$script:IsWindows = Get-Variable IsWindows -Scope Global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($script:IsWindows -eq $null -or $script:IsWindows.Value -eq $true) { $script:AppName = 'fzf.exe' $script:IsWindows = $true } else { $script:AppName = 'fzf' $script:IsWindows = $false } $script:FzfLocation = $null $script:PSReadlineHandlerChord = $null $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module.OnRemove = { if ($script:PSReadlineHandlerChord -ne $null) { Remove-PSReadlineKeyHandler $script:PSReadlineHandlerChord } } function Invoke-Fzf { param($BasePath=$null) Begin { if ($BasePath -eq $null -or !(Test-Path $BasePath -PathType Container)) { $BasePath = $PWD.Path } else { $BasePath = (Resolve-Path $BasePath).Path } } Process { $prevCmd = $env:FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND if ($script:IsWindows) { $env:FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND = "dir /s/b $basePath" } $results = & $script:FzfLocation $env:FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND = $prevCmd } End { return $results } } function Find-CurrentPath { param([string]$line,[int]$cursor,[ref]$leftCursor,[ref]$rightCursor) if ($line.Length -eq 0) { $leftCursor.Value = $rightCursor.Value = 0 return $null } if ($cursor -ge $line.Length) { $leftCursorTmp = $cursor - 1 } else { $leftCursorTmp = $cursor } :leftSearch for (;$leftCursorTmp -ge 0;$leftCursorTmp--) { if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($line[$leftCursorTmp])) { if (($leftCursorTmp -lt $cursor) -and ($leftCursorTmp -lt $line.Length-1)) { $leftCursorTmpQuote = $leftCursorTmp - 1 $leftCursorTmp = $leftCursorTmp + 1 } else { $leftCursorTmpQuote = $leftCursorTmp } for (;$leftCursorTmpQuote -ge 0;$leftCursorTmpQuote--) { if (($line[$leftCursorTmpQuote] -eq '"') -and (($leftCursorTmpQuote -le 0) -or ($line[$leftCursorTmpQuote-1] -ne '"'))) { $leftCursorTmp = $leftCursorTmpQuote break leftSearch } elseif (($line[$leftCursorTmpQuote] -eq "'") -and (($leftCursorTmpQuote -le 0) -or ($line[$leftCursorTmpQuote-1] -ne "'"))) { $leftCursorTmp = $leftCursorTmpQuote break leftSearch } } break leftSearch } } :rightSearch for ($rightCursorTmp = $cursor;$rightCursorTmp -lt $line.Length;$rightCursorTmp++) { if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($line[$rightCursorTmp])) { if ($rightCursorTmp -gt $cursor) { $rightCursorTmp = $rightCursorTmp - 1 } for ($rightCursorTmpQuote = $rightCursorTmp+1;$rightCursorTmpQuote -lt $line.Length;$rightCursorTmpQuote++) { if (($line[$rightCursorTmpQuote] -eq '"') -and (($rightCursorTmpQuote -gt $line.Length) -or ($line[$rightCursorTmpQuote+1] -ne '"'))) { $rightCursorTmp = $rightCursorTmpQuote break rightSearch } elseif (($line[$rightCursorTmpQuote] -eq "'") -and (($rightCursorTmpQuote -gt $line.Length) -or ($line[$rightCursorTmpQuote+1] -ne "'"))) { $rightCursorTmp = $rightCursorTmpQuote break rightSearch } } break rightSearch } } if ($leftCursorTmp -lt 0 -or $leftCursorTmp -gt $line.Length-1) { $leftCursorTmp = 0} if ($rightCursorTmp -ge $line.Length) { $rightCursorTmp = $line.Length-1 } $leftCursor.Value = $leftCursorTmp $rightCursor.Value = $rightCursorTmp $str = -join ($line[$leftCursorTmp..$rightCursorTmp]) return $str.Trim("'").Trim('"') } function Invoke-FzfPsReadlineHandler { $leftCursor = $null $rightCursor = $null $line = $null $cursor = $null [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadline]::GetBufferState([ref]$line, [ref]$cursor) $currentPath = Find-CurrentPath $line $cursor ([ref]$leftCursor) ([ref]$rightCursor) $addSpace = $currentPath -ne $null -and $currentPath.StartsWith(" ") if ([String]::IsNullOrWhitespace($currentPath) -or !(Test-Path $currentPath)) { $currentPath = $null } $result = Invoke-Fzf $currentPath if ($result -ne $null) { # quote strings if we need to: if ($result -is [system.array]) { for ($i = 0;$i -lt $result.Length;$i++) { if ($result[$i].Contains(" ") -or $result[$i].Contains("`t")) { $result[$i] = "'{0}'" -f $result[$i] } } } else { if ($result.Contains(" ") -or $result.Contains("`t")) { $result = "'{0}'" -f $result } } $str = $result -join ',' if ($addSpace) { $str = ' ' + $str } $replaceLen = $rightCursor - $leftCursor if ($rightCursor -eq 0 -and $leftCursor -eq 0) { [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::Insert($str) } else { [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::Replace($leftCursor,$replaceLen+1,$str) } } } # install PSReadline shortcut: if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name PSReadline) { if ($args.Length -ge 1) { $script:PSReadlineHandlerChord = $args[0] } else { $script:PSReadlineHandlerChord = 'Ctrl+T' } if (Get-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Bound | Where Key -eq $script:PSReadlineHandlerChord) { Write-Warning ("PSReadline chord {0} already in use - keyboard handler not installed" -f $script:PSReadlineHandlerChord) } else { Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key Ctrl+T -BriefDescription "Invoke Fzf" -ScriptBlock { Invoke-FzfPsReadlineHandler } } } else { Write-Warning "PSReadline module not found - keyboard handler not installed" } # find location of fzf executable: $script:FzfLocation = Get-Command $script:AppName if ($script:FzfLocation -ne $null) { $script:FzfLocation = $script:FzfLocation.Source } else { if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($env:GOPATH)) { throw 'environment variable GOPATH not set' } $script:FzfLocation = Join-Path $env:GOPATH (Join-Path 'bin' $script:AppName) } if ($script:FzfLocation -eq $null) { throw "Failed to find '{0}' in path" -f $script:AppName } |