Function Import-PrintGPO { <# .SYNOPSIS Import printer to print gpo .DESCRIPTION This function can import printer to the print gpo. It is important, to add one printer manually to the print gpo! Otherwise the function will not work. .PARAMETER GPO The GPO which will be updated. .PARAMETER Printer The Shared path of the printer. .PARAMETER Action Execution of the GPO (create,replace,update) .PARAMETER DefaultPrinter Sets printer as default printer .PARAMETER GroupFilter Is used to deploy the printer only to specific groups. .INPUTS system.string[] .OUTPUTS none .EXAMPLE Import-PrintGPO -GPO usr-print-gpo -Printer "\\printserver\printer1","\\printserver\printer2" -Action create -DefaultPrinter -GroupFilter "group1" .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "The GPO which will be updated.")] [string]$GPO, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "The Shared path of the printer.")] $Printer, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $false, HelpMessage = "GPO action (create, replace or update)")] [ValidateSet('create', 'replace','update')] [string]$Action = 'update', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $false, HelpMessage = "Sets printer as default printer")] [switch]$DefaultPrinter, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "Is used to deploy the printer only to specific groups.")] $GroupFilter = $null ) Begin{ Write-Verbose "Install ActiveDirectory module" if(Get-Module -ListAvailable ActiveDirectory){ Import-Module ActiveDirectory }else{ Try{ Install-WindowsFeature -Name "RSAT-AD-PowerShell" }catch{ Throw "Cant import module ActiveDirectory. Error: $_" } } Write-Verbose "Install GroupPolicy module" if(Get-Module -ListAvailable GroupPolicy){ Import-Module GroupPolicy }else{ Try{ Install-WindowsFeature -Name "GPMC" }catch{ Throw "Cant import module GroupPolicy. Error: $_" } } Write-Verbose "Get date" $date = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' Write-Verbose "Get gpo action type" switch ($Action) { create { $printgpoimage = 0 $printgpoaction = 'C' } replace { $printgpoimage = 1 $printgpoaction = 'R' } update { $printgpoimage = 2 $printgpoaction = 'U' } } Write-Verbose "Get default printer option" if($DefaultPrinter){ $printgpo_defaultprinter = 1 }else{ $printgpo_defaultprinter = 0 } Write-Verbose "Get groupfilter option" if($null -ne $GroupFilter){ try { $printgpogroupfilter = '<Filters><FilterGroup bool="AND" not="0" name="' + (Get-ADGroup -Filter 'Name -eq $GroupFilter').Name + '" sid="' + (Get-ADGroup -Filter 'Name -eq $GroupFilter').SID + '" userContext="1" primaryGroup="0" localGroup="0"/></Filters>' } catch { Write-Error "The ad group can't be found." } } Write-Verbose "Get GPO" try { $printgpo_id = (Get-GPO -DisplayName $GPO -ErrorAction Stop).id } catch { Throw "GPO does not exist. Create GPO and add at least 1 printer to it." } } Process{ Write-Verbose "Create backup from GPO" $gpobackupfolder = $env:APPDATA + '\printgpo' try { if (Test-Path -Path $gpobackupfolder) { Remove-Item -Path $gpobackupfolder -Force -Recurse } $null = New-Item -Path $gpobackupfolder -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop $null = Backup-GPO -Id $printgpo_id -Path $gpobackupfolder -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Throw "The GPO could not be backed up." } Write-Verbose "Check if printer.xml file exists" $printerxml = (Get-ChildItem -Path $gpobackupfolder).FullName + '\DomainSysvol\GPO\User\Preferences\Printers\Printers.xml' if(Test-Path -Path $printerxml) { $printerxmlcontent = Get-Content $printerxml }else { Throw "One printer must be already added to the gpo!" } Write-Verbose "Remove end of printers.xml file" $printerxmlcontent = $printerxmlcontent -replace '</Printers>','' $printerxmlcontent = $printerxmlcontent | Where-Object {$_.trim() -ne "" } $null = Set-Content -Path $printerxml -Value $printerxmlcontent Write-Verbose "Add Printers to printers.xml file" $Printer | ForEach-Object { $uid = New-Guid $printername = $_.substring($_.lastindexof("\")+1) $printgpo_xmldata = '<SharedPrinter clsid="{9A5E9697-9095-436d-A0EE-4D128FDFBCE5}" name="' + $printername + '" status="' + $printername + '" image="' + $printgpoimage + '" changed="' + $date + '" uid="' + $uid + '" userContext="1" bypassErrors="1"><Properties action="' + $printgpoaction + '" comment="" path="' + $_ + '" location="" default="' + $printgpo_defaultprinter + '" skipLocal="0" deleteAll="0" persistent="0" deleteMaps="0" port=""/>' + $printgpogroupfilter + '</SharedPrinter>' $null = Add-Content -Path $printerxml -Value $printgpo_xmldata } Write-Verbose "Add End of printers.xml file again" $null = Add-Content -Path $printerxml -Value '</Printers>' Write-Verbose "Restore GPO with new printers" try { $null = Restore-GPO -Guid $printgpo_id -Path $gpobackupfolder } catch { Throw "The GPO could not be restored. Error: $_" } } End{ Write-Verbose "Remove old files" $null = Remove-Item -Path $gpobackupfolder -Force -Recurse } } |