### Gade
"Gade" is the person that made this clever system. A Danish enthusiastic geocacher, which itself has its own radio show about geocaching every Monday night. Gade found it an honor that a cache in Netherlands is made with his name. If you have translated his name into English it means Mr. Street. To find the geocache, you have to find some numbers. E.g. you could have to convert the letters from a word to their Values. As an example "MyCache" would result in the values 13, 25, 3, 1, 3, 8 and 5. When you have found the numbers, do this: Sort the **individual** digits - low to high. If, for instance, the numbers you found were 13, 25, 3, 1, 3, 8 and 5 sort the digits like this: 112333558 Pay attention that digits may be contained more than once! In the final result every digit from 1234567890 has to be included. Theirfor complete the line, with the missing digits 112333558*04679* now you have: 11233355804679 Now take the letters from the alphabet and write them below: 11233355804679 abcdefghijklmn That makes a=1,b=1,c=2,d=3,e=3,f=3,g=5,h=5,i=8,j=0,k=4,l=6,m=7,n=9 Nice and complex, right? And nasty if you want to try a few solution attempts for a mystery cache. Use the module and it's easy: ```Powershell Resolve-PSGCGade "MyCache" -Verbose -output formulaString # Returns a=1,b=1,c=2,d=3,e=3,f=3,g=5,h=5,i=8,j=0,k=4,l=6,m=7,n=9 ``` |