function Get-GrafanaAlert { <# .SYNOPSIS Query Grafana API for alert information .PARAMETER DashboardId The ID of the dashboard to query .PARAMETER DashboardName The friendly name of the dashboard to query .PARAMETER DashboardTag Search for alerts belong to a dashboard with a specific tag .PARAMETER AlertName Query for all alerts matching the alert name .PARAMETER State Query for all alerts in the state of 'ALL','no_data','paused', 'alerting','ok','pending' .EXAMPLE Get-GrafanaAlert .EXAMPLE Get-GranaAlert -DashboardId 1 .EXAMPLE Get-GrafanaAlert -DashboardName "PeterRabbit" .EXAMPLE Get-GrafanaAlert -DashboardTag 'prod' .EXAMPLE Get-GrafanaAlert -AlertName 'Perrywinkle' .EXAMPLE State Get-GrafanaAlert -State 'paused' #> [cmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter()] [Int[]] $DashboardId, [Parameter()] [String] $DashboardName, [Parameter()] [String[]] $DashboardTag, [Parameter()] [Alias('Query')] [String] $AlertName, [Parameter()] [String[]] [ValidateSet('ALL','no_data','paused', 'alerting','ok','pending')] $State ) begin { $null = Get-GrafanaConfig } process { $irmParams = @{ headers = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($Configuration.apikey)"} Method = "GET" ContentType = "application/json" } If($PSBoundParameters.Count -eq 0){ $irmParams.Add("Uri","$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/alerts") } Else { Switch($PSBoundParameters.Keys){ "DashboardName" { $irmParams.Add("Uri","$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/alerts?dashboardQuery=$Dashboardname") } "DashboardId" { $url = "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/alerts?" foreach ($id in $DashboardId) { $url += "dashboardId={0}&" -f $id } $irmParams.Add("Uri","$($url -replace ".$")") } "DashboardTag" { $url = "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/alerts?" foreach ($id in $DashboardTag) { $url += "dashboardTag={0}&" -f $id } $irmParams.Add("Uri","$($url -replace ".$")") } "State" { $url = "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/alerts?" foreach ($id in $State) { $url += "state={0}&" -f $id } $irmParams.Add("Uri","$($url -replace ".$")") } "Alertname" { $irmParams.Add("Uri","$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/alerts?query=$AlertName") } }#switch }#else $irmParams['Uri'] Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams }#process } function Get-GrafanaApiKey { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve a list of API keys created in Grafana .EXAMPLE Get-GrafanaApiKey #> begin { $null = Get-GrafanaConfig } process { $header = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($Configuration.apikey)"} $irmParams = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = "$($Configuration.GrafanaUri)/auth/keys" Headers = $header ContentType = "application/json" } Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams } } function Get-GrafanaConfig { <# .SYNOPSIS Reads the Grafana.json file and returns an object .PARAMETER ConfigurationFile The path to the configuration json. Defaults to Config\Grafana.json .EXAMPLE Get-GrafanaConfig .EXAMPLE Get-GrafanaConfig C:\Configs\Grafana.json #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0)] [String] $ConfigurationFile = "$PSScriptRoot\Config\Grafana.json" ) begin {} process { $Global:Configuration = Get-Content $ConfigurationFile | ConvertFrom-Json $Configuration } end {} } function Get-GrafanaDashboard { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns an object with details about a Grafana dashboard .PARAMETER Name Search the Grafana instance for dashboards by friendly name .PARAMETER Uuid Search the Grafana instance for dashboards by UID .PARAMETER IncludeMetadata Include extra metadata about the dashboard. Excluded by default. .EXAMPLE Get-GrafanaDashboard -Name 'Prod - FileServer' .EXAMPLE Get-GrafanaDashboard -Uuid O0E3f5t .EXAMPLE Get-GrafanaDashboard -Name 'Smiley' -IncudeMetadata #> [cmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0,ParameterSetName='Name')] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Position=0,ParameterSetName='Uuid')] [String] $Uuid, [Parameter(Position=0,ParameterSetName='Tag')] [String] $Tag, [Parameter()] [Switch] $IncludeMetadata ) begin { $null = Get-GrafanaConfig } process { $header = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($Configuration.apikey)"} Switch($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName){ 'Name' { $irmParams = @{ Method = "GET" Uri = "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/search?query=$Name" Headers = $header ContentType = "application/json" } $result = Invoke-WebRequest @irmParams $result.Content | ConvertFrom-Json } 'Uuid' { $irmParams = @{ Method = "GET" Uri = "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/dashboards/uid/$uuid" Headers = $header ContentType = "application/json" } $result = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams If($IncludeMetadata){ $result | Format-List } Else { $result.dashboard } } 'Tag' { $irmParams = @{ Method = "GET" Uri = "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/search?tag=$Tag" Headers = $header ContentType = "application/json" } $result = Invoke-WebRequest @irmParams $result.Content | ConvertFrom-Json } }#switch }#process }#function function Get-GrafanaDatasource { <# .SYNOPSIS Fetch information about Grafana datasources via the API .PARAMETER All Returns all datasources in your Grafana Instance .PARAMETER DatasourceId The ID of the datasource for which to search .PARAMETER DatasourceName The friendly name of the datasource for which to search .EXAMPLE Get-GrafanaDatasource -All .EXAMPLE Get-GrafanaDatasource -DatasourceId 4 .EXAMPLE Get-GrafanaDatasource -Datasourcename ElasticPuppies .NOTES @Adilio made me use ## to generate this and I feel dirty #> [cmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter()] [Switch] $All, [Parameter()] [Int] $DatasourceId, [Parameter()] [String] $DatasourceName ) begin { $null = Get-GrafanaConfig } process { $header = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($Configuration.apikey)"} If($All){ $irmParams = @{ Method = "GET" Uri = "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/datasources" Headers = $header ContentType = "application/json" } $result = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams $result } Switch($PSBoundParameters.Keys){ 'DatasourceId' { $irmParams = @{ Method = "GET" Uri = "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/datasources/$DatasourceId" Headers = $header ContentType = "application/json" } $result = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams $result } 'DatasourceName' { $irmParams = @{ Method = "GET" Uri = "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/datasources/name/$DatasourceName" Headers = $header ContentType = "application/json" } $result = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams $result } } } } function Get-GrafanaServerHealth { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns Grafana server health info .EXAMPLE Get-GrafanaServerhealth #> begin { $null = Get-GrafanaConfig} process { Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($Configuration.GrafanaUri)/health" } } function New-GrafanaApiKey { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new API key in Grafana .PARAMETER Name The friendly name of the API key .PARAMETER Role The access level for the key. Available options are Admin,Editor, and Viewer .EXAMPLE New-GrafanaApiKey -Name RickyBobby -Role Admin .EXAMPLE New-GrafanaApiKey -Name Alice -Role Editor #> [cmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0)] [String] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=1)] [ValidateSet('Admin','Viewer','Editor')] [String] $Role ) begin { $null = Get-GrafanaConfig} process { $header = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($Configuration.apikey)"} $body = @{name = $Name; role = $Role} | ConvertTo-Json $body $irmParams = @{ Method = 'POST' Uri = "$($Configuration.GrafanaUri)/auth/keys" Body = "$body" Headers = $header ContentType = "application/json" } $data = Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams Write-Information "API Key has been generated successfully" Write-Information "This is the only time you'll be able to view the API key." Write-Information "The key as been put into the $NewApiKey variable automatically" Write-Information "Please make note of this key for your records, should you need it." $data | Format-List } } function New-GrafanaSnapshot { [cmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0)] [String] $DashboardTitle, [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=1)] [String] $SnapshotName, [Parameter(Position=0)] [Int] $Expires = 0 ) begin { $null = Get-GrafanaConfig} process { $irmParams = @{ headers = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($Configuration.apikey)"} body= @{ dashboard = [ordered]@{ editable = $False hideControls = $True nav = @(@{enable=$False type = 'timepicker'}) rows = @(@{}) style = "dark" tags = @() templating = @{list = @()} time = @{} timezone = "browser" title = "$DashboardTitle" version = 5 } expires = $Expires name = "$SnapshotName" } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 Method = "POST" Uri = "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/snapshots" ContentType = "application/json" } Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams } } function New-GraphanaGraphPanel { [cmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0)] [String] $Title, [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=1)] [String] $Description, [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=2)] [String] $Datasource, [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=3)] [String] [ValidateSet('graph','singlestat','gauge','table','text','heatmap','alert list','dashboard list','plugin list')] $Type, [Parameter()] [Switch] $Transparent, [Parameter()] [Array] $valueMappings, [Parameter()] [Switch] $showThresholdLabels, [Parameter()] [Switch] $showThresholdMarkers, [Parameter()] [Int] $minValue, [Parameter()] [int] $thresholds_Index, [Parameter()] [string] $threshold_HexColor, [Parameter()] [int] $threshold_Value ) begin {} process { $panelHash = @{ } } end {} } function Remove-GrafanaApiKey { <# .SYNOPSIS Deletes an API key from your Grafana Instance .PARAMETER ApiId The ID of the API Key you wish to delete .EXAMPLE Remove-GrafanaApiKey -ApiId 6 #> [cmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true,ConfirmImpact="High")] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0,ValueFromPipeline,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Int] $ApiId ) begin { $Null = Get-GrafanaConfig } process { If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("ID: $ApiId","DELETE")){ $header = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($Configuration.apikey)"} $irmParams = @{ Method = "DELETE" Uri = "$($Configuration.GrafanaUri)/auth/keys/$ApiId" Headers = $header ContentType = "application/json" } Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams } } } function Remove-GrafanaDatasource { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes the specified Grafana datasource .PARAMETER DatasourceId The ID of the datasource you wish to remove .PARAMETER DatasourceName The friendly name of the datasouce you wish to remove .EXAMPLE Remove-GrafanaDashboard -DatasourceId 3 .EXAMPLE Remove-GrafanaDashboard -DatasourceName 'ElasticPuppies' #> [cmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true,ConfirmImpact="High")] param( [Parameter()] [Int] $DatasourceId, [Parameter()] [String] $DatasourceName ) begin { $null = Get-GrafanaConfig } process { $header = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($Configuration.apikey)"} Switch($PSBoundParameters.Keys){ 'DatasourceId' { $irmParams = @{ Method = "DELETE" Uri = "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/datasources/$DatasourceId" Headers = $header ContentType = "application/json" } If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("DELETE","Datasource ID:$DatasourceId")){ Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams } } 'DatasourceName' { $irmParams = @{ Method = "DELETE" Uri = "$($configuration.GrafanaUri)/datasources/name/$DatasourceName" Headers = $header ContentType = "application/json" } If($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Datasource Name:$DatasourceName","DELETE")){ Invoke-RestMethod @irmParams } } } } } function Set-GrafanaConfig { <# .SYNOPSIS Modifies the configuration file for the module .PARAMETER ConfigurationFile The path to the JSON configuration file. Defaults to Config\Grafana.json .PARAMETER APIKey Your new API Key .PARAMETER GrafanaUri The new Grafana uri .EXAMPLE Set-GrafanaConfig -APIKey '10395j23oi2r' -GrafanaUri '' #> [cmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter()] [String] $ConfigurationFile = "$(Split-Path $PSScriptRoot)\Config\Grafana.json", [Parameter()] [String] $APIKey, [Parameter()] [String] $GrafanaUri ) begin { $config = Get-GrafanaConfig } process { Switch($PSBoundParameters.Keys){ 'APIKey' { $config.apikey = $APIKey } 'GrafanaUri' { $config.GrafanaUri = $GrafanaUri } } $config | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content $ConfigurationFile } } $PublicFunctions = 'Get-GrafanaAlert', 'Get-GrafanaApiKey', 'Get-GrafanaConfig', 'Get-GrafanaDashboard', 'Get-GrafanaDatasource', 'Get-GrafanaServerHealth', 'New-GrafanaAPIKey', 'New-GrafanaSnapshot', 'New-GraphanaPanel', 'Remove-GrafanaApiKey', 'Remove-GrafanaDatasource', 'Set-GrafanaConfig' If(!(Test-Path $PSScriptRoot\Config\Grafana.json)){ $grafanaConfig = @{ } Write-Host "No config file found in Config folder. Assuming first run..." -ForegroundColor yellow Write-Host "We will now ask some questions to get things setup" -ForegroundColor yellow $GrafanaUri = Read-Host -Prompt "What is your base Grafana uri?" Write-Host "Adding URI and appending /api to config file..." -ForegroundColor yellow $grafanaConfig.Add('GrafanaUri',"$GrafanaUri/api") $ApiKey = Read-Host -Prompt "What is your API Key? Found at https://$GrafanaUri/org/apikeys" Write-Host "Adding API Key to config file..." -ForegroundColor yellow $grafanaConfig.Add('apikey',$ApiKey) $grafanaConfig | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $PSScriptRoot\Config\Grafana.json Write-Host "Config file has been generated successfully. Run 'Get-GrafanaConfig' to verify" -ForegroundColor yellow } |