($AssetPath.Extension){ ".js" { $r += [ScriptAsset]::new($AssetPath) ;Break } ".css"{ $r += [StyleAsset]::new($AssetPath) ;Break } ".cdn"{ $r += [CDNAsset]::new($AssetPath) ;Break } default{ Throw "$($AssetPath.Extenion) is not a supported asset type." } } return $r } hidden Static [Asset[]] CreateAssets([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$AssetsFolderPath) { $Directories = Get-ChildItem $AssetsFolderPath -Directory $AllItems = @() Foreach($Directory in $Directories){ $Items = $Directory | Get-ChildItem -File | ? {$_.Extension -eq ".js" -or $_.Extension -eq ".css" -or $_.Extension -eq ".cdn"} #If performance becomes important. Change this to -Filter Foreach($Item in $Items){ if(!($Item)){ Continue } <# try{ $Type = [AssetsFactory]::GetAssetType($Item) }Catch{ continue } #> $AllItems += [AssetsFactory]::CreateAsset($Item) } } return $AllItems } hidden Static [AssetType]GetAssetType([System.IO.FileInfo]$File){ switch($File.Extension){ ".js" { Return [AssetType]::Script ;Break } ".css"{ Return [AssetType]::Style ;Break } ".cdn"{ Return [AssetType]::cdn ;Break } default{ return $null } } return $null #Throw "$($File.Extenion) is not a supported asset type." } hidden Static [AssetType]GetAssetType([String]$Asset){ $null = $Asset -match "^.*(?'extension'.*\..{1,4}$)" switch($Matches.Extension){ ".js" { Return [AssetType]::Script ;Break } ".css"{ Return [AssetType]::Style ;Break } ".cdn"{ Return [AssetType]::cdn ;Break } default{ return $null } } return $null #Throw "$($File.Extenion) is not a supported asset type." } } Class Asset{ [String]$Name [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$FolderPath [System.IO.FileInfo]$FilePath [String]$RelativePath [AssetType]$Type Asset(){} Asset([System.IO.FileInfo]$FilePath){ $this.FilePath = $FilePath $this.Parse() } Asset([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Path){ $this.FolderPath = $Path $this.Parse() } Parse(){ $this.FolderPath = $this.FilePath.Directory $this.SetRelativePath() $this.SetName() } [Void]SetName(){ $this.Name = $This.FolderPath.Name } [Void]SetRelativePath(){ $This.RelativePath = ([System.Io.Path]::Combine("Assets",$This.FilePath.Directory.Name,$this.FilePath.Name)).Replace("\","/") } [String]GetRelativePath(){ return $this.RelativePath } [String]GetFullFilePath(){ REturn $This.FilePath.FullName.Replace("\","/") } [String]ToString(){ Throw "must be overwritten" } } Class ScriptAsset : Asset { ScriptAsset ([System.IO.FileInfo]$FilePath) : base([System.IO.FileInfo]$FilePath) { $this.Type = [AssetType]::Script } ScriptAsset ([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Path) : base([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Path) { $this.Type = [AssetType]::Script } [String] ToString(){ $S = "<{0} src='{1}'></{0}>" -f "Script",$this.GetFullFilePath() Return $S } } Class StyleAsset : Asset { StyleAsset ([System.IO.FileInfo]$FilePath) : base([System.IO.FileInfo]$FilePath) { $this.Type = [AssetType]::Style } StyleAsset ([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Path) : base([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Path) { $this.Type = [AssetType]::Style } [String] ToString(){ #rel="stylesheet" $S = "<{0} rel='{1}' type={2} href='{3}' >" -f "Link","stylesheet","text/css",$this.GetFullFilePath() Return $S } } Class CDNAsset : Asset { [String]$Integrity [String]$CrossOrigin Hidden [AssetType]$cdnType hidden $raw CDNAsset ([System.IO.FileInfo]$FilePath) { $this.raw = Get-Content $filePath.FullName -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json $this.Type = [AssetType]::cdn $this.cdnType = [AssetsFactory]::GetAssetType($This.raw.source) $this.Name = $filePath.BaseName if($this.raw.integrity){ $this.Integrity = $this.raw.Integrity } if($this.raw.CrossOrigin){ $This.CrossOrigin = $This.Raw.CrossOrigin } } [String] ToString(){ $t = "" $p = "" $full_CrossOrigin = "" $full_Integrity = "" Switch($this.cdnType){ "script" { #$s = "<{0} src='{1}'>" -f "Script",$raw.source $t = 'script' $p = 'src' ;break } "style"{ #$t = "<{0} src='{1}'>" -f "Link",$raw.source $t = 'link' $p = 'href' } } if($this.CrossOrigin){ $full_CrossOrigin = "crossorigin='{0}'" -f $this.CrossOrigin } If($This.Integrity){ $full_Integrity = "integrity='{0}'" -f $this.Integrity } $S = "<{0} {1}='{2}' {3} {4}></{0}>" -f $t,$p,$this.raw.source,$full_CrossOrigin,$full_Integrity Return $S } } function New-Logfile { [CmdletBinding()] param ( $Path = {Throw "Path parameter is mandatory."} ) begin { } process { if($Path -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] -or $Path -is [System.IO.fileInfo]){ Return [LogSettings]::New($Path) }Else{ Throw "Log file is of wrong type. Please specify a System.IO.DirectoryInfo or System.IO.fileIno type." } } end { } } function Get-ConfigurationDocument { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [System.IO.FileInfo]$Path, [Switch]$Force ) begin { } process { if($Path){ [ConfigurationDocument]::New($Path) }Else{ [ConfigurationDocument]::New() } } end { } } enum MessageType{ Information = 0 Confirmation = 1 warning = 2 error = 3 } Class LogDocument{ LogDocument(){ $ClassType = $this.GetType() if($ClassType -eq [LogDocument]){ throw "this class cannot be instanciated, it must be inherited." } } writelog(){ throw("Must be overwritten!") } } <# Class LogFile : LogDocument { [System.IO.FileInfo]$File [String]$FileName [string]$Folder LogFile (){ $CurrentInvocation = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition $PSCommandPath = $PSCommandPath $location = (Get-Location).Path $stack = Get-PSCallStack If($stack.Location -eq "<No File>"){ if(($stack | measure).Count -ge 2){ $cp = (Get-PSCallStack)[-2].ScriptName }else{ $cp = $PSCommandPath } }else{ $cp = (Get-PSCallStack)[-1].ScriptName #$PSCommandPath #Split-Path -parent $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath(�.\�) #$PSCommandPath } $cp = $global:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition #fix for Ubuntu appveyor machines. $sr = $psScriptRoot $Extension = (get-item -Path $cp).Extension $leaf = Split-Path $cp -Leaf $Name = $leaf.Replace($Extension,"") #$Name = $MyInvocation.ScriptName.Replace(".ps1","") $timestamp = get-date -uformat '%Y%m%d-%T' $timestamp = $timestamp.Replace(':','') $FullFileName = $Name + '_' + $timestamp + '.log' $ScriptRoot = split-Path -Path $cp -Parent $LogFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $ScriptRoot -ChildPath 'logs' #$LogFolderPath = join-Path -Path $psScriptRoot -ChildPath 'logs' if (!(test-Path $LogFolderPath)){ mkdir $LogFolderPath } $FullPath = Join-Path -Path $LogFolderPath -ChildPath $FullFileName $this.File = $FullPath $this.FileName = $FullFileName $this.Folder = $LogFolderPath #Add cleaning part } LogFile ([string]$Path){ $FullFileName = $this.CreateFileName() if (!(Test-Path $Path)){ $null = mkdir $Path } $FullPath = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $FullFileName $this.File = $FullPath $this.FileName = $FullFileName $this.Folder = $Path #$this.LogFileConfig = [LogFileConfig]::New($this) } WriteLog([LogMessage]$Message){ #To change to String builder? $Writer = [System.IO.StreamWriter]::($This.Path,$true) $Writer.write($Message.ToString()) #add-content -Path $this.File.FullName -Value $Message.ToString() } hidden [string] CreateFileName() { $cp = $PSCommandPath #Split-Path -parent $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath(�.\�) #$PSCommandPath if(!($cp)){ $cp = (Get-PSCallStack)[-1].ScriptName } #Write-Host "cp: $($cp)" -ForegroundColor DarkCyan $sr = $psScriptRoot $Extension = (get-item -Path $cp).Extension $leaf = Split-Path $cp -Leaf $Name = $leaf.Replace($Extension,"") #$Name = $MyInvocation.ScriptName.Replace(".ps1","") $timestamp = get-date -uformat '%Y%m%d-%T' $timestamp = $timestamp.Replace(':','') $FullFileName = $Name + '_' + $timestamp + '.log' Return $FullFileName } [String] ToString(){ Return "[{0}] Logs have written to: {1} " -f $this.Type.ToString(),$this.File } } #> Class Logger{ [System.IO.FileInfo]$Logfile Logger (){ #$this.Logfile = $PSHTML_CONFIG.Logging.Path $this.Logfile = "$env:HOME/Logging.log" } Logger ($Path){ $IOF = [System.IO.FileInfo]$Path If(!($IOF.Directory.Exists)){ $IOF.Directory.Create() } $this.Logfile = $Path } Log($Message){ $sw = [System.IO.StreamWriter]::new($this.LogFile,$true,[System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8) $sw.WriteLine($Message) $sw.Close() } } Class LogMessage { [MessageType]$Type $message $Timestamp hidden $TypePrefix LogMessage (){ $this.Timestamp = get-date -uformat '%Y%m%d-%T' } LogMessage ($Message){ $this.Message = $Message $this.Timestamp = get-date -uformat '%Y%m%d-%T' } LogMessage([String]$Message,[MessageType]$type){ $this.Message = $Message $this.Type = $type $this.Timestamp = get-date -uformat '%Y%m%d-%T' } [String] ToString(){ $this.typeprefix = '[OK ]' switch ($this.type){ information { $eventType = "Information" $this.typeprefix = 'INFO ' break; } warning{ $eventType = "Warning" $this.typeprefix = 'WARN ' break; } error{ $eventType = "Error" $this.typeprefix = 'ERROR' break; } default { $eventType = "Information" $this.typeprefix = 'INFO ' } } return $this.FormatMessage() #[$this.timestamp] + $typeprefix + $this.Message } [String]FormatMessage(){ return "[{0}][{1}] -> {2}" -f $this.Timestamp,$this.Typeprefix,$this.message } Static [String] FormatMessage([String]$MessageType,[String]$msg){ $Ts = get-date -uformat '%Y%m%d-%T' If(!($MessageType)){ $MessageType = "INFO " } return "[{0}][{1}] -> {2}" -f $Ts,$MessageType,$msg } } #From Jakub Jares (Thanks!) function Clear-WhiteSpace ($Text) { "$($Text -replace "(`t|`n|`r)"," " -replace "\s+"," ")".Trim() } Enum ChartType { bar horizontalBar line doughnut pie radar polarArea } Class Color { [int]$r [int]$g [int]$b [double]$a color([int]$r,[int]$g,[int]$b){ $this.r = $r $this.g = $g $this.b = $b } color([int]$r,[int]$g,[int]$b,[double]$a){ $this.r = $r $this.g = $g $this.b = $b $this.a = $a } <# Original color names static [String] $blue = "rgb(30,144,255)" static [String] $red = "rgb(220,20,60)" static [string] $Yellow = "rgb(255,255,0)" static [string] $Green = "rgb(173,255,47)" static [string] $Orange = "rgb(255,165,0)" static [string] $Black = "rgb(0,0,0)" static [string] $White = "rgb(255,255,255)" #> # W3 color names # Implement hex, rgb, rgba, hsl and hsla types # static [object] $aliceblue_def = @{"r"=240;"g"=248;"b"=255} static [object] $antiquewhite_def = @{"r"=250;"g"=235;"b"=215} static [object] $aqua_def = @{"r"=0;"g"=255;"b"=255} static [object] $aquamarine_def = @{"r"=127;"g"=255;"b"=212} static [object] $azure_def = @{"r"=240;"g"=255;"b"=255} static [object] $beige_def = @{"r"=245;"g"=245;"b"=220} static [object] $bisque_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=228;"b"=196} static [object] $black_def = @{"r"=0;"g"=0;"b"=0} static [object] $blanchedalmond_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=235;"b"=205} static [object] $blue_def = @{"r"=0;"g"=0;"b"=255} static [object] $blueviolet_def = @{"r"=138;"g"=43;"b"=226} static [object] $brown_def = @{"r"=165;"g"=42;"b"=42} static [object] $burlywood_def = @{"r"=222;"g"=184;"b"=135} static [object] $cadetblue_def = @{"r"=95;"g"=158;"b"=160} static [object] $chartreuse_def = @{"r"=127;"g"=255;"b"=0} static [object] $chocolate_def = @{"r"=210;"g"=105;"b"=30} static [object] $coral_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=127;"b"=80} static [object] $cornflowerblue_def = @{"r"=100;"g"=149;"b"=237} static [object] $cornsilk_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=248;"b"=220} static [object] $crimson_def = @{"r"=220;"g"=20;"b"=60} static [object] $cyan_def = @{"r"=0;"g"=255;"b"=255} static [object] $darkblue_def = @{"r"=0;"g"=0;"b"=139} static [object] $darkcyan_def = @{"r"=0;"g"=139;"b"=139} static [object] $darkgoldenrod_def = @{"r"=184;"g"=134;"b"=11} static [object] $darkgray_def = @{"r"=169;"g"=169;"b"=169} static [object] $darkgreen_def = @{"r"=0;"g"=100;"b"=0} static [object] $darkgrey_def = @{"r"=169;"g"=169;"b"=169} static [object] $darkkhaki_def = @{"r"=189;"g"=183;"b"=107} static [object] $darkmagenta_def = @{"r"=139;"g"=0;"b"=139} static [object] $darkolivegreen_def = @{"r"=85;"g"=107;"b"=47} static [object] $darkorange_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=140;"b"=0} static [object] $darkorchid_def = @{"r"=153;"g"=50;"b"=204} static [object] $darkred_def = @{"r"=139;"g"=0;"b"=0} static [object] $darksalmon_def = @{"r"=233;"g"=150;"b"=122} static [object] $darkseagreen_def = @{"r"=143;"g"=188;"b"=143} static [object] $darkslateblue_def = @{"r"=72;"g"=61;"b"=139} static [object] $darkslategray_def = @{"r"=47;"g"=79;"b"=79} static [object] $darkslategrey_def = @{"r"=47;"g"=79;"b"=79} static [object] $darkturquoise_def = @{"r"=0;"g"=206;"b"=209} static [object] $darkviolet_def = @{"r"=148;"g"=0;"b"=211} static [object] $deeppink_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=20;"b"=147} static [object] $deepskyblue_def = @{"r"=0;"g"=191;"b"=255} static [object] $dimgray_def = @{"r"=105;"g"=105;"b"=105} static [object] $dimgrey_def = @{"r"=105;"g"=105;"b"=105} static [object] $dodgerblue_def = @{"r"=30;"g"=144;"b"=255} static [object] $firebrick_def = @{"r"=178;"g"=34;"b"=34} static [object] $floralwhite_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=250;"b"=240} static [object] $forestgreen_def = @{"r"=34;"g"=139;"b"=34} static [object] $fuchsia_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=0;"b"=255} static [object] $gainsboro_def = @{"r"=220;"g"=220;"b"=220} static [object] $ghostwhite_def = @{"r"=248;"g"=248;"b"=255} static [object] $gold_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=215;"b"=0} static [object] $goldenrod_def = @{"r"=218;"g"=165;"b"=32} static [object] $gray_def = @{"r"=128;"g"=128;"b"=128} static [object] $green_def = @{"r"=0;"g"=128;"b"=0} static [object] $greenyellow_def = @{"r"=173;"g"=255;"b"=47} static [object] $grey_def = @{"r"=128;"g"=128;"b"=128} static [object] $honeydew_def = @{"r"=240;"g"=255;"b"=240} static [object] $hotpink_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=105;"b"=180} static [object] $indianred_def = @{"r"=205;"g"=92;"b"=92} static [object] $indigo_def = @{"r"=75;"g"=0;"b"=130} static [object] $ivory_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=255;"b"=240} static [object] $khaki_def = @{"r"=240;"g"=230;"b"=140} static [object] $lavender_def = @{"r"=230;"g"=230;"b"=250} static [object] $lavenderblush_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=240;"b"=245} static [object] $lawngreen_def = @{"r"=124;"g"=252;"b"=0} static [object] $lemonchiffon_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=250;"b"=205} static [object] $lightblue_def = @{"r"=173;"g"=216;"b"=230} static [object] $lightcoral_def = @{"r"=240;"g"=128;"b"=128} static [object] $lightcyan_def = @{"r"=224;"g"=255;"b"=255} static [object] $lightgoldenrodyellow_def = @{"r"=250;"g"=250;"b"=210} static [object] $lightgray_def = @{"r"=211;"g"=211;"b"=211} static [object] $lightgreen_def = @{"r"=144;"g"=238;"b"=144} static [object] $lightgrey_def = @{"r"=211;"g"=211;"b"=211} static [object] $lightpink_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=182;"b"=193} static [object] $lightsalmon_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=160;"b"=122} static [object] $lightseagreen_def = @{"r"=32;"g"=178;"b"=170} static [object] $lightskyblue_def = @{"r"=135;"g"=206;"b"=250} static [object] $lightslategray_def = @{"r"=119;"g"=136;"b"=153} static [object] $lightslategrey_def = @{"r"=119;"g"=136;"b"=153} static [object] $lightsteelblue_def = @{"r"=176;"g"=196;"b"=222} static [object] $lightyellow_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=255;"b"=224} static [object] $lime_def = @{"r"=0;"g"=255;"b"=0} static [object] $limegreen_def = @{"r"=50;"g"=205;"b"=50} static [object] $linen_def = @{"r"=250;"g"=240;"b"=230} static [object] $magenta_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=0;"b"=255} static [object] $maroon_def = @{"r"=128;"g"=0;"b"=0} static [object] $mediumaquamarine_def = @{"r"=102;"g"=205;"b"=170} static [object] $mediumblue_def = @{"r"=0;"g"=0;"b"=205} static [object] $mediumorchid_def = @{"r"=186;"g"=85;"b"=211} static [object] $mediumpurple_def = @{"r"=147;"g"=112;"b"=219} static [object] $mediumseagreen_def = @{"r"=60;"g"=179;"b"=113} static [object] $mediumslateblue_def = @{"r"=123;"g"=104;"b"=238} static [object] $mediumspringgreen_def = @{"r"=0;"g"=250;"b"=154} static [object] $mediumturquoise_def = @{"r"=72;"g"=209;"b"=204} static [object] $mediumvioletred_def = @{"r"=199;"g"=21;"b"=133} static [object] $midnightblue_def = @{"r"=25;"g"=25;"b"=112} static [object] $mintcream_def = @{"r"=245;"g"=255;"b"=250} static [object] $mistyrose_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=228;"b"=225} static [object] $moccasin_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=228;"b"=181} static [object] $navajowhite_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=222;"b"=173} static [object] $navy_def = @{"r"=0;"g"=0;"b"=128} static [object] $oldlace_def = @{"r"=253;"g"=245;"b"=230} static [object] $olive_def = @{"r"=128;"g"=128;"b"=0} static [object] $olivedrab_def = @{"r"=107;"g"=142;"b"=35} static [object] $orange_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=165;"b"=0} static [object] $orangered_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=69;"b"=0} static [object] $orchid_def = @{"r"=218;"g"=112;"b"=214} static [object] $palegoldenrod_def = @{"r"=238;"g"=232;"b"=170} static [object] $palegreen_def = @{"r"=152;"g"=251;"b"=152} static [object] $paleturquoise_def = @{"r"=175;"g"=238;"b"=238} static [object] $palevioletred_def = @{"r"=219;"g"=112;"b"=147} static [object] $papayawhip_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=239;"b"=213} static [object] $peachpuff_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=218;"b"=185} static [object] $peru_def = @{"r"=205;"g"=133;"b"=63} static [object] $pink_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=192;"b"=203} static [object] $plum_def = @{"r"=221;"g"=160;"b"=221} static [object] $powderblue_def = @{"r"=176;"g"=224;"b"=230} static [object] $purple_def = @{"r"=128;"g"=0;"b"=128} static [object] $red_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=0;"b"=0} static [object] $rosybrown_def = @{"r"=188;"g"=143;"b"=143} static [object] $royalblue_def = @{"r"=65;"g"=105;"b"=225} static [object] $saddlebrown_def = @{"r"=139;"g"=69;"b"=19} static [object] $salmon_def = @{"r"=250;"g"=128;"b"=114} static [object] $sandybrown_def = @{"r"=244;"g"=164;"b"=96} static [object] $seagreen_def = @{"r"=46;"g"=139;"b"=87} static [object] $seashell_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=245;"b"=238} static [object] $sienna_def = @{"r"=160;"g"=82;"b"=45} static [object] $silver_def = @{"r"=192;"g"=192;"b"=192} static [object] $skyblue_def = @{"r"=135;"g"=206;"b"=235} static [object] $slateblue_def = @{"r"=106;"g"=90;"b"=205} static [object] $slategray_def = @{"r"=112;"g"=128;"b"=144} static [object] $slategrey_def = @{"r"=112;"g"=128;"b"=144} static [object] $snow_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=250;"b"=250} static [object] $springgreen_def = @{"r"=0;"g"=255;"b"=127} static [object] $steelblue_def = @{"r"=70;"g"=130;"b"=180} static [object] $tan_def = @{"r"=210;"g"=180;"b"=140} static [object] $teal_def = @{"r"=0;"g"=128;"b"=128} static [object] $thistle_def = @{"r"=216;"g"=191;"b"=216} static [object] $tomato_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=99;"b"=71} static [object] $turquoise_def = @{"r"=64;"g"=224;"b"=208} static [object] $violet_def = @{"r"=238;"g"=130;"b"=238} static [object] $wheat_def = @{"r"=245;"g"=222;"b"=179} static [object] $white_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=255;"b"=255} static [object] $whitesmoke_def = @{"r"=245;"g"=245;"b"=245} static [object] $yellow_def = @{"r"=255;"g"=255;"b"=0} static [object] $yellowgreen_def = @{"r"=154;"g"=205;"b"=50} static [string] $aliceblue = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::aliceblue_def.r, [Color]::aliceblue_def.g, [Color]::aliceblue_def.b static [string] $antiquewhite = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::antiquewhite_def.r, [Color]::antiquewhite_def.g, [Color]::antiquewhite_def.b static [string] $aqua = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::aqua_def.r, [Color]::aqua_def.g, [Color]::aqua_def.b static [string] $aquamarine = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::aquamarine_def.r, [Color]::aquamarine_def.g, [Color]::aquamarine_def.b static [string] $azure = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::azure_def.r, [Color]::azure_def.g, [Color]::azure_def.b static [string] $beige = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::beige_def.r, [Color]::beige_def.g, [Color]::beige_def.b static [string] $bisque = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::bisque_def.r, [Color]::bisque_def.g, [Color]::bisque_def.b static [string] $black = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::black_def.r, [Color]::black_def.g, [Color]::black_def.b static [string] $blanchedalmond = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::blanchedalmond_def.r, [Color]::blanchedalmond_def.g, [Color]::blanchedalmond_def.b static [string] $blue = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::blue_def.r, [Color]::blue_def.g, [Color]::blue_def.b static [string] $blueviolet = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::blueviolet_def.r, [Color]::blueviolet_def.g, [Color]::blueviolet_def.b static [string] $brown = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::brown_def.r, [Color]::brown_def.g, [Color]::brown_def.b static [string] $burlywood = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::burlywood_def.r, [Color]::burlywood_def.g, [Color]::burlywood_def.b static [string] $cadetblue = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::cadetblue_def.r, [Color]::cadetblue_def.g, [Color]::cadetblue_def.b static [string] $chartreuse = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::chartreuse_def.r, [Color]::chartreuse_def.g, [Color]::chartreuse_def.b static [string] $chocolate = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::chocolate_def.r, [Color]::chocolate_def.g, [Color]::chocolate_def.b static [string] $coral = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::coral_def.r, [Color]::coral_def.g, [Color]::coral_def.b static [string] $cornflowerblue = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::cornflowerblue_def.r, [Color]::cornflowerblue_def.g, [Color]::cornflowerblue_def.b static [string] $cornsilk = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::cornsilk_def.r, [Color]::cornsilk_def.g, [Color]::cornsilk_def.b static [string] $crimson = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::crimson_def.r, [Color]::crimson_def.g, [Color]::crimson_def.b static [string] $cyan = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::cyan_def.r, [Color]::cyan_def.g, [Color]::cyan_def.b static [string] $darkblue = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::darkblue_def.r, [Color]::darkblue_def.g, [Color]::darkblue_def.b static [string] $darkcyan = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::darkcyan_def.r, [Color]::darkcyan_def.g, [Color]::darkcyan_def.b static [string] $darkgoldenrod = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::darkgoldenrod_def.r, [Color]::darkgoldenrod_def.g, [Color]::darkgoldenrod_def.b static [string] $darkgray = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::darkgray_def.r, [Color]::darkgray_def.g, [Color]::darkgray_def.b static [string] $darkgreen = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::darkgreen_def.r, [Color]::darkgreen_def.g, [Color]::darkgreen_def.b static [string] $darkgrey = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::darkgrey_def.r, [Color]::darkgrey_def.g, [Color]::darkgrey_def.b static [string] $darkkhaki = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::darkkhaki_def.r, [Color]::darkkhaki_def.g, [Color]::darkkhaki_def.b static [string] $darkmagenta = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::darkmagenta_def.r, [Color]::darkmagenta_def.g, [Color]::darkmagenta_def.b static [string] $darkolivegreen = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::darkolivegreen_def.r, [Color]::darkolivegreen_def.g, [Color]::darkolivegreen_def.b static [string] $darkorange = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::darkorange_def.r, [Color]::darkorange_def.g, [Color]::darkorange_def.b static [string] $darkorchid = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::darkorchid_def.r, [Color]::darkorchid_def.g, [Color]::darkorchid_def.b static [string] $darkred = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::darkred_def.r, [Color]::darkred_def.g, [Color]::darkred_def.b static [string] $darksalmon = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::darksalmon_def.r, [Color]::darksalmon_def.g, [Color]::darksalmon_def.b static [string] $darkseagreen = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::darkseagreen_def.r, [Color]::darkseagreen_def.g, [Color]::darkseagreen_def.b static [string] $darkslateblue = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::darkslateblue_def.r, [Color]::darkslateblue_def.g, [Color]::darkslateblue_def.b static [string] $darkslategray = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::darkslategray_def.r, [Color]::darkslategray_def.g, [Color]::darkslategray_def.b static [string] $darkslategrey = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::darkslategrey_def.r, [Color]::darkslategrey_def.g, [Color]::darkslategrey_def.b static [string] $darkturquoise = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::darkturquoise_def.r, [Color]::darkturquoise_def.g, [Color]::darkturquoise_def.b static [string] $darkviolet = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::darkviolet_def.r, [Color]::darkviolet_def.g, [Color]::darkviolet_def.b static [string] $deeppink = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::deeppink_def.r, [Color]::deeppink_def.g, [Color]::deeppink_def.b static [string] $deepskyblue = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::deepskyblue_def.r, [Color]::deepskyblue_def.g, [Color]::deepskyblue_def.b static [string] $dimgray = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::dimgray_def.r, [Color]::dimgray_def.g, [Color]::dimgray_def.b static [string] $dimgrey = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::dimgrey_def.r, [Color]::dimgrey_def.g, [Color]::dimgrey_def.b static [string] $dodgerblue = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::dodgerblue_def.r, [Color]::dodgerblue_def.g, [Color]::dodgerblue_def.b static [string] $firebrick = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::firebrick_def.r, [Color]::firebrick_def.g, [Color]::firebrick_def.b static [string] $floralwhite = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::floralwhite_def.r, [Color]::floralwhite_def.g, [Color]::floralwhite_def.b static [string] $forestgreen = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::forestgreen_def.r, [Color]::forestgreen_def.g, [Color]::forestgreen_def.b static [string] $fuchsia = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::fuchsia_def.r, [Color]::fuchsia_def.g, [Color]::fuchsia_def.b static [string] $gainsboro = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::gainsboro_def.r, [Color]::gainsboro_def.g, [Color]::gainsboro_def.b static [string] $ghostwhite = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::ghostwhite_def.r, [Color]::ghostwhite_def.g, [Color]::ghostwhite_def.b static [string] $gold = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::gold_def.r, [Color]::gold_def.g, [Color]::gold_def.b static [string] $goldenrod = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::goldenrod_def.r, [Color]::goldenrod_def.g, [Color]::goldenrod_def.b static [string] $gray = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::gray_def.r, [Color]::gray_def.g, [Color]::gray_def.b static [string] $green = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::green_def.r, [Color]::green_def.g, [Color]::green_def.b static [string] $greenyellow = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::greenyellow_def.r, [Color]::greenyellow_def.g, [Color]::greenyellow_def.b static [string] $grey = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::grey_def.r, [Color]::grey_def.g, [Color]::grey_def.b static [string] $honeydew = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::honeydew_def.r, [Color]::honeydew_def.g, [Color]::honeydew_def.b static [string] $hotpink = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::hotpink_def.r, [Color]::hotpink_def.g, [Color]::hotpink_def.b static [string] $indianred = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::indianred_def.r, [Color]::indianred_def.g, [Color]::indianred_def.b static [string] $indigo = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::indigo_def.r, [Color]::indigo_def.g, [Color]::indigo_def.b static [string] $ivory = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::ivory_def.r, [Color]::ivory_def.g, [Color]::ivory_def.b static [string] $khaki = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::khaki_def.r, [Color]::khaki_def.g, [Color]::khaki_def.b static [string] $lavender = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::lavender_def.r, [Color]::lavender_def.g, [Color]::lavender_def.b static [string] $lavenderblush = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::lavenderblush_def.r, [Color]::lavenderblush_def.g, [Color]::lavenderblush_def.b static [string] $lawngreen = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::lawngreen_def.r, [Color]::lawngreen_def.g, [Color]::lawngreen_def.b static [string] $lemonchiffon = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::lemonchiffon_def.r, [Color]::lemonchiffon_def.g, [Color]::lemonchiffon_def.b static [string] $lightblue = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::lightblue_def.r, [Color]::lightblue_def.g, [Color]::lightblue_def.b static [string] $lightcoral = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::lightcoral_def.r, [Color]::lightcoral_def.g, [Color]::lightcoral_def.b static [string] $lightcyan = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::lightcyan_def.r, [Color]::lightcyan_def.g, [Color]::lightcyan_def.b static [string] $lightgoldenrodyellow = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::lightgoldenrodyellow_def.r, [Color]::lightgoldenrodyellow_def.g, [Color]::lightgoldenrodyellow_def.b static [string] $lightgray = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::lightgray_def.r, [Color]::lightgray_def.g, [Color]::lightgray_def.b static [string] $lightgreen = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::lightgreen_def.r, [Color]::lightgreen_def.g, [Color]::lightgreen_def.b static [string] $lightgrey = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::lightgrey_def.r, [Color]::lightgrey_def.g, [Color]::lightgrey_def.b static [string] $lightpink = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::lightpink_def.r, [Color]::lightpink_def.g, [Color]::lightpink_def.b static [string] $lightsalmon = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::lightsalmon_def.r, [Color]::lightsalmon_def.g, [Color]::lightsalmon_def.b static [string] $lightseagreen = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::lightseagreen_def.r, [Color]::lightseagreen_def.g, [Color]::lightseagreen_def.b static [string] $lightskyblue = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::lightskyblue_def.r, [Color]::lightskyblue_def.g, [Color]::lightskyblue_def.b static [string] $lightslategray = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::lightslategray_def.r, [Color]::lightslategray_def.g, [Color]::lightslategray_def.b static [string] $lightslategrey = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::lightslategrey_def.r, [Color]::lightslategrey_def.g, [Color]::lightslategrey_def.b static [string] $lightsteelblue = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::lightsteelblue_def.r, [Color]::lightsteelblue_def.g, [Color]::lightsteelblue_def.b static [string] $lightyellow = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::lightyellow_def.r, [Color]::lightyellow_def.g, [Color]::lightyellow_def.b static [string] $lime = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::lime_def.r, [Color]::lime_def.g, [Color]::lime_def.b static [string] $limegreen = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::limegreen_def.r, [Color]::limegreen_def.g, [Color]::limegreen_def.b static [string] $linen = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::linen_def.r, [Color]::linen_def.g, [Color]::linen_def.b static [string] $magenta = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::magenta_def.r, [Color]::magenta_def.g, [Color]::magenta_def.b static [string] $maroon = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::maroon_def.r, [Color]::maroon_def.g, [Color]::maroon_def.b static [string] $mediumaquamarine = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::mediumaquamarine_def.r, [Color]::mediumaquamarine_def.g, [Color]::mediumaquamarine_def.b static [string] $mediumblue = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::mediumblue_def.r, [Color]::mediumblue_def.g, [Color]::mediumblue_def.b static [string] $mediumorchid = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::mediumorchid_def.r, [Color]::mediumorchid_def.g, [Color]::mediumorchid_def.b static [string] $mediumpurple = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::mediumpurple_def.r, [Color]::mediumpurple_def.g, [Color]::mediumpurple_def.b static [string] $mediumseagreen = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::mediumseagreen_def.r, [Color]::mediumseagreen_def.g, [Color]::mediumseagreen_def.b static [string] $mediumslateblue = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::mediumslateblue_def.r, [Color]::mediumslateblue_def.g, [Color]::mediumslateblue_def.b static [string] $mediumspringgreen = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::mediumspringgreen_def.r, [Color]::mediumspringgreen_def.g, [Color]::mediumspringgreen_def.b static [string] $mediumturquoise = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::mediumturquoise_def.r, [Color]::mediumturquoise_def.g, [Color]::mediumturquoise_def.b static [string] $mediumvioletred = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::mediumvioletred_def.r, [Color]::mediumvioletred_def.g, [Color]::mediumvioletred_def.b static [string] $midnightblue = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::midnightblue_def.r, [Color]::midnightblue_def.g, [Color]::midnightblue_def.b static [string] $mintcream = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::mintcream_def.r, [Color]::mintcream_def.g, [Color]::mintcream_def.b static [string] $mistyrose = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::mistyrose_def.r, [Color]::mistyrose_def.g, [Color]::mistyrose_def.b static [string] $moccasin = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::moccasin_def.r, [Color]::moccasin_def.g, [Color]::moccasin_def.b static [string] $navajowhite = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::navajowhite_def.r, [Color]::navajowhite_def.g, [Color]::navajowhite_def.b static [string] $navy = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::navy_def.r, [Color]::navy_def.g, [Color]::navy_def.b static [string] $oldlace = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::oldlace_def.r, [Color]::oldlace_def.g, [Color]::oldlace_def.b static [string] $olive = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::olive_def.r, [Color]::olive_def.g, [Color]::olive_def.b static [string] $olivedrab = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::olivedrab_def.r, [Color]::olivedrab_def.g, [Color]::olivedrab_def.b static [string] $orange = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::orange_def.r, [Color]::orange_def.g, [Color]::orange_def.b static [string] $orangered = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::orangered_def.r, [Color]::orangered_def.g, [Color]::orangered_def.b static [string] $orchid = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::orchid_def.r, [Color]::orchid_def.g, [Color]::orchid_def.b static [string] $palegoldenrod = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::palegoldenrod_def.r, [Color]::palegoldenrod_def.g, [Color]::palegoldenrod_def.b static [string] $palegreen = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::palegreen_def.r, [Color]::palegreen_def.g, [Color]::palegreen_def.b static [string] $paleturquoise = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::paleturquoise_def.r, [Color]::paleturquoise_def.g, [Color]::paleturquoise_def.b static [string] $palevioletred = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::palevioletred_def.r, [Color]::palevioletred_def.g, [Color]::palevioletred_def.b static [string] $papayawhip = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::papayawhip_def.r, [Color]::papayawhip_def.g, [Color]::papayawhip_def.b static [string] $peachpuff = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::peachpuff_def.r, [Color]::peachpuff_def.g, [Color]::peachpuff_def.b static [string] $peru = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::peru_def.r, [Color]::peru_def.g, [Color]::peru_def.b static [string] $pink = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::pink_def.r, [Color]::pink_def.g, [Color]::pink_def.b static [string] $plum = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::plum_def.r, [Color]::plum_def.g, [Color]::plum_def.b static [string] $powderblue = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::powderblue_def.r, [Color]::powderblue_def.g, [Color]::powderblue_def.b static [string] $purple = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::purple_def.r, [Color]::purple_def.g, [Color]::purple_def.b static [string] $red = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::red_def.r, [Color]::red_def.g, [Color]::red_def.b static [string] $rosybrown = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::rosybrown_def.r, [Color]::rosybrown_def.g, [Color]::rosybrown_def.b static [string] $royalblue = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::royalblue_def.r, [Color]::royalblue_def.g, [Color]::royalblue_def.b static [string] $saddlebrown = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::saddlebrown_def.r, [Color]::saddlebrown_def.g, [Color]::saddlebrown_def.b static [string] $salmon = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::salmon_def.r, [Color]::salmon_def.g, [Color]::salmon_def.b static [string] $sandybrown = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::sandybrown_def.r, [Color]::sandybrown_def.g, [Color]::sandybrown_def.b static [string] $seagreen = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::seagreen_def.r, [Color]::seagreen_def.g, [Color]::seagreen_def.b static [string] $seashell = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::seashell_def.r, [Color]::seashell_def.g, [Color]::seashell_def.b static [string] $sienna = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::sienna_def.r, [Color]::sienna_def.g, [Color]::sienna_def.b static [string] $silver = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::silver_def.r, [Color]::silver_def.g, [Color]::silver_def.b static [string] $skyblue = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::skyblue_def.r, [Color]::skyblue_def.g, [Color]::skyblue_def.b static [string] $slateblue = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::slateblue_def.r, [Color]::slateblue_def.g, [Color]::slateblue_def.b static [string] $slategray = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::slategray_def.r, [Color]::slategray_def.g, [Color]::slategray_def.b static [string] $slategrey = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::slategrey_def.r, [Color]::slategrey_def.g, [Color]::slategrey_def.b static [string] $snow = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::snow_def.r, [Color]::snow_def.g, [Color]::snow_def.b static [string] $springgreen = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::springgreen_def.r, [Color]::springgreen_def.g, [Color]::springgreen_def.b static [string] $steelblue = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::steelblue_def.r, [Color]::steelblue_def.g, [Color]::steelblue_def.b static [string] $tan = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::tan_def.r, [Color]::tan_def.g, [Color]::tan_def.b static [string] $teal = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::teal_def.r, [Color]::teal_def.g, [Color]::teal_def.b static [string] $thistle = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::thistle_def.r, [Color]::thistle_def.g, [Color]::thistle_def.b static [string] $tomato = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::tomato_def.r, [Color]::tomato_def.g, [Color]::tomato_def.b static [string] $turquoise = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::turquoise_def.r, [Color]::turquoise_def.g, [Color]::turquoise_def.b static [string] $violet = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::violet_def.r, [Color]::violet_def.g, [Color]::violet_def.b static [string] $wheat = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::wheat_def.r, [Color]::wheat_def.g, [Color]::wheat_def.b static [string] $white = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::white_def.r, [Color]::white_def.g, [Color]::white_def.b static [string] $whitesmoke = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::whitesmoke_def.r, [Color]::whitesmoke_def.g, [Color]::whitesmoke_def.b static [string] $yellow = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::yellow_def.r, [Color]::yellow_def.g, [Color]::yellow_def.b static [string] $yellowgreen = "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f [Color]::yellowgreen_def.r, [Color]::yellowgreen_def.g, [Color]::yellowgreen_def.b static [string[]]$colornames = ([Color].GetProperties() | Where-Object { $_.PropertyType.ToString() -EQ 'System.String'} | Select -Expand Name) #logic from static [string] hslcalc([int]$r, [int]$g, [int]$b, [double]$a) { $rc = [Math]::Round($r/255,2) $bc = [Math]::Round($b/255,2) $gc = [Math]::Round($g/255,2) $h = 0 $m = $rc,$bc,$gc | Measure-Object -Maximum -Minimum $m $l = [Math]::Round(($m.Maximum + $m.Minimum)/2,2) Write-Verbose "L: $l" if ($m.Maximum -eq $m.Minimum) { $s = 0 } else { if ($l -le 0.5) { $s = ($m.Maximum - $m.Minimum)/($m.Maximum + $m.Minimum) } else { $s = ($m.Maximum - $m.Minimum)/(2 - $m.Maximum - $m.Minimum) } } Write-Verbose "S: $s" if ($s -eq 0) { $h = 0 } else { if ($rc -eq $m.Maximum) { $h = ($gc-$bc)/($m.Maximum-$m.Minimum) } if ($gc -eq $m.Maximum) { $h = 2 + ($bc-$rc)/($m.Maximum-$m.Minimum) } if ($bc -eq $m.Maximum) { $h = 4 + ($rc-$gc)/($m.Maximum-$m.Minimum) } if ($h -lt 0) { $h+= 360 } $h = $h * 60 } Write-Verbose "H: $h" if ($a -le 1) { return "hsla({0},{1:p0},{2:p0},{3})" -f [Math]::Round($h), [Math]::Round($s,2), $l, $a } else { $value = "hsl({0},{1:p0},{2:p0})" -f [Math]::Round($h), [Math]::Round($s,2), $l #on macOS, output is like this: hsl(240,100 %,50 %) $return = $value.Replace(" ","") return $return } } static [string] hex([int]$r,[int]$g,[int]$b){ return "#{0:X2}{1:X2}{2:X2}" -f $r,$g,$b ; } static [string] hsl([int]$r,[int]$g,[int]$b){ return [Color]::hslcalc($r, $g, $b, 9) ; } static [string] hsla([int]$r,[int]$g,[int]$b, [double] $a){ return [Color]::hslcalc($r, $g, $b, $a) ; } static [string] rgb([int]$r,[int]$g,[int]$b){ return "rgb({0},{1},{2})" -f $r,$g,$b } static [string] rgba([int]$r,[int]$g,[int]$b,[double]$a){ return "rgba({0},{1},{2},{3})" -f $r,$g,$b,$a } } #region dataSet Class dataSet { [System.Collections.ArrayList] $data = @() [Array]$label dataSet(){ } dataset([Array]$Data,[Array]$Label){ if ( @( $Label ).Count -eq 1 ) { $this.SetLabel($Label) } else { foreach($l in $Label){ $this.AddLabel($l) } } foreach($d in $data){ $this.AddData($d) } } [void]AddLabel([Array]$Label){ foreach($L in $Label){ $null = $this.Label.Add($L) } } [void]SetLabel([String]$Label){ $this.label = $Label } [void]AddData([Array]$Data){ foreach($D in $Data){ $null = $$d) } } } Class datasetbar : dataset { [String] $xAxisID [String] $yAxisID [string] $backgroundColor [string] $borderColor [int] $borderWidth = 1 [String] $borderSkipped [string] $hoverBackgroundColor [string] $hoverBorderColor [int] $hoverBorderWidth datasetbar(){ } datasetbar([Array]$Data,[Array]$Label){ $this.SetLabel($Label) $this.AddData($Data) } } Class datasetPolarArea : dataset { [Array] $backgroundColor [Array] $borderColor [int] $borderWidth = 1 [String] $borderSkipped [Array] $hoverBackgroundColor [Array] $hoverBorderColor [int] $hoverBorderWidth datasetPolarArea(){ } datasetPolarArea([Array]$Data,[Array]$Label){ if ( @( $Label ).Count -gt 1 ) { $this.AddLabel($Label) } else { $this.SetLabel( @( $Label)[0] ) } $this.AddData($Data) } } Class datasetline : dataset{ #See #[String] $xAxisID #[String] $yAxisID [String] $backgroundColor [String] $borderColor [int] $borderWidth = 1 [int[]] $borderDash = 0 [int] $borderDashOffSet = 0 [ValidateSet("butt","round","square")] [String] $borderCapStyle [ValidateSet("bevel","round","miter")] [String] $borderJoinStyle [ValidateSet("default","monotone")] [String] $cubicInterpolationMode = "default" [Bool] $fill = $false [double]$lineTension = 0.5 #Stepped line should not be present, for this one to work. $pointBackgroundColor = "rgb(255,255,255)" $pointBorderColor = "rgb(0,0,0)" [Int[]]$pointBorderWidth = 1 [float]$pointRadius = 4 [ValidateSet("circle","cross","crossRot","dash","line","rect","rectRounded","rectRot","star","triangle")] $pointStyle = "circle" [int[]]$pointRotation [float]$pointHitRadius [String] $PointHoverBackgroundColor [String] $pointHoverBorderColor [int] $pointHoverBorderWidth [float] $pointHoverRadius [bool]$showLine = $true [bool]$spanGaps #[ValidateSet("true","false","before","after")] #[String] $steppedLine = 'false' #Had to remove it, otherwise lines could not be rounded. It would ignore the $LineTension settings, even when set to false datasetline(){ } datasetline([Array]$Data,[String]$Label){ Write-verbose "[DatasetLine][Instanciation]Start" $this.SetLabel($Label) $this.AddData($Data) Write-verbose "[DatasetLine][Instanciation]End" } SetLineColor([String]$Color,[Bool]$Fill){ Write-verbose "[DatasetLine][SetLineColor] Start" $this.borderColor = $Color $this.backgroundColor = $Color if($Fill){ $this.SetLineBackGroundColor($Color) } Write-verbose "[DatasetLine][SetLineColor] End" } SetLineBackGroundColor(){ Write-verbose "[DatasetLine][SetLineBackGroundColor] Start" #Without any color parameter, this will take the existing line color, and simply add 0.4 of alpha to it for the background color if(!($this.borderColor)){ $t = $this.borderColor $this.fill = $true $t = $t.replace("rgb","rgba") $backgroundC = $t.replace(")",",0.4)") $this.backgroundColor = $backgroundC } Write-verbose "[DatasetLine][SetLineBackGroundColor] End" } SetLineBackGroundColor([String]$Color){ #this will take the color, and add 0.4 of alpha to it for the background color Write-verbose "[DatasetLine][SetLineBackGroundColor] Start" $this.fill = $true $t = $Color $t = $t.replace("rgb","rgba") $backgroundC = $t.replace(")",",0.4)") $this.backgroundColor = $backgroundC Write-verbose "[DatasetLine][SetLineBackGroundColor] End" } SetPointSettings([float]$pointRadius,[float]$pointHitRadius,[float]$pointHoverRadius){ Write-Verbose "[DatasetLine][SetPointSettings] Start" $this.pointRadius = $pointRadius $this.pointHitRadius = $pointHitRadius $this.pointHoverRadius = $pointHoverRadius Write-Verbose "[DatasetLine][SetPointSettings] End" } [hashtable]GetPointSettings(){ Write-Verbose "[DatasetLine][GetPointSettings] Start" return @{ PointRadius = $this.pointRadius PointHitRadius = $this.pointHitRadius PointHoverRadius = $this.pointHoverRadius } Write-Verbose "[DatasetLine][GetPointSettings] End" } } Class datasetpie : dataset { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$backgroundColor [String]$borderColor = "white" [int]$borderWidth = 1 [System.Collections.ArrayList]$hoverBackgroundColor [Color]$HoverBorderColor [int]$HoverBorderWidth datasetpie(){ } datasetpie([Array]$Data,[String]$ChartLabel){ Write-verbose "[DatasetPie][Instanciation]Start" $this.SetLabel($ChartLabel) $this.AddData($Data) Write-verbose "[DatasetPie][Instanciation]End" } AddBackGroundColor($Color){ if($null -eq $this.backgroundColor){ $this.backgroundColor = @() } $this.backgroundColor.Add($Color) } AddBackGroundColor([Array]$Colors){ foreach($c in $Colors){ $this.AddBackGroundColor($c) } } AddHoverBackGroundColor($Color){ if($null -eq $this.HoverbackgroundColor){ $this.HoverbackgroundColor = @() } $this.HoverbackgroundColor.Add($Color) } AddHoverBackGroundColor([Array]$Colors){ foreach($c in $Colors){ $this.AddHoverBackGroundColor($c) } } } Class datasetDoughnut : dataset { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$backgroundColor [String]$borderColor = "white" [int]$borderWidth = 1 [System.Collections.ArrayList]$hoverBackgroundColor [Color]$HoverBorderColor [int]$HoverBorderWidth datasetDoughnut(){ } datasetDoughnut([Array]$Data,[String]$ChartLabel){ Write-verbose "[DatasetDoughnut][Instanciation]Start" $this.SetLabel($ChartLabel) $this.AddData($Data) Write-verbose "[DatasetDoughnut][Instanciation]End" } AddBackGroundColor($Color){ if($null -eq $this.backgroundColor){ $this.backgroundColor = @() } $this.backgroundColor.Add($Color) } AddBackGroundColor([Array]$Colors){ foreach($c in $Colors){ $this.AddBackGroundColor($c) } } AddHoverBackGroundColor($Color){ if($null -eq $this.HoverbackgroundColor){ $this.HoverbackgroundColor = @() } $this.HoverbackgroundColor.Add($Color) } AddHoverBackGroundColor([Array]$Colors){ foreach($c in $Colors){ $this.AddHoverBackGroundColor($c) } } } #endregion #region Configuration&Options Class scales { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$yAxes = @() [System.Collections.ArrayList]$xAxes = @("") scales(){ $null =$this.yAxes.Add(@{"ticks"=@{"beginAtZero"=$true}}) } } Class ChartTitle { [Bool]$display=$false [String]$text } Class ChartOptions { [int]$barPercentage = 0.9 [Int]$categoryPercentage = 0.8 [bool]$responsive = $false [String]$barThickness [Int]$maxBarThickness [Bool] $offsetGridLines = $true [scales]$scales = [scales]::New() [ChartTitle]$title = [ChartTitle]::New() <# elements: { rectangle: { borderWidth: 2, } }, responsive: true, legend: { position: 'right', }, title: { display: true, text: 'Chart.js Horizontal Bar Chart' } #> } #endregion #region Charts Class BarChartOptions : ChartOptions { } Class horizontalBarChartOptions : ChartOptions { } Class PieChartOptions : ChartOptions { } Class LineChartOptions : ChartOptions { [Bool] $showLines = $True [Bool] $spanGaps = $False } Class DoughnutChartOptions : ChartOptions { } Class RadarChartOptions : ChartOptions { [scales]$scales = $null } Class polarAreaChartOptions : ChartOptions { [scales]$scales = $null } Class ChartData { [System.Collections.ArrayList] $labels = @() [System.Collections.ArrayList] $datasets = @() #[DataSet[]] $datasets = [dataSet]::New() ChartData(){ #$this.datasets = [dataSet]::New() $this.datasets.add([dataSet]::New()) } AddDataSet([DataSet]$Dataset){ #$this.datasets += $Dataset $this.datasets.Add($Dataset) } SetLabels([Array]$Labels){ Foreach($l in $Labels){ $Null = $this.labels.Add($l) } } } Class BarData : ChartData { } Class Chart { [ChartType]$type [ChartData]$data [ChartOptions]$options Hidden [String]$definition Chart(){ $Currenttype = $this.GetType() if ($Currenttype -eq [Chart]) { throw("Class $($Currenttype) must be inherited") } } SetData([ChartData]$Data){ $this.Data = $Data } SetOptions([ChartOptions]$Options){ $this.Options = $Options } #Is this actually used? Could be removed? hidden [void] BuildDefinition(){ $This.GetDefinitionStart() $This.GetDefinitionBody() $This.GetDefinitionEnd() #Do stuff with $DEfinition } Hidden [String]GetDefinitionStart([String]$CanvasID){ <# $Start = @" var ctx = document.getElementById("$($CanvasID)").getContext('2d'); var myChart = new Chart(ctx, "@ #> $Start = "var ctx = document.getElementById(`"$($CanvasID)`").getContext('2d');" $Start = $Start + [Environment]::NewLine $Start = $Start + "var myChart = new Chart(ctx, " return $Start } Hidden [String]GetDefinitionEnd(){ Return ");" } Hidden [String]GetDefinitionBody(){ ##Graph Structure #Type #Data #Labels[] #DataSets[] #Label #Data[] #BackGroundColor[] #BorderColor[] #BorderWidth int #Options #Scales #yAxes [] #Ticks #beginAtZero [bool] $Body = $this | select @{N='type';E={$_.type.ToString()}},Data,Options | convertto-Json -Depth 6 -Compress $BodyCleaned = Clear-WhiteSpace $Body Return $BodyCleaned } [String] GetDefinition([String]$CanvasID){ $FullDefintion = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() $FullDefintion.Append($this.GetDefinitionStart([String]$CanvasID)) $FullDefintion.AppendLine($this.GetDefinitionBody()) $FullDefintion.AppendLine($this.GetDefinitionEnd()) $FullDefintionCleaned = Clear-WhiteSpace $FullDefintion return $FullDefintionCleaned } } Class BarChart : Chart{ [ChartType] $type = [ChartType]::bar BarChart(){ #$Type = [ChartType]::bar } BarChart([ChartData]$Data,[ChartOptions]$Options){ $ = $Data $This.options = $Options } } Class horizontalBarChart : Chart{ [ChartType] $type = [ChartType]::horizontalBar horizontalBarChart(){ #$Type = [ChartType]::bar } horizontalBarChart([ChartData]$Data,[ChartOptions]$Options){ $ = $Data $This.options = $Options } } Class LineChart : Chart{ [ChartType] $type = [ChartType]::line LineChart(){ #$Type = [ChartType]::bar } LineChart([ChartData]$Data,[ChartOptions]$Options){ $ = $Data $This.options = $Options } } Class PieChart : Chart{ [ChartType] $type = [ChartType]::pie PieChart(){ } PieChart([ChartData]$Data,[ChartOptions]$Options){ $ = $Data $This.options = $Options } } Class doughnutChart : Chart { [ChartType] $type = [ChartType]::doughnut DoughnutChart(){ } DoughnutChart([ChartData]$Data,[ChartOptions]$Options){ $ = $Data $This.options = $Options } } Class RadarChart : Chart{ [ChartType] $type = [ChartType]::radar RadarChart(){ #$Type = [ChartType]::bar } RadarChart([ChartData]$Data,[ChartOptions]$Options){ $ = $Data $This.options = $Options } } Class polarAreaChart : Chart{ [ChartType] $type = [ChartType]::polarArea polarAreaChart(){ #$Type = [ChartType]::bar } polarAreaChart([ChartData]$Data,[ChartOptions]$Options){ $ = $Data $This.options = $Options } } #endregion Class IncludeFile { } Class Include : IncludeFile { [String]$Name [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$FolderPath [System.IO.FileInfo]$FilePath Include([System.IO.FileInfo]$FilePath){ $this.FilePath = $FilePath $this.FolderPath = $FilePath.Directory $this.Name = $FilePath.BaseName } [String]ToString(){ $Rawcontent = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($this.FilePath.FullName) $Content = [scriptBlock]::Create($Rawcontent).Invoke() return $content } } Class IncludeFactory { Static [Include[]] Create([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Path){ If(test-Path $Path){ $Items = Get-ChildItem $Path.FullName -Filter "*.ps1" $AllIncludes = @() Foreach($Item in $Items){ $AllIncludes += [Include]::New($Item) } Return $AllIncludes }Else{ Return $null } } } #From Jakub Jares (Thanks!) function Clear-WhiteSpace ($Text) { "$($Text -replace "(`t|`n|`r)"," " -replace "\s+"," ")".Trim() } Function Get-HTMLTemplate{ <# .Example html{ Body{ include -name body } Footer{ Include -Name Footer } } #Generates the following HTML code <html> <body> h2 "This comes a template file" </body> <footer> div { h4 "This is the footer from a template" p{ CopyRight from template } } </footer> </html> #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( $Name ) Throw "This function has been renamed to 'Get-PSHTMLTemplate' and will be removed in a future release .Either use the Alias 'include' or rename your function calls from Get-PSHTMLTemplate to Get-PSHTMLTemplate" } Function Get-LogfilePath{ return $Script:Logfile } Function Get-ModuleRoot { [CmdletBinding()] Param( ) return $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase } Function Set-HtmlTag { <# .Synopsis This function is the base function for all the html elements in pshtml. .Description although it can be this function is not intended to be used directly. .EXAMPLE Set-HtmlTag -TagName div -PSBParameters $PSBoundParameters -MyCParametersKeys $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Keys .EXAMPLE Set-HtmlTag -TagName style -PSBParameters $PSBoundParameters -MyCParametersKeys $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Keys .NOTES Current version 3.1 History: 2018.10.24;@ChristopheKumor;include tag parameters to version 3.0 2018.05.07;stephanevg; 2018.05.07;stephanevg;Creation #> [Cmdletbinding()] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSProvideCommentHelp", "", Justification = "Manipulation of text")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] $TagName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] $Parameters, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('void', 'NonVoid')] $TagType, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] $Content ) Begin { Function GetCustomParameters { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [HashTable]$Parameters ) $CommonParameters = [System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::CommonParameters + [System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::OptionalCommonParameters $CleanedHash = @{} foreach($key in $Parameters.Keys){ if(!($key -in $CommonParameters)){ $CleanedHash.$Key = $Parameters[$key] } } if(!($CleanedHash)){ write-verbose "[GetCustomParameters] No custom parameters passed." } Return $cleanedHash } $CommonParameters = [System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::CommonParameters + [System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::OptionalCommonParameters } Process { $attr = $output = '' $outcontent = '' $AttributesToSkip = "Content","Attributes","httpequiv","content_tag" $Attributes = GetCustomParameters -parameters $Parameters $KeysToPostProcess = @() foreach ($key in $Attributes.Keys) { if($key -notin $AttributesToSkip){ $attr += '{0}="{1}" ' -f $key, $Attributes[$key] }else{ $KeysToPostProcess += $Key } } foreach($PostKey in $KeysToPostProcess){ switch ($PostKey) { 'Content' { if ($Parameters[$($PostKey)] -is [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock]) { $outcontent = $Parameters[$($PostKey)].Invoke() break } else { $outcontent = $Parameters[$($PostKey)] break } } 'Attributes' { foreach ($entry in $Parameters['Attributes'].Keys) { if ($entry -eq 'content' -or $entry -eq 'Attributes') { write-verbose "[Set-HTMLTAG] attribute $($entry) is a reserved value, and should not be passed in the Attributes HashTable" continue } $attr += '{0}="{1}" ' -f $entry, $Parameters['Attributes'].$entry } continue } 'httpequiv' { $attr += 'http-equiv="{0}" ' -f $Parameters[$PostKey] continue } 'content_tag' { $attr += 'content="{0}" ' -f $Parameters[$PostKey] continue } default { write-verbose "[SET-HTMLTAG] Not found" } } } #Generating OutPut string #$TagBegin - TagAttributes - <TagContent> - TagEnd $TagBegin = '<{0}' -f $TagName if($tagType -eq 'nonvoid'){ $ClosingFirstTag = ">" $TagEnd = '</{0}>' -f $tagname }else{ $ClosingFirstTag = "/>" } if($attr){ $TagAttributes = ' {0} {1} ' -f $attr,$ClosingFirstTag }else{ $TagAttributes = ' {0}' -f $ClosingFirstTag } #Fix to avoid a additional space before the content $TagAttributes = $TagAttributes.TrimEnd(" ") if($null -ne $outcontent){ $TagContent = -join $outcontent } $Data = $TagBegin + $TagAttributes + $TagContent + $TagEnd return $Data } } function Write-Error { <# .SYNOPSIS Proxy function for Write-Error that adds a timestamp and write the message to a log file. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [AllowNull()] [System.String] $Message ) process { if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Message)) { #$Message = Get-FormattedMessage -Message $Message; $Type = 'Error' $Msgobj = [LogMessage]::new($Message,$Type) $FormatedMessage = $Msgobj.ToString() Write-PSHTMLLog -message $FormatedMessage -type $Type #Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Error -Message $FormatedMessage; #Overwriting Write-Error would not display message. See $host.ui.WriteErrorLine($FormatedMessage) } } # end process } #end function Function Write-PSHTMLLog { [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [String]$Message, [ValidateSet("Info","Warning","Error","Information")] [String]$Type = "info" ) $Script:Logger.Log($Message) } function Write-Verbose { <# .SYNOPSIS Proxy function for Write-verbose that adds a timestamp and write the message to a log file. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [AllowNull()] [System.String] $Message ) process { if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Message)) { #$Message = Get-FormattedMessage -Message $Message; $Type = 'Information' $Msgobj = [LogMessage]::new($Message,$Type) $FormatedMessage = $Msgobj.ToString() Write-PSHTMLLog -message $FormatedMessage -type $Type Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Verbose -Message $FormatedMessage; } } # end process } #end function function Write-Warning { <# .SYNOPSIS Proxy function for Write-Warning that adds a timestamp and write the message to a log file. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [AllowNull()] [System.String] $Message ) process { if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Message)) { #$Message = Get-FormattedMessage -Message $Message; $Type = 'Warning' $Msgobj = [LogMessage]::new($Message,$Type) $FormatedMessage = $Msgobj.ToString() Write-PSHTMLLog -message $FormatedMessage -type $Type Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility\Write-Warning -Message $FormatedMessage; } } # end process } #end function Function a { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a <a> HTML tag. The <a> tag defines a hyperlink, which is used to link from one page to another. .DESCRIPTION The most important attribute of the <a> element is the href attribute, which indicates the link's destination. .PARAMETER HREF Specify where the link should point to (Destination). .PARAMETER TARGET Specify where the new page should open to. Should be one of the following values: "_self","_blank","_parent","_top" .PARAMETER Class Allows to specify one (or more) class(es) to assign the html element. More then one class can be assigned by seperating them with a white space. .PARAMETER Id Allows to specify an id to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Style Allows to specify in line CSS style to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Content Allows to add child element(s) inside the current opening and closing HTML tag(s). .EXAMPLE The following exapmles show cases how to create an empty a, with a class, an ID, and, custom attributes. a -Class "myclass1 MyClass2" -Id myid -Attributes @{"custom1"='val1';custom2='val2'} Generates the following code: <a Class="myclass1 MyClass2" Id="myid" custom1="val1" custom2="val2" > </a> .NOTES Current version 3.1 History: 2018.10.30;@Stephanevg;Updated to version 3.1 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.09.30;Stephanevg;Updated to version 2.0 2018.04.10;Stephanevg; Added parameters 2018.04.01;Stephanevg;Creation. .LINK #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$href, [ValidateSet("_self", "_blank", "_parent", "_top")] [String]$Target, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class, [String]$Id, [String]$Style, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) $tagname = "a" if(!($Target)){ $PSBoundParameters.Target = "_self" } Set-htmltag -TagName $tagName -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType NonVoid } Function address { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates <address> HTML tag. .DESCRIPTION The <address> tag defines the contact information for the author/owner of a document or an article. If the <address> element is inside the <body> element, it represents contact information for the document. If the <address> element is inside an <article> element, it represents contact information for that article. The text in the <address> element usually renders in italic. Most browsers will add a line break before and after the address element. .PARAMETER Class Allows to specify one (or more) class(es) to assign the html element. More then one class can be assigned by seperating them with a white space. .PARAMETER Id Allows to specify an id to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Style Allows to specify in line CSS style to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Content Allows to add child element(s) inside the current opening and closing HTML tag(s). .EXAMPLE address { $twitterLink = a -href "http://twitter/stephanevg" -Target _blank -Content {"@stephanevg"} $bloglink = a -href "" -Target _blank -Content {""} "written by: Stephane van Gulick" "blog: $($bloglink)"; "twitter: $($twitterLink)" } Generates the following code: <address> written by: Stephane van Gulick blog: <a href= target="_blank" > </a> twitter: <a href=http://twitter/stephanevg target="_blank" > @stephanevg </a> </address> .NOTES Current version 3.1 History: 2018.11.08;Stephanevg; Updated to version 3.1 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.09.30;Stephanevg; Updated to version 2.0 2018.04.10;Stephanevg; Added parameters 2018.04.01;Stephanevg;Creation. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] $Content, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "address" Set-htmltag -TagName $tagName -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType NonVoid } } Function area { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates <area> HTML tag. .DESCRIPTION The are tag must be used in a <map> element (Use the 'map' function) The <area> element is always nested inside a <map> tag. More information can be found here --> .PARAMETER Class Allows to specify one (or more) class(es) to assign the html element. More then one class can be assigned by seperating them with a white space. .PARAMETER Id Allows to specify an id to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Style Allows to specify in line CSS style to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Content Allows to add child element(s) inside the current opening and closing HTML tag(s). .EXAMPLE area -href "link.php" -alt "alternate description" -coords "0,0,10,10" Generates the following code: <area href="link.php" alt="alternate description" coords="0,0,10,10" > .EXAMPLE area -href image.png -coords "0,0,20,20" -shape rect Generates the following code: <area href="image.png"coords="0,0,20,20"shape="rect" > .NOTES Current version 3.1 History: 2018.11.08;Stephanevg; Updated to version 3.1 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.10;Stephanevg; Added parameters 2018.04.01;Stephanevg;Creation. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0)] [String]$href, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$alt, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$coords, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [validateset("default", "rect", "circle", "poly")] [String]$shape, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 4)] [ValidateSet("_blank", "_self", "_parent", "top")] [String]$target, [Parameter(Position = 5)] [String]$type, [Parameter(Position = 6)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 7)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 8)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 9)] [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "area" if(!($Target)){ $PSBoundParameters.Target = "_Blank" } Set-htmltag -TagName $tagName -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType void }#End process } Function article { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates article HTML tag. .PARAMETER Class Allows to specify one (or more) class(es) to assign the html element. More then one class can be assigned by seperating them with a white space. .PARAMETER Id Allows to specify an id to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Style Allows to specify in line CSS style to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Content Allows to add child element(s) inside the current opening and closing HTML tag(s). .EXAMPLE article { h1 "This is blog post number 1" p { "This is content of blog post 1" } } Generates the following code: <article> <h1>This is blog post number 1</h1> <p> This is content of blog post 1 </p> </article> .EXAMPLE It is also possible to use regular powershell logic inside a scriptblock. The example below, generates a article element based on values located in a powershell object. The content is generated dynamically through the usage of a foreach loop. $objs = @() $objs += new-object psobject -property @{"title"="this is title 2";content="this is the content of article 2"} $objs += new-object psobject -property @{"title"="this is title 3";content="this is the content of article 3"} $objs += new-object psobject -property @{"title"="this is title 4";content="this is the content of article 4"} $objs += new-object psobject -property @{"title"="this is title 5";content="this is the content of article 5"} $objs += new-object psobject -property @{"title"="this is title 6";content="this is the content of article 6"} body { foreach ($article in $objs){ article { h2 $article.title p{ $article.content } } } } Generates the following code: <body> <article> <h2>this is title 2</h2> <p> this is the content of article 2 </p> </article> <article> <h2>this is title 3</h2> <p> this is the content of article 3 </p> </article> <article> <h2>this is title 4</h2> <p> this is the content of article 4 </p> </article> <article> <h2>this is title 5</h2> <p> this is the content of article 5 </p> </article> <article> <h2>this is title 6</h2> <p> this is the content of article 6 </p> </article> </body> .NOTES Current version 3.1 History: 2018.11.1; Stephanevg;Updated to version 3.1 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.10;Stephanevg; Added parameters 2018.04.01;Stephanevg;Creation. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] $Content, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "article" Set-htmltag -TagName $tagName -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType NonVoid } } Function aside { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates aside HTML tag. .PARAMETER Class Allows to specify one (or more) class(es) to assign the html element. More then one class can be assigned by seperating them with a white space. .PARAMETER Id Allows to specify an id to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Style Allows to specify in line CSS style to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Content Allows to add child element(s) inside the current opening and closing HTML tag(s). .EXAMPLE aside { h4 "This is an aside" p{ "This is a paragraph inside the aside block" } } Generates the following code: <aside> <h4>This is an aside</h4> <p> This is a paragraph inside the aside block </p> </aside> .LINK .NOTES Current version 3.1 History: 2018.11.1; Stephanevg;Updated to version 3.1 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] $Content, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "aside" Set-htmltag -TagName $tagName -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType NonVoid } } Function b { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a <b> HTML tag. The <b> tag defines a hyperlink, which is used to link from one page to another. .DESCRIPTION .PARAMETER Class Allows to specify one (or more) class(es) to assign the html element. More then one class can be assigned by seperating them with a white space. .PARAMETER Id Allows to specify an id to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Content Allows to add child element(s) inside the current opening and closing HTML tag(s). .EXAMPLE The following exapmles show cases how to create an empty b, with a class, an ID, and, custom attributes. b -Class "myclass1 MyClass2" -Id myid -Attributes @{"custom1"='val1';custom2='val2'} Generates the following code: <b Class="myclass1 MyClass2" Id="myid" custom1="val1" custom2="val2" > </b> .NOTES Current version 3.1 History: 2019.06.18;@Josh_Burkard;initial version .LINK #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class, [String]$Id, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) $tagname = "b" Set-htmltag -TagName $tagName -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType NonVoid } Function base { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a base title in an HTML document. .DESCRIPTION The <base> tag specifies the base URL/target for all relative URLs in a document. There can be at maximum one <base> element in a document, and it must be inside the <head> element. .EXAMPLE base .EXAMPLE base "woop1" -Class "class" .Notes Author: Stéphane van Gulick Current Version: 3.1 History: 2018.11.1; Stephanevg;Updated to version 3.1 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.05.11;@Stephanevg; fixed minor bugs 2018.05.09;@Stephanevg; Creation .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$href, [ValidateSet("_self", "_blank", "_parent", "_top")] [String]$Target, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class, [String]$Id, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) $tagname = "base" if(!($Target)){ $PSBoundParameters.Target = "_self" } Set-htmltag -TagName $tagName -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType void } Function blockquote { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a blockquote tag in an HTML document. .EXAMPLE blockquote -cite "" -Content @" Google is a great website to search for information "@ .EXAMPLE blockquote -cite "" -class "classy" -style "stylish" -Content @" Google is a great website to search for information "@ .NOTES Current version 3.1 History: 2018.11.1; Stephanevg;Updated to version 3.1 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.10.29;@ChristopheKumor;New Set-HtmlTag function to version 2.2 2018.10.02;@NicolasBaudin;Fixed pipeline support bug. to version 2.1 2018.10.02;@stephanevg;Fixed error when no content passed. to version 2.0 2018.10.02;bateskevin;updated to version 2.0 2018.05.07;stephanevg;updated to version 1.0 2018.04.01;bateskevinhanevg;Creation. .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [string]$cite, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class, [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [String]$title, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) $tagname = "blockquote" Set-htmltag -TagName $tagName -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType NonVoid } Function Body { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a Body HTML tag. .PARAMETER Class Allows to specify one (or more) class(es) to assign the html element. More then one class can be assigned by seperating them with a white space. .PARAMETER Id Allows to specify an id to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Style Allows to specify in line CSS style to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Content Allows to add child element(s) inside the current opening and closing HTML tag(s). .EXAMPLE The following exapmles show cases how to create an empty Body, with a class, an ID, and, custom attributes. Body -Class "myclass1 MyClass2" -Id myid -Attributes @{"custom1"='val1';custom2='val2'} Generates the following code: <Body Class="myclass1 MyClass2" Id="myid" custom1="val1" custom2="val2" > </Body> .NOTES Current version 3.1 History: 2018.11.1; Stephanevg;Updated to version 3.1 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.10;bateskevin; Updated to version 2.0 2018.04.10;Stephanevg; Added parameters 2018.04.01;Stephanevg;Creation. .LINK #> Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] $Content, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "Body" Set-htmltag -TagName $tagName -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType NonVoid } } Function br { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a br in an HTML document. .EXAMPLE br .Notes Author: Ravikanth Chaganti Version: 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.29;rchaganti; Adding br element .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes ) $tagname = "br" Set-htmltag -TagName $tagName -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType void } Function button { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a <button> html tag. .DESCRIPTION Should be used in conjunction with a form attribute. .EXAMPLE button .EXAMPLE button "woop1" -Class "class" .EXAMPLE <form> <fieldset> <button>Personalia:</button> Name: <input type="text" size="30"><br> Email: <input type="text" size="30"><br> Date of birth: <input type="text" size="10"> </fieldset> </form> .Notes Author: Stéphane van Gulick Version: 3.1 History: 2018.11.1; Stephanevg;Updated to version 3.1 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.05.09;@Stephanevg; Creation .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) $tagname = "button" Set-htmltag -TagName $tagName -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } Function canvas { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a canvas tag in an HTML document. .DESCRIPTION Will create a canvas. Perfect to draw beautfill art. Note: Any text inside the <canvas> element will be displayed in browsers that does not support <canvas>. .EXAMPLE canvas -Height 300 -Width 400 generates <canvas Height="300" Width="400" > </canvas> .EXAMPLE #text will be displayed, only if the canvas cannot be displayed in the browser. canvas -Height 300 -Width 400 -Content "Not supported in your browser" <canvas Width="400" Height="300" > Not supported in your browser </canvas> .NOTES Current version 3.1 History: 2018.11.1; Stephanevg;Updated to version 3.1 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.01;stephanevg;Creation. .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Height, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Width, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class = "", [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [String]$title, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "canvas" Set-htmltag -TagName $tagName -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function Caption { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a caption HTML tag. .PARAMETER Class Allows to specify one (or more) class(es) to assign the html element. More then one class can be assigned by seperating them with a white space. .PARAMETER Id Allows to specify an id to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Style Allows to specify in line CSS style to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Content Allows to add child element(s) inside the current opening and closing HTML tag(s). .EXAMPLE The following exapmles show cases how to create an empty caption, with a class, an ID, and, custom attributes. caption -Class "myclass1 MyClass2" -Id myid -Attributes @{"custom1"='val1';custom2='val2'} Generates the following code: <caption Class="myclass1 MyClass2" Id="myid" custom1="val1" custom2="val2" > </caption> .EXAMPLE The caption is used in the construction of the HTML table. The following example illustrates how the caption could be used. table{ caption "This is a table generated with PSHTML" thead { tr{ th "number1" th "number2" th "number3" } } tbody{ tr{ td "Child 1.1" td "Child 1.2" td "Child 1.3" } tr{ td "Child 2.1" td "Child 2.2" td "Child 2.3" } } tfoot{ tr{ td "Table footer" } } } } .LINK .NOTES Current version 3.1.0 History: 2018.11.1; Stephanevg;Updated to version 3.1 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.10;Stephanevg; Added parameters 2018.04.01;Stephanevg;Creation. Information on the Caption HTML tag can be found here --> #> Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] $Content, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "caption" Set-htmltag -TagName $tagName -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } #From Jakub Jares (Thanks!) function Clear-WhiteSpace ($Text) { "$($Text -replace "(`t|`n|`r)"," " -replace "\s+"," ")".Trim() } Function Col { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates col HTML tag. .DESCRIPTION The <col> tag specifies column properties for each column within a <colgroup> element. The <col> tag is useful for applying styles to entire columns, instead of repeating the styles for each cell, for each row. .PARAMETER Class Allows to specify one (or more) class(es) to assign the html element. More then one class can be assigned by seperating them with a white space. .PARAMETER Id Allows to specify an id to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Style Allows to specify in line CSS style to assign the html element. .EXAMPLE col -span 3 -Class "Table1" Generates the following code <col span="3" Class="Table1" > .EXAMPLE Col is often used in conjunction with 'colgroup'. See below for an example using colgroup and two col Colgroup { col -span 3 -Style "Background-color:red" col -Style "Backgroung-color:yellow" } Generates the following code <colgroup> <col span="3" Style="Background-color:red" > <col Style="Backgroung-color:yellow" > </colgroup> .NOTES Current version 3.1 History: 2018.11.1; Stephanevg;Updated to version 3.1 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.08;Stephanvg; Updated to version 1.0 2018.04.01;Stephanevg;Fix disyplay bug. .LINK #> Param( [Parameter(Position = 0)] [int] $span, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "col" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType Void } } Function Colgroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates colgroup HTML tag. .DESCRIPTION The <colgroup> tag is useful for applying styles to entire columns, instead of repeating the styles for each cell, for each row. .PARAMETER Class Allows to specify one (or more) class(es) to assign the html element. More then one class can be assigned by seperating them with a white space. .PARAMETER Id Allows to specify an id to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Style Allows to specify in line CSS style to assign the html element. .EXAMPLE Colgroup { col -span 2 } <colgroup> <col span="2" > </colgroup> .EXAMPLE Colgroup { col -span 3 -Style "Background-color:red" col -Style "Backgroung-color:yellow" } Generates the following code <colgroup> <col span="3" Style="Background-color:red" > <col Style="Backgroung-color:yellow" > </colgroup> .NOTES Current version 3.1 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.08;Stephanevg; Updated to version 1.0 2018.04.01;Stephanevg;Fix disyplay bug. .LINK #> Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] $Content, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [int] $span, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 5)] [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "colgroup" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function ConvertTo-HTMLTable { <# .SYNOPSIS This cmdlet is deprecated. Use ConvertTo-PSHTMLTable instead. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $Object, [String[]]$Properties ) Write-Warning "ConvertTo-HTMLTable is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use ConvertTo-PSHTMLTable instead" ConvertTo-PSHTMLTable @PSBoundParameters } function ConvertTo-PSHTMLTable { <# .SYNOPSIS Converts a powershell object to a HTML table. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet is intended to be used when powershell objects should be rendered in an HTML table format. .PARAMETER Object Specifies the object to use .PARAMETER Properties Properties you want as table headernames .EXAMPLE $service = Get-Service -Name Sens,wsearch,wscsvc | Select-Object -Property DisplayName,Status,StartType ConvertTo-PSHTMLtable -Object $service .EXAMPLE $proc = Get-Process | Select-Object -First 2 ConvertTo-PSHTMLtable -Object $proc .EXAMPLE $proc = Get-Process | Select-Object -First 2 ConvertTo-PSHTMLtable -Object $proc -properties name,handles Returns the following HTML code <table> <thead> <tr> <td>name</td> <td>handles</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>AccelerometerSt</td> <td>155</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AgentService</td> <td>190</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> .NOTES Current version 0.7.1 History: 2019.02.14;LxLeChat;Miaou 2018.05.09;stephanevg;Made Linux compatible (changed Get-Serv). 2018.10.14;Christophe Kumor;Update. 2018.05.09;stephanevg;Creation. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $Object, [String[]]$Properties, [String]$Caption, [String]$TableID, [String]$TableClass, [String]$TableStyle, [HashTable]$TableAttributes, [String]$TheadId, [String]$TheadClass, [String]$TheadStyle, [HashTable]$TheadAttributes, [String]$TBodyId, [String]$TBodyClass, [String]$TBodyStyle, [HashTable]$TBodyAttributes ) begin { ## Creation of hastable to store the thead, caption, and trs generated in the process ## caption and thead will be generated onlyc one. $Hashtable = @{ caption = $null thead = $null trs = $null properties = @() } } process { Foreach ($item in $Object) { ## thead is null, it means we are in the first iteration, this condition will never be met after the first iteration If ( $null -eq $Hashtable.thead ) { if ($Properties) { $HeaderNames = $Properties $ = $properties } else { $props = $item | Get-Member -MemberType Properties | Select-Object Name $HeaderNames = @() foreach ($i in $props) { $HeaderNames += $ $ += $ } } if ($Caption) { $Hashtable.caption = Caption -Content { $Caption } } ## Thead Params $TheadParams = @{} if ($TheadId) { $ = $TheadId } if ($TheadClass) { $TheadParams.Class = $TheadClass } if ($TheadStyle) { $TheadParams.Style = $TheadStyle } if ($TheadAttributes) { $TheadParams.Attributes = $TheadAttributes } $Hashtable.thead = Thead @TheadParams -content { tr { foreach ($Name in $HeaderNames) { td { $Name } } } } } ## end of the thead is null ## Trs must be generated for every iteration $tr = tr { foreach ($propertyName in $ { th { $item.$propertyName } } } $Hashtable.TRs = $Hashtable.TRs + $tr } } end { ## No need to generate TableParams in the process block $TableParams = @{} if ($TableID) { $TableParams.Id = $TableID } if ($TableClass) { $TableParams.Class = $TableClass } if ($TableStyle) { $TableParams.Style = $TableStyle } ## TBodyParams $TBodyParams = @{} if ($TBodyId) { $TBodyParams.Id = $TBodyId } if ($TBodyClass) { $TBodyParams.Class = $TBodyClass } If ($TBodyStyle) { $TBodyParams.Style = $TBodyStyle } If ($TBodyAttributes) { $TBodyParams.Attributes = $TBodyAttributes } Table @TableParams -Content { $Hashtable.caption + $Hashtable.thead + (Tbody @TBodyParams {$Hashtable.trs} ) } } } Function datalist { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a datalist tag in an HTML document. .DESCRIPTION The <datalist> tag specifies a list of pre-defined options for an <input> element. The <datalist> tag is used to provide an "autocomplete" feature on <input> elements. Users will see a drop-down list of pre-defined options as they input data. Use the <input> element's list attribute to bind it together with a <datalist> element. .EXAMPLE datalist { option -value "Volvo" -Content "Volvo" option -value Saab -Content "saab" } Generates the following code: <datalist> <option value="Volvo" >volvo</option> <option value="Saab" >saab</option> </datalist> .EXAMPLE .NOTES Current version 3.1 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.10.05;@stephanevg;Creation. .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class = "", [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [String]$title, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "datalist" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function dd { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a dd tag in an HTML document. .EXAMPLE dd .EXAMPLE dd "woop1" -Class "class" .EXAMPLE dd "woop2" -Class "class" -Id "Something" .EXAMPLE dd "woop3" -Class "class" -Id "something" -Style "color:red;" .NOTES Current version 3.1 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.10.02;bateskevin;Updated to v2. 2018.04.01;bateskevin;Creation. .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class = "", [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [String]$value, [HashTable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "dd" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function Div { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a DIV HTML tag. .EXAMPLE The following exapmles show cases how to create an empty div, with a class, an ID, and, custom attributes. div -Class "myclass1 MyClass2" -Id myid -Attributes @{"custom1"='val1';custom2='val2'} Generates the following code: <div Class="myclass1 MyClass2" Id="myid" custom1="val1" custom2="val2" > </div> .NOTES Current version 2.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.10.02;bateskevin; Updated to v2.0 2018.04.10;Stephanevg; Added parameters 2018.04.01;Stephanevg;Creation. .LINK #> Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] $Content, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "div" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function dl { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a dl tag in an HTML document. .EXAMPLE dl .EXAMPLE dl -Content {dt -Content "Coffe";dl -Content "Black hot drink"} .EXAMPLE dl -Class "class" -Id "something" -Style "color:red;" .NOTES Current version 3.1 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.10.02;bateskevin;Updated to v2. 2018.05.01;Removed reversed as this is not supported. 2018.04.01;bateskevin;Creation. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, position = 0)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes, [Parameter(Position = 5)] [string]$start ) Process { $tagname = "dl" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function doctype { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a html doctype tag. .DESCRIPTION The <!DOCTYPE> declaration must be the very first thing in your HTML document, before the <html> tag. The <!DOCTYPE> declaration is not an HTML tag; it is an instruction to the web browser about what version of HTML the page is written in. .EXAMPLE doctype .NOTES Current version 0.1.0 History: 2019.07.09;@stephanevg;created .LINK #> Param( ) #As described here: #$tagname = "doctype" #Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType 'void' return "<!DOCTYPE html>" } Function dt { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a dt tag in an HTML document. .EXAMPLE dt .EXAMPLE dt "woop1" -Class "class" .EXAMPLE dt "woop2" -Class "class" -Id "Something" .EXAMPLE dt "woop3" -Class "class" -Id "something" -Style "color:red;" .NOTES Current version 3.1 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.10.02;bateskevin;Updated to v2. 2018.04.01;bateskevin;Creation. .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class = "", [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [String]$value, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "dt" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function em { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates em HTML tag. .Description This tag is a phrase tag. It renders as emphasized text. .EXAMPLE p{ "This is";em {"cool"} } Will generate the following code <p> This is <em> cool </em> </p> .Notes Author: Andrew Wickham Version: 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.10.04;@awickham10; Creation .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0 )] $Content, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes ) $tagname = "em" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType NonVoid } Function fieldset { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a fieldset title in an HTML document. .EXAMPLE fieldset .EXAMPLE fieldset "woop1" -Class "class" .EXAMPLE $css = @" "p {color:green;} h1 {color:orange;}" "@ fieldset {$css} -media "print" -type "text/css" .Notes Author: Stéphane van Gulick Version: 3.1 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.05.09;@Stephanevg; Creation .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [switch]$disabled, [String]$form, [String]$name, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class, [String]$Id, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) $tagname = "fieldset" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } Function figcaption { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a figcaption tag in an HTML document. .EXAMPLE figcaption .EXAMPLE figcaption "woop1" -Class "class" .EXAMPLE figcaption "woop2" -Class "class" -Id "Something" .EXAMPLE figcaption "woop3" -Class "class" -Id "something" -Style "color:red;" .NOTES Current version 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.10.02;bateskevin;Updated to v2. 2018.04.01;bateskevin;Creation. .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class = "", [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [String]$title, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "figcaption" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function figure { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a figure HTML tag. .EXAMPLE The following exapmles show cases how to create an empty figure, with a class, an ID, and, custom attributes. figure -Class "myclass1 MyClass2" -Id myid -Attributes @{"custom1"='val1';custom2='val2'} Generates the following code: <figure Class="myclass1 MyClass2" Id="myid" custom1="val1" custom2="val2" > </figure> .NOTES Current version 3.1 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.10.02;bateskevin;Updated to v2. 2018.04.01;bateskevin;Creation. .LINK #> Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] $Content, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "figure" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function Footer { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a Footer HTML tag. .PARAMETER Class Allows to specify one (or more) class(es) to assign the html element. More then one class can be assigned by seperating them with a white space. .PARAMETER Id Allows to specify an id to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Style Allows to specify in line CSS style to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Content Allows to add child element(s) inside the current opening and closing HTML tag(s). .EXAMPLE Footer { h6 "This is h6 Title in Footer" } Generates the following code <footer> <h6>This is h6 Title in Footer</h6> </footer> Generates the following code: <Body Class="myclass1 MyClass2" Id="myid" custom1="val1" custom2="val2" > </Body> .NOTES Current version 3.1 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.10;Stephanevg; Added parameters 2018.04.01;Stephanevg;Creation. .LINK #> Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] $Content, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "footer" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function Form { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates Form HTML tag. .DESCRIPTION Generates the HTML FORM tag for form manipulations. .PARAMETER Action Specifiy which URL should be called when the form is called. .PARAMETER Method The HTTP method to use when sending form-data. Acceptable values are: GET POST .PARAMETER Target Specifies where to display the response that is received after submitting the form. Acceptable values are: _blank _self (default) _parent _top If this parameter is not called, it will default to target=_self .Parameter Enctyp This is a dynamic parameter, which is only available when 'Method' is set to 'post'. The available values are: -"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -"multipart/form-data" -"text/plain" See here for more information --> .PARAMETER Class Allows to specify one (or more) class(es) to assign the html element. More then one class can be assigned by seperating them with a white space. .PARAMETER Id Allows to specify an id to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Style Allows to specify in line CSS style to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Content Allows to add child element(s) inside the current opening and closing HTML tag(s). .EXAMPLE form "/action_Page.php" post _self Generates the following html element: (Not very usefull, we both agree on that) <from action="/action_Page.php" method="post" target="_self" > </form> .EXAMPLE The following Example show how to pass custom HTML tag and their values form "/action_Page.php" post _self -attributes @{"Woop"="Wap";"sap"="sop"} .NOTES Current version 3.1 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.08;Stephanevg; Fixed custom Attributes display bug. Updated help 2018.04.01;Stephanevg;Fix disyplay bug. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [String]$action, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [ValidateSet("get", "post")] [String]$method = "get", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)] [ValidateSet("_blank", "_self", "_parent", "top")] [String]$target, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 5)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 6)] [Hashtable]$Attributes, [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 7 )] $Content ) DynamicParam{ If($method -eq 'Post'){ $ParameterName = 'enctype' $Attribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $Attribute.HelpMessage = "Please enter encoding type" $Attribute.Mandatory = $True $ValidateSetValues = @("application/x-www-form-urlencoded","multipart/form-data","text/plain") $ValidateSet = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($ValidateSetValues) $attributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] $attributeCollection.add($ValidateSet) $attributeCollection.Add($Attribute) $Para = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string], $attributeCollection) $paramDictionary = new-object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary $paramDictionary.Add($ParameterName, $para) return $paramDictionary } } Process { $tagname = "form" if(!($Target)){ $PSBoundParameters.Target = "_self" } Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } function Get-PSHTMLAsset { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns existing PSHTML assets .DESCRIPTION Get-PSHTMLAsset allows to retriev one or more of the available assets in PSHTML. It is possible to sort by type, and Name. It is also possible to add custom assets. 1) Add a folder in the Assets folder 2) place .js or .css files in that folder. 3) Voila! Your assets are now available via Get-PSHTMLAsset .EXAMPLE Get-PSHTMLAsset (Version numbers could potentially be different) Name : BootStrap FolderPath : C:\ModuleLocation\PSHTML\PSHTML\Assets\BootStrap FilePath : bootstrap.bundle.js RelativePath : Assets/BootStrap/bootstrap.bundle.js Type : Script Name : BootStrap FolderPath : C:\ModuleLocation\PSHTML\PSHTML\Assets\BootStrap FilePath : bootstrap.css RelativePath : Assets/BootStrap/bootstrap.css Type : Style Name : Chartjs FolderPath : C:\ModuleLocation\PSHTML\PSHTML\Assets\Chartjs FilePath : Chart.bundle.min.js RelativePath : Assets/Chartjs/Chart.bundle.min.js Type : Script Name : Jquery FolderPath : C:\ModuleLocation\PSHTML\PSHTML\Assets\Jquery FilePath : jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js RelativePath : Assets/Jquery/jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js Type : Script .Parameter Name Get-PSHTMLAsset -Name Jquery Name : Jquery FolderPath : C:\ModuleLocation\PSHTML\PSHTML\Assets\Jquery FilePath : jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js RelativePath : Assets/Jquery/jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js Type : Script .Parameter Type Allows to filter on one specific type to return. Get-PSHTMLAsset -Type Script Name : BootStrap FolderPath : C:\ModuleLocation\PSHTML\PSHTML\Assets\BootStrap FilePath : bootstrap.bundle.js RelativePath : Assets/BootStrap/bootstrap.bundle.js Type : Script Name : Chartjs FolderPath : C:\ModuleLocation\PSHTML\PSHTML\Assets\Chartjs FilePath : Chart.bundle.min.js RelativePath : Assets/Chartjs/Chart.bundle.min.js Type : Script Name : Jquery FolderPath : C:\ModuleLocation\PSHTML\PSHTML\Assets\Jquery FilePath : jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js RelativePath : Assets/Jquery/jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js Type : Script .EXAMPLE In the following example, Bootstrap is retrieved. Bootstrap needs one Script file (.js) and one Style (.css) file (at a minimum) to work. Using 'only' the -Name parameter will return all of the found values for that specific name, regardles of the type. To have a type filtering, use the -Type parameter. Get-PSHTMLAsset -Name Bootstrap Name : BootStrap FolderPath : C:\ModuleLocation\PSHTML\PSHTML\Assets\BootStrap FilePath : bootstrap.bundle.js RelativePath : Assets/BootStrap/bootstrap.bundle.js Type : Script Name : BootStrap FolderPath : C:\ModuleLocation\PSHTML\PSHTML\Assets\BootStrap FilePath : bootstrap.css RelativePath : Assets/BootStrap/bootstrap.css Type : Style .EXAMPLE The Asset object it self, comes with a method called ToString() which allows one to write the the html information for that specific asset. Place the following code the head{} of your HTML Document. $J = Get-PSHTMLAsset -Name Jquery $J.ToString() #This will dynamically generate a script tag to that specific asset. <Script src='C:/ModuleLocation/PSHTML/PSHTML/Assets/Jquery/jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js'></Script> Note: The above code would return the exact same result as Write-PSHTMLAsset: Write-PSHTMLAsset -Name Jquery #As a best practise, we recommend to use Write-PSHTMLAsset .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Asset[] .Notes Author: Stéphane van Gulick .Link #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [String]$Name, [ValidateSet("Script","Style")]$Type ) begin { } process { $Config = (Get-PSHTMLConfiguration) If($Name){ $Config.GetAsset($Name) }Elseif($Type -and $Name){ $Config.GetAsset($Name,$Type) }elseif($Type){ $Config.GetAsset($Type) }Else{ $Config.GetAsset() } } end { } } function Get-PSHTMLColor { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a color string based on a color type and name .DESCRIPTION Returns a color string based on one of the W3C defined color names, using one of the formats typically used in HTML. .PARAMETER Type The type of color returned. Possible values: hex, hsl, hsla, rgb, rgba .PARAMETER Color A color name as defined by the W3C .EXAMPLE Get-PSHTMLColor -Type hex -Color lightblue #ADD8E6 .EXAMPLE Get-PSHTMLColor -Type hsl -Color lightblue hsl(194,52%,79%) .EXAMPLE Get-PSHTMLColor -Type hsla -Color lightblue hsla(194,52%,79%,0) .EXAMPLE Get-PSHTMLColor -Type rgb -Color lightblue rgb(173,216,230) .EXAMPLE Get-PSHTMLColor -Type rgba -Color lightblue rgba(173,216,230,0) #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("hex","hsl","hsla","rgb","rgba")] [string] $Type="rgb", [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ArgumentCompleter({[Color]::colornames})] [String] $Color ) $colordef = "$($color)_def" switch ($Type){ 'rgb' { Return [Color]::$color } 'rgba' { Return [Color]::rgba([Color]::$colordef.R,[Color]::$colordef.G,[Color]::$colordef.B,0) } 'hex' { Return [Color]::hex([Color]::$colordef.R,[Color]::$colordef.G,[Color]::$colordef.B) } 'hsl'{ Return [Color]::hsl([Color]::$colordef.R,[Color]::$colordef.G,[Color]::$colordef.B) } 'hsla' { Return [Color]::hsla([Color]::$colordef.R,[Color]::$colordef.G,[Color]::$colordef.B,0) } default { Return [Color]::$Color } } } Function Get-PSHTMLConfiguration { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the PSHTML current configuration .DESCRIPTION Use this cmdlet to get the configuration that is currently loaded. It is possible to access the different parts off the configuration using specific methods (See example section). Use (Get-PSHTMLConfiguration).LoadConfigurationData() to reapply a configuration file. .EXAMPLE Get-PSHTMLConfiguration .EXAMPLE (Get-PSHTMLConfiguration).GetGeneralConfig() Returns the global settings current applied in PSHTML .EXAMPLE (Get-PSHTMLConfiguration).GetAssetsConfig() Returns the assets that are currently present in PSHTML .EXAMPLE (Get-PSHTMLConfiguration).GetLogConfig() Returns the logging settings currently set for PSHTML .Example (Get-PSHTMLConfiguration).LoadConfigurationData() Allows to relead the configuration file data into memory. .Example It is possible to set new values to for the PSHTML environment as follows: $Settings = Get-PSHTMLConfiguration $Settings.Data.Logging.MaxFiles = 100 This will change the default allowed number of log files to 100. This setting will be present only during this session. It will be overwritten at each reload of the module, or when the .LoadConfiguration() method is used. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS [ConfigurationFile] .NOTES General notes #> return $Script:PSHTML_Configuration } Function Get-PSHTMLInclude { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve the list of available PSHTML include files. .DESCRIPTION Allows to list the current existing include documents available to use. .PARAMETER Name Specifiy the name of an include file. (The name of an include file is the name of the powershell script containing the code, without the extension.) Example: Footer.ps1 The name will be 'Footer' This parameter is a dynamic parameter, and you can tab through the different values up until you find the one you wish to use. .Example Get-PSHTMLInclude .Example Get-PSHTMLInclude -Name Footer #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( ) DynamicParam { $ParameterName = 'Name' $Includes = (Get-PSHTMLConfiguration).GetInclude() if ($Includes) { $Names = $Includes.Name $Attribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $Attribute.Position = 1 $Attribute.Mandatory = $False $Attribute.HelpMessage = 'Select which file to include' $Collection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] $Collection.add($Attribute) $ValidateSet = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($Names) $Collection.add($ValidateSet) $Param = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string], $Collection) $Dictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary $Dictionary.Add($ParameterName, $Param) return $Dictionary } } Begin { $Name = $PsBoundParameters[$ParameterName] } Process { If ($Name) { $Includes = (Get-PSHTMLConfiguration).GetInclude($Name) } else { $Includes = (Get-PSHTMLConfiguration).GetInclude() } } End { return $Includes } } Function H1 { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a h1 title in an HTML document. .EXAMPLE h1 .EXAMPLE h1 "woop1" -Class "class" .EXAMPLE h1 "woop2" -Class "class" -Id "MainTitle" .EXAMPLE h1 {"woop3"} -Class "class" -Id "MaintTitle" -Style "color:red;" .Notes Author: Stéphane van Gulick Version: 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.08;Stephanevg; Updated to version 1.0: Updated content block to support string & ScriptBlock 2018.04.08;Stephanevg; Fixed custom Attributes display bug. Updated help 2018.03.25;@Stephanevg; Added Styles, ID, CLASS attributes functionality 2018.03.25;@Stephanevg; Creation .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class, [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "h1" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function h2 { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a h2 title in an HTML document. .EXAMPLE h2 .EXAMPLE h2 "woop1" -Class "class" .EXAMPLE h2 "woop2" -Class "class" -Id "MainTitle" .EXAMPLE h2 {"woop3"} -Class "class" -Id "MaintTitle" -Style "color:red;" .Notes Author: Stéphane van Gulick Version: 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.08;Stephanevg; Updated to version 1.0: Updated content block to support string & ScriptBlock 2018.03.25;@Stephanevg; Creation .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class, [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "h2" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function h3 { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a h3 title in an HTML document. .EXAMPLE h3 .EXAMPLE h3 "woop1" -Class "class" .EXAMPLE h3 "woop2" -Class "class" -Id "MainTitle" .EXAMPLE h3 {"woop3"} -Class "class" -Id "MaintTitle" -Style "color:red;" .Notes Author: Stéphane van Gulick Version: 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.08;Stephanevg; Updated to version 1.0: Updated content block to support string & ScriptBlock 2018.03.25;@Stephanevg; Creation .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class, [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "h3" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function h4 { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a h4 title in an HTML document. .EXAMPLE h4 .EXAMPLE h4 "woop1" -Class "class" .EXAMPLE h4 "woop2" -Class "class" -Id "MainTitle" .EXAMPLE h4 {"woop3"} -Class "class" -Id "MaintTitle" -Style "color:red;" .Notes Author: Stéphane van Gulick Version: 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.08;Stephanevg; Updated to version 1.0: Updated content block to support string & ScriptBlock 2018.03.25;@Stephanevg; Creation .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class, [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "h4" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function h5 { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a h5 title in an HTML document. .EXAMPLE h5 .EXAMPLE h5 "woop1" -Class "class" .EXAMPLE h5 "woop2" -Class "class" -Id "MainTitle" .EXAMPLE h5 {"woop3"} -Class "class" -Id "MaintTitle" -Style "color:red;" .Notes Author: Stéphane van Gulick Version: 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.08;Stephanevg; Updated to version 1.0: Updated content block to support string & ScriptBlock 2018.03.25;@Stephanevg; Creation .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class, [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "h5" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function h6 { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a h6 title in an HTML document. .EXAMPLE h6 .EXAMPLE h6 "woop1" -Class "class" .EXAMPLE h6 "woop2" -Class "class" -Id "MainTitle" .EXAMPLE h6 {"woop3"} -Class "class" -Id "MaintTitle" -Style "color:red;" .Notes Author: Stéphane van Gulick Version: 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.08;Stephanevg; Updated to version 1.0: Updated content block to support string & ScriptBlock 2018.03.25;@Stephanevg; Creation .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class, [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "h6" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function head { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a head HTML tag. .DESCRIPTION The <head> element is a container for all the head elements. The <head> element can include a title for the document, scripts, styles, meta information, and more. The following elements can go inside the <head> element: <title> (this element is required in an HTML document) <style> <base> <link> <meta> <script> <noscript> (Source --> .PARAMETER Class Allows to specify one (or more) class(es) to assign the html element. More then one class can be assigned by seperating them with a white space. .PARAMETER Id Allows to specify an id to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Style Allows to specify in line CSS style to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Content Allows to add child element(s) inside the current opening and closing HTML tag(s). .NOTES Current version 3.1 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.10;Stephanevg; Added parameters 2018.04.01;Stephanevg;Creation. .LINK #> Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] $Content, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "head" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function header { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a header HTML tag. .DESCRIPTION The <header> element represents a container for introductory content or a set of navigational links. A <header> element typically contains: one or more heading elements (<h1> - <h6>) logo or icon authorship information You can have several <header> elements in one document. (Source -> .PARAMETER Class Allows to specify one (or more) class(es) to assign the html element. More then one class can be assigned by seperating them with a white space. .PARAMETER Id Allows to specify an id to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Style Allows to specify in line CSS style to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Content Allows to add child element(s) inside the current opening and closing HTML tag(s). .EXAMPLE header { h1 "This is h1 Title in header" h2 "This is h2 Title in header" p "Some text in paragraph" } Generates the following code <header> <h1> This is h1 Title in header </h1> <h2> This is h2 Title in header </h2> <p> Some text in paragraph </p> </header> .NOTES Current version 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.10;Stephanevg; Added parameters 2018.04.01;Stephanevg;Creation. .LINK #> Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] $Content, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "header" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function hr { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a hr title in an HTML document. .EXAMPLE hr #Generates the following code: <hr> .EXAMPLE hr -Attributes @{"Attribute1"="val1";"Attribute2"="val2"} Generates the following code <hr Attribute1="val1" Attribute2="val2" > .EXAMPLE $Style = "font-family: arial; text-align: center;" hr -Style $style Generates the following code <hr Style="font-family: arial; text-align: center;" > .Notes Author: Stéphane van Gulick Version: 2.0.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.08;bateskevin; Updated to v2.0 2018.04.08;Stephanevg; Updated to version 1.0: Updated content block to support string & ScriptBlock 2018.03.25;@Stephanevg; Added Styles, ID, CLASS attributes functionality 2018.03.25;@Stephanevg; Creation .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class, [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "hr" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType void } } Function html { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a html HTML tag. .DESCRIPTION The <html> tag tells the browser that this is an HTML document. The <html> tag represents the root of an HTML document. The <html> tag is the container for all other HTML elements (except for the <!DOCTYPE> tag). Detailed information can be found here --> .PARAMETER Class Allows to specify one (or more) class(es) to assign the html element. More then one class can be assigned by seperating them with a white space. .PARAMETER Id Allows to specify an id to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Style Allows to specify in line CSS style to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Content Allows to add child element(s) inside the current opening and closing HTML tag(s). .EXAMPLE .NOTES Current version 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.10;Stephanevg; Added parameters 2018.04.01;Stephanevg;Creation. .LINK #> Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes, [String]$xmlns ) Process { $tagname = "html" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function i { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a <i> HTML tag. The <a> tag defines a hyperlink, which is used to link from one page to another. .DESCRIPTION .PARAMETER Class Allows to specify one (or more) class(es) to assign the html element. More then one class can be assigned by seperating them with a white space. .PARAMETER Id Allows to specify an id to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Content Allows to add child element(s) inside the current opening and closing HTML tag(s). .EXAMPLE The following exapmles show cases how to create an empty i, with a class, an ID, and, custom attributes. i -Class "myclass1 MyClass2" -Id myid -Attributes @{"custom1"='val1';custom2='val2'} Generates the following code: <i Class="myclass1 MyClass2" Id="myid" custom1="val1" custom2="val2" > </i> .NOTES Current version 3.1 History: 2019.06.19;@Josh_Burkard;initial version .LINK #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class, [String]$Id, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) $tagname = "i" Set-htmltag -TagName $tagName -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType NonVoid } Function img { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a html img tag. .DESCRIPTION The <img> tag defines an image in an HTML page. The <img> tag has two required attributes: src and alt. .PARAMETER SRC Defines the source location of the image .PARAMETER ALT Alternative display when the image cannot be displayed. .PARAMETER Class Allows to specify one (or more) class(es) to assign the img element. More then one class can be assigned by seperating them with a white space. .PARAMETER Id Allows to specify an id to assign the img element. .PARAMETER Style Allows to specify in line CSS style to assign the img element. .PARAMETER Content Allows to add child element(s) inside the current opening and closing img tag(s). .EXAMPLE .NOTES Current version 3.1 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.10.10;Stephanevg; Updated code to version 2.0 2018.05.07;Stephanevg; Updated code to version 1.0 2018.04.01;Stephanevg;Creation. .LINK #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String] $src = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $alt = "", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $height, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $width, [String]$Class, [String]$Id, [String]$Style, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) $tagname = "img" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType 'void' } Function input { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates input HTML tag. .DESCRIPTION The <input> tag specifies an input field where the user can enter data. <input> elements are used within a <form> element to declare input controls that allow users to input data. An input field can vary in many ways, depending on the type attribute. Note: The <input> element is empty, it contains attributes only. Tip: Use the <label> element to define labels for <input> elements. More info: .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( #Need to add the other ones from --> [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [ValidateSet("button", "checkbox", "color", "date", "datetime-local", "email", "file", "hidden", "image", "month", "number", "password", "radio", "range", "reset", "search", "submit", "tel", "text", "time", "url", "week")] [String]$type, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [String]$name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 2)] [switch]$required, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 3)] [switch]$readonly, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 5)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 6)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 7)] [String]$value, [Parameter(Position = 8)] [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "input" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType Void } } function Install-PSHTMLVSCodeSnippets { <# .SYNOPSIS Copy the PSHTML VSCode Snippets to the right location .DESCRIPTION Gets the PSHTML VSCode snippet files and copies them to users appdata folder .EXAMPLE .EXAMPLE .NOTES Current version 1.0 History: 2018.10.21;Stephanevg;Fix wrong path due to module restrucutre. 2018.10.17;stephanev;updated to v 1.0 - added error handling, and -force parameter 2018.10.16;FishFenly;Creation. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [String]$Path , [Switch]$Force ) if(!($Path)){ if($IsLinux){ $Path = "$($home)/vscode/Snippets/" }else{ $Path = "$($env:APPDATA)\Code\User\Snippets" } } $ModuleRoot = Get-ModuleRoot Write-verbose "Module Root is: $($ModuleRoot)" $snippetsfolder = join-path $ModuleRoot -ChildPath "Snippets" $AllSnipets = Get-childItem -path $snippetsfolder if(!(Test-Path $Path)){ $Null = New-Item -Path $Path -ItemType Directory -Force } $Paras = @{} $Paras.Destination = $Path $Paras.errorAction = "Stop" #$Paras.Force = $true $Paras.Recurse = $true if($Force){ $Paras.Force = $true } if($AllSnipets){ foreach ($snippet in $AllSnipets) { $Paras.Path = $null $Paras.Path = $snippet.FullName Write-Verbose "Copying $($snippet.FullName) to $($Paras.Destination)" try { Copy-Item @Paras }Catch{ Write-warning "$_" } } }else{ write-warning "No snippts found in $SnippetsFolder" } } Function Keygen { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a Keygen tag in an HTML document. .DESCRIPTION The name attribute specifies the name of a <keygen> element. The name attribute of the <keygen> element is used to reference form data after the form has been submitted. .EXAMPLE keygen -Name "Secure" Returns: <Keygen Name="Secure" /> .NOTES Current version 3.1 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.10.10;Stephanevg;Creation. .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Name = "", [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class = "", [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [String]$title, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "Keygen" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType Void } } Function label { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a <label> HTML element tag .EXAMPLE label .EXAMPLE label "woop1" -Class "class" .EXAMPLE <form> <fieldset> <label>Personalia:</label> Name: <input type="text" size="30"><br> Email: <input type="text" size="30"><br> Date of birth: <input type="text" size="10"> </fieldset> </form> .Notes Author: Stéphane van Gulick Version: 1.0.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.05.09;@Stephanevg; Creation .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class, [String]$Id, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) $tagname = "label" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } Function legend { <# .SYNOPSIS The <legend> tag defines a caption for the <fieldset> element. .EXAMPLE legend .EXAMPLE legend "woop1" -Class "class" .EXAMPLE <form> <fieldset> <legend>Personalia:</legend> Name: <input type="text" size="30"><br> Email: <input type="text" size="30"><br> Date of birth: <input type="text" size="10"> </fieldset> </form> .Notes Author: Stéphane van Gulick Version: 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.05.09;@Stephanevg; Creation .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class, [String]$Id, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) $tagname = "legend" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } Function li { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a li tag in an HTML document. .DESCRIPTION he <li> tag defines a list item. The <li> tag is used in ordered lists(<ol>), unordered lists (<ul>), and in menu lists (<menu>). .EXAMPLE li .EXAMPLE li "woop1" -Class "class" .EXAMPLE li "woop2" -Class "class" -Id "Something" .EXAMPLE li "woop3" -Class "class" -Id "something" -Style "color:red;" .EXAMPLE The following code snippet will get all the 'snoverism' from and put them in an UL. $Snoverisms += (Invoke-WebRequest -uri "").ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName("p") | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.ClassName -ne "site-description"} | Select-Object -Property innerhtml ul -id "snoverism-list" -Content { Foreach ($snov in $Snoverisms){ li -Class "snoverism" -content { $snov.innerHTML } } } .NOTES Current version 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.10.02;bateskevin;Updated to v2 2018.04.14;stephanevg;Added Attributes parameter. Upgraded to v1.1.1 2018.04.14;stephanevg;fix Content bug. Upgraded to v1.1.0 2018.04.01;bateskevinhanevg;Creation. .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 0)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class = "", [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes, [Parameter(Position = 5)] [int]$Value ) Process { $tagname = "li" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function Link { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a link title in an HTML document. .EXAMPLE link #Generates the following code: <link> .EXAMPLE link -Attributes @{"Attribute1"="val1";"Attribute2"="val2"} Generates the following code <link Attribute1="val1" Attribute2="val2" > .EXAMPLE $Style = "font-family: arial; text-align: center;" link -Style $style Generates the following code <link Style="font-family: arial; text-align: center;" > .Notes Author: Stéphane van Gulick Version: 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.08;Stephanevg; Updated to version 1.0: Updated content block to support string & ScriptBlock 2018.03.25;@Stephanevg; Added Styles, ID, CLASS attributes functionality 2018.03.25;@Stephanevg; Creation .LINK #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $href, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $type, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [Validateset("alternate", "author", "dns-prefetch", "help", "icon", "license", "next", "pingback", "preconnect", "prefetch", "preload", "prerender", "prev", "search", "stylesheet")] [string] $rel, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Integrity, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$CrossOrigin, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class, [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "link" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType Void } } Function map { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates map HTML tag. .DESCRIPTION The map must be used in conjunction with area. Pass an 'area' parameter with its arguments in the 'Content' parameter .EXAMPLE map -Content {area -href "map.png" -coords "0,0,50,50" -shape circle -target top } Generates the following code <map> <area href="map.png" coords="0,0,50,50" shape="circle" target="top" > </map> .NOTES Version: 3.1.0 .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes, [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 5 )] [scriptblock] $Content ) Process { $tagname = "map" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function math { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a math tag in an HTML document. .EXAMPLE math -dir ltr -MathbackGround "#234" #Generates the following <math dir="ltr" MathbackGround="#234" > </math> .EXAMPLE math -dir ltr -MathbackGround "#234" -Display Inline -Overflow linebreak #Generates the following <math Overflow="linebreak" dir="ltr" Display="Inline" MathbackGround="#234" > </math> .NOTES Current version 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.01;stephanevg;Creation. .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [ValidateSet("ltr", "rtl")] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$dir = "", [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$href = "", [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$MathbackGround = "", [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$MathColor = "", [ValidateSet("Block", "Inline")] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Display = "", [ValidateSet("linebreak", "scrolle", "elide", "truncate", "scale")] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Overflow, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class = "", [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [String]$title, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Begin { $tagname = "math" } Process { Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function meta { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a meta title in an HTML document. .DESCRIPTION Metadata is data (information) about data. The <meta> tag provides metadata about the HTML document. Metadata will not be displayed on the page, but will be machine parsable. Meta elements are typically used to specify page description, keywords, author of the document, last modified, and other metadata. The metadata can be used by browsers (how to display content or reload page), search engines (keywords), or other web services. (source --> .EXAMPLE meta .EXAMPLE meta "woop1" -Class "class" .EXAMPLE meta "woop2" -Class "class" -Id "MainTitle" .EXAMPLE meta {"woop3"} -Class "class" -Id "MaintTitle" -Style "color:red;" .EXAMPLE meta -name author -content "Stephane van Gulick" Generates the following code: <meta name="author" content="Stephane van Gulick" > .Notes Author: Stéphane van Gulick Version: 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.14;@Stephanevg; Creation .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [string]$content_tag, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [string]$charset, [ValidateSet("content-type", "default-style", "refresh")] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [string]$httpequiv, [ValidateSet("application-name", "author", "description", "generator", "keywords", "viewport")] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [string]$name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [string]$scheme, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$class, [String]$id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "meta" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType Void } } Function meter { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a meter tag in an HTML document. .DESCRIPTION The <meter> tag defines a scalar measurement within a known range, or a fractional value. This is also known as a gauge. Examples: Disk usage, the relevance of a query result, etc. Note: The <meter> tag should not be used to indicate progress (as in a progress bar). For progress bars, use the <progress> tag. .EXAMPLE <meter Min="0" Value="58" Max="100" > Represents 58% </meter> .EXAMPLE meter -Value 0.75 Returns: <meter Value="0.75" > </meter> .NOTES Current version 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.10.10;stephanevg;Creation. .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String] $Value, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String] $Min, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String] $Max, [string]$cite, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class = "", [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [String]$title, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "meter" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function nav { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates nav HTML tag. .EXAMPLE nav -Content { a -href "\home.html" -Target _blank a -href "\about.html" -Target _blank a -href "\blog.html" -Target _blank a -href "\contact.html" -Target _blank } Generates the following code: <nav> <a href=\home.html target="_blank" ></a> <a href=\about.html target="_blank" ></a> <a href=\blog.html target="_blank" ></a> <a href=\contact.html target="_blank" ></a> </nav> .EXAMPLE It is also possible to use regular powershell logic inside a scriptblock. The example below, generates a nav element based on values located in a array. The various links are build using a foreach loop. $Pages = "home.html","login.html","about.html" nav -Content { foreach($page in $pages){ a -href "\$($page)" -Target _blank } } -Class "mainnavigation" -Style "border 1px" Generates the following code: <nav Class="mainnavigation" Style="border 1px" > <a href=\home.html target="_blank" > </a> <a href=\login.html target="_blank" > </a> <a href=\about.html target="_blank" > </a> </nav> .Notes Author: Stéphane van Gulick Version: 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.05.09;@Stephanevg; Creation 2018.05.21;@Stephanevg; Updated function to use New-HTMLTag .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true, Position = 0 )] $Content, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes ) $tagname = "nav" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } Function New-PSHTMLCDNAssetFile { <# .SYNOPSIS Allows to create a CDN file. .DESCRIPTION Creates a .CDN file to use as a PSHTML Asset. The CDN file is automatically supported by Write-PSHTMLAsset and will create the CDN automatically based on the content of the CDN file. .PARAMETER TYPE Specify if the Asset should cover Script or Style references Parameters allowd: Script / Style .PARAMETER Source Specify the src attribute of a script tag. .PARAMETER Rel Specify the rel attribute of a link tag. .PARAMETER Href Specify the href attribute of a link tag. .PARAMETER Integrity Specify the integrity attribute. .PARAMETER CrossOrigin Specify the CrossOrigin attribute. .PARAMETER Path Specify in which folder path the file should be created (will use the parameter FileName to create the full path) .PARAMETER FileName Specify the name of the file that the cdn asset file will have (will use the parameter Path to create the full path). The FileName should end with the extension .CDN If the extension .CDN is omitted, PSHTML will dynamically add it .EXAMPLE Add the latest version of Bootstrap CDN #Information of this example comes from -> $Source = '' $Integrity = 'sha384-JjSmVgyd0p3pXB1rRibZUAYoIIy6OrQ6VrjIEaFf/nJGzIxFDsf4x0xIM+B07jRM' $CrossOrigin = 'anonymous' $BootStrapFolder = $home\BootStrap4.3.1 New-PSHTMLCDNAssetFile -Type script -Source $Source -Integrity $Integrity -CrossOrigin $CrossOrigin -Path $BootStrapFolder -FileName 'BootStrap4.3.1.cdn' .EXAMPLE Adds the latest version of MetroUI as an CDN asset $Href = '' $Folder = $home\MetroUI\ New-PSHTMLCDNAssetFile -Type style -href $href -Path $Folder -FileName 'MetroUI.cdn' .INPUTS Inputs (if any) .OUTPUTS System.IO.FileInfo .NOTES Author: Stephane van Gulick .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [ValidateSet('Style','script')] [String]$Type, [Parameter( ParametersetName = "Script" )] [String]$source, [Parameter( ParametersetName = "Style" )] [String]$rel= "stylesheet", [Parameter( ParametersetName = "Style" )] [String]$href, [String]$Integrity, [String]$CrossOrigin, [Parameter(mandatory=$false)] [String]$FileName = (Throw "Please specifiy a file name"), [Parameter(mandatory=$false)] [String]$Path ) $hash = @{} $Hash.Integrity = $Integrity $Hash.Crossorigin = $CrossOrigin switch($type){ "Script" { $Hash.source = $Source break } "Style" { $Hash.rel = $rel $hash.href = $href break } default {"Type $($Type) no supported."} } If(!($FileName.EndsWith('.cdn'))){ $FileName = $FileName + '.cdn' } $FilePath = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $FileName $obj = New-Object psobject -Property $hash $obj | ConvertTo-Json | out-file -FilePath $FilePath -Encoding utf8 return Get-Item $FilePath } Function New-PSHTMLChart { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a PSHMTL Chart. .DESCRIPTION Will render a Graph in Javascript using Chart.JS .PARAMETER Type Specifies the type of chart to generate. .EXAMPLE This example creates 3 different doughnut charts. In the oposite of a bar or line chart, mixing different datasets on the same doughnut chart won't be as much value as with the other types of charts. It is recommended to create a doughnut chart per dataset. $Data1 = @(34,7,11,19) $Data2 = @(40,2,13,17) $Data3 = @(53,0,0,4) $Labels = @("Closed","Unresolved","Pending","Open") $colors = @("Yellow","red","Green","Orange") $dsd1 = New-PSHTMLChartDoughnutDataSet -Data $data1 -label "March" -backgroundcolor $colors $dsd2 = New-PSHTMLChartDoughnutDataSet -Data $data2 -label "April" -BackgroundColor $colors $dsd3 = New-PSHTMLChartDoughnutDataSet -Data $data3 -label "Mai" -BackgroundColor $Colors New-PSHTMLChart -type doughnut -DataSet @($dsd1) -title "Doughnut Chart v1" -Labels $Labels -CanvasID $DoughnutCanvasID New-PSHTMLChart -type doughnut -DataSet @($dsd2) -title "Doughnut Chart v2" -Labels $Labels -CanvasID $DoughnutCanvasID New-PSHTMLChart -type doughnut -DataSet @($dsd3) -title "Doughnut Chart v3" -Labels $Labels -CanvasID $DoughnutCanvasID #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( #[ValidateSet("Bar","horizontalBar","Line","Pie","doughnut", "radar", "polarArea")] [ChartType]$Type = $(Throw '-Type is required'), [dataSet[]]$DataSet = $(Throw '-DataSet is required'), [String[]] $Labels = $(Throw '-Labels is required'), [String]$CanvasID = $(Throw '-CanvasID is required'), [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String]$Title, [ChartOptions]$Options ) #Chart -> BarChart (?) switch($Type){ "doughnut" { $Chart = [DoughnutChart]::New() $ChartOptions = [DoughnutChartOptions]::New() ;Break } "Pie" { $Chart = [PieChart]::New() $ChartOptions = [PieChartOptions]::New() ;Break } "Bar"{ $Chart = [BarChart]::New() $ChartOptions = [BarChartOptions]::New() ;Break } "horizontalBar" { $Chart = [horizontalBarChart]::New() $ChartOptions = [horizontalBarChartOptions]::New() ;Break } "Line"{ $Chart = [LineChart]::New() $ChartOptions = [LineChartOptions]::New() ;Break } "radar"{ $Chart = [RadarChart]::New() $ChartOptions = [RadarChartOptions]::New() ;Break } "polarArea" { $Chart = [polarAreaChart]::New() $ChartOptions = [polarAreaChartOptions]::New() ;Break } default{ Throw "Graph type not supported. Please use a valid value from Enum [ChartType]" } } if($Responsive){ } #Type [String] #[ENUM]ChartType #Data [ChartData] #Labels #DataSets $ChartData = [ChartData]::New() #Hack to avoid to have a 'null' value displayed in the graph #This could be fixed by not creating a new empty DataSet on construction.(Just in case, if you have time ;) #$ChartData.datasets = $null $Chartdata.datasets.RemoveAt(0) #Removing null one. #$DataSet1.backgroundColor = [Color]::blue foreach($ds in $dataSet){ $ChartData.AddDataSet($ds) } $ChartData.SetLabels($Labels) $Chart.SetData($ChartData) #Options [ChartOptions] if($Title){ $ChartOptions.Title.Display = $true $ChartOptions.Title.text = $Title } $Chart.SetOptions($ChartOptions) return $Chart.GetDefinition($CanvasID) } function New-PSHTMLChartBarDataSet { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a dataset object for a Bar chart .DESCRIPTION Use this function to generate a Dataset for a bar chart. It allows to specify options such as, the label name, Background / border / hover colors etc.. .EXAMPLE .PARAMETER Data Specify an array of values. ex: @(3,5,42,69) .PARAMETER Label Name of the dataset .PARAMETER xAxisID X axis ID .PARAMETER yAxisID Y axis ID .PARAMETER BackgroundColor The background color of the bar chart values. Use either: [Color] to generate a color, Or specify directly one of the following formats: RGB(120,240,50) RGBA(120,240,50,0.4) .PARAMETER BorderColor The border color of the bar chart values. Use either: [Color] to generate a color, Or specify directly one of the following formats: RGB(120,240,50) RGBA(120,240,50,0.4) .PARAMETER BorderWidth expressed in px's .PARAMETER BorderSkipped border is skipped .PARAMETER HoverBorderColor The HoverBorder color of the bar chart values. Use either: [Color] to generate a color, Or specify directly one of the following formats: RGB(120,240,50) RGBA(120,240,50,0.4) .EXAMPLE $Data1 = @(34,7,11,19) $dsb1 = New-PSHTMLChartBarDataSet -Data $data1 -label "March" -BackgroundColor ([Color]::Orange) #Dataset containg data from 'March' .EXAMPLE $Data2 = @(40,2,13,17) $dsb2 = New-PSHTMLChartBarDataSet -Data $data2 -label "April" -BackgroundColor ([Color]::red) #DataSet Containg data from 'April' .OUTPUTS DataSetBar .NOTES Made with love by Stephanevg .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([datasetBar])] param ( [Array]$Data, [String]$label, [String] $xAxisID, [String] $yAxisID, [string] $backgroundColor, [string] $borderColor, [int] $borderWidth = 1, [String] $borderSkipped, [string] $hoverBackgroundColor, [string] $hoverBorderColor, [int] $hoverBorderWidth ) $Datachart = [datasetBar]::New() if($Data){ $null = $Datachart.AddData($Data) } If($Label){ $Datachart.label = $label } if($xAxisID){ $Datachart.xAxisID = $xAxisID } if($yAxisID){ $Datachart.yAxisID = $yAxisID } if($backgroundColor){ $Datachart.backgroundColor = $backgroundColor } If($borderColor){ $Datachart.borderColor = $borderColor } else { $Datachart.borderColor = '' } if ($borderWidth){ $Datachart.borderWidth = $borderWidth } if($borderSkipped){ $Datachart.borderSkipped = $borderSkipped } If($hoverBackgroundColor){ $Datachart.hoverBackgroundColor = $hoverBackgroundColor } If($HoverBorderColor){ $Datachart.hoverBorderColor = $HoverBorderColor } if($HoverBorderWidth){ $Datachart.HoverBorderWidth = $HoverBorderWidth } return $Datachart } Function New-PSHTMLChartDataSet { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a data set for any type of chart .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet must be used to format the data set to get data in correct fromat for any of the New-PSHTMLChart* cmdlets. .PARAMETER Name Name of the dataset. .PARAMETER Data Array of values .EXAMPLE #Creating a simple dataset $Data = @("4","7","11","21") New-PSHTMLChartDataSet -Data $Data -Name "Grades" .EXAMPLE New-PSHTMLChartDataSet -Data @(1,2,3) -Name plop -BackgroundColor Blue -BorderColor Green -HoverBackgroundColor Red -hoverBorderColor Green -BorderWidth 3 -HoverBorderWidth 1 -xAxisID 0 -yAxisID 22 -borderSkipped bottom data : {1, 2, 3} label : plop xAxisID : 0 yAxisID : 22 backgroundColor : rgb(30,144,255) borderColor : rgb(173,255,47) borderWidth : 0 borderSkipped : bottom hoverBackgroundColor : rgb(220,20,60) hoverBorderColor : rgb(173,255,47) hoverBorderWidth : 0 .EXAMPLE #Creating a simple dataset and creating a chart $Data = @("4","7","11","21") $DataSet = New-PSHTMLChartDataSet -Data $Data -Name "Grades" $Labels = @("Math","History","Sport","French") New-PSHTMLBarChart -DataSet $DataSet -Labels $Labels -CanvasID "Canvas01" -Title "Schoold grades" .INPUTS Inputs (if any) .OUTPUTS [DataSet] .NOTES Author: Stéphane van Gulick #> [CmdletBInding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Array]$Data, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Line")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Bar")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Pie")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Doughnut")] [ValidateSet("Blue","Red","Yellow","Green")] $BackgroundColor, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Line")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Bar")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Pie")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Doughnut")] [ValidateSet("Blue","Red","Yellow","Green")] $BorderColor, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("Blue","Red","Yellow","Green")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Bar")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Pie")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Doughnut")] #Not line $HoverBackgroundColor, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("Blue","Red","Yellow","Green")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Bar")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Pie")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Doughnut")] #Not line $hoverBorderColor, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Line")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Bar")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Pie")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Doughnut")] [int] $BorderWidth, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Bar")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Pie")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Doughnut")] #Not Line [int] $HoverBorderWidth, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Line")] #Not in Bar,Pie & Doughnut [String] $xAxisID, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Line")] #Not in Bar,Pie & Doughnut [String] $yAxisID, [ValidateSet("top","bottom","Left","right")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Bar")] #Not Line,Pie & Doughnut [String] $borderSkipped ) $dataSet = [dataSet]::New($Data,$Name) if($BackgroundColor){ $dataSet.backgroundColor = [Color]::$BackgroundColor } if($HoverBackgroundColor){ $dataSet.HoverBackgroundColor = [Color]::$HoverBackgroundColor } if($hoverBorderColor){ $dataSet.hoverBorderColor = [Color]::$hoverBorderColor } if($BorderColor){ $dataSet.BorderColor = [Color]::$BorderColor } if($yAxisID){ $dataSet.yAxisID = $yAxisID } if($xAxisID){ $dataSet.XAxisID = $xAxisID } if($borderSkipped){ $dataSet.borderSkipped = $borderSkipped } return $dataset } function New-PSHTMLChartDoughnutDataSet { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a dataset object for a dougnut chart .DESCRIPTION Create a dataset object for a dougnut chart .PARAMETER HoverBordercolor Accepts RGB values: Examples: RGB(255,255,0) Accepts RGBA values: Examples: RGBA(255,255,0,0.4) Accept color names: (Must be a lower case values) Examples: white,black,orange,red,blue,green,gray,cyan .EXAMPLE .INPUTS Inputs (if any) .OUTPUTS DataSetLine .NOTES .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Array]$Data, [String]$label, [Array]$backgroundColor, [String]$borderColor, [int]$borderWidth = 1, [Array]$hoverBackgroundColor, [Array]$HoverBorderColor, [int]$HoverBorderWidth ) $Datachart = [datasetdoughnut]::New() if($Data){ $Null =$Datachart.AddData($Data) } If($Label){ $Datachart.label = $label } if($backgroundColor){ $Datachart.AddBackGroundColor($backgroundColor) #$Datachart.backgroundColor = $backgroundColor } If($borderColor){ $Datachart.borderColor = $borderColor } if ($borderWidth){ $Datachart.borderWidth = $borderWidth } If($hoverBackgroundColor){ $Datachart.AddHoverBackGroundColor($hoverBackgroundColor) #$Datachart.hoverBackgroundColor = $hoverBackgroundColor }else{ $Datachart.AddHoverBackGroundColor($backgroundColor) } If($HoverBorderColor){ $Datachart.hoverBorderColor = $HoverBorderColor } if($HoverBorderWidth){ $Datachart.HoverBorderWidth = $HoverBorderWidth } return $Datachart } function New-PSHTMLChartLineDataSet { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a dataset object for a Line chart .DESCRIPTION Create a dataset object for a Line chart .PARAMETER FillbackgroundColor Allows to specify the background color between the line and the X axis. This should not be used in conjunction with FillBackGround .PARAMETER Fillbackground fillBackground allows to specify that color should be added between the line and the X Axis. The color will be the Line color, whi .EXAMPLE .NOTES .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [String]$LineColor, [String]$label, [Color] $FillbackgroundColor, [int] $LineWidth = 1, [int[]] $LineDash = 0, [int] $LineDashOffSet = 0, [Array]$Data, [Switch]$FillBackground, [float]$PointRadius = 4, [float]$PointHitRadius = 0, [float]$PointHoverRadius = 0, [ValidateSet("rounded","Straight")] $LineChartType = "rounded", [ValidateSet("Full","Dashed")] $LineType = "Full" ) $Datachart = [datasetline]::New() if($Data){ $Null = $Datachart.AddData($Data) } if($lineType -eq "Dashed"){ $datachart.borderDash = 10 } if($Label){ $Datachart.label = $label } if($LineWidth){ $Datachart.borderWidth = $LineWidth } if($LineDash){ $Datachart.borderDash = $LineDash } if($LineDashOffSet){ $Datachart.borderDashOffSet = $LineDashOffSet } if($LineColor){ $DataChart.SetLineColor($LineColor,$false) $Datachart.PointHoverBackgroundColor = $LineColor } if($FillBackground){ $Datachart.SetLineBackGroundColor() } if($FillbackgroundColor){ $Datachart.SetLineBackGroundColor($FillbackgroundColor) } if($LineChartType){ switch($LineChartType){ "rounded"{ $Datachart.lineTension = 0.5 ;Break } "Straight"{ $Datachart.lineTension = 0 ;break } } } $Datachart.SetPointSettings($PointRadius,$PointHitRadius,$PointHoverRadius) Return $Datachart } function New-PSHTMLChartPieDataSet { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a dataset object for a Pie chart .DESCRIPTION Create a dataset object for a Line chart .EXAMPLE .INPUTS Inputs (if any) .OUTPUTS DataSetLine .NOTES .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Array]$Data, [String]$label, [array]$backgroundColor, [String]$borderColor, [int]$borderWidth = 1, [array]$hoverBackgroundColor, [string]$HoverBorderColor, [int]$HoverBorderWidth ) $Datachart = [datasetPie]::New() if($Data){ $null = $Datachart.AddData($Data) } If($Label){ $Datachart.label = $label } if($backgroundColor){ $Datachart.AddBackGroundColor($backgroundColor) #$Datachart.backgroundColor = $backgroundColor } If($borderColor){ $Datachart.borderColor = $borderColor } if ($borderWidth){ $Datachart.borderWidth = $borderWidth } If($hoverBackgroundColor){ $Datachart.AddHoverBackGroundColor($hoverBackgroundColor) #$Datachart.hoverBackgroundColor = $hoverBackgroundColor }else{ $Datachart.AddHoverBackGroundColor($backgroundColor) } if($HoverBorderColor){ $Datachart.HoverBorderColor = $HoverBorderColor } if ($HoverborderWidth){ $Datachart.HoverBorderWidth = $HoverborderWidth } return $Datachart } function New-PSHTMLChartPolarAreaDataSet { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a dataset object for a PolarArea chart .DESCRIPTION Use this function to generate a Dataset for a PolarArea chart. It allows to specify options such as, the label name, Background / border / hover colors etc.. .EXAMPLE .PARAMETER Data Specify an array of values. ex: @(3,5,42,69) .PARAMETER Label this String Array defines the labels .PARAMETER BackgroundColor The background colors of the PolarArea chart values. Use either: [Color] to generate a color, Or specify directly one of the following formats: RGB(120,240,50) RGBA(120,240,50,0.4) .PARAMETER BorderColor The border colors of the PolarArea chart values. Use either: [Color] to generate a color, Or specify directly one of the following formats: RGB(120,240,50) RGBA(120,240,50,0.4) .PARAMETER BorderWidth expressed in px's .PARAMETER BorderSkipped border is skipped .PARAMETER HoverBorderColor The HoverBorder color of the PolarArea chart values. Use either: [Color] to generate a color, Or specify directly one of the following formats: RGB(120,240,50) RGBA(120,240,50,0.4) .EXAMPLE $Labels = @('red', 'green', 'yellow', 'grey', 'blue') $BackgroundColor = @('red', 'green', 'yellow', 'grey', 'blue') $Data1 = @(34,7,11,19,12) $dsb1 = New-PSHTMLChartPolarAreaDataSet -Data $data1 -label $Labels -BackgroundColor $BackgroundColor .OUTPUTS DataSetPolarArea .NOTES Made with love by Stephanevg .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([datasetPolarArea])] param ( [Array] $Data, [Array] $label, [Array] $backgroundColor, [Array] $borderColor, [int] $borderWidth = 1, [String] $borderSkipped, [Array] $hoverBackgroundColor, [Array] $hoverBorderColor, [int] $hoverBorderWidth ) $Datachart = [datasetPolarArea]::New() if($Data){ $null = $Datachart.AddData($Data) } If($Label){ $Datachart.label = $label } if($xAxisID){ $Datachart.xAxisID = $xAxisID } if($yAxisID){ $Datachart.yAxisID = $yAxisID } if($backgroundColor){ $Datachart.backgroundColor = $backgroundColor } If($borderColor){ $Datachart.borderColor = $borderColor } else { $Datachart.borderColor = '' } if ($borderWidth){ $Datachart.borderWidth = $borderWidth } if($borderSkipped){ $Datachart.borderSkipped = $borderSkipped } If($hoverBackgroundColor){ $Datachart.hoverBackgroundColor = $hoverBackgroundColor } else { $Datachart.hoverBackgroundColor = '' } If($HoverBorderColor){ $Datachart.hoverBorderColor = $HoverBorderColor } else { $Datachart.hoverBorderColor = '' } if($HoverBorderWidth){ $Datachart.HoverBorderWidth = $HoverBorderWidth } return $Datachart } function New-PSHTMLDropDownList { <# .SYNOPSIS Generate a New Drop Down List. .DESCRIPTION Generate a New Drop Down List. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-Service | New-DropDownList -Property Name Create a dropdownlist of service names .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $items = 'apples','oranges','tomatoes','blueberries' PS C:\> New-PSHTMLDropDownList -Items $Items Create new simple dropdownlist, array based .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $ArrayOfDropDownOptions = @() PS C:\> $items = 'apples','oranges','tomatoes','blueberries' PS C:\> Foreach ( $item in $items ) { $ArrayOfDropDownOptions += New-PSHTMLDropDownListItem -value $item -content $item } PS C:\> New-PSHTMLDropDownList -Items $ArrayOfDropDownOptions Create new simple dropdownlist, array based .INPUTS Array .OUTPUTS Output (if any) .NOTES Issue #201: #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [AllowNull()] [Array] $Items, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [String]$Property, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class, [String]$Id, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) begin { $Option = @() } process { If ( $null -ne $items ) { ## Assuming its coming from New-DropDownListItem If ( $items[0] -match '^<option') { $Option += $items } Else { If ( $Property) { $Option += New-PSHTMLDropDownListItem -Items $items -Property $Property } Else { foreach ( $item in $items ) { $Option += New-PSHTMLDropDownListItem -Content $item -value $item } } } } } end { selecttag -Content { $option } -Class $Class -Id $Id -Attributes $Attributes } } function New-PSHTMLDropDownListItem { <# .SYNOPSIS Generate a New Drop Down Item. .DESCRIPTION Generate a New Drop Down Item. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-Service | New-PSHTMLDropDownListItem -Property Name Create a String representing a list of drop down items representing service name. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $Services = Get-Service PS C:\> New-PSHTMLDropDownListItem -Items $Services -Property Name Create a String representing a list of drop down items representing service name. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-PSHTMLDropDownListItem -value 'aaaa' -content 'aaaaaaa' Create a new dropdown option .INPUTS Inputs (if any) .OUTPUTS Output (if any) .NOTES Issue #201: #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Classic')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,ValueFromPipeline=$True,ParameterSetName='Items')] [Array]$Items, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,ParameterSetName='Items')] [string]$Property, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName='Classic')] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content = '', [Parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName='Classic')] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [string]$value = '', [string]$label, [Switch]$Disabled, [Switch]$Selected, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class = "", [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [String]$title, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) begin { $options = @() } process { $BoundParameters = $PSBoundParameters Switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) { 'Items' { If ( @($items | get-member -name $property).Count -eq 0 ) { Throw ("Please specify an existing property. {0} does not exist ...." -f $property) } Foreach ( $item in $items ) { $Content = ($Item | Select-Object -Property $property).$property $value = $Property $BoundParameters.Remove('Items') | out-null $BoundParameters.Remove('Property') | out-null $BoundParameters.Value = $value $BoundParameters.Content = $Content $options += option @BoundParameters } } 'Classic' { $options += option @PSBoundParameters } Default { } } } end { $options -join '' } } Function Noscript { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates Noscript HTML tag. .EXAMPLE Noscript "Your browser doesn`'t support javascript" Generates the following code: <noscript >Your browser doesn't support javascript</noscript> .NOTES version: 3.1.0 .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position = 1)] $content, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 5)] [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "noscript" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function ol { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a ol tag in an HTML document. .EXAMPLE ol .EXAMPLE ol -Content {li -Content "asdf"} .EXAMPLE ol -Class "class" -Id "something" -Style "color:red;" .EXAMPLE ol {li -Content "asdf"} -reversed -type a #Generates the following content <ol type="a" reversed > <li> asdf </li> </ol> .NOTES Current version 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.10.02;bateskevin;Updated to v2. 2018.04.14;stephanevg;fix Content bug, Added parameter 'type'. Upgraded to v1.1. 2018.04.01;bateskevin;Creation. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] $Content, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes, [Parameter(Position = 5)] [Switch]$reversed, [Parameter(Position = 6)] [int]$start, [ValidateSet("1", "A", "a", "I", "i")] [Parameter(Position = 7)] [String]$type ) Process { $tagname = "ol" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function optgroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a optgroup title in an HTML document. .DESCRIPTION The <optgroup> is used to group related options in a drop-down list. If you have a long list of options, groups of related options are easier to handle for a user. .EXAMPLE optgroup .EXAMPLE .Notes Author: Stéphane van Gulick Version: 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.05.11;@Stephanevg; fixed minor bugs 2018.05.09;@Stephanevg; Creation .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [String]$Label, [Switch] $Disabled, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) $tagname = "optgroup" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } Function option { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a <option> tag in an HTML document. .DESCRIPTION The <option> tag defines an option in a select list. <option> elements go inside a <select> or <datalist> element. .EXAMPLE datalist { option -value "Volvo" -Content "Volvo" option -value Saab -Content "saab" } Generates the following code: <datalist> <option value="Volvo" >volvo</option> <option value="Saab" >saab</option> </datalist> .EXAMPLE .NOTES Current version 3.1 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.10.05;@stephanevg;Creation. .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [string]$value, [string]$label, [Switch]$Disabled, [Switch]$Selected, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class = "", [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [String]$title, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) $tagname = "option" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType NonVoid } function Out-PSHTMLDocument { <# .SYNOPSIS Outputs the HTML document to an output location .DESCRIPTION Output the html string into a file. .EXAMPLE The following example gets the list of first 5 processes. Converts it into an HTML Table. It outputs the results in a file, and opens the results imédiatley. $o = Get-PRocess | select ProcessName,Handles | select -first 5 $FilePath = "C:\temp\OutputFile.html" $E = ConvertTo-PSHTMLTable -Object $o $e | Out-PSHTMLDocument -OutPath $FilePath -Show .INPUTS String .OUTPUTS None .NOTES Author: Stéphane van Gulick .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( $OutPath = $(Throw "Must provide a path"), [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $HTMLDocument = $(Throw "HTMLDocument cannot be empty"), [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [Switch]$Show ) begin { $Writer = [System.IO.StreamWriter]::New($OutPath,$false,[System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8) } process { #[System.IO.TextWriter] Foreach ($Line in $HTMLDocument) { $writer.WriteLine($Line) } } end { $Writer.Close() If ($Show) { Invoke-Item -Path $OutPath } } } Function output { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a output tag in an HTML document. .Description The <output> tag represents the result of a calculation (like one performed by a script). .EXAMPLE output -Name "plop" -For "a b" -Form MyForm REturns: <output Form="MyForm" Name="plop" For="a b" > </output> .EXAMPLE .NOTES Current version 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.10.10;stephanevg;Creation. .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String] $Form, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String] $For, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class = "", [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [String]$title, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "output" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function p { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a p tag in an HTML document. .PARAMETER Class Allows to specify one (or more) class(es) to assign the html element. More then one class can be assigned by seperating them with a white space. .PARAMETER Id Allows to specify an id to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Style Allows to specify in line CSS style to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Content Allows to add child element(s) inside the current opening and closing HTML tag(s). .EXAMPLE p .EXAMPLE p "woop1" -Class "class" .EXAMPLE p "woop2" -Class "class" -Id "Something" .EXAMPLE p "woop3" -Class "class" -Id "something" -Style "color:red;" .EXAMPLE p { $Important = strong{"This is REALLY important"} "This is regular test in a paragraph " + $Important } Generates the following code <p> This is regular test in a paragraph <strong>"This is REALLY important"</strong> </p> .NOTES Current version 3.1.0 History: 2018.11.1; Stephanevg;Updated to version 3.1 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.10;Stephanevg;Updated content (removed string, added if for selection between scriptblock and string). 2018.04.01;bateskevinhanevg;Creation. .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class, [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [String]$title, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) $tagname = "p" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType NonVoid } Function pre { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a pre tag in an HTML document. .EXAMPLE pre .EXAMPLE pre -Content @" whatever it is you ne ed "@ .EXAMPLE pre -class "classy" -style "stylish" -Content @" whatever it is you ne ed "@ .NOTES Current version 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.10.02:bateskevin; Updated to v2 2018.04.01;bateskevin;Creation. .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class = "", [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [String]$title, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "pre" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function progress { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a progress tag in an HTML document. .DESCRIPTION Tip: Use the <progress> tag in conjunction with JavaScript to display the progress of a task. Note: The <progress> tag is not suitable for representing a gauge (e.g. disk space usage or relevance of a query result). To represent a gauge, use the <meter> tag instead. .EXAMPLE .EXAMPLE .NOTES Current version 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.10.10;bateskevinhanevg;Creation. .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Max = "", [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Value = "", [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class = "", [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [String]$title, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "progress" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function script { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates script HTML tag. .EXAMPLE script -type text/javascript -src "myscript.js" Generates the following code: <script type="text/javascript" src="myscript.js"></script> .EXAMPLE script -type text/javascript -content "alert( 'Hello, world!' );" Generates the following code: <script type="text/javascript">alert( 'Hello, world!' );</script> .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0)] [String]$src, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)] [ValidateSet("text/javascript")] [String]$type, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$integrity, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$crossorigin, [Parameter(Position = 4)] $content, [Parameter(Position = 5)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 6)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 7)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 8)] [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "script" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function section { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates section HTML tag. .EXAMPLE section -Attributes @{"class"="MyClass";"id"="myid"} -Content { h1 "This is a h1" P{ "This paragraph is part of a section with id 'myid'" } } Generates the following code: <section class="MyClass" id="myid" > <h1>This is a h1</h1> <p> This paragraph is part of a section with id 'myid' </p> </section> .EXAMPLE section -Class "myclass" -Style "section {border:1px dotted black;}" -Content { h1 "This is a h1" P{ "This paragraph is part of section with id 'myid'" } } Generates the following code: <section Class="myclass" Style="section {border:1px dotted black;}" > <h1>This is a h1</h1> <p> This paragraph is part of section with id 'myid' </p> </section> .LINK .NOTES Current version 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.10;bateskevin; Updated to version 2.0 2018.04.10;Stephanevg; Added parameters 2018.04.01;Stephanevg;Creation. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes, [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 5 )] [scriptblock] $Content ) Process { $tagname = "Section" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function selecttag { <# .SYNOPSIS creates a "select" html tag. .Description The name of the cmdlet has volontarly been changed from "select" to "selectag" in order to avoid a conflict with with the built-in powershell alias "select" (which points to Select-object) .EXAMPLE selecttag .EXAMPLE selecttag "woop1" -Class "class" .EXAMPLE <select> <option value="volvo">Volvo</option> <option value="saab">Saab</option> <option value="mercedes">Mercedes</option> <option value="audi">Audi</option> </select> .PARAMETER Form Specify the form ID to wich the selecttag statement should be a part of. .Notes Author: Stéphane van Gulick Version: 3.2.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.05.09;@Stephanevg; Creation .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class, [String]$Id, [String]$Form, [string]$Name, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) $tagname = "select" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } Function small { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a <small> element in an HTML document. .DESCRIPTION The <small> tag defines smaller text (and other side comments). .EXAMPLE small Returns> <small> </small> .EXAMPLE small "woop1" -Class "class" <small Class="class" > woop1 </small> .Notes Author: Stéphane van Gulick Version: 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.10.04;@Stephanevg; Creation .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class, [String]$Id, [String]$Style, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) $tagname = "small" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } Function span { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a span tag in an HTML document. .EXAMPLE span .EXAMPLE span "woop1" -Class "class" .EXAMPLE span "woop2" -Class "class" -Id "Something" .EXAMPLE span "woop3" -Class "class" -Id "something" -Style "color:red;" .NOTES Current version 3.1 History: .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class = "", [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [String]$value, [HashTable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "span" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function strong { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates strong HTML tag. .Description This tag is a "Textual semantic" tag. To use it in a "P" tag, be sure to prefix it with a semicolon (";"). See example for more details. .EXAMPLE p{ "This is";strong {"cool"} } Will generate the following code <p> This is <strong> cool </strong> </p> .Notes Author: Stéphane van Gulick Version: 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.05.23;@Stephanevg; Updated function to use New-HTMLTag 2018.05.09;@Stephanevg; Creation .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true, Position = 0 )] $Content, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes ) $tagname = "strong" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } Function style { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a style title in an HTML document. .EXAMPLE style .EXAMPLE style "woop1" -Class "class" .EXAMPLE $css = @" "p {color:green;} h1 {color:orange;}" "@ style {$css} -media "print" -type "text/css" .Notes Author: Stéphane van Gulick Version: 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.05.09;@Stephanevg; Creation .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [String]$media, [String]$Type, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class, [String]$Id, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) $tagname = "style" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } Function SUB { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a SUB tag in an HTML document. .DESCRIPTION The <sub> tag defines subscript text. Subscript text appears half a character below the normal line, and is sometimes rendered in a smaller font. Subscript text can be used for chemical formulas, like H2O. .EXAMPLE p -content { "The Chemical Formula for water is H" SUB -Content { 2 } "O" } The above example renders the html as illustrated below <p> The Chemical Formula for water is H <SUB> 2 </SUB> O </p> .NOTES Current version 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.10.18;@ChendrayanV;Updated to version 2.0 .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [string]$cite, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class = "", [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [String]$title, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "SUB" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function SUP { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a SUP tag in an HTML document. .DESCRIPTION The <sup> tag defines superscript text. Superscript text appears half a character above the normal line, and is sometimes rendered in a smaller font. Superscript text can be used for footnotes, like WWW[1]. .EXAMPLE $Power = 3 p -content { "The Value of 2" SUP $Power "is {0}" -f ([Math]::Pow(2,$Power)) } The above example renderes the HTML code as illustrated below <p> The Value of 2 <SUP> 3 </SUP> is 8 </p> .NOTES Current version 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.10.18;@ChendrayanV;Updated to version 2.0 .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [string]$cite, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class = "", [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [String]$title, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Begin { $tagname = "SUP" } Process { Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function Table { <# .SYNOPSIS Allows to create an table HTML element (<table> </table>) .Description The Table html element defined the contents of a table. .EXAMPLE Table { } .LINK .NOTES Version 1.0.0 #> Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class = "", [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "Table" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function Tbody { <# .SYNOPSIS Allows to create an Thead HTML element (<Tbody> </Tbody>) .Description Tbody should be used inside a 'table' block, and after a Thead. .Example Tbody { } .LINK .NOTES Version 3.1.0 #> Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class = "", [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "tbody" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function td { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates td HTML tag. .PARAMETER Class Allows to specify one (or more) class(es) to assign the html element. More then one class can be assigned by seperating them with a white space. .PARAMETER Id Allows to specify an id to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Style Allows to specify in line CSS style to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Content Allows to add child element(s) inside the current opening and closing HTML tag(s). .NOTES Current version 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.08;Stephanevg; Fixed custom Attributes display bug. Updated help 2018.04.01;Stephanevg; .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "td" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function textarea { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a textarea tag in an HTML document. .DESCRIPTION The <textarea> tag defines a multi-line text input control. A text area can hold an unlimited number of characters, and the text renders in a fixed-width font (usually Courier). The size of a text area can be specified by the cols and rows attributes, or even better; through CSS' height and width properties. .EXAMPLE textarea -Rows 3 -Cols 4 -Content "Please fill in text here and press ok" Returns: <textarea Cols="4" Rows="3" > Please fill in text here and press ok </textarea> .EXAMPLE .NOTES Current version 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.01;stephanevg;Creation. .LINK #> [Cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Name = "", [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [int]$Rows = "", [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Cols = "", [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class = "", [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [String]$title, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "textarea" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function tfoot { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates tfoot HTML tag. .PARAMETER Class Allows to specify one (or more) class(es) to assign the html element. More then one class can be assigned by seperating them with a white space. .PARAMETER Id Allows to specify an id to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Style Allows to specify in line CSS style to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Content Allows to add child element(s) inside the current opening and closing HTML tag(s). .NOTES Current version 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.08;Stephanevg; Fixed custom Attributes display bug. Updated help 2018.04.01;Stephanevg; .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] $Content, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "tfoot" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function Th { <# .LINK .NOTES Version 3.1.0 #> Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class = "", [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "th" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function Thead { <# .SYNOPSIS Allows to create an Thead HTML element (<Thead> </Thead>) .Description Thead should be used inside a 'table' block. .Example Thead { } .LINK .NOTES Version 3.1.0 #> Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class = "", [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "thead" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function Title { <# .LINK .NOTES Version 3.1.0 #> Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] $Content, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Class = "", [String]$Id, [AllowEmptyString()] [AllowNull()] [String]$Style, [Hashtable]$Attributes ) Process { $tagname = "title" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function tr { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates tr HTML tag. .PARAMETER Class Allows to specify one (or more) class(es) to assign the html element. More then one class can be assigned by seperating them with a white space. .PARAMETER Id Allows to specify an id to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Style Allows to specify in line CSS style to assign the html element. .PARAMETER Content Allows to add child element(s) inside the current opening and closing HTML tag(s). .NOTES Current version 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.04.08;Stephanevg; Fixed custom Attributes display bug. Updated help 2018.04.01;Stephanevg; .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] $Content, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes, [ScriptBlock] $ClassScript ) Process { $tagname = "tr" If($ClassScript){ If (!($Class)){ $Class = "" } $PSBoundParameters.Class = $ClassScript.Invoke($Content) } Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } Function ul { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a ul tag in an HTML document. .EXAMPLE ul .EXAMPLE ul -Content {li -Content "asdf"} .EXAMPLE ul -Class "class" -Id "something" -Style "color:red;" .NOTES Current version 3.1.0 History: 2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0 2018.10.02;bateskevin;Updated to v2. 2018.04.14;stephanevg;fix Content bug. Upgraded to v1.1. 2018.04.01;bateskevinhanevg;Creation. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $false, Mandatory = $false, Position = 0 )] $Content, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes, [Parameter(Position = 5)] [Switch]$reversed, [Parameter(Position = 6)] [string]$start ) Process { $tagname = "ul" Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid } } function Write-PSHTMLAsset { <# .SYNOPSIS Add asset references to your PSHTML scripts. .DESCRIPTION Write-PSHTML will scan the 'Assets' folders in the PSHTML module folder, and One can Use Write-PSHTML (Without any parameter) to add dynamically a link / script tag for every asset that is available in the Asset Folder. .PARAMETER Name Specify the name of an Asset. This is a dynamic parameter, and calculates the names based on the content of Assets folder. .PARAMETER Type Allows to specifiy what type of Asset to return. Script (.js) Style (.css) or CDN (.CDN) are the currently supported ones. The CDN file type must have a specifiy structure, which can be obtained by using the cmdlet New-CDNAssetFile .EXAMPLE Write-PSHTMLAsset Will generate all the asset tags, regardless of their type. .EXAMPLE Write-PSHTMLAsset -Type Script -Name ChartJs Generates the following results: <Script src='Chartjs/Chart.bundle.min.js'></Script .EXAMPLE Write-PSHTMLAsset -Type Style -Name Bootstrap Generates the following results: <Link src='BootStrap/bootstrap.min.css'></Link> .EXAMPLE Write-PSHTMLAsset -Name Bootstrap Generates all the links regardless of their type. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [ValidateSet("Script","Style","CDN")]$Type ) DynamicParam { $ParameterName = 'Name' if($Type){ $SelectedAsset = (Get-PSHTMLConfiguration).GetAsset([AssetType]$Type) }Else{ $SelectedAsset = (Get-PSHTMLConfiguration).GetAsset() } $AssetNames = $SelectedAsset.Name $AssetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $AssetAttribute.Position = 2 $AssetAttribute.Mandatory = $False $AssetAttribute.HelpMessage = 'Select the asset to add' $AssetCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] $AssetCollection.add($AssetAttribute) $AssetValidateSet = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($AssetNames) $AssetCollection.add($AssetValidateSet) $AssetParam = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string], $AssetCollection) $AssetDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary $AssetDictionary.Add($ParameterName, $AssetParam) return $AssetDictionary } begin { $Name = $PsBoundParameters[$ParameterName] } process { if($Type -and $Name){ $Asset = (Get-PSHTMLConfiguration).GetAsset($Name,[AssetType]$Type) }ElseIf($Name){ $Asset = (Get-PSHTMLConfiguration).GetAsset($Name) }ElseIf($Type){ $Asset = (Get-PSHTMLConfiguration).GetAsset([AssetType]$Type) } Else{ $Asset = (Get-PSHTMLConfiguration).GetAsset() } Foreach($A in $Asset){ $A.ToString() } } end { } } Function Write-PSHTMLInclude { <# .SYNOPSIS Include parts of your PSHTML documents that is identical across pages. .DESCRIPTION Write the HTML content of an include file. Write-PSHTMLInclude has an well known alias called: 'include'. .PARAMETER Name Specifiy the name of an include file. The name of an include file is the name of the powershell script containing the code, without the extension. Example: Footer.ps1 The name will be 'Footer' This parameter is a dynamic parameter, and you can tab through the different values up until you find the one you wish to use. .Example html{ Body{ include -name body } Footer{ Include -Name Footer } } #Generates the following HTML code <html> <body> h2 "This comes a Include file" </body> <footer> div { h4 "This is the footer from a Include" p{ CopyRight from Include } } </footer> </html> #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( ) DynamicParam { $ParameterName = 'Name' $Includes = (Get-PSHTMLConfiguration).GetInclude() If($Includes){ $Names = $Includes.Name $Attribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $Attribute.Position = 1 $Attribute.Mandatory = $False $Attribute.HelpMessage = 'Select which file to include' $Collection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] $Collection.add($Attribute) $ValidateSet = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($Names) $Collection.add($ValidateSet) $Param = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string], $Collection) $Dictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary $Dictionary.Add($ParameterName, $Param) return $Dictionary } } Begin{ $Name = $PsBoundParameters[$ParameterName] } Process{ If($Name){ $Includes = (Get-PSHTMLConfiguration).GetInclude($Name) }else{ $Includes = (Get-PSHTMLConfiguration).GetInclude() } Foreach($Include in $Includes){ $Include.ToString() } } End{} } function Write-PSHTMLSymbol { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateSet('COPYRIGHT SIGN', 'REGISTERED SIGN', 'EURO SIGN', 'TRADEMARK', 'LEFTWARDS ARROW', 'UPWARDS ARROW', 'RIGHTWARDS ARROW', 'DOWNWARDS ARROW', 'BLACK SPADE SUIT', 'BLACK CLUB SUIT', 'BLACK HEART SUIT', 'BLACK DIAMOND SUIT', 'FOR ALL', 'PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL', 'THERE EXISTS', 'EMPTY SETS', 'NABLA', 'ELEMENT OF', 'NOT AN ELEMENT OF', 'CONTAINS AS MEMBER', 'N-ARY PRODUCT', 'N-ARY SUMMATION', 'GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA', 'GREEK CAPITAL LETTER BETA', 'GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA', 'GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA', 'GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON', 'GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ZETA' )] [string[]] $Name ) process { switch ($Name) { "COPYRIGHT SIGN" { "©" } "REGISTERED SIGN" { "®" } "EURO SIGN" { "€" } "TRADEMARK" { "™" } "LEFTWARDS ARROW" { "←" } "UPWARDS ARROW" { "↑" } "RIGHTWARDS ARROW" { "→" } "DOWNWARDS ARROW" { "↓" } "BLACK SPADE SUIT" { "♠" } "BLACK CLUB SUIT" { "♣" } "BLACK HEART SUIT" { "♥" } "BLACK DIAMOND SUIT" { "♦" } "FOR ALL" { "∀" } "PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL" { "∂" } "THERE EXISTS" { "∃" } "EMPTY SETS" { "∅" } "NABLA" { "∇" } "ELEMENT OF" { "∈" } "NOT AN ELEMENT OF" { "∉" } "CONTAINS AS MEMBER" { "∋" } "N-ARY PRODUCT" { "∏" } "N-ARY SUMMATION" { "∑" } "GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA" { "Α" } "GREEK CAPITAL LETTER BETA" { "Β" } "GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA" { "Γ" } "GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA" { "Δ" } "GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON" { "Ε" } "GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ZETA" { "Ζ" } } } } #Post Content $ScriptPath = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $ScriptPath = Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot New-Alias -Name Include -Value 'Write-PSHTMLInclude' -Description "Include parts of PSHTML documents using include files" -Force function Get-ScriptDirectory { Split-Path -Parent $PSCommandPath } $ScriptPath = Get-ScriptDirectory $CF = Join-Path -Path $ScriptPath -ChildPath "pshtml.configuration.json" #Write-host "loading config file: $($CF)" -ForegroundColor Blue #Setting module variables $Script:PSHTML_CONFIGURATION = Get-ConfigurationDocument -Path $CF -Force $Script:Logfile = $Script:PSHTML_CONFIGURATION.GetDefaultLogFilePath() $Script:Logger = [Logger]::New($Script:LogFile) |