#Generated at 02/10/2020 15:47:03 by Nicolas BAUDIN enum StatePolicy { Enabled Disabled NotConfigured } enum ScopePolicy { User Machine } class GPOToolsUtility { static [System.Collections.Generic.List[GpoToolsSupportedOn]]$SupportOnTable = @() static [System.Collections.Generic.List[GpoToolsCategory]]$Categories = @() static [System.Collections.Generic.List[GpoToolsPolicy]]$Policies = @() static [System.Collections.ArrayList]$TargetLoad = @() static [void]InitiateAdmxAdml( [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Folder, [cultureinfo]$UICulture ){ #Importer l'ensemble des fichiers admx #Importer les dépendances en premier lieu ! #Pour chaque fichier ADMX on importe le fichier AMDL correspondant #On incrémente les catégories #Comment valider que les dépendances sont bien déjà présents et pas nécessaire de les recharger ? #noter un élément unique (nom du fichier ?) hashtable ? #On passe en revu chaque fichier admx if (Test-Path -Path $Folder.FullName){ Write-Verbose "Initialization of ADMX file in $Folder" $AdmxFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $Folder.FullName -File -Filter *.admx foreach ($File in $AdmxFiles) { [GPOToolsUtility]::InitiateAdmxAdml($File,$UICulture) } }Else{ Write-Error "Foler $Folder not found" } } static [void]InitiateAdmxAdml( [System.IO.FileInfo]$File, [cultureinfo]$UICulture ){ if((Test-Path -Path $File.FullName) -and ($File.Name -Like '*.admx')){ #On verifie que le fichier AMDX n'a pas deja ete charge. If (![GPOToolsUtility]::TargetLoad.Contains([GPOToolsUtility]::GetNamespaceAdmx($File))){ Write-Verbose "Initialization of $File" #Creation de l'objet ADMX $ADMX = [GpoToolsAdmx]::New($File.FullName) #On verifie si il a besoin de dépendance et on les charges [GPOToolsUtility]::CheckAndInitiateDependancy($ADMX,$UICulture) #On determine le fichier ADML correspondant $ADMLPath = [GPOToolsUtility]::GetADMLPathFromADMX($File,$UICulture) #On charge le fichier ADML correspondant $ADML = [GpoToolsAdml]::New($ADMLPath) #On cree les objets SupportedOn $Support = $ADMX.SupportedOnDefinition | Foreach-Object { [GPOToolsSupportedOn]::New($_,$ADML) } #On initialise les objets Category [GPOToolsCategory]::LoadAdmxAdml($Admx,$Adml) #On cree les objet Policy $Pols = $ADMX.Policies | Foreach-Object {[GPOToolsPolicy]::New($_,$ADML)} #On incremente les objets dans les proprietes statiques if ($Support.count -gt 0){ $Support | Foreach-Object {[GPOToolsutility]::SupportOnTable.Add($_)} } if ($Pols.count -gt 0){ $Pols | Foreach-Object {[GPOToolsutility]::Policies.Add($_)} } [GPOToolsutility]::TargetLoad.Add($ADMX.Target.namespace) }Else{ Write-Verbose "$File is already Initiate" } }Else{ Write-Error "File $File not found" } } static [string]GetNamespaceAdmx( [System.IO.FileInfo]$AdmxFile ){ [xml]$Xml = Get-Content -Path $AdmxFile.FullName -Encoding UTF8 return $ } static [string]GetADMLPathFromADMX( [System.IO.FileInfo]$AdmxFile, [cultureinfo]$UICulture ){ $ParentPath = Split-Path -Path $AdmxFile.FullName $ADMLPath = '{0}\{1}\{2}' -f $ParentPath,$UICulture,$($AdmxFile.Name -replace '\.admx','.adml') if (Test-Path -Path $ADMLPath){ return $ADMLPath }Else{ Throw "The ADML File $ADMLPath doesn't exist." } } static [void]CheckAndInitiateDependancy( [GpoToolsAdmx]$ADMX, [cultureinfo]$UICulture ){ $ADMX.Using | Foreach-Object { #On verifie si la dependance est deja charge ou si il s'agit de product if (![GPOToolsUtility]::TargetLoad.Contains($_.namespace) -and $($ADMX.Target.namespace -ne 'Microsoft.Policies.Products')){ Write-Verbose ('The ADMX {0} need {1} dependancy' -f $ADMX.FilePath,$_.namespace) #on determine de fichier ADMX dont le premier depend #Rajouter un trycatch en cas de generation d'erreur et mise en place d'un warning Try{ $DepFile = [GPOToolsUtility]::FindDependancyFile($ADMX.FilePath,$_.namespace) } Catch { Write-Warning $_.Exception.message $DepFile = $null } #On charge la dependance si il y en a une if ($null -ne $DepFile){ [GPOToolsUtility]::InitiateAdmxAdml($DepFile,$UICulture) } } } } <# Method utilise pour rechercher les fichiers admx dont depend un fichier admx Exe. : WindowsBackup.admx a besoin de windows.admx Use : [GPOToolsUTility]::CheckAndInitiateDependancy() #> static [System.IO.FileInfo]FindDependancyFile( [string]$Path, [string]$namespace ){ $FolderPath = Split-Path -Path $Path $Files = Get-ChildItem -Path $FolderPath -Filter *.admx -Exclude $Path.Name $File = $Files | Foreach-Object { if([GPOToolsUtility]::GetNamespaceAdmx($_) -eq $namespace){ $_ } } switch ($File.count){ 1 { break } {$_ -ge 2} { Throw ('Too many dependancy file found for {0} target in {1} ADMX file' -f $namespace,$Path) } 0 { Throw ('No dependancy file found for {0} target in {1} ADMX file' -f $namespace,$Path) } default { Throw ('Unknwon error for find {0} target in {1} ADMX file' -f $namespace,$Path) } } return $File } <# Methode pour verifier la presence d'une category dans la propriete static de la classe GPOToolsUtility. Elle se base sur la propriete target de l'objet Category. Target comprend le prefix et le namespace pour avoir un filtre plus precis. Use : #> static [bool]CheckCategoryPresence( [string]$Name, [hashtable]$target ){ $Result = [GPOToolsUtility]::Categories | Where-Object { ($_.Name -eq $Name) -and ($ -eq $target.prefix) -and ($ -eq $target.namespace) } if ($Result.count -eq 0){ return $false }Else{ return $true } } <# Surcharge de Methode pour verifier la presence d'une category dans la propriete static de la classe GPOToolsUtility. Cette surcharge se base seulement sur le nom du prefix et pas sur le namespace. Cela réduit le précision de la verification. Use : [GPOToolsCategory]::Create() #> static [bool]CheckCategoryPresence( [string]$Name, [string]$TargetPrefix ){ $return = $false $Result = [GPOToolsUtility]::Categories | Where-Object { ($_.Name -eq $Name) -and ($ -eq $TargetPrefix) } switch ($Result.Count){ 1 {$return = $true} 0 {$return = $false} {$_ -ge 2} { throw ('[GPOToolsUtility](CheckCategoryPresence) To many Category found for {0}.' -f $Name) } default { throw ('[GPOToolsUtility](CheckCategoryPresence) Unknow error for {0} category.' -f $Name) } } return $return } # Methode pour vider les membre static de GPOToolsUtility. Cela permet d'en # initialiser de nouveaux. static [void]RemoveAll(){ foreach($Property in @( [GPOToolsUtility]::SupportOnTable, [GPOToolsUtility]::Categories, [GPOToolsUtility]::Policies, [GPOToolsUtility]::TargetLoad #[GPOToolsCategory]::AllParentCategory ) ){ $Property.Clear() } } }# End GPOToolsUtility #Classe SupportedOn class GPOToolsSupportedOn { [string]$Name [string]$DisplayName GPOToolsSupportedOn( [AdmxSupportedOn]$Support, [GpoToolsAdml]$Adml ){ $this.Name = $Support.Name $this.DisplayName = $Adml.StringTable."$($Support.DisplayName)" } static [Array]LoadAdmxAdml( [GpoToolsAdmx]$Admx, [GpoToolsAdml]$Adml ){ $Result = $Admx.SupportedOnDefinition | Foreach-Object { [GPOToolsSupportedOn]::New($_,$Adml) } return $Result } } <# class GPOToolsSupportedOnDefinition : GPOToolsSupportedOn { [system.collections.ArrayList]$Or [system.collections.Arraylist]$And } class GPOToolsSupportedOnProduct : GPOToolsSupportedOn { $MajorVersion } #> #Classe Category class GPOToolsCategory { [string]$Name [string]$DisplayName [string]$ExplainText Hidden [Admxnamespace]$target [GPOToolsCategory]$ParentCategory # A retirer pour ne laisser qu'une liste de categories #static hidden [System.Collections.Generic.List[GpoToolsCategory]]$AllParentCategory = @() <# Constructeur de la classe GPOToolsCategory. Seulement utilise dans la methode Create() pour limiter les creations en double d'objet category #> Hidden GPOToolsCategory( [AdmxCategory]$Cat, [System.Collections.ArrayList]$AllCat, [GpoToolsAdml]$Adml ){ $this.Name = $Cat.Name $ = $ $this.DisplayName = $Adml.StringTable."$($Cat.DisplayName)" if ($null -ne $Cat.explainText){ $this.ExplainText = $Adml.StringTable."$($Cat.ExplainText)" } #Gestion du Parent if ($Cat.ParentCategory -ne $null){ # Si la categorie a un parent dans l'admx on le cherche et on l'ajoute $this.ParentCategory = [GPOToolsCategory]::FindParentCategory($Cat,$AllCat,$Adml) Write-Verbose ("[GPOToolsCategory] {0} Category have a parent : {1}" -f $Cat.Name,$Cat.ParentCategory.Name) }Else{ # la categorie n'a pas de parent Write-Verbose "[GPOToolsCategory] $($Cat.Name) Category doesn't have parent" } } static [System.Collections.Generic.List[GpoToolsCategory]]Create( [AdmxCategory]$Category, [System.Collections.ArrayList]$AllCat, [GpoToolsAdml]$Adml ){ # Si la category est presente dans la classe utility on rappel l'objet if (![GPOToolsUtility]::CheckCategoryPresence($Category.Name,$ ){ Write-Verbose "[GPOToolsCategory]Loading of $($Category.Name) Category" $NewCat = [GpoToolsCategory]::New($Category,$AllCat,$Adml) # On ajoute la category au membre statique de la classe GPOToolsUtility [GPOToolsUtility]::Categories.Add($NewCat) return $NewCat }Else{ Write-Verbose "[GPOToolsCategory] $($Category.Name) Category is already load in [GPOToolsUtility]::Categories" return [GPOToolsUtility]::Categories | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Category.Name} } } <# Methode static utilisee pour trouver la category parent d'une category. Elle recherche dans la propriete statique Categories de la classe GPOToolsUtility Use : [GPOToolsCategory]::New() #> static [GPOToolsCategory]FindParentCategory( [AdmxCategory]$Cat, [AdmxCategory[]]$Categories, [GpoToolsAdml]$Adml ){ # Pour chaque category de Categories $ParentCat = [GPOToolsUtility]::Categories | Where-Object { #Si la categorie a le meme nom que celle recherché $_.Name -eq $Cat.ParentCategory.Name -and (# Et que son prefix est similaire a celui de la category parent recherchee $ -eq $Cat.ParentCategory.prefix -or #Ou si la category parent est present dans le meme fichier admx avec #le meme prefix que la category enfant $ -eq $ ) } if ($null -eq $ParentCat.count){ Write-Verbose "[GPOToolsCategory](FindParentCategory) No ParentCategory found for $($Cat.Name) Name in [GPOToolsUtility]::Categories static property" if($Categories.Name -contains $Cat.ParentCategory.Name){ $ParentCat = $Categories.Name | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Category.ParentCategory.Name} if ($ParentCat -eq 1) { return [GPOToolsCategory]::New($ParentCat,$Categories,$Adml) }Else{ Throw "[GPOToolsCategory](FindParentCategory) To many ParentCategory found for $($Cat.Name) in ADMX file" } }Else{ throw ('[GPOToolsCategory](FindParentCategory) No category parent {0} found for {1} category in [GPOToolsUtility]::Categories static property and ADMX file' -f $Cat.ParentCategory.Name,$Cat.Name) } }ElseIf($ParentCat.count -ge 2){ Throw "[GPOToolsCategory](FindParentCategory) To many ParentCategory found for $($Cat.Name)" }Else{ return $ParentCat } } static [void]LoadAdmxAdml( [GpoToolsAdmx]$Admx, [GpoToolsAdml]$Adml ){ $Result = $Admx.Categories | Foreach-Object { [GPOToolsCategory]::Create($_,$Admx.Categories,$Adml) } } } #Classe Policy class GPOToolsPolicy { [string]$Path #Manque la notion d'Administrative Template [string]$Name [string]$DisplayName #[string]$State # Mettre une enumeration? Mettre simplement une methode, l'interrogation de l'ensemble du registre va prendre du temps [string]$Description [string]$ID [GpoToolsRegistry]$Registry [ScopePolicy]$Scope [string]$FileName Hidden [GpoToolscategory]$Category Hidden [GPOToolsSupportedOn]$SupportedOn GPOToolsPolicy([AdmxPolicy]$Policy,[GpoToolsAdml]$ADMLPol){ $this.ID = $Policy.Name $this.Name = $ADMLPol.StringTable."$($Policy.Name)" $this.DisplayName = $ADMLPol.StringTable."$($Policy.DisplayName)" $this.Description = $ADMLPol.StringTable."$($Policy.explainText)" if ($Policy.Class -eq 'Machine'){ $this.scope = [ScopePolicy]::Machine }Else{ $this.scope = [ScopePolicy]::User } $this.FileName = (Split-Path $ADMLPol.FilePath -Leaf) -Replace 'l$','x' $this.Category = [GPOToolsPolicy]::FindParentCategory($Policy) $this.Path = $this.GeneratePath() $this.Registry = [GPOToolsRegistry]::New($Policy) } [string]GeneratePath(){ if($this.Category -ne $Null){ $GNPath = '{0}\{1}' -f $this.Scope,[GPOToolsPolicy]::GeneratePath($this.Category) }Else{ $GNpath = '{0}\' -f $this.Scope } return $GnPath } static [string]GeneratePath([GpoToolscategory]$Cat){ if($Cat.ParentCategory -ne $Null){ $GNPath = '{0}{1}\' -f [GPOToolsPolicy]::GeneratePath($Cat.ParentCategory),$Cat.DisplayName }Else{ $GNpath = '{0}\' -f $Cat.DisplayName } return $GNpath } <# Method static pour rechercher une category parent d'une policy #> static [GPOToolsCategory]FindParentCategory( [AdmxPolicy]$Pol ){ # Pour chaque category de Categories $ParentCat = [GPOToolsUtility]::Categories | Where-Object { #Si la categorie a le meme nom que celle recherché $_.Name -eq $Pol.ParentCategory.Name -and (# Et que son prefix est similaire a celui de la category parent recherchee $ -eq $Pol.ParentCategory.prefix -or #Ou si la category parent est present dans le meme fichier admx avec #le meme prefix que la policy enfant $ -eq $ ) } if ($null -eq $ParentCat.count){ Throw "[GPOToolsCategory](FindParentCategory) No ParentCategory found for $($Pol.Name) policy in [GPOToolsUtility]::Categories static property" }ElseIf($ParentCat.count -ge 2){ Throw "[GPOToolsCategory](FindParentCategory) To many ParentCategory found for $($Pol.Name) policy" }Else{ return $ParentCat } } [StatePolicy]GetPolicyState(){ if (-not (Test-path $This.Registry.Path)){ $State = [StatePolicy]::NotConfigured }Else{ $RegProperty = Get-ItemProperty $This.Registry.Path -name $This.Registry.Key -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if($RegProperty -eq $null){ $State = [StatePolicy]::NotConfigured }Elseif($RegProperty.{$This.Registry.Key} -eq $this.Registry.Value.Enable){ $State = [StatePolicy]::Enabled }Elseif($RegProperty.{$This.Registry.Key} -eq $this.Registry.Value.Disable){ $State = [StatePolicy]::Disabled }Else{ throw ('[GPOToolsPolicy](GetPolicyState) State not determinate for {0} policy' -f $this.DisplayName) } } return $State } } class GPOToolsRegistry { $Path $Key $Value $DefaultValue GPOToolsRegistry([AdmxPolicy]$Pol) { if ($Pol.Class -eq 'Machine'){ $this.Path = 'HKLM:\{0}' -f $Pol.RegKey }Else{ $this.Path = 'HKCU:\{0}' -f $Pol.RegKey } $this.Key = $Pol.ValueName $this.Value = @{ Enable = $Pol.enableValue Disable = $pol.disableValue } } } #Classe de recuperation des informations contenues dans les fichiers amdx class GpoToolsAdmx { [string]$FilePath [string]$BaseName [AdmxNamespace]$Target [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Using = @() [System.Collections.ArrayList]$SupportedOnDefinition = @() [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Categories = @() [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Policies = @() GpoToolsAdmx([string]$AdmxPath) { $File = Get-Item -Path $AdmxPath [xml]$Xml = Get-Content -Path $File.FullName -Encoding UTF8 $PolicyDefinitions = $xml.policyDefinitions $trgt = [AdmxNamespace]::New($ $This.FilePath = $File.FullName $This.BaseName = $File.BaseName $This.Target = $trgt if ($null -ne $PolicyDefinitions.policyNamespaces.using){ $PolicyDefinitions.policyNamespaces.using | Foreach-Object { $This.Using.Add([AdmxNamespace]::New($_)) } } if ($null -ne $PolicyDefinitions.supportedOn.definitions){ $PolicyDefinitions.supportedOn.definitions.definition | Foreach-Object { $This.SupportedOnDefinition.Add([AdmxSupportedOn]::New($_)) } } if ($null -ne $PolicyDefinitions.categories){ $PolicyDefinitions.categories.Category | Foreach-Object { $this.Categories.Add($([AdmxCategory]::New($_,$trgt))) } } if ($null -ne $PolicyDefinitions.Policies){ $PolicyDefinitions.Policies.policy | Foreach-Object { $this.Policies.Add($([AdmxPolicy]::New($_,$trgt))) } } } } #Classe utilisee dans GPOToolsAdmx pour lire les policy class AdmxPolicy { $Name $Class $DisplayName $explainText $RegKey $ValueName [hashtable]$ParentCategory $SupportedOn $enableValue $disableValue $elements AdmxPolicy ($Policy,[AdmxNamespace]$target){ $this.Name = $policy.Name $this.Class = $policy.Class $this.DisplayName = $policy.DisplayName -replace '\$\(string\.(.*)\)', '$1' $this.explainText = $policy.explainText -replace '\$\(string\.(.*)\)', '$1' $this.RegKey = $policy.Key $this.ValueName = $policy.ValueName $this.SupportedOn = $policy.SupportedOn $this.enableValue = $policy.enabledValue.decimal.Value $this.disableValue = $policy.disabledValue.decimal.Value if ($policy.ParentCategory.ref -ne $null){ $SplitResult = $policy.ParentCategory.ref -split ':' if ($SplitResult.count -eq 1){ $this.ParentCategory = @{ prefix = $target.prefix name = $SplitResult[0] } }Else{ $this.ParentCategory = @{ prefix = $SplitResult[0] name = $SplitResult[1] } } }Else{ Write-Verbose ("[AdmxPolicy] No parent category found for {0} policy" -f $policy.Name) } #$this.elements = $policy.elements } } #Classe utilise dans GPOToolsAdmx pour les categories des fichiers admx class AdmxCategory { [string]$Name [string]$DisplayName [AdmxNamespace]$target [string]$explainText [hashtable]$ParentCategory AdmxCategory ($Category,[AdmxNamespace]$target){ $this.Name = $Category.Name $this.DisplayName = $Category.DisplayName -replace '\$\(string\.(.*)\)', '$1' $ = $target $this.explainText = $Category.explainText -replace '\$\(string\.(.*)\)', '$1' if ($Category.parentcategory.ref -ne $null){ $SplitResult = $Category.parentcategory.ref -split ':' if ($SplitResult.count -eq 1){ $this.ParentCategory = @{ prefix = $target.prefix name = $SplitResult[0] } }Else{ $this.ParentCategory = @{ prefix = $SplitResult[0] name = $SplitResult[1] } } }Else{ Write-Verbose ("[AdmxCategory] No parent category found for {0} category" -f $Category.Name) } } } # Class pour les ressources SupportedOn (Exemple Windows.admx) class AdmxSupportedOn { [string]$Name [string]$DisplayName AdmxSupportedOn ($SupportedOn) { $This.Name = $SupportedOn.Name $THis.DisplayName = $SupportedOn.DisplayName -replace '\$\(string\.(.*)\)', '$1' } } class AdmxNamespace { [string]$prefix [string]$namespace AdmxNamespace($namesp) { $this.prefix = $namesp.prefix $this.namespace = $namesp.namespace } } #Classe de recuperation des informations contenues dans les fichiers admx class GpoToolsAdml { [string]$FilePath [string]$BaseName [Hashtable]$StringTable #presentationTable GpoToolsAdml ([string]$AdmlPath) { $File = Get-Item -Path $AdmlPath [xml]$Xml = Get-Content -Path $File.FullName -Encoding UTF8 $This.FilePath = $File.FullName $This.BaseName = $File.BaseName $this.StringTable = @{} $xml.policyDefinitionResources.resources.stringTable.string | Foreach-Object { Write-Verbose ('Ajout du champ {0} dans la table StringTable pour le fichier {1}' -f $,$File.BaseName) $this.StringTable.Add($,$_.'#Text') } } } function Get-PSGPOCategory { [cmdletbinding()] Param() ### VAR ### ### MAIN ### $Categories = [GpoToolsUtility]::Categories If ($null -eq $Categories){ Write-Warning "Initiate ADMX and ADML files with Initialize-PSGPOAdmx cmdlet." }Else{ return $Categories } } function Get-PSGPOPolicy { [cmdletbinding()] Param() ### VAR ### ### MAIN ### $Policies = [GpoToolsUtility]::Policies If ($null -eq $Policies){ Write-Warning "Initiate ADMX and ADML files with Initialize-PSGPOAdmx cmdlet." }Else{ return $Policies } } function Get-PSGPOSupportedOn { [cmdletbinding()] Param() ### VAR ### ### MAIN ### $Support = [GpoToolsUtility]::SupportOnTable If ($null -eq $Support){ Write-Warning "Initiate ADMX and ADML files with Initialize-PSGPOAdmx cmdlet." }Else{ return $Support } } function Initialize-PSGPOAdmx { [cmdletbinding()] Param( [ValidateScript( { Test-Path -Path $_ })] [String]$Path = "$Env:windir\PolicyDefinitions\", [cultureinfo]$UICulture = [cultureinfo]::CurrentUICulture ) ### VAR ### $Item = Get-Item -Path $Path ### MAIN ### # Empty Statics properties [GPOToolsUtility]::RemoveAll() [GpotoolsUtility]::InitiateAdmxAdml($Item,$UICulture) } |