
Function Get-GitLabCommitStats {
Retrieves information about commits to projects
Retrieves information about commits to projects
PS U:\> Get-GitLabCommitStats -Id 52 -afterDate "2016-07-01" -author "Test User" | ft

Week Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat WeeklyTotal RunningTotal
---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ----------- ------------
30 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 2
31 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 4


    [string[]]$author = "*",
    try {
        $commits = @()
        $dtcommits = @()
        if (!($Id)) {
            $allProjectsId = (Get-GitLabProject -All).Id
            foreach ($project in $allProjectsId) {
                $Request = @{
            $commits += QueryGitLabAPI -Request $Request -ObjectType 'GitLab.Commit'
        } else {
            $Request = @{
            $commits = QueryGitLabAPI -Request $Request -ObjectType 'GitLab.Commit'
        foreach ($name in $author) {
            if ($lastYear) {
                $dtCommits += $commits | Where-Object {[datetime]$_.created_at -ge ((Get-Date).AddDays(-365))} | Where-Object {$_.author_name -like $name}
            } elseif ($beforeDate) {
                if ($afterDate) {
                    if ($beforeDate -le $afterDate) {
                        throw "beforeDate cannot be less than afterDate"
                    } else {
                        $dtCommits += $commits | Where-Object {([datetime]$_.created_at -le (Get-Date $beforeDate)) -and ([datetime]$_.created_at -ge (Get-Date $afterDate))} | Where-Object {$_.author_name -like $name}
                } else {
                    $dtCommits += $commits | Where-Object {[datetime]$_.created_at -le (Get-Date $beforeDate)} | Where-Object {$_.author_name -like $name}
            } elseif ($afterDate) {
                $dtCommits += $commits | Where-Object {[datetime]$_.created_at -ge (Get-Date $afterDate)} | Where-Object {$_.author_name -like $name}
            } else {
                $dtCommits += $commits | Where-Object {$_.author_name -like $name}
        if ($dtCommits) {
            FormatCommits -dtCommits $dtCommits
        } else {
            Write-Output "No commits found"
    } catch {
        Write-Error $_.Exception.Message