# borrowed from filter script:quoteStringWithSpecialChars { if ($_ -and ($_ -match '\s+|#|@|\$|;|,|''|\{|\}|\(|\)')) { $str = $_ -replace "'", "''" "'$str'" } else { $_ } } # taken from function script:Get-AliasPattern($cmd) { $aliases = @($cmd) + @(Get-Alias | Where-Object { $_.Definition -eq $cmd } | Select-Object -Exp Name) "($($aliases -join '|'))" } function Expand-GitWithFzf($lastBlock) { $gitResults = Expand-GitCommand $lastBlock # if no results, invoke filesystem completion: if ($null -eq $gitResults) { $results = Invoke-Fzf -Multi | script:quoteStringWithSpecialChars } else { $results = $gitResults | Invoke-Fzf -Multi | script:quoteStringWithSpecialChars } if ($results.Count -gt 1) { $results -join ' ' } else { if (-not $null -eq $results) { $results } else { '' # output something to prevent default tab expansion } } #HACK: workaround for fact that PSReadLine seems to clear screen # after keyboard shortcut action is executed: [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::InvokePrompt() } function Expand-FileDirectoryPath($lastWord) { # find dir and file pattern connected to the trigger: $lastWord = $lastWord.Substring(0, $lastWord.Length - 2) if ($lastWord.EndsWith('\')) { $dir = $lastWord.Substring(0, $lastWord.Length - 1) $file = $null } elseif (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($lastWord)) { $dir = Split-Path $lastWord -Parent $file = Split-Path $lastWord -Leaf } if (-not [System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($dir)) { $dir = Join-Path $PWD.Path $dir } $prevPath = $Pwd.Path try { if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($dir)) { Set-Location $dir } if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($file)) { Invoke-Fzf -Query $file } else { Invoke-Fzf } } finally { Set-Location $prevPath } #HACK: workaround for fact that PSReadLine seems to clear screen # after keyboard shortcut action is executed: [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::InvokePrompt() } $script:TabExpansionEnabled = $false function SetTabExpansion($enable) { if ($enable) { if (-not $script:TabExpansionEnabled) { $script:TabExpansionEnabled = $true RegisterBuiltinCompleters Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName git,tgit,gitk -Native -ScriptBlock { param($wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition) # The PowerShell completion has a habit of stripping the trailing space when completing: # git checkout <tab> # The Expand-GitCommand expects this trailing space, so pad with a space if necessary. $padLength = $cursorPosition - $commandAst.Extent.StartOffset $textToComplete = $commandAst.ToString().PadRight($padLength, ' ').Substring(0, $padLength) Expand-GitCommandPsFzf $textToComplete } } } else { if ($script:TabExpansionEnabled) { $script:TabExpansionEnabled = $false } } } function CheckFzfTrigger { param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition,$action) if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($env:FZF_COMPLETION_TRIGGER)) { $completionTrigger = '**' } else { $completionTrigger = $env:FZF_COMPLETION_TRIGGER } if ($wordToComplete.EndsWith($completionTrigger)) { $wordToComplete = $wordToComplete.Substring(0, $wordToComplete.Length - $completionTrigger.Length) $wordToComplete } } function GetServiceSelection() { param( [scriptblock] $ResultAction ) $header = [System.Environment]::NewLine + $("{0,-24} NAME" -f "DISPLAYNAME") + [System.Environment]::NewLine $result = Get-Service | Where-Object { ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.Name) } | ForEach-Object { "{0,-24} {1}" -f $_.DisplayName.Substring(0,[System.Math]::Min(24,$_.DisplayName.Length)),$_.Name } | Invoke-Fzf -Multi -Header $header $result | ForEach-Object { &$ResultAction $_ } } function RegisterBuiltinCompleters { $processIdOrNameScriptBlock = { param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition, $action) $wordToComplete = CheckFzfTrigger $commandName $parameterName $wordToComplete $commandAst $cursorPosition if ($null -ne $wordToComplete) { if ($parameterName -eq 'Name') { $group = '$2' } elseif ($parameterName -eq 'Id') { $group = '$1' } $script:resultArr = @() GetProcessSelection -ResultAction { param($result) $script:resultArr += $result -replace "([0-9]+)\s*(.*)",$group } if ($script:resultArr.Length -ge 1) { $script:resultArr -join ', ' } #HACK: workaround for fact that PSReadLine seems to clear screen # after keyboard shortcut action is executed: [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::InvokePrompt() } else { # don't return anything - let normal tab completion work } } 'Get-Process','Stop-Process' | ForEach-Object { Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName $_ -ParameterName "Name" -ScriptBlock $processIdOrNameScriptBlock Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName $_ -ParameterName "Id" -ScriptBlock $processIdOrNameScriptBlock } $serviceNameScriptBlock = { param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition,$action) $wordToComplete = CheckFzfTrigger $commandName $parameterName $wordToComplete $commandAst $cursorPosition if ($null -ne $wordToComplete) { if ($parameterName -eq 'Name') { $group = '$2' } elseif ($parameterName -eq 'DisplayName') { $group = '$1' } $script:resultArr = @() GetServiceSelection -ResultAction { param($result) $script:resultArr += $result.Substring(24+1) } if ($script:resultArr.Length -ge 1) { $script:resultArr -join ', ' } #HACK: workaround for fact that PSReadLine seems to clear screen # after keyboard shortcut action is executed: [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::InvokePrompt() } else { # don't return anything - let normal tab completion work } } 'Get-Service','Start-Service','Stop-Service' | ForEach-Object { Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName $_ -ParameterName "Name" -ScriptBlock $serviceNameScriptBlock Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName $_ -ParameterName "DisplayName" -ScriptBlock $serviceNameScriptBlock } } function Expand-GitCommandPsFzf($lastWord) { if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($env:FZF_COMPLETION_TRIGGER)) { $completionTrigger = '**' } else { $completionTrigger = $env:FZF_COMPLETION_TRIGGER } if ($lastWord.EndsWith($completionTrigger)) { $lastWord = $lastWord.Substring(0, $lastWord.Length - $completionTrigger.Length) Expand-GitWithFzf $lastWord } else { Expand-GitCommand $lastWord } } function Invoke-FzfTabCompletion() { $script:continueCompletion = $true do { $script:continueCompletion = script:Invoke-FzfTabCompletionInner } while ($script:continueCompletion) } function script:Invoke-FzfTabCompletionInner() { $script:result = @() [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Management.Automation") $line = $null $cursor = $null [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadline]::GetBufferState([ref]$line, [ref]$cursor) if ($cursor -lt 0 -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($line)) { return $false } $completions = [System.Management.Automation.CommandCompletion]::CompleteInput($line, $cursor, @{}) $completionMatches = $completions.CompletionMatches if ($completionMatches.Count -le 0) { return $false } $script:continueCompletion = $false $addSpace = $null -ne $currentPath -and $currentPath.StartsWith(" ") if ($completionMatches.Count -eq 1) { $script:result = $completionMatches[0].CompletionText } elseif ($completionMatches.Count -gt 1) { $helpers = New-Object PSFzf.IO.CompletionHelpers $ambiguous = $false $addSpace = $false $prefix = $helpers.GetUnambiguousPrefix($completionMatches,[ref]$ambiguous) $script:result = @() $script:checkCompletion = $true $expectTrigger = $script:TabContinuousTrigger # need to escape the key if it's a forward slash: if ($expectTrigger -eq '\') { $expectTrigger += $expectTrigger } $previewScript = $(Join-Path $PsScriptRoot 'helpers/PsFzfTabExpansion-Preview.ps1') $additionalCmd = @{ Preview="pwsh -NoProfile -NonInteractive -File $previewScript " + $PWD.Path + " {}" } $script:fzfOutput = @() $completionMatches | ForEach-Object { $_.CompletionText } | Invoke-Fzf ` -Layout reverse ` -Expect $expectTrigger ` -Query "$prefix" ` -PrintQuery ` -Bind 'tab:down,btab:up' ` @additionalCmd | ForEach-Object { if ($null -eq $_) { $script:fzfOutput += "" } else { $script:fzfOutput += $_ } } # check if there's a selection: if ($script:fzfOutput.Length -gt 2) { $script:result = $script:fzfOutput[2..($script:fzfOutput.Length-1)] } # or just complete with the query string: else { $script:result = $script:fzfOutput[0] } # check if we should continue completion: $script:continueCompletion = $script:fzfOutput[1] -eq $script:TabContinuousTrigger #HACK: workaround for fact that PSReadLine seems to clear screen # after keyboard shortcut action is executed: [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::InvokePrompt() } $result = $script:result if ($null -ne $result) { # quote strings if we need to: if ($result -is [system.array]) { for ($i = 0;$i -lt $result.Length;$i++) { $result[$i] = FixCompletionResult $result[$i] } $str = $result -join ',' } else { $str = FixCompletionResult $result } if ($script:continueCompletion) { $isQuoted = $str.EndsWith("'") $resultTrimmed = $str.Trim(@('''','"')) if (Test-Path "$resultTrimmed" -PathType Container) { if ($isQuoted) { $str = "'{0}{1}'" -f "$resultTrimmed",$script:TabContinuousTrigger } else { $str = "$resultTrimmed" + $script:TabContinuousTrigger } } else { # no more paths to complete, so let's stop completion: $str += ' ' $script:continueCompletion = $false } } if ($addSpace) { $str = ' ' + $str } $leftCursor = $completions.ReplacementIndex $replacementLength = $completions.ReplacementLength if ($leftCursor -le 0 -and $replacementLength -le 0) { [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::Insert($str) } else { [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::Replace($leftCursor,$replacementLength,$str) } } return $script:continueCompletion } |