#Requires -Modules @{ModuleName="Pester";ModuleVersion="4.10.1"} #requires -Module PSScriptAnalyzer $myDefaultDirectory = Get-Location Set-Location -Path $myDefaultDirectory Set-Location -Path .. $module = "PSGraphQL" $moduleDirectory = Get-Item -Path $myDefaultDirectory | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName Clear-Host Describe "$module Module Structure and Validation Tests" -Tag Linting -WarningAction SilentlyContinue { Context "$module" { It "has the root module $module.psm1" { "$moduleDirectory/$module.psm1" | Should -Exist } It "has the a manifest file of $module.psd1" { "$moduleDirectory/$module.psd1" | Should -Exist } It "has Functions subdirectory" { "$moduleDirectory/Functions/*.ps1" | Should -Exist } It "$module is valid PowerShell code" { $psFile = Get-Content -Path "$moduleDirectory\$module.psm1" -ErrorAction Stop $errors = $null $null = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($psFile, [ref]$errors) $errors.Count | Should -Be 0 } } Context "Code Validation" { $allPs1Files = Get-ChildItem -Path "$moduleDirectory" -Filter *.ps1 -Recurse $allPs1Files | ForEach-Object { $ps1FilePath = $_.FullName It ("{0} is valid PowerShell code" -f $ps1FilePath) { $psFile = Get-Content -Path $ps1FilePath -ErrorAction Stop $errors = $null $null = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($psFile, [ref]$errors) $errors.Count | Should -Be 0 } } } Context "$module.psd1" { It "should not throw an exception in import" { $modPath = "$moduleDirectory/$module.psd1" { Import-Module -Name $modPath -Force -ErrorAction Stop } | Should Not Throw } } } Describe "Testing module and cmdlets against PSSA rules" -Tag Linting -WarningAction SilentlyContinue { $scriptAnalyzerRules = Get-ScriptAnalyzerRule Context "$module test against PSSA rules" { $modulePath = "$moduleDirectory\$module.psm1" $analysis = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path $modulePath foreach ($rule in $scriptAnalyzerRules) { It "should pass $rule" { If ($analysis.RuleName -contains $rule) { $analysis | Where RuleName -eq $rule -OutVariable failures $failures.Count | Should -Be 0 } } } } Get-ChildItem -Path "$moduleDirectory\Functions" -Filter *.ps1 -Recurse | ForEach-Object { Context "$_ test against PSSA rules" { $analysis = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path $_.FullName -ExcludeRule PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions foreach ($rule in $scriptAnalyzerRules) { It "should pass $rule" { If ($analysis.RuleName -contains $rule) { $analysis | Where RuleName -eq $rule -OutVariable failures $failures.Count | Should -Be 0 } } } } } Get-ChildItem -Path "$moduleDirectory\PrivateFunctions" -Filter *.ps1 -Recurse | ForEach-Object { Context "$_ test against PSSA rules" { $analysis = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path $_.FullName -ExcludeRule PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions foreach ($rule in $scriptAnalyzerRules) { It "should pass $rule" { If ($analysis.RuleName -contains $rule) { $analysis | Where RuleName -eq $rule -OutVariable failures $failures.Count | Should -Be 0 } } } } } } Describe "Unit Tests for GraphQLVariableList" -Tag Unit { $zeroParamQuery = 'query HeroNameAndFriends { hero { name friends { name } } }' $twoParamQuery = ' query GetUsersByUserIdAndCustRecNumber($userId: Int!, $customerRecNum: String!) { users: active_users( where: {user_id: {_eq: $userId}, _and: {customer_rec_num: {_eq: $customerRecNum}, _and: {active_users: {user_id: {_is_null: false}}}}} ) { user: active_users { email: email_address firstName: first_name lastName: last_name lastLogin: last_login_date id: user_id } } }' $threeParamMutation = ' mutation CreateUserInPlatform($firstName: String! = "", $lastName: String! = "", $email: String! = "") { createdUser: user_mgmt_create_user( user_input: {first_name: $firstName, last_name: $lastName, email_address: $email} ) { id: user_id firstName: first_name lastName: last_name email: email_address } }' $eightParamMutation = 'mutation UpdateUserAttributes($uuId: uuid!, $userId: String!, $firstName: String!, $lastName: String!, $userId: Int!, $roles: [user_roles!]!, $roleIds: [Int]!, $objects: [user_attributes!]!) { update_users( where: {user_id: {_eq: $uuId}} _set: {first_name: $firstName, last_name: $lastName} ) { affected_rows } insert_user_roles(objects: $roles) { returning { user_id role_id } } delete_user_roles( where: {role_id: {_in: $roleIds}, user_id: {_eq: $userId}} ) { affected_rows } insert_user_attributes(objects: $objects) { affected_rows } }' $nineParamMutation = 'mutation UpdateUser($uuId: uuid!, $userId: String!, $firstName: String!, $middleName: String = "",$lastName: String!, $userId: Int!, $roles: [user_roles!]!, $roleIds: [Int!]!, $objects: [user_attributes!]!) { update_users( where: {user_id: {_eq: $uuId}} _set: {first_name: $firstName, last_name: $lastName} ) { affected_rows } delete_security_user( where: {user_id: {_eq: $userId}} ) { affected_rows } insert_user_roles(objects: $roles) { returning { user_id role_id } } delete_user_roles( where: {role_id: {_in: $roleIds}, user_id: {_eq: $userId}} ) { affected_rows } insert_user_attributes(objects: $objects) { affected_rows } }' $sevenParamMutation = 'mutation RoleChangeUpdateAccountUser($uuId: uuid!, $userId: String!, $firstName: String!, $lastName: String!, $roles: [user_roles!]!, $roleIds: [Int!]!, $userId: Int!) { update_users( where: {user_id: {_eq: $uuId}} _set: {first_name: $firstName, last_name: $lastName} ) { affected_rows } insert_security_users( objects: {user_id: $userId, user_id: $userId, active_indicator: true} ) { returning { active_users { user_id last_name first_name email_address } } } insert_user_roles(objects: $roles) { returning { user_id role_id } } delete_user_roles( where: {role_id: {_in: $roleIds}, user_id: {_eq: $userId}} ) { affected_rows } }' $sevenParamMutationMultiLine = ' mutation UpdateUserTransactional( $uuId: uuid!, $userId: String!, $firstName: String!, $lastName: String!, $roles: [user_roles!]!, $roleIds: [Int!]!, $objects: [user_attributes!]!) { update_users( where: {user_id: {_eq: $uuId}} _set: {first_name: $firstName, last_name: $lastName} ) { affected_rows } insert_user_roles(objects: $roles) { returning { user_id role_id } } delete_user_roles( where: {user_id: {_eq: $userId}, _and: {role_id: {_in: $roleIds}}} ) { affected_rows } insert_user_attributes(objects: $objects) { affected_rows } delete_user_attributes( where: {user_id: {_eq: $userId}, _and: {serviced_location_id: {_in: $locationIds}}} ) { affected_rows } }' Context "Zero variable query" { It "should discover zero variables" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $zeroParamQuery).HasVariables | Select -First 1 | Should Be False } } Context "Two variable query" { It "should discover two variables" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $twoParamQuery).HasVariables | Select -First 1 | Should Be True (GraphQLVariableList -Query $twoParamQuery | Measure).Count | Should Be 2 } It "should have an operation name of GetUsersByUserIdAndCustRecNumber" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $twoParamQuery).Operation | Select -First 1 | Should Be "GetUsersByUserIdAndCustRecNumber" } It "should have an operation type of query" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $twoParamQuery).OperationType | Select -First 1 | Should Be "query" } It "should contain the variable userId" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $twoParamQuery).Parameter | Should Contain "userId" } It "should contain the variable customerRecNum" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $twoParamQuery).Parameter | Should Contain "customerRecNum" } } Context "Three variable mutation" { It "should discover three variables" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $threeParamMutation).HasVariables | Select -First 1 | Should Be True (GraphQLVariableList -Query $threeParamMutation | Measure).Count | Should Be 3 } It "should have an operation type of mutation" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $threeParamMutation).OperationType | Select -First 1 | Should Be "mutation" } It "should contain the variable firstName" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $threeParamMutation).Parameter | Should Contain "firstName" } It "should contain the variable lastName" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $threeParamMutation).Parameter | Should Contain "lastName" } It "should contain the variable email" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $threeParamMutation).Parameter | Should Contain "email" } } Context "Eight variable mutation" { It "should discover eight variables" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $eightParamMutation).HasVariables | Select -First 1 | Should Be True (GraphQLVariableList -Query $eightParamMutation | Measure).Count | Should Be 8 } It "should have an operation name of UpdateUserAttributes" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $eightParamMutation).Operation | Select -First 1 | Should Be "UpdateUserAttributes" } It "should have an operation type of mutation" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $eightParamMutation).OperationType | Select -First 1 | Should Be "mutation" } It "should contain the variable uuid" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $eightParamMutation).Parameter | Should Contain "uuid" } It "should contain the variable userId" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $eightParamMutation).Parameter | Should Contain "userId" } It "should contain the variable firstName" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $eightParamMutation).Parameter | Should Contain "firstName" } It "should contain the variable lastName" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $eightParamMutation).Parameter | Should Contain "lastName" } It "should contain the variable roles" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $eightParamMutation).Parameter | Should Contain "roles" } It "should contain the variable roleIds" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $eightParamMutation).Parameter | Should Contain "roles" } It "should contain the variable objects" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $eightParamMutation).Parameter | Should Contain "objects" } } Context "Nine variable mutation" { It "should discover nine variables" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $nineParamMutation | Measure).Count | Should Be 9 } It "should have an operation name of UpdateUserAttributes" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $eightParamMutation).Operation | Select -First 1 | Should Be "UpdateUserAttributes" } It "should have an operation type of mutation" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $nineParamMutation).OperationType | Select -First 1 | Should Be "mutation" } It "should contain the variable uuid" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $nineParamMutation).Parameter | Should Contain "uuid" } It "should contain the variable userId" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $nineParamMutation).Parameter | Should Contain "userId" } It "should contain the variable firstName" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $nineParamMutation).Parameter | Should Contain "firstName" } It "should contain the variable middleName" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $nineParamMutation).Parameter | Should Contain "middleName" } It "should contain the variable lastName" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $nineParamMutation).Parameter | Should Contain "lastName" } It "should contain the variable roles" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $nineParamMutation).Parameter | Should Contain "roles" } It "should contain the variable roleIds" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $nineParamMutation).Parameter | Should Contain "roles" } It "should contain the variable objects" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $eightParamMutation).Parameter | Should Contain "objects" } } Context "Seven variable mutation" { It "should discover seven variables" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $sevenParamMutation | Measure).Count | Should Be 7 } It "should have an operation type of mutation" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $sevenParamMutation).OperationType | Select -First 1 | Should Be "mutation" } It "should contain the variable uuid" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $sevenParamMutation).Parameter | Should Contain "uuid" } It "should contain the variable userId" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $sevenParamMutation).Parameter | Should Contain "userId" } It "should contain the variable firstName" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $sevenParamMutation).Parameter | Should Contain "firstName" } It "should contain the variable lastName" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $sevenParamMutation).Parameter | Should Contain "lastName" } It "should contain the variable roles" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $sevenParamMutation).Parameter | Should Contain "roles" } It "should contain the variable roleIds" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $sevenParamMutation).Parameter | Should Contain "roles" } It "should contain the variable userId twice, one of type String and one of type Int" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $sevenParamMutation | Where Parameter -eq userId).Type | Should Contain "String" (GraphQLVariableList -Query $sevenParamMutation | Where Parameter -eq userId).Type | Should Contain "Int" } } Context "Seven variable mutation multi-line" { It "should discover seven variables" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $sevenParamMutationMultiLine | Measure).Count | Should Be 7 } It "should have an operation name of UpdateUserTransactional" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $sevenParamMutationMultiLine).Operation | Select -First 1 | Should Be "UpdateUserTransactional" } It "should have an operation type of mutation" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $sevenParamMutationMultiLine).OperationType | Select -First 1 | Should Be "mutation" } It "should contain the variable uuid" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $sevenParamMutationMultiLine).Parameter | Should Contain "uuid" } It "should contain the variable userId" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $sevenParamMutationMultiLine).Parameter | Should Contain "userId" } It "should contain the variable firstName" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $sevenParamMutationMultiLine).Parameter | Should Contain "firstName" } It "should contain the variable lastName" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $sevenParamMutationMultiLine).Parameter | Should Contain "lastName" } It "should contain the variable roles" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $sevenParamMutationMultiLine).Parameter | Should Contain "roles" } It "should contain the variable roleIds" { (GraphQLVariableList -Query $sevenParamMutationMultiLine).Parameter | Should Contain "roles" } } } |