
function Export-PSGraph
        Invokes the graphviz binaries to generate a graph.

        Export-PSGraph -Source -OutputFormat png

        graph g {
            edge (3..6)
            edge (5..2)
        } | Export-PSGraph -Destination $env:temp\test.png

        The source can either be files or piped graph data.

        It checks the piped data for file paths. If it can't find a file, it assumes it is graph data.
        This may give unexpected errors when the file does not exist.

        # The GraphViz file to process or contents of the graph in Dot notation
            ValueFromPipeline = $true

        #The destination for the generated file.
            Position = 0

        # The file type used when generating an image
        $OutputFormat = 'png',
        # The layout engine used to generate the image
            'SpringModelSmall' ,

        # launches the graph when done

        $graphViz = Resolve-Path -path 'c:\program files*\GraphViz*\bin\dot.exe'
        if($graphViz -eq $null)
            throw "Could not find GraphViz installed on this system. Please run 'Find-Package graphviz | Install-Package -ForceBootstrap' or 'Install-GraphViz' to install the needed binaries and libraries. This module just a wrapper around GraphViz and is looking for it in your program files folder."

        $useStandardInput = $false
        $standardInput = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder

        if($Source -ne $null)
            # if $Source is a list of files, process each one
            $fileList = Resolve-Path -Path $Source -ea 0
            if($fileList -ne $null)
                foreach($file in $fileList )
                    Write-Verbose "Generating graph from '$($file.path)'"
                    $arguments = Get-GraphVizArguments -InputObject $PSBoundParameters
                    & $graphViz @($arguments + $file.path)
                Write-Debug 'Using standard input to process graph'
                $useStandardInput = $true                

            Write-Verbose 'Processing standard input'
            $arguments = Get-GraphVizArguments $PSBoundParameters -EnsureDestination
             Write-Verbose " Arguments: $($arguments -join ' ')"

            $standardInput.ToString() | & $graphViz @($arguments)
                # Launches image with default viewer as decided by explorer
                Write-Verbose "Launching $($PSBoundParameters["DestinationPath"])"
                Invoke-Expression $PSBoundParameters["DestinationPath"]

            Write-Output (Get-ChildItem $PSBoundParameters["DestinationPath"])