.VERSION 1.1.0 .GUID 0fd916fe-3a0d-48c4-a196-18ea085e071f .AUTHOR Craig Dayton .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT Absolute Zero .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES #> <# .SYNOPSIS Display and search for top downloaded modules or scripts in PowerShell Gallery, PSGallery By default, MicroSoft Corporation and PowerShell DSC authors are excluded. .DESCRIPTION Display and search for top downloaded modules or scripts from the PowerShell Gallery, PSGallery By default, MicroSoft Corporation and PowerShell DSC author are excluded. Optionally, one can specific a different registered repository name. Output is displayed in a Out-GridView and selection of an entry will display the module's or script's project web page, if one exists. Module and script data is cached locally for a period of 8 hours, so repeated execution of the command is very quick. The script extends the work of Chris Hunt. .PARAMETER scripts Specify this option to display top X downloaded scripts .PARAMETER top Default is 100. .PARAMETER all Switch to include Microsoft code. .PARAMETER matchAuthor String value to display specific modules or scripts matching the Author Name property. .PARAMETER matchDesc String value to display specific modules or scripts matching the Description property. .PARAMETER repository String value to specific a specific registered PowerShell gallery. The default PowerShell is PSGallery. .INPUTS ScriptRepo.xml or ModuleRepo.xml depending on age of the file. .OUTPUTS ScriptRepo.xml or ModuleRepo.xml depending on parameters specified. Out-Gridview .EXAMPLE PSGalleryInfo Displays the top 100 downloaded modules minus default exclusions. On the Out-GridView dialog select an entry and click on the "OK" button to display the module's project home page. Or click on the "Cancel" button to exit. .EXAMPLE PSGalleryInfo -All Displays the top 100 downloaded modules from PSGallery without any exclusions. On the Out-GridView dialog select an entry and click on the "OK" button to display the module's project home page. Or click on the "Cancel" button to exit. .EXAMPLE PSGalleryInfo -repository MyGallery Same as the prior example, but specifies a private PowerShell repository named, MyGallery. See the following URL on how to create your own internal PowerShell repository. .EXAMPLE PSGalleryInfo -script -all Displays the top 100 downloaded scripts without any exclusions. .EXAMPLE PSGalleryInfo -matchAuthor "Lee" Displays the top 100 downloaded modules with an author property matching "Lee". .NOTES Author: Craig Dayton 1.0.0: 05/01/2017 - Extending the work of Chris Hunt #> # PSGalleryInfo Params [cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Search for PowerShell Gallery scripts", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [switch]$script, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Display Top X modules or scripts", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [int]$top = 100, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Display Online Lottery Results & update history file", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [switch]$all, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Display all game history file records", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string]$matchAuthor, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Display the pick history of all games", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string]$matchDesc, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Specify a repository name", ValueFromPipeline=$True)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string]$repository = "PSGallery" ) # # Declarations #Import-Module BurntToast; $sPath = Get-Location; $ScriptRepoFile = "$sPath\ScriptRepo-$repository.xml"; $ModuleRepoFile = "$sPath\ModuleRepo-$repository.xml"; # # functions function Get-XMLFile { param ([string]$XMLInput) [int]$mts = 0; if (Test-Path $XMLInput) { $csvFile = Get-ChildItem $XMLInput; $cts = $csvFile.LastWriteTime $nts = New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date) -End $cts # Number of minutes since LastWriteTime [int]$mts = (($nts.Days * 1440) + ($nts.Hours * 60) + ($nts.Minutes)) * -1; } if (($mts -gt 480) -or ($mts -eq 0)) { # older than 8 hours or file doesn't exist return $null } else { $obj = Import-CliXML -Path $XMLInput return $obj } } # # Main Routine if ($script) { $codetype = "scripts"; $modules = Get-XMLFile $ScriptRepoFile if ($modules -is [Object]) { } else { Write-Progress -Activity "Loading script data from PowerShell Gallery $repository..." -Status "Please wait" $modules = Find-Script -Repository $repository Write-Progress -Activity "Done" -Completed; $modules | Export-CliXML -Path $ScriptRepoFile } } else { $codetype = "modules" $modules = Get-XMLFile $ModuleRepoFile if ($modules -is [Object]) { } else { Write-Progress -Activity "Loading module data from PowerShell Gallery $repository..." -Status "Please wait" $modules = Find-Module -Repository $repository Write-Progress -Activity "Done" -Completed; $modules | Export-CliXML -Path $ModuleRepoFile } } if ((-not $matchAuthor) -and (-not $matchDesc)) { $normalized = $modules | Select-Object Name, @{Name = "Downloads"; Expression = {$_.AdditionalMetadata.downloadCount -as [int]}}, Author, Description, ProjectUri } if ($matchAuthor) { $normalized = $modules | Where-Object {$_.Author -match $matchAuthor} | Select-Object Name, @{Name = "Downloads"; Expression = {$_.AdditionalMetadata.downloadCount -as [int]}}, Author, Description, ProjectUri } if ($matchDesc) { $normalized = $modules | Where-Object {$_.Description -match $matchDesc} | Select-Object Name, @{Name = "Downloads"; Expression = {$_.AdditionalMetadata.downloadCount -as [int]}}, Author, Description, ProjectUri } if (-not $All) { $Selected = $normalized | Where-Object {$_.Author -ne 'Microsoft Corporation' -and $_.Author -ne 'PowerShell DSC'} | Sort-Object Downloads -Descending | Select-Object Name, Downloads, Author, Description, ProjectUri -first $top | Out-GridView -Title "Top $top Non-Microsoft $codetype" -OutputMode Single; } else { $Selected = $normalized | Sort-Object Downloads -Descending | Select-Object Name, Downloads, Author, Description, ProjectUri -first $top | Out-GridView -Title "Top 100 $codetype" -OutputMode Single; } if ($Selected -eq $null) { Write-Host " Selection Cancelled" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "Thanks for trying! Bye" -ForegroundColor Blue } else { [string]$URL = $Selected.ProjectUri; [string]$PRJ = $Selected.Name; if ($URL -ne $null -and $URL.Length -gt 7) { $Browser = new-object -com internetexplorer.application; $Browser.navigate2($URL); $Browser.visible = $true; } else { Write-Host "$PRJ " -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Blue Write-Host "doesn't reference a home page" -ForegroundColor Red } } # |