
Function Save-GitHubGist {
    This command saves all files from a gist.

    This command is responsible for saving each file that is associated with a gist to the local machine.

    .Parameter Path
    Path to create a parent folder named the 'ID' of the Gist, then places all Gist Content files that that directory.

    .Parameter Gist
    The Gist object to be saved. Returned from Get-GitHubGist.

    Get-GitHubGist -Id 62f8f608bdfec5d08552 | Save-GitHubGist

        Directory: C:\Users\me\Documents\GitHub\Gists\62f8f608bdfec5d08552

    Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
    ---- ------------- ------ ----
    -a---- 3/21/2016 3:11 PM 2080 Register-SophosWebIntelligenceService.ps1

    This cmdlet will compliment Get-GitHubGist nicely.


    Param (
        [String]$Path = "$env:APPDATA\PSGitHub\Gists",
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

    Process {
        foreach ($item in $Gist) {
            $directory = New-Item -Path $Path -Name $item.Id -ItemType Directory -Force
            foreach ($file in ($item.files.PSObject.Properties.Value)) {
                New-Item -Path $directory -Name $file.filename -ItemType File -Value $file.content