Cross platform PowerShell module to generate HTML markup language and create awesome web pages!
Minimum PowerShell version
See the version list below for details.
Installation Options
(c) 2018 Stéphane van Gulick. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- Stéphane van Gulick
a address area article aside b base blockquote body br button canvas caption Clear-WhiteSpace col colgroup ConvertTo-HtmlTable ConvertTo-PSHtmlTable datalist dd div dl doctype dt em fieldset figcaption figure footer Form Get-PSHTMLAsset Get-PSHTMLColor Get-PSHTMLConfiguration Get-PSHTMLInclude h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 head Header hr html i img input Install-PSHTMLVSCodeSnippets keygen label legend li link map math meta meter nav New-PSHTMLCDNAssetFile New-PSHTMLChart New-PSHTMLChartBarDataSet New-PSHTMLChartDataSet New-PSHTMLChartDoughnutDataSet New-PSHTMLChartLineDataSet New-PSHTMLChartPieDataSet New-PSHTMLChartPolarAreaDataSet New-PSHTMLChartRadarDataSet New-PSHTMLDropDownList New-PSHTMLDropDownListItem noscript ol optgroup option Out-PSHTMLDocument output p pre progress script section selecttag small span strong style sub sup table tbody td textarea tfoot th thead title tr ul Write-PSHTMLAsset Write-PSHTMLInclude Write-PSHTMLMenu Write-PSHTMLSymbol
This module has no dependencies.
Release Notes
- PSHTML.nuspec
- pshtml.configuration.json
- PSHTML.psd1
- PSHTML.psm1
- Assets\BootStrap\bootstrap.min.css
- Assets\BootStrap\bootstrap.min.js
- Assets\Chartjs\Chart.bundle.min.js
- Assets\Chartjs\
- Assets\Jquery\jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js
- Examples\Example-ConvertTo-HTMLtable.png
- Examples\example01.ps1
- Examples\example02.ps1
- Examples\Example03.ps1
- Examples\PSHTML_Example2.html
- Examples\Charts\Chart01\BarChartExample.png
- Examples\Charts\Chart01\Chart1.html
- Examples\Charts\Chart01\Chart1.ps1
- Examples\Charts\Chart01\MeetupAttendance.png
- Examples\Charts\Chart02\FRPSUGMeetup.ps1
- Examples\Charts\Chart02\MeetupGraph.html
- Examples\Charts\Chart03\GraphCode.html
- Examples\Charts\Chart04\3graphs.html
- Examples\Charts\Chart04\4Charts.ps1
- Examples\Charts\Chart04\4graphs.html
- Examples\Charts\Chart05\BarChart.html
- Examples\Charts\Chart05\BasicBarChart.ps1
- Examples\Charts\Chart06\BasicPieChart.html
- Examples\Charts\Chart06\BasicPieChart.ps1
- Examples\Charts\Chart07\BasicDoughnutChart.html
- Examples\Charts\Chart07\BasicDoughnutChart.ps1
- Examples\Charts\Chart08\HorizontalBarChart.html
- Examples\Charts\Chart08\HorizontalBarChart.ps1
- Examples\Charts\Chart09\RadarChart.html
- Examples\Charts\Chart09\RadarChart.ps1
- Examples\Charts\Chart10\PolarArea.html
- Examples\Charts\Chart10\PolarAreaChart.ps1
- Examples\Example07\DropDownExamples.ps1
- Examples\Example10\Example10.ps1
- Examples\Example10\PSHTML_Basic_Example.html
- Examples\Example11\Example11.html
- Examples\Example11\Example11.ps1
- Examples\Example12\Example12.ps1
- Examples\Example13\Example13.ps1
- Examples\Example14\Example14.ps1
- Examples\Example15\Example15.ps1
- Examples\Example16\Example16.ps1
- Examples\Example17\Example17.ps1
- Examples\Example18\Example18.ps1
- Examples\Example18\Example18.Tests.ps1
- Examples\Example18\PesterReport.html
- Examples\Example18\TestREsults.Json
- Examples\Example4\Example04.ps1
- Examples\Example4\Templates\Body.ps1
- Examples\Example4\Templates\Footer.ps1
- Examples\Example4.1\Example4.1.ps1
- Examples\Example4.1\Templates\Body.ps1
- Examples\Example4.1\Templates\Footer.ps1
- Examples\Example4.1\Templates\Head.ps1
- Examples\Example5\Example5.html
- Examples\Example5\Example5.ps1
- Examples\Example6\Example6.html
- Examples\Example6\Example6.ps1
- Examples\Example6\tribute_snover.png
- Includes\.gitkeep
- Snippets\PsHtml_BaseWithBootStrapAndJquery.Snippet.code-snippets
- Snippets\PsHtml_BaseWithBootStrapJqueryAndChartJS.Snippet.code-snippets
- Snippets\PsHtml_Basic.Snippet.code-snippets
- Snippets\PsHtml_BoilerPlate_full.Snippet.code-snippets
- Snippets\PsHtml_BoilerPlate_medium.Snippet.code-snippets
- Snippets\PsHtml_BoilerPlate_small.Snippet.code-snippets
- Snippets\PsHtml_full.Snippet.code-snippets
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
0.9.0-alpha | 100 | 11/12/2024 |
0.8.2 (current version) | 70,381 | 10/20/2019 |
0.8.1 | 30 | 10/19/2019 |
0.8.1-alpha | 26 | 9/19/2019 |
0.8.0 | 10,296 | 8/1/2019 |
0.8.0-alpha | 16 | 7/21/2019 |
0.7.11 | 1,085 | 2/19/2019 |
0.7.10 | 52 | 2/16/2019 |
0.7.9 | 35 | 2/13/2019 |
0.7.8 | 14 | 2/12/2019 |
0.7.7 | 31 | 2/11/2019 |
0.7.6 | 33 | 2/8/2019 |
0.7.5 | 15 | 2/7/2019 |
0.7.4 | 40 | 1/31/2019 |
0.7.3 | 47 | 1/29/2019 |
0.7.3-Gamma | 13 | 1/29/2019 |
0.7.3-beta | 17 | 1/27/2019 |
0.7.2 | 43 | 1/18/2019 |
0.7.1 | 29 | 1/14/2019 |
0.7.0 | 34 | 1/9/2019 |
0.6.1 | 159 | 11/9/2018 |
0.6.0 | 21 | 11/8/2018 |
0.5.19 | 81 | 10/15/2018 |