about_PSGopher SHORT DESCRIPTION A PowerShell module to download resources via Gopher. LONG DESCRIPTION The PSGopher module allows you to connect to Gopher and Gopher+ servers and download resources and attributes. It has one cmdlet, Invoke-GopherRequest (alias: igr). EXAMPLES Example 1: Viewing Contents This example connects to Floodgap's Gopher server and return the content. PS C:\> $response = Invoke-GopherRequest gopher://floodgap.com PS C:\> $response.Content Welcome to Floodgap Systems' official gopher server. Floodgap has served the gopher community since 1999 (formerly gopher.ptloma.edu). […] Example 2: Viewing Metadata The -Info parameter will retrieve attributes about a resource, if the server supports Gopher+. PS C:\> igr -Info gopher://example.com/article.txt INFO : 0article.txt /article.txt example.com 70 + ADMIN : { Admin: John Doe <jdoe@example.com>, Mod-Date: Sun Nov 28 15:24:21 2021 <20211128152421> } VIEWS : text/plain: <11k> ABSTRACT : This article exists for documentation purposes. Example 3: Downloading Files You can download files with the `-OutFile` parameter. PS C:\> Invoke-GopherRequest 'gopher://example.org/pic.gif' -OutFile pic.gif Example 4: Viewing Links The `Links` property of a successful Gopher request contains all of a page's links. PS C:\> (igr gopher://floodgap.com).Links | Select -First 1 href : gopher://gopher.floodgap.com/gopher/proxy Type : 0 Description : Does this gopher menu look correct? Resource : /gopher/proxy Server : gopher.floodgap.com Port : 70 UrlLink : False Example 5: Sending Input The `InputObject` parameter (or pipeline input) can be used to send a query string to a Gopher server. PS C:\> igr gopher://gopher.floodgap.com/7/v2/vs -InputObject 'search terms' Pipeline input is also supported: Read-Host -Prompt 'Search for' | igr 'gopher://gopher.floodgap.com/7/v2/vs' Due to how the PowerShell runtime handles [System.Uri] objects with non-HTTP and non-HTTPS schemes, it is strongly recommended that you use -InputObject when creating URIs with query strings. This cmdlet will do the URL-encoding for you when using this parameter. However, if you're bold, you can build a URL by hand for the -Uri parameter. TROUBLESHOOTING NOTE There are a few bugs and missing features in this version: Gopher+ Directory Listings Are Plain Text Gopher+ directory listings aren't fully supported by this version. While you can fetch any attributes with the -Info parameter and get them as an object, doing this on a menu/Gophermap or directory will return plain text. This may be updated in a future release. Using SSL/TLS, Where Supported There is an unofficial specification for wrapping Gopher connections in TLS. This cmdlet supports that in two ways: 1. The -TrySSL parameter will connect with opportunistic encryption. First, Invoke-GopherRequest will attempt to connect to the server securely. If it fails, it will fall back to a regular non-secured connection. 2. The -UseSSL parameter will connect with mandatory encryption. Should the server fail to negotiate a TLS session, Invoke-GopherRequest will abort. Supplying a URL with a scheme of gophers, sgopher, or gopher+tls is the same as using the -UseSSL parameter. Note that Gopher predates SSL and TLS. What enthusiasts call "SecureGopher" did not exist back in Gopher's heyday; it's a recent invention, and there is no official standard. Thus, few servers support secure connections. PSGopher does not currently perform any sort of certificate validation. SEE ALSO - `Invoke-WebRequest`, which this cmdlet is modeled after. - RFC 1436, "The Internet Gopher Protocol". https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1436 - RFC 4266, "The Gopher URI Scheme". https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4266 - Gopher+. http://gopherinfo.somnolescent.net/documentation/gopherplus.html KEYWORDS - Gopher - Gopher+ - GopherPlus - SecureGopher - SecureGopher+ - SecureGopherPlus - RFC1436 - small web - WWW alternatives |