function Edge { <# .Description This defines an edge between two or more nodes .Example Graph g { Edge FirstNode SecondNode } Generates this graph syntax: digraph g { "FirstNode"->"SecondNode" } .Example $folder = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Directory graph g { $folder | %{ edge $ $_.parent } } .Example graph g { edge (1..3) (5..7) edge top bottom @{label="line label"} edge (10..13) edge one,two,three,four } .Notes If an array is specified for the From property, but not for the To property, then the From list will be procesed in order and will map the array in a chain. #> param( # start node or source of edge [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 0 )] [alias('NodeName','Name','SourceName','LeftHandSide','lhs')] [string[]] $From, # Destination node or target of edge [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 1 )] [alias('Destination','TargetName','RightHandSide','rhs')] [string[]] $To, # Hashtable that gets translated to an edge modifier [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, Position = 2 )] [hashtable] $Attributes ) begin { if($Attributes -ne $null) { $GraphVizAttribute = ConvertTo-GraphVizAttribute -Attributes $Attributes } } process { # If we only have one array, it needs to be processed differently if($To -ne $null) { foreach($sNode in $From) { foreach($tNode in $To) { Write-Output ('{0}"{1}"->"{2}" {3}' -f (Get-Indent), $sNode, $tNode, $GraphVizAttribute) } } } else { for($index=0; $index -lt ($From.Count - 1); $index++) { Write-Output ('{0}"{1}"->"{2}" {3}' -f (Get-Indent), $From[$index], $From[$index + 1], $GraphVizAttribute) } } } } |